"The number of brain cells decreases gradually if the masturbation is done ten times or more a week. "
It has been understood that the number of brain cells decreases gradually if the masturbation is done ten times or more a week according to Robert [enderusen] of the Harvard University. It was the entire 26% according to this research done for 26-year-old from 16 2000 men and women that answered, "It was masturbation [suru] ten times or more a week", and it was the entire 15% that answered, "The masturbation is following once on the week". The follow-up survey was done for 20 years, and the presence of a decrease in the brain cell was examined afterwards. As a result, it has been understood that the number of brain cells of the group that does the masturbation ten times or more a week decreases by 27% on the average compared with 20 years ago. The decrease rate of the brain cell was 29% though 20 years passed as for the group that answered the masturbation in one side as less than ten times from more once a week. A decrease of the brain cell of the group that answered the masturbation once a week was none at all. It is said that the brain cell will be destroyed by this the secreted endorphin's gradually oxidizing, becoming [onaniumu] ν-acid when the endorphin is secreted in the brain when the masturbation is done, and the masturbation ends while this gives birth to pleasure, and being absorbed according to [enderusen]. Moreover, the result that danger of getting cancerous and cardiac infarction when life that does the masturbation ten times or more a week is continued increases has come out, too. [Enderusen] is striking a note of warning , saying that "It is not confident though it might be an excessive masturbation dependence syndrome". Source: [Hiroji]
"The number of brain cells decreases gradually if the masturbation is done ten times or more a week. "
It has been understood that the number of brain cells decreases gradually if the masturbation is done ten times or more a week according to Robert [enderusen] of the Harvard University. It was the entire 26% according to this research done for 26-year-old from 16 2000 men and women that answered, "It was masturbation [suru] ten times or more a week", and it was the entire 15% that answered, "The masturbation is following once on the week". The follow-up survey was done for 20 years, and the presence of a decrease in the brain cell was examined afterwards. As a result, it has been understood that the number of brain cells of the group that does the masturbation ten times or more a week decreases by 27% on the average compared with 20 years ago. The decrease rate of the brain cell was 29% though 20 years passed as for the group that answered the masturbation in one side as less than ten times from more once a week. A decrease of the brain cell of the group that answered the masturbation once a week was none at all. It is said that the brain cell will be destroyed by this the secreted endorphin's gradually oxidizing, becoming [onaniumu] ν-acid when the endorphin is secreted in the brain when the masturbation is done, and the masturbation ends while this gives birth to pleasure, and being absorbed according to [enderusen]. Moreover, the result that danger of getting cancerous and cardiac infarction when life that does the masturbation ten times or more a week is continued increases has come out, too. [Enderusen] is striking a note of warning , saying that "It is not confident though it might be an excessive masturbation dependence syndrome".
"Continue to fewer brain cells gradually Maybe When least 10 times a week masturbation"
Said professor Enderusen Robert Harvard revealed that will decreases number brain cells gradually When least 10 times a week masturbation. According study made targeting 2,000 sexes age 26 from age 16 to "Masturbation ten or more week" of answered 26 percent and "Masturbation a week below once" of answered 15 overall percent. Survey is conducted tracked decades subsequently were investigated whether decrease brain cell. Result brain cells groups ten or more week masturbation 27 average than decades ago percent that decreasing. Meanwhile group answered less 10th least once week masturbation is decrease rate brain cells even after decades 29 percent. Making group answered less once week masturbation decrease brain cells flirting. Said Professor Enderusen been endorphins in brain when frig, while produce pleasure This speed ν oxidize gradual endorphins was secreted ends Masturbation - became acid Onaniumu that absorbed this are growing destroyed cells brain. Also that continuing livelihood least 10 times a week Masturbation, Some are result of increased risk myocardial cancer and. Professor Enderusen is "confidence might addiction masturbatory Excessive wish not" has warns. Source: Hiroji
"The number of brain cells decreases gradually if the masturbation is done ten times or more a week. "
It has been understood that the number of brain cells decreases gradually if the masturbation is done ten times or more a week according to Dr.Robert A Enderusen of the Harvard University. It was the entire 26% according to this research done for 26-year-old from 16 2000 men and women that answered, "It was masturbation [suru] ten times or more a week", and it was the entire 15% that answered, "The masturbation is following once on the week". The follow-up survey was done for 20 years, and the presence of a decrease in the brain cell was examined afterwards. As a result, it has been understood that the number of brain cells of the group that does the masturbation ten times or more a week decreases by 27% on the average compared with 20 years ago. The decrease rate of the brain cell was 29% though 20 years passed as for the group that answered the masturbation in one side as less than ten times from more once a week. A decrease of the brain cell of the group that answered the masturbation once a week was none at all. It is said that the brain cell will be destroyed by this the secreted endorphin's gradually oxidizing, becoming [onaniumu] ν-acid when the endorphin is secreted in the brain when the masturbation is done, and the masturbation ends while this gives birth to pleasure, and being absorbed according to [enderusen]. Moreover, the result that danger of getting cancerous and cardiac infarction when life that does the masturbation ten times or more a week is continued increases has come out, too. Dr.Robert A Enderusen is striking a note of warning , saying that "It is not confident though it might be an excessive masturbation dependence syndrome". Source: [Hiroji]
"The number of brain cells decreases slowly when they do onanism more than ten times in a week"
According to Robert Dr.Andelcen professor of Harvard University, I understood that the number of brain cells decreased slowly when they did onanism more than ten times in a week. According to this study conducted for 2,000 26-year-old men and women from 16 years old, it was 26% of the whole that replied when I "did above onanism 10 times a week", and it was 15% of the whole that "onanism answered as follows once in a week". A follow-up survey was carried out for further 20 years, and having decrease or not of the brain cell was examined. As a result, the brain cell of the group which did onanism more than ten times in a week understood that 27% decreased on the average in comparison with 20 years ago. On the other hand, the rate of decline of the brain cell was 29% even if 20 years passed in the group where they answered less than ten times more than once a week by onanism. There was no decrease of the brain cell to the group where I answered by onanism as follows once a week. When I do onanism, endorphin is secreted in a brain, and, according to Dr.Andelcen professor, this continues producing a pleasant feeling, and the endorphin which was secreted when onanism is finished is oxidized slowly, and it is with ν - onaniwm acid, and it is said that a brain cell is destroyed because this is absorbed. In addition, danger to become cancer and the myocardial infarction appears for the result to increase when I continue living a life to do onanism more than ten times in a week. When it "may be an excessive masturbation dependency, but there is not the confidence" as for Dr.Andelcen professor, I sound an alarm bell.
"Probably the number of brain cells decreases slowly when they do onanism more than ten times in a week"
According to Professor Robert endelsen of Harvard University, I understood that the number of brain cells decreased slowly when they did onanism more than ten times in a week. It was performed for 2,000 men and women from 16 years old to 26 years old, and, according to the study of the kite, it was total 26% that replied when I "did above onanism 10 times a week", and it was total 15% that "onanism answered as follows once in a week". A follow-up survey was performed for further 20 years, and having decrease or not of the brain cell was examined. As a result, I understood that I compared the brain cell of the group which did onanism more than ten times in a week with before 20 years, and 27% decreased on average. On the other hand, the rate of decline of the brain cell was 29% even if 20 passed in the group where I answered under ten times more than once a week by onanism. There was no decrease of the brain cell to the group where I answered by onanism as follows once a week. When I do onanism, endorphin is secreted in a brain, and, according to Professor endelsen, this continues laying a pleasant feeling, and the endorphin which was secreted when onanism is finished is oxidized slowly, and it is it with ν speed - onanium acid, and it is said that a brain cell is destroyed because this is absorbed. In addition, danger to suffer from cancer and myocardial infarction appears for the result to increase when I continue living a life to do onanism more than ten times in a week. When it "may be an excessive masturbation dependency, but there is not the confidence" as for Professor endelsen, I sound an alarm bell.
Vamos a disminuir el número de células cerebrales que poco a poco la masturbación más de 10 veces a la semana."
Según el profesor de Harvard Robert Enderusen, la masturbación Su más de 10 veces a la semana Se encontró que el número de células del cerebro disminuye gradualmente y Ru. 2.000 hombres y mujeres durante 16 años a 26 años Según un estudio realizado "10 o más veces a la semana a la masturbación" fue contestada Y el 26 por ciento "menos de una vez por semana Masturbación" 15 por ciento dijeron que estaban. Seguimiento se lleva a cabo en los próximos 20 años se han investigado con o sin reducción de las células cerebrales. Como resultado, un grupo de células cerebrales más de 10 veces a la semana en promedio, que la masturbación hace 27 años, disminuyeron 20% Encontró que Ru. Por otra parte, el grupo dijo que más de 10 masturbación a una vez a la semana, 20 años Incluso si la tasa de disminución de las células cerebrales después de un 29 por ciento. Sólo una vez a la semana, el grupo dijo que tras el declive de la masturbación tenido las células cerebrales. Según el profesor Enderusen, Oh Las endorfinas en el cerebro cuando la niñera, mientras que produce placer, Ona ν oxida lentamente fue endorfinas secretadas con ácido y termina hasta las rodillas Onaniumu, que absorbe Será destruida por las células cerebrales. Además, continuó viviendo al menos 10 veces a la semana a la masturbación Y Ru, Algunos son el resultado de un mayor riesgo de cáncer y ataques al corazón. Profesor Enderusen "La enfermedad puede depender de la masturbación excesiva confianza Yo no "y advirtió que. Fuente: Hiroji
Ne do të ulet numri i qelizave të trurit që gradualisht të masturbim më shumë se 10 herë në javë."
Sipas profesor i Harvardit Robert Enderusen, masturbim Su më shumë se 10 herë në javë Ne kemi gjetur se numri i qelizave të trurit zvogëlon gradualisht dhe Ru. 2.000 burra dhe gra për 16 vjet në 26 vjeç Sipas një studimi të bërë "10 ose më shumë herë në javë për masturbim" ishte përgjigjur Dhe 26 për qind "më pak se një herë në javë masturbim" dhe 15 përqind e të anketuarve thanë. Ndjekja është kryer gjatë 20 viteve të ardhshme janë hetuar me ose pa zvogëlimin e qelizave të trurit. Si rezultat, një grup i qelizave të trurit që masturbim është më shumë se 10 herë në javë mesatarisht shumë se 27 vjet më parë, ata u ul 20% Gjetur se Ru. Nga ana tjetër, grupi i tha më shumë se 10 masturbim për të një herë në javë, 20 vjet Edhe në qoftë se shkalla e rënies së qelizave të trurit pas një për qind 29. Vetëm rreth një herë në javë grupi tha pas rënien e masturbim kishte ndonjë qelizave të trurit. Sipas Enderusen Profesor, Oh Endorphins në tru kur dado, ndërsa ajo prodhon kënaqësi, fekale ν ngadalë oksidohet endorphin ishte sekretuar me acid dhe mbaron-gju Onaniumu, i cili përthith Ajo do të jetë shkatërruar nga qelizave të trurit. Për më tepër, ata vazhduan të jetojnë të paktën 10 herë në javë për masturbim Dhe Ru, disa janë rezultat i rritjen e rrezikut të kancerit dhe të sulmeve të zemrës. Profesor Enderusen "besimit mund të varësisë shumë masturbim Unë nuk e bëjnë, "i cili paralajmëron. Burimi: Hiroji
"Nous allons reduire le nombre de cellules du cerveau lentement et sans doute plus de 10 fois par semaine a la masturbation."
Selon le professeur de Harvard Robert Enderusen, nous avons constate que le nombre de cellules du cerveau diminue graduellement a 10 fois ou plus par semaine et la masturbation. Selon une etude menee sur 2.000 hommes et femmes ages de 16 a 26 ans "10 fois ou plus par semaine a la masturbation," le 26 pour cent des repondants sont ≪au moins une fois par semaine et la masturbation." 15 pour cent ont dit qu'ils etaient. Le suivi est effectue au cours des 20 prochaines annees ont ete etudies avec ou sans reduction des cellules du cerveau. En consequence, un groupe de cellules du cerveau de plus de 10 fois par semaine en moyenne, que la masturbation il ya 27 ans a revele que 20 pour cent a diminue. D'autre part, le groupe a plus de 10 masturbation une fois par semaine, le taux de diminution des cellules du cerveau, meme apres 20 ans etait de 29%. A peu pres une fois par semaine, le groupe a declare la suite du declin de la masturbation avait toutes les cellules du cerveau. Selon le professeur Enderusen sont endorphines dans le cerveau lorsque la violence, tout en generant un coup de pied a elle, la vitesse ν oxyder lentement endorphine secretee a ete de mettre fin a la masturbation - et de l'acide Onaniumu peut etre absorbee par cette il sera detruit les cellules du cerveau. En outre, la vie a ete plus de 10 fois par semaine a la masturbation, d'autres sont le resultat d'un risque accru de cancer et des crises cardiaques. Professeur Enderusen "La confiance peut etre toxicomanie masturbation trop, je ne≫, qui met en garde. Source: Hiroji
"Wir werden die Anzahl der Gehirnzellen langsam abnimmt und wahrscheinlich mehr als 10 Mal in der Woche zur Masturbation."
Laut Harvard-Professor Robert Enderusen fanden wir, dass die Zahl der Gehirnzellen allmahlich abnimmt, um 10 oder mehr Mal pro Woche und Masturbation. Laut einer Studie uber 2.000 Manner und Frauen im Alter von 16 bis 26 Jahre alt "10 oder mehr Mal pro Woche durchgefuhrt, um die Masturbation", die 26 Prozent der Befragten "weniger als einmal pro Woche und Masturbation." 15 Prozent sagten, sie seien. Tracking wird in den nachsten 20 Jahren durchgefuhrt wurden, mit oder ohne Reduzierung der Gehirnzellen untersucht. Als Ergebnis einer Gruppe von Gehirnzellen, dass Masturbation mehr als 10 Mal pro Woche im Durchschnitt uber 27 Jahren ergab, dass 20 Prozent abgenommen hat. Auf der anderen Seite, sagte die Gruppe mehr als 10 Masturbation einmal pro Woche, der Ruckgang von Hirnzellen auch nach 20 Jahren betrug 29%. Nur etwa einmal pro Woche mit der Gruppe sagte, nach dem Niedergang der Selbstbefriedigung hatte keine Gehirnzellen. Laut Professor Enderusen werden Endorphine im Gehirn, wenn Missbrauch, wahrend ein kick out es, die Geschwindigkeit ν langsam oxidieren Endorphin wurde abgesondert zur Masturbation Ende - und Saure Onaniumu absorbiert sein kann es wird Gehirnzellen zerstort werden. Auch hat sich das Leben seit mehr als 10 Mal in der Woche zur Masturbation, einige das Ergebnis der erhohten Risiko fur Krebs und Herzinfarkt sind. Professor Enderusen "Das Vertrauen kann zu viel Masturbation Sucht Ich weis nicht", warnt die werden. Quelle: Hiroji
懲りずにスペイン語 "Vamos a disminuir el numero de celulas cerebrales y, probablemente, poco a poco mas de 10 veces a la semana a la masturbacion".
Segun el profesor de Harvard Robert Enderusen, encontramos que el numero de celulas del cerebro disminuye gradualmente a 10 o mas veces a la semana y la masturbacion. Segun un estudio realizado sobre 2.000 hombres y mujeres de 26 a 16 anos de edad, "10 o mas veces a la semana a la masturbacion," el 26 por ciento de los encuestados son "menos de una vez a la semana y la masturbacion." Los encuestados fueron 15 por ciento. Seguimiento se lleva a cabo en los proximos 20 anos se han investigado con o sin reduccion de las celulas cerebrales. Como resultado, un grupo de celulas cerebrales que la masturbacion es algo mas que 10 veces a la semana en promedio, que hace 27 anos encontro que el 20 por ciento ha disminuido. Por otra parte, el grupo dijo que mas de 10 masturbacion una vez por semana, la tasa de disminucion de las celulas cerebrales, incluso despues de 20 anos fue del 29%. Solo una vez a la semana, el grupo dijo que tras el declive de la masturbacion tenido las celulas cerebrales. Segun el profesor Enderusen son endorfinas en el cerebro cuando los abusos, al tiempo que genera un retroceso que, ν la velocidad oxidan lentamente endorfina fue segregada para poner fin a la masturbacion - y acido Onaniumu se puede absorber este sera destruido las celulas cerebrales. Ademas, la vida sigue siendo al menos 10 veces a la semana, Masturbacion, Algunos son el resultado de un mayor riesgo de cancer y el infarto de miocardio. Profesor Enderusen "La confianza puede ser la adiccion a la masturbacion excesiva que no", que advierte. Fuente: Hiroji