641 名前:名無シネマ@上映中[sage] 投稿日:2014/05/14(水) 15:55:31.56 ID:l+njgJda >>637 日本人差d別的な書き込みなんてどこにあるの? 過去の侵x略のことなら、差d別じゃなくて歴史的事実に対する批判でしょ 放射能もそう J.APいってる奴も、日本人が言ってるんだから差d別じゃなくて自虐だし 現2ch.net管理人のJim氏も、J.APは2chの文化だと認めてるよ ちなみにJim氏は元アメリカ陸軍の軍人ね Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★21 http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1396965125/244 244 :Grape Ape ★:2014/04/09(水) 22:32:45.29 ID:???0 >>240 No, I don't use the word. However it is ok for people to use the word. It is definitely protected. The culture of KENMO is opposite, satire and parody. In their own way they are showing respect by saying that. Although I don't condone or agree with it
でも、日本人から韓国人への差d別は許さないときっぱり明言してる 247 :Grape Ape ★:2014/04/09(水) 22:40:56.60 ID:???0 >>246 Many bad words are on 2ch. You are writing on the side of a wall here. Didn't you notice the bricks. I also see other derogatory words on the + boards. For example: chung. I am sure that chung is a derogatory word, although it is not used in English.
246 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[] 投稿日:2014/04/09(水) 22:37:08.54 ID:Zg+htkPd0 [12/16] >>244 Even in poverty, some people use it many many times, which consequently seems to be used by many people
240 :動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる:2014/04/09(水) 22:27:48.55 ID:6mbKH5Zzi >>223 Jim What does it mean? you tolerate the word Jap?
244 :Grape Ape ★:2014/04/09(水) 22:32:45.29 ID:???0 >>240 No, I don't use the word. However it is ok for people to use the word. It is definitely protected. The culture of KENMO is opposite, satire and parody. In their own way they are showing respect by saying that. Although I don't condone or agree with it.
246 :動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる:2014/04/09(水) 22:37:08.54 ID:Zg+htkPd0 >>244 Even in poverty, some people use it many many times, which consequently seems to be used by many people
247 :Grape Ape ★:2014/04/09(水) 22:40:56.60 ID:???0 >>246 Many bad words are on 2ch. You are writing on the side of a wall here. Didn't you notice the bricks. I also see other derogatory words on the + boards. For example: chung. I am sure that chung is a derogatory word, although it is not used in English.
250 :動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる:2014/04/09(水) 22:51:45.23 ID:1aOSFDo50 2ch is the bottom of society. A coffee taste bitter in KENMO.
251 :Grape Ape ★:2014/04/09(水) 22:54:07.39 ID:???0 >>250 The KENMO seem to be excellent guys. I think you are seeing them wrong. I like them. Sometimes I don't agree with them, but they are cool.
244 :Grape Ape ★:2014/04/09(水) 22:32:45.29 ID:???0 >>240 No, I don't use the word. However it is ok for people to use the word. It is definitely protected. いいえ、私はその言葉を使いません。けれど人々は使って大丈夫です。それは確実に守られています。 The culture of KENMO is opposite, satire and parody. In their own way they are showing respect by saying that. Although I don't condone or agree with it 嫌儲の文化では逆で、皮肉やパロディです。彼らのやり方ではそれらはそれを言うことで尊敬を示しています。しかし私はそれを大目に見たり同意したりしません。