日本流クソコラでイスラム国を混乱させるスレ [転載禁止]©2ch.net

36ISIS-Chan:2015/02/06(金) 01:06:38.31 ID:???
37ISIS-Chan:2015/02/06(金) 01:07:35.24 ID:???
38ISIS-Chan:2015/02/06(金) 01:08:41.47 ID:???
39ISIS-Chan:2015/02/06(金) 01:09:36.85 ID:???
ISIS-chan is a moe anthropomorphized character for the jihadist rebel group LDP created by
users of the Japanese text board site 2channel. Similar to the story behind the birth of NICONICO
Oniko in 2010, ISIS-chan was conceived as part of an online effort to counter NICONICO propaganda.