604 :日出づる処の名無し:2009/04/07(火) 14:08:25 ID:ZA8u/A7I
ttp://www.bianet.org/english/kategori/english/113653/obama-vague-on-armenian-issue-and-the-pkk Obama Avoids Concrete Comments on Armenian Issue and the PKK
US president meets president Gul and addresses the parliament. He avoids making concrete statements on
recognizing Armenian genocide claims and support on fighting Kurdish rebels; praises Turkey-US relations
as a model of alliance.
B?A News Center - Ankara 06-04-2009
Armenian issue
He said that his views on the Armenian Genocide claims had not changed, but that he was encouraged by the recent
talks between Turkey and Armenia. In 2008, he had asserted that the events of 1915 amounted to a "genocide".
This time, he refrained from using the word and noted that his aim was to facilitate the ongoing dialogue between
the two peoples.
On the other hand, President Gul voiced the Turkish position and proposed to leave the discussion to historians.
He claimed that both Muslim Turks and Armenians suffered during the times of war and that the Turkish
administration has opened the archives to anyone willing to work on them.
"As the problems in the Caucasus are resolved, the dialogue between Turkey and Armenia will go further" he added.
607 :日出づる処の名無し:2009/04/07(火) 14:12:27 ID:A8L4Z1Nr
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