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2010/11/23(火) 18:37:38.08 ID:mw62f5cg0 貼れる人は貼って 訳せる人は訳して
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以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします :2010/11/23(火) 18:38:20.49 ID:mw62f5cg0
fuck yeah, WW3 time
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Honestly. I hope it escalates. It's about time another war took place.
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ファックやぁ WW3くるでぇ
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I Also would like it to escalete, so north korea government gets finally overtrhown
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Your fucking crazy. That means the U.S would have to help them, and they might attack us too..
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both sides get bored of looking at each other over a bridge. both sides shoot, pew pew pew at each other for 10 minutes both sides go back to eating Kimchi. /thread
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以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします :2010/11/23(火) 18:42:40.75 ID:mw62f5cg0
Thank god. I've been waiting for an epic war that I can sign up for. Hopefully I'll get to kill some gooks and rape the shit out of some North Koran Zipper-Head pussy before I die.
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South Korea's doing well Until North Korea shares its hell
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fuck you county japan
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>>3 いやはや
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wow south korean president is already bowing his head to the north. fucking south has to grow some fucking balls sometime. i'm not saying war is necessary but at least be a man and make false threats
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Three faggots, with one hoping that one korea will want yank help fighting other korea. Protip yank cunt, The Koreans - hate you yank cunts more then the other koreans. this is true fact. artillery shells? eh...this isnt so bad compared to whats went on between them in the past.
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Yeah, bro. Every single Korean hates the United States. You're so right, man.
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Otaku is great!
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After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" war will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE war! A war beyond any other that man's history has never known!
>>6 うわ、戦争になったらアメリカが加わるじゃん、死にたくねえよ。
>>7 閑だからって戦争起こすなよ、朝鮮人はキムチ食ってろ
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>>14 ワオ南のkorean社長は既に北まで頭を下げています。すごく、南では、いくつかのすごいボールがいつか、発展しなければなりません。私は、戦争が必要であると言っていませんが、少なくとも男性になってください、そして、誤った脅威をしてください。
>>18 先日日本の秋葉原に行ったら噂通りの凄さだった、
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>>20 こっちにも巻き添え攻撃くるじゃんカンベンしてくれって感じが良いなwwこれ掲示板か
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>>16 東亜圏の俺等からしたら大ニュースだけどあっちからしたら( ´_ゝ`)フーンって感じだろうね
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>>19 私たちのために暗黒を転げ回る半世紀に、続いた後に、簡単な「普通」の戦争はもう十分ではありません。MASSIVE戦争が必要です! 男性の歴史が一度も知らないいかなる他のもを超えた戦争!
28 :
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What's about to happen: WWIII Massive Explosions NWO 2012 end of the world
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/ ̄ ̄\ / _ノ \ | ( ●)(●) . | (__人__) 機械翻訳厨は氏ねよ… | ` ⌒´ノ 常識的に考えて… . | } . ヽ } ヽ ノ \ / く \ \ | \ \ \ | |ヽ、二⌒)、 \
30 :
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503 : ◆kilLAMR.XE :2010/11/23(火) 18:30:06.70 ID:bd2r3ndl0
>>470 よっしゃ釣れたw
570 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2010/11/23(火) 18:36:52.68 ID:bd2r3ndl0
624 : ◆kilLAMR.XE :2010/11/23(火) 18:41:19.17 ID:bd2r3ndl0
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I just want to say that I live on an American military base in Seoul and they haven't started any type of evacuation, so please, calm the fuck down.
>>23 をエキサイト翻訳で英語に、
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Remember when North Korea torpedo'd that ship back in March and killed 41 people? Remember the giant war that event sparked? Yeah, neither do I. This is no different.
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i have to stop you there, the most evil place, is US. hey , it's an american who drew that fucking line between NK and SK
36 :
h220-215-160-059.catv02.itscom.jp.2ch.net/ :2010/11/23(火) 19:09:51.88 ID:t9x6L4HB0
European Stocks Fall As Koreans Exchange Fire
>>19 普通の戦争はもういいよ、一発デカイのやろうぜ同志。
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all this, and no one mentioned that South Korea fired on a North Korean fishing boat FIRST. and North Korea returned with mortar fire
>>33 随分呑気なやつもいるな どっかの板のゆとりみたい
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>>15 人が、1koreaが、ぐいと引くことの支援に他のkoreaと戦って欲しいことを望んでいる3人のホモ。
Protipぐいと引くことの女性性器、 韓国人--あなたが嫌いであるのは女性性器をさらに引っ張ります、次に、もう片方がkoreansされます。これは本当の事実です。
砲弾? えっ… この比べて、whatsが過去にそれらの間で先へ進んだためにとても悪い。
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Is it bad that i actually want this to happen becuase my life is boring?
>>31 アメリカ軍基地にいるけど特に動きがないから大丈夫じゃね?
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エキサイトとか使ってる奴おもしろいと思ってんの? しねよ
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ALERT: A North Korean naval fleet is moving toward South Korea, according to news agency MBC.
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>>41 私は一寸人生に退屈しているからこの事態が起こってほしかったんだけど
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>>38 で特に、誰も韓国が最初に北朝鮮の漁船砲撃したことに触れてない。
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I'm from North Korea, i live in the city in North korea. I call bullshit on this. Nothing will happen, the imperalist Americunts are just bastards
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>>43 何も起こらない
>>45 MBCニュースによると北朝鮮の軍艦が動いたらしい
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So far we have North Korea vs South Korea. United States and United Kingdom have both declared that they are ready to fight North Korea if they do not ceasefire. India has entered the battle, I presume to fight North Korea. Russia and China havn't said much so far.
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>>5 I Also would like it to escalete, so north korea government gets finally overtrhown
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>>53 インドはシナの国境に3万6千の予備兵力を配置した
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1009: "North Korea claims that South Korea fired first in Tuesday's clash, North Korean state media reports." woOt?
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>>49 北朝鮮から来ますた
>>53 インドがアップをはじめました
>>54 ついにこのときが来たか、、、
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以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします :2010/11/23(火) 19:23:46.14 ID:wQ0xV/K40
>>58 「北朝鮮は、火曜日の衝突について、韓国軍が最初に攻撃してきたと主張
>>58 北朝鮮は向こうが最初にやってきたんだしって報道してる
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North Korea is reportedly vowing additional "merciless" attacks against South Korea soon. FUUUUUUUUUUCK
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I have big penis.
>>65 北は無慈悲な攻撃をまたするよとか言い出してるしマジふぁっく!
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Well, unless N. Korea is challenging S. Korea to a game of Starcraft, I think S. Korea stands an excellent chance of getting their asses handed to them.
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I wanna see a good old fashined ground war..none of this nuke or air attack faggotry
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we should send a battalion of niggers to instigate this war they could say things like "ay yo south korea, North korea says dey the best korea, you gonna take that like a bitch?" "South Korea, dat nigga on that island done stepped on your shoes nigga, you gonna take that like a bitch?" "I bet you won't get crunk"
74 :
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goddamn pussy korea giving me blue balls. don't start shit unless you want to take it all the way. I was excited thinking something interesting might happen
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if this wasn't korea we were talking about, I would say the jews did it, but those cheap sneaky bastards have something up their sleeve, something dirty, backhanded, and down right evil.
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YES WAR FINALLY WW3 been fucking waiting ages for this. come on you mad Dictator!! make the world plunge into chaos
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Good thing I've played through Fallout 1, 2, 3 and NV, I'm totally ready for this.
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HELLO GUYS Im a good girl. Honestly. My parents dont even know that Ive had sex.....sex....sex. Thats my problem. Im addicted to sex! BUT my last boyfriend was so tight that we couldn't have sex. I need to do it with a smaller guy because i'm a little girl. Please no big dicks! hehe
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以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします :2010/11/23(火) 19:36:49.81 ID:mw62f5cg0
come oon ww3 let me be all I can be.!! hopefully this whole world system will collapse so we can start new..
73 は黒人を戦争に行かせてやるよ、というニュアンス 74 はなんか悔しガッテム
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Best Korea has the worlds third largest army. Kim keeps his army fed and everybody else gets no food. Best Korea has a whopping total of ten nukes. Almost every citizen is willing to fight and die for glorious leader.
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Is everyone forgetting South Korea PROVOKED THIS ATTACK?!
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Did you forget the why never matters? We provoked the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor.
>>75 ムスリムの仕業かと思ったら違うのか。
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>>86 Jewはユダヤ人だろ
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ALERT: No American military members were believed to be near South Korean Island when North Korea artillery attack took place. HOLY FUCK, THAT'S A RELIEF, MIRITE
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North Korean News Agency says South Korea fired first. LOL
>>78 核の用意はできたぜ。
>>93 北はまた最初に韓国が攻撃したとかいってるよ おってあげーおってあげー
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Well, it's been a good life. I say we all start drinking, pick up a gun, and go have some fun.
>>85 ジャップにもう一回パールハーバーやらせようぜ
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>>94 ほほう、Falloutを1, 2, 3, NVとやってきた俺の出番が来たようだな
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Israel did.
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Jews did 11/23
>>99 Fallout ってゲームなのか。dクス
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Ive been watching the news for hours Scared as shit MILITARY SIZE: China, North Korth Korea, and Russia join forces.. 4,418,000. USA, South Korea, and Japan join.. 2,497,555 a 1,920,445 difference.
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Are you stupid? Or just some americafag? North Korea HATES South Korea and NK thinks that it deserves more land, they have been at tension for years.
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hurrrr, a jew bombed an island, let's start WWIII
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以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします :2010/11/23(火) 19:58:21.34 ID:mw62f5cg0
>1030:Tomohiko Taniguchi, Japanese ex-foreign affairs spokesman tells BBC World Service: "Diplomacy has got to stop. The six-party dialogue framework is already history - that much is for certain." He says pressure will mount on China to get tougher on North Korea. looks like best korea is all alone eh?
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以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします :2010/11/23(火) 20:00:23.06 ID:mw62f5cg0
so by my count we have china on NKs side but sort of being like 'we don't really support these guys' trying to a appear neutral. russia is staying neutral/doesn't give a fuck india is like, well if these fucking chinese think they're goign through our country to invade usa they got another thing coming. japan is all hey get the fuck away from my bro NK usa is we teamin with SK niggaz britain and by extention eu is 'I say you NK brutes need to leave these SK chaps alone' so.... if this is to escalate into a major war between the koreans, ww3 will mainly take place in the pacific... of course the south koreans will have to be getting licked by NK with a possible nuke launch and then USA get involved and if china decide to back up NK then it's on. looks like the major factions will be USA, Japan, SK, India, Britain, Europe vs China, NK and whoever else comes out of the wood work, most likely pakistan.. varrious middle-eastern and african nations. the big question is Russia.... whoever they side with will have a major advantage... if with china it almost guarantees china's passage into the USA.. if with USA than it almost Guarantees a blockade.... And then there's nukes....
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Did France surrender, yet?
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Shit just got real The french army have surrendered to north korea
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>french surrendered Is this news?
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以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします :2010/11/23(火) 20:06:19.70 ID:bd2r3ndl0
fuckinjaps!! Because of you!!!
ムゥ〜おやつが食べたいな〜 あっ、シュークリームだ おいしそう 食べよう モグモグモグモグ おいしいな モグモグモグモグ もう一個ある これも食べちゃえ モグモグモグモグ モグモグモグモグ あ〜おいしかった ねえムーくん、ここにあったシュークリーム知らない? 知らないよ 変だなぁ 後でムーくんと一緒に食べようと思ったのに おかしいな どうしたんだろう? あんなおいしいシュークリーム どうしたんだろうね? あんなおいしいシュークリーム? それじゃまるでムーくん あのシュークリームを食べたことがあるような言い方じゃないか? ワッ しまった さてはムーくん シュークリーム食べたでしょう? 知らないよ ほら 白状しないと コチョコチョコチョコチョ ムヒヒヒヒ 食べた 食べた ほら やっぱりムーくんが犯人じゃないか もう おしりペンペン ムッヒーミンミンミン ムッヒーミンミンミン ようし ムー汁にして食べちゃおうかな ムッヒーミンミンミン ゴメンナサイ ムッヒーミンミンミン
120 :
以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします :2010/11/23(火) 20:28:14.67 ID:m6fRX0cpO
Dokuto is Korea island
121 :
以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします :2010/11/23(火) 20:34:20.33 ID:DS9cSsjk0
ALERT: South Korea admits it was conducting test-fires before North Korea artillery attack, but says it did not fire north - Reuters
http://twitter.com/LiveNewsWire North Koreans were telling the goddamn truth.
ALERT: South Korea - Military drill, including test-fires, took place near island before North Korean attack.
This is where we all find out one drunken SK officer thought it would be funny to shell NK and see what would happen.
Stupid South Korean government. Trying to provoke the North.
122 :
以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします :2010/11/23(火) 20:49:40.46 ID:tssHQrYT0
123 :
以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします :
2010/11/23(火) 20:51:27.38 ID:VC4RAF0i0 ドクトはコリアのアイランドォオオオオ!!!!