The operation had across-the-board approval from Rumsfeld and from Condoleezza Rice, the national-security adviser. President Bush was informed of the existence of the program, the former intelligence official said
としているが、ペンタゴンのスポークスマンの声明は: No responsible official of the Department of Defense approved any program that could conceivably have been intended to result in such abuses as witnessed in the recent photos and videos. ... This story seems to reflect the fevered insights of those with little, if any, connection to the activities in the Department of Defense. (この記事は国防総省の活動を全く、あるいは殆ど知らない人が書いたと思われるが、イラク刑務所 の虐待事件に関連する国防総省のプログラムがあったなどという事は無い)