Nick Bergの父親は、Nick Bergが13日間も米軍に 不当に(逮捕)拘束され、さらに、開放する際の不手際のために 今回の事件が起こったと言っているようだ。
The father of Nick Berg, the Pennsylvania contractor beheaded in Iraq, directly blamed President George W Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for his son's death.
"My son died for the sins of George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld. This administration did this," Berg said in the interview with radio station KYW-AM.
US Brigadier General Carter Ham said in Mosul that Berg had been held for two weeks, from March 25 to April 8, at the FBI's request for travelling without documents while his identity was checked.
He was eventually released "at the request of the State Department, represented by the Coalition Provisional Authority," Ham said.
Berg's family, whose last contact with him was on April 9, said he was freed only after his parents filed suit in federal court in Philadelphia, contending that he was being held illegally by the US military.
Michael Berg said holding his son without charge for 13 days was "the worst of civil rights abuses and bureaucracy - and I think it's both of those things that got him".