ttp:// >Offensive racist statement from Manchester State Rep. > >Let’s leave aside that I don’t know what anime is and I am probably too old and not cool enough to really understand,but that is beside the point. >What I do understand, though, is that this statement is so uncalled for and so patently offensive that his Democratic leaders must condemn them immediately. >Here is what State Rep. Nick Levasseur wrote as his Facebook status today: >Nickolas Levasseur >"Anime is a prime example of why two nukes just wasn't enough…" >So basically he would like to just kill more Japanese people because he doesn’t like to watch their cartoons. >This is exactly the kind of stuff I am sure his Manchester constituents want him >to be pondering on a busy cross-over week in the House.
>Offensive racist statement from Manchester State Rep. >マンチェスターの下院議員による人種差別的文言
>Let’s leave aside that I don’t know what anime is and I am probably too old and not cool enough to really understand,but that is beside the point. >What I do understand, though, is that this statement is so uncalled for and so patently offensive that his Democratic leaders must condemn them immediately. >Here is what State Rep. Nick Levasseur wrote as his Facebook status today: >私自身があまりアニメに詳しくなく、アニメを良く理解するには年を取りすぎており、十分にクールでもないという事実はあるが、それは重要な問題ではない。 >私が理解しているのは、この文言はお節介であり、かつ攻撃的すぎるという事である。 >その過激さは、民主党のリーダー(オバマ)が、彼ら(声明を出した人達)を早急に注意警告しなければならない程である。 >下記がNick Levasseur下院議員がFacebookに記した文言の内容である。
>Nickolas Levasseur >"Anime is a prime example of why two nukes just wasn't enough…" >「(日本の)アニメの存在は、2回の原爆でも(日本人を正常化させるのに)十分ではなかったという最も顕著な例である。」
>So basically he would like to just kill more Japanese people because he doesn’t like to watch their cartoons. >This is exactly the kind of stuff I am sure his Manchester constituents want him >to be pondering on a busy cross-over week in the House. >つまり、彼は彼ら(日本人)の作り出すくだらないカートゥーンが好きでないので、もっと日本人を殺したいというわけだ。 >私は、マンチェスター市の有権者達が、国会の中で彼がこういった思案をめぐらす事を必要としている(そのために彼を当選させている)と理解した。