What is the "best" place you have ever gone for a vacation or a getaway? --- I really enjoyed Nashville. --- i loved corfu, wich is an island off greece. was really nice and hot! but there were loadsa clubs, and they arnt very strict on laws, so its a bit scary, but that also means that they let me into clubs and drink in bars and i was only 14! lol. also, you can ride a moped there at 12! weird hugh! you know you love me xxx --- Camping in Big Sur, California --- まんじゅう食いながら焼酎うめえな
--- It has been said, "you can tell how civilized a nation is by how few laws it has." So, behave, Be kind. Love a lot. Be satisfied with whAT YOU HAVE. --- Pensacola, Florida --- Bed --- 難しいけれども結局、日本が好きです。 南国でのvacacionも良いけれどね。
To whom it may concern, I hope that you find this message and it makes your day just a teensy bit brighter. You are a winner, a fighter, and I know you will do well in all that you pursue! Best of Luck! -Nikolette --- Thanks, Nikolette! --- I would like to add to this.. Love and Light to you .. Bless.. --- Thanxs --- Love to all --- 470万円になりまーす。 当店のカードはお持ちでしょうか? なければお作りいたしましょうか?
--- a;sldkfja;lksdjf8ije9iruw0adspugusaupaoyudufpuasepoifu8eu9wuapodjfvujapsdrtfuiaposditu8earuwur0qwe980 r7uapsdoifjuapsdoiuapouse098ru89a7usdfpuasudfiewupfoa89sourw0a8sduyfupasodfuausdpfouasdpofuaposd fpasodfpasodfapsofuaspofuapofuaspodufpaose9r7uw08rq-wr8wqer8-0ewr8aisr[s[sfa --- August 11, 2008 wls --- bloody hell cod - I can't even begin to start to read. --- Cod's been doing Mavis Beacon course ;) --- I am currently doin an OU curse in codspeak.
びっくりするほどユートピア! --- それ、なんてエロゲ? --- ぱんぱん!ぱんぱん! --- タピオカ --- Greyhounds!!!!!!! --- i have a Siamese cat..we used to like him but not anymore coz he has proved to be soooooo stupid and does nothing but meowing! --- 欲しくなかったが、5年前に太陽拳の師匠に なってしまった ---
--- i thinks that he means he loves oceangram and is looking for a boy, pretty cute to be his boyfriend. and i doesnt matter if the boy is blond, brunnet or else. must be hot. --- I think he is a hiromishu designer and is looking for his next model.
ハ,,ハ ('(゚∀゚∩_ おいらを海に送って! /ヽ 〈/\ お別れの時にはお土産を持たせてね! /| ̄ ̄ ̄|.\/ | |/  ̄ ̄ ̄ 現在の所持品:貝殻 --- ペットボトル --- Wasp knife --- 肉まん --- 消しゴム --- Go on youtube and type in Tourettes Guy. Hilarious for anyone who is bored. -NJ --- This bloody addicitve!
必ず おまえを捜し出して始末する!! --- 見つけてごらんなさい オホホホホ --- きゃっちみーいふゆーきゃんwwwwww --- Well... I don't know about all that, but howdy ya'll from Newport, Tennesee!!! :P --- Tennessee huh? Do you know Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus? --- My cat's breath smells like cat food. --- Bacon Carrots Soya milk Orange Juice Squiz Pudz
cs -- Erith, UK -- 21/09/08 --- hi from chilly Chicago Illinois USA 10/21/2008
阿部高和だけどなにか質問ある? --- 変態か? --- what do u like to do? --- ねえ --- Hi from Mike in NJ, USA 7/30/08 Back in the water at 02:44 --- Hi Mike, I see you a lot here. Where in N.J.? I lived in Bloomfield for a while. --- ----------------------------------------- The bottle's now in England! 2/08/08 7.10pm --- Now it's back in US! Whoo! Anyway, I'm Paul. --- NOw it is in Melbourne, Aus~~ 2008-08-19 i am TONY, hey everyone --- Now it's in west england! 27/08/2008 sent back at exactly 7:00pm --- it hit here on sept. 10'08 in missouri --- it's now in argentina
Hello world. --- Sounds like you just found yourself! --- interesting... not sure... but it sounds like you were just born... or just came out of the closet. --- Hello.....from Maine, USA