Phoenix Gearfried Evocator Chevalier Featherizer Gemini Soldier Spell Striker Freed the Matchless General Marauding Captain Exiled Force D.D. Warrior Lady Card Trooper Gemini Summoner Blazewing Butterfly D.D. Warrior Future Samurai Field-Commander Rahz Dark Valkyria Supervise Mind Control Burden of the Mighty Silent Doom
Hidden Armory Nightmare's Steelcage Mystical Space Typhoon Ekibyo Drakmord Reinforcement of the Army Big Bang Shot Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade Double Summon Symbols of Duty Swing of Memories Unleash Your Power Dark Bribe Kunai with Chain Sakuretsu Armor Soul Resurrection Justi-Break Birthright Gemini Trap Hole
This alone can take out a deck is difficult. If you have other cards if you are, And 《Elemental Hero Neos Alius》, 《Gemini Spark》 would be better to introduce. Some of it is so light hero deck, it might be good.
If you mainly gemini and 《Gigaplant》, invest 《Blazewing Butterfly》, it might be a good subject decks of plants.
【spell】14 Supervise×2 Mind Control×1 Burden of the Mighty×2 Hidden Armory×2 Mystical Space Typhoon×2 Reinforcement of the Army×1 Big Bang Shot×1 Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade×1 Swing of Memories×2
【trap】9 Dark Bribe×2 Sakuretsu Armor×2 Soul Resurrection×2 Justi-Break×1 Birthright×2