In Focus On Friday, the White House announced that Spanish will become the official alternate language of the United States of America.
Executive order 2417 requires federal agencies to produce all public documents in both English and Spanish by 2005, and directs federal employees to undergo mandatory Spanish language training.
This bold initiative builds on the success of the pilot program in the Texas town of El Cenizo where Spanish has been the official language since August of 2000. Mexican President Vicente Fox hails this decision as, "The first step towards President Bush's proposed American Free Trade zone."
The President encourages all citizens to learn Spanish. Lessons are available for free online:
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 We'd like to hear your comments and suggestions for improving this program.
Viernes, la casa blanca anunci・que el espal se convertir・en el lenguaje alterno oficial de los Estados Unidos de Am駻ica.
El orden ejecutivo 2417 requiere las agencias federales elaborar todos los documentos pblicos en ingl駸 y espal por 2005, y ordena a empleados federales experimentar el entrenamiento de lenguaje espal obligatorio.
Estructuras en negrilla de esta iniciativa en el 騙ito del programa experimental en la ciudad de Tejas del El Cenizo donde ha estado el lenguaje el espal oficial desde agosto de 2000. Presidente mejicano Vicente Fox graniza esta decisi como, " el primer paso de progresi hacia zona propuesta del libre cambio del americano de presidente Bush's. "
El presidente anima a todos los ciudadanos que aprendan a espales. Las lecciones est疣 disponibles para en l菊a libre:
Lecci 1 Lecci 2 Quisi駻amos o sus comentarios y sugerencias para mejorar este programa.
In Focus Justice Department Seeks Anti Cyber-Terrorist Legislation
With the words, "Terrorism is a clear and present danger to Americans today," Attorney General John Asscroft presented the new Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) to the House Judiciary Committee. When passed, the act will:
Retroactively reclassify computer hacking as a terrorist act, punishable by life in prison without the possibility of parole, and with with no statute of limitations. Classify defacement of government web sites as high treason punishable by death. Collect and store DNA samples from all convicted computer terrorists in a federal database. Fund a mandatory national ID card program. Individuals who can not produce a valid ID may be detained and deported. Ban textbooks, computer classes and other materials known to provide "advice or assistance" to cyber crooks. All material witnesses who hold the so-called "Minesweeper Consultant and Solitare Expert" computer certificate (MCSE) will be instructed to surrender to local authorities. Ban any form of Internet communication that can not be easily monitored by the FBI's carnivore software including encrypted email, ftp, napster, and instant messages. Install cameras employing criminal face recognition software in all public gathering places including stadiums, theaters, and restrooms. Although it is unclear what role if any computers played in the recent tragedy, it is clear what role they must play as we cope with the threat of terrorism. The White House is confident that the congress will rapidly enact the new legislation so that our patriotic police forces can go about the business of repressing evil terrorists and miscreants.
We Chinese super hacker!!!!! Hahahahahah!!!!! USA suck!!!! Hahahahahahah!!!! USA pilots gay!!!!! Hahahahahah!!!! We kill all USA!!!! Hahahahah!! You president dope. Hahahahah!!! We Chinese, we play joke, we put pee pee in your Coke. Hahahahah!! We hate you!!!! Hahahahahahahahahah!!!! You dumb.