They say that the character of South Korea is being described insultingly. He is sometimes abnormal,weak for the US,depends on Japan,calls China "Aniki(boss)", and claims,"The origin is Korea!" According to Yumiuri Online, Kids Station officially responded to South Korean Netizens' request to cancel the airing of "Axis Powers Hetalia". They said "We didn't know there has been a protest in South Korea. However, no Korean character will show up in the anime." Netizens in South Korea has been claiming that Hetalia manga is insulting Koreans and conducting a protest campaign to collect signatures. Can someone explain how the Coreans are insulted?
According to Yumiuri Online, Kids Station officially responded to 読売オンラインによればキッズステーションは「アクシスパワーズヘタリア」の South Korean Netizens' request to cancel the airing of "Axis Powers Hetalia". 放映中止を求めている韓国ネチズンに向けて公式に見解を発表した。 They said "We didn't know there has been a protest in South Korea. 彼らは「私達は韓国での抗議活動を知らなかった However, no Korean character will show up in the anime." しかしながら、韓国キャラはアニメには決して登場しない。」 Netizens in South Korea has been claiming that Hetalia manga is insulting Koreans 韓国ネチズンはヘタリアの漫画が韓国を侮辱しているとクレームをつけている and conducting a protest campaign to collect signatures. そして反対の署名を集めるキャンペーンをしている。 Can someone explain how the Coreans are insulted? 誰か韓国人がどうやって侮辱されてるか理解できる奴はいるかい?
韓半島の南側にある不思議な国。 An unbelievable nation in the south of the Korean peninsula.
根は明るく家族を大事にする真面目なところもあるが、 Fundamentally, he is serious and puts the family first (the family is important),
日本がらみになると普段の姿からいっぺん大ハッスルする。 but when it comes to Japan, he hustles more than usual.
兵役があるせいか筋肉質。 Really muscular probably due his military experience.
やっぱりキムチが大好きで宇宙にもって行ってフランスに怒られた。 Loves kimchi to the point of taking it into space and pissing off France.
趣味は起源の主張とドラマ鑑賞、海外留学。最近カナダやフラッシを占領中。 Hobbies include saying he's the creator of things, watching dramas, and studying abroad. Recently, he's been flashmobbing Canada.
最近は兄貴分の中国にも「兄貴の兄貴は俺なんだぜ!「漢字は俺が作ったんだぜ!」主張をはじめ中国をビキビキさせている。 Lately, he's even started to say things like "Aniki (Big Brother)'s aniki is me!" or "I'm the one who created kanji!" to the point where China is about to snap.