I respect you. I am the one Japanese. Senator Aso's remark had denied the Nazis completely. If it is those who can read Japanese,can understand it absolutely. Mass media of Japan has a company in South Korea or China in the sponsor. Mass media of Japan has adhered to the South Korean government or the Communist Party of China. They used people of Judea, in order to look down upon Japan. Please protest against mass medias of Japan bat senator Aso is not bad. Japanese mass medias often deceive the people of Japan or a foreign country.
550 名前: 転載希望 :2013/08/01(木) 23:10:59 >>177 文頭にGentlemen:と入れなはれw本文との間は一行空けるんだぜ。 あと、 They used people of Judea, in order to look down upon Japan. は、 They willfully gave people of Judea misinformation, in order to look down upon Japan. にするともっと言いたいことがハッキリするかと。 「彼らは日本を貶めるために、意図的にユダヤの方々にデマ情報を伝えました。」という意味です。どうでしょ。