I must be free I must be me. --- Whoever you are, I hope you are happy. God bless you! --- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --- I must be free. I need to pee. っつーのが流れてきた・・・orz
It's still very hot in here southern Japan :( How's it in your town? September 26, 2008 --- cold and dark and dreary in London. Come back Cod! --- good going to be snowing in mi
--- chilly and rainy in Chesapeake Virginia 6 Nov 2008 こんなのが届いた・・・
--- You have some in store? --- are you selling them or something are they slaves --- ok, i'll have three to go, and one large fries --- Ill have what hes having!
i send an s.o.s to the world, I send an s.o.s to the world, I hope that someone finds my, I hope that someone finds my, I hope that someone finds my, Message in a bottle. Message in a bottle.
message in a bottle, the police --- I'm just a castaway . --- Tossin' your bottle back but someone else will find it. Sept. 9, 2008 --- я Джек из Канады я родился в Америке но после смерти отца мама и я переехали в Канаду --- seems I'm not alone in being alone.
World peace... impossible or not? --- impossible. will never happen, and people that believe that their is a chance world peace is a possibility are very dillusional. their will always be people who cant get enough power, theyre will always be petty arguments, theyre will always be muslim extremists. so peace, is no chance. BHQ --- I believe it's possible but it's also a choice. Getting along has to be a higher priority than being right.
Sadly, I think it's generations and generations away.
今・・・ここどこよ? --- 私のとなり! --- i'm so sick to receive messages I can't read --- they're different LANGUAGES not done to piss you off arsemunch --- Go away.. then you will not be so sick of it! Ass
should i grow a moustache??? --- If you want to look older, yes. If you don't, no. --- somebody looks good with moustache,somebody does not --- If you want to be kissed - don't do it!!!!!!!!!! --- Hubby has had one for 30 some years. Yes, he gets plenty of kisses. --- NO!!!! Unless you're gay. --- Why don't you ask the mumsnet jury? They'll know! --- Not if you're a Brit. It's not cool here! --- It depends how you look without it and how you would with it. You could. --- Most of the women at mumsnet have one..............
Don't worry, be happy! --- *worries* --- doo do do dodo dodo dodo.. dont worry.. do dodo dodo dodo.. be happy --- I am special you are special --- my mummy says I'm special.
--- I think Mumsnet is special --- It is. That's where I first discovered THE COD and little Fabio --- how?
A day without you is like a day without sunshine… I miss you… --- I miss you too, but if we didn't have a rainy day every now and then, things would get dry and crispy and die. So sometimes its good to take a day off so you remember what it would be like without me and then you will remember to appreciate me more : - ) {{{ hugs }}} --- I'm drinking and I feel happy! --- omg wat saddo's --- I think I need one of those drinks! --- 酒喝多了伤身体~ --- Cheers! --- bottoms up! --- thats sweet --- Imiss all of you ! ((((kisses))) when rain falls it makes beautiful life, we all have water in us. if it wasn't for the bad things we wouldn't know we were having a great time...
Chafing straight jacket, I won't die in here! --- alrighty then... --- Are you the genie of the bottle? --- No, you won't die. Here's some fresh air and a fish before you go back in.
I love Rock'n'Roll!!!!!!! --- Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Tooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --- Me too --- ya... its pretty good.... most of the time.... --- Me too but I'm old school. Is there rock n roll these days, or has it become alt, hip hop, pop, techno?? --- so put another dime in the jukebox baby....
A time to remember, a time to forget, a time to be happy, a time for regret. A time when all comforting words cannot heal the pain and the sorrow that broken hearts feel.
But faith gives us courage, and prayer soothese it all, the Savior will answer our feeblest call. We've only to ask, and His blessings receive, hope for tomorrow, A Time To Believe!
Heyyy sexy!! --- are you talkin to me ???? --- no, he must be talkin' to me! I just put on my flannel 'wallace and grommet' jammies and dug my feet into a pair of my favorite ducky slippers - I am lookin' HOT!
hello..... whoever gets this can say hi too.... although I probably wont get ur message..... well... whatever, hi to whoever u r wherever u live! なんかhiって言っとけばいいよみたいな感じか・・・うーんまぁそうなるわなw
"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country . . . Corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." Abraham Lincoln, 1864 --- Life is short, stop worrying about it and just live! --- So very wize Mr. Lincoln.And the persicution of Christian's will happen again.Ask Mr. Obama. --- Lincoln would roll over in his grave if he could see THESE times. Obama is the antichrist. I used to say that in jest but I find it increasingly disturbing. These are some perilous times, my friends. The time is ripe; the economy so bad that those with money and power can do whatever they want. We people have no jobs, no money, we would be puppets. How long would and your family last if the banks failed? If there were riots? Do you have enough wealth to keep them safe? To buy food and water? Do you have a gun to protect yourself? Remember the blackout and how bad it was. Imagine if it went on for a month or more instead of a week. Wake up and vote carefully. And for God's sake, prepare yourselves. Hitler was as charasmatic as Obama. 翻訳誰か頼む
If I gave you 10.00, what would you buy? --- I would buy love, and then sprinkle it with dew, and then i would shove it up your pooper.
i am gundam ---- are you gundam?
あああ --- Three little guys in wheelchairs? --- ong little guys in wheelchairs are cute!! --- actually it says "Aaaagh" in Japanese - obviously in dire need of a fruitshoot! --- or having bum sex --- Somebody help him! --- lalalalalala gimmie CHOCOLATE! --- Here you go [Chocolate]
Ricky my love, I can't believe its been over 3 years that i lost you. I am trying to move on with my life but I ache to hold u again, one day we will be together in heaven! I love you so much Baby One day i guess i will truly be able to move on with my life...U were my soulmate and i miss u more than anyone could ever know. Kathy Dallas Tx 6-26-08
--- hello i am not ricky but bart --- Which is harder to lose, a boyfriend or a child? --- oh deazr depends on how much you loved both of them... i'd say as a person without children that my boyfriend would be harder to lose... but if i had a child... --- the hardest thing anyone will ever feel loss for is a child. devistating --- это жизнь она жестока... なんか凄いながいの来た
らんでぶー --- ありがとう --- おれはデブー --- This intellectual message is Japanese and reads: "Orchid-hunk --- Thanks --- I DEBU" --- --- orchid hunk? that's just weird --- hey, i actually got a bottle back that I replied to. Weird. Guess which one was my reply. --- your reply was the one that got deleted due to a massive outbreak of boredom --- Roffle, perhaps some lentil weaving may cheer up your life? --- yes, lentil weaving does it for me every time. but what about spoodle --- Are you turning Japanese? I really think so. Oxala IOWだれだこれ
желаю,чтобы я и мой мальчик Юра были счастливы,здоровы,не ругались никогда,чтобы он всегда в хорошем настроении был и чтобы в скором времени он мне сделал предложение выйти за него замуж.:) --- english hahahながしたのだれだw
Why do so many people come on here and just type nonsense. Is that the only thing they have to contribute? --- Unfortunately yes. Great minds do not waste their lives on Oceangram. What you get here are the dregs of humanity.
This letter it does not leak to the one which is received, making my breast touch. Please communicate. --- I'm glad your bottle isn't leaking but I'm not going to touch your breast! --- but breast is better than bottle
lovin' you has made me feel this way...... --- Oh mumsnet,you drive me crazy..... --- you need to lay off the fruit shoots --- хватит херню всякую нести!!! --- and the sausage rolls --- What way? Good or bad? Need to know, please write again and tell us. 久々に長い
what is this all about??? --- it seems to be about you asking silly questions. --- but not enough people ask silly questions --- people need to be silly sometimes
привет всем я лада я очень веселая красивая и подвижная кто хочет подружится звоните 89062679711 --- i tried that phone number but they said you'd gone to hunt ogles and woukldn't be back till nark time
I need sugar. There was a lot of salt in the way. --- i like apples hbu do yu like apple...i love elmo...hbu do yu love elmo huh huh hu do ya do ya --- 10-31-2008 What do ghosts serve for dessert? Ice Scream !
たこ焼き流行らせようぜ! --- 明石風が好き --- I have not been on this site for a while and it has become truly multi-national! Unfortunately there is no way of translating the messages others have written, or else it would be a great way to communicate with people from other lands. Best wishes to people from all nations, from Australia. --- I agree...would be nice if there was an interpretation of their messages...we could spread goodwill across the world. --- yeah i agree --- banana muffin :) --- mmmmmm --- If anyone from America reads this, chances are quite big you're too heavy, go run some more fatty!
Samuel from Holland --- The way you translate it is copy and paste the foreign language into Google translate. Here's what I got:
"Takoyaki try to build buzz! --- Akashi like the wind"
я очень хочу найти сейчас в контакте того мальчика!!!!! пожалуйста, найдись... --- まあ、そんなこともあるよね --- this is just silly. --- ТОГО мальчика найти тяжело... --- it's getting sillier...where's that 'retire' button?
Hey! In this letter, lets state what country we're from :D 1) Im from Canada And I hope you guys have a fantastic day! --- I'm from Michigan, USA. LOVE YOU ALL!
All you need is love. --- I doubt that. I guess you need water, air, food, etc a whole lot more than love --- Ya da dada da
--- Love won't pay the bills --- Amen to the last comment! --- It can pay the bills, it just depends how you use it... --- So, why doesn't anyone ever say where they are from? Kind of defeats the purpose of the message in a bottle doesn't it?
Привет! Я Арина. Напишите письмо на русском. На мКуличках я нериса. --- Здравствуйте, Арина. Hello, Arina. AmyR AUS 16/10/08 --- well hello! --- hello back to you.
Hey, what's up? --- Everything fine))) You??? --- Pulling weeds and sticker plants out of the yard -- August 24, 2008 Texas --- Sex --- Sex on the computer?
Just chillin' on a Friday night with a glass or two of red wine and some Oceangram conversations
They say not to keep your your feelings all bottled up. Well... this brings a whole new meaning huh. I got a little frustrated and my kids were acting up. I yelled very loudly and spanked them both! My daughter asked me if I could be nice. When I told her I was sorry she started to cry. When I said the next sentence I said it in a soft tone and she said.. Mom your being nice again. I like that. I died a little inside today --- Twunt. ストレス溜まりすぎだな
Where are you? South east England. --- In London searching for Fabio the Wondercat --- well Fabio is visting me in Glagow --- tell him that his skis are ready in Devon.
体はこども アソコはおとな 催淫獣コナン!! --- Eh? This is the 11th message I've received here in New Zealand in the last 10 minutes which I can't read because it's in an Asian language - some sort of Kanji. What do you think is being said? --- Hello to you in NZ. I've been tossing back dozens of messages too. I don't have a clue as to what they say.
Oh well, nice talking to you. ;) --- I'm not sure but I think it says something rude. --- Probably does, asking for a flash of your fanjo? --- or requesting sip of your froot shoot --- or maybe looking for bumsex --- yes - it's definitely about Fanjos. Get them out for the boys or something... ---
Don't hold on to regret or anger because life it too short to hold on to negativity... enjoy life and let all your negative feels go. Let the ones who are mad at you carry the burden- not you. --- I wish that was easy!
Im so angry inside and I cant get it out.
Yet the person Im angry at seems not to have a care in the world!
Хочу что бы моя мамочка получила квартиру желательно трёх или двух комнатную --- organic frootshoot --- yes go organic it will save you and the planet. do not eat anymore chemicals you get the cancer.
Всем привет! Предлагаем разгадать детскую загадку: "Покормишь- живет, попоишь-умрет." И еще одна : "Через одну дверь зашел, через три вышел" Пусть у того, кто прочтет это послание, поднимется настроение!
ちんこー! --- まんこー! まんこー! --- うんこー! うんこー! --- ともだちんこー! --- i cant read japenese u bum --- I don't think you're missing out on anything. It doesn't look like a very inspiring message to me. --- And if you sent one in English he/she may not have been able to read yours....Or perhaps she would....
Buffettnews rocks! --- рлрапло --- Why should everyone send English messages? Americans can be so arrogant! ---> Lori, MO, USA --- Thanks Lori!
When we can commit to our priorities, take responsibility for our choices, and communicate them honestly to others, there will be no need to make excuses.
--- は?日本語でおk --- 日本語でも小難しいね --- yawn i waited here for that nice 1 really worth the wait --- Try telling that to the governments. --- first be humen
atijh mkloytgf['; good apple !!! nice pineapple !!! --- uh, ok... --- fruitshoots! we need fruitshoots PLEASE SEND FRUITSHOOTS urgently
fruit .................. shoots! --- We will send on fruitshoots-along with a few cases of greggs sausage rolls and maybe a few quiches and a bit of nice ham!
I'm nervous about going into highschool =[ --- I don't blame you one bit... High School is very scary place. --- Oh it will be fun. Don't be so nervous it will be ok. You'll have lots of friends all going into the high school with you :) --- Enjoy it---much better than having to get a job. It'll be great. --- well..I guess you are there now...and you are still alive, I assume ふむ・・
1 1=? --- ....................2???? --- I have no idea. I need more to go on. --- eleven --- 1=1COD --- may the cod be with us forever and ever --- Amen! Cod and fabio for president --- 1 1=11
--- Are you happy? --- I will be as soon as these squares go away
smoke-a-toke --- I am very happy,because of your message. --- The squares will go away when you upgrade your windows..... --- I'll be happy if cod comes back --- I don't get the squares. But yes, I am happy too, most of the time..11/02/08 Please date your comments!!! わろた
I wish I could be a superhero. Then I could be cool and have my own movie...Superman is bogus, how can someone be SO Super? I think he uses steroids... --- Dream on...dream on...dream comes true :D London, 20:29 13/09/09 --- Superman was awesome and Batman and the super friends! Keep dreamin' --- There is a contest for the next SuperHero that comes on Discovery Channel -- they've had two runs of it.
I wonder if you ever get your message back some day with other people's comments on it. --- that's true --- Yes I have --- many times --- Really? I never see mine again. I haven't been on all that long though....Hey, is this the one I asked that on? --- many time for me, too --- There is hope for me then...I wait patiently to hear of Fanjolina Jolie
Hello Fello Ocean Gramers --- Hello! --- Weytk! --- Hi -- from Cincinnati. --- Hello Fello Ocean Gramers --- Hello! --- Weytk! --- Hi -- from Cincinnati. --- Hi from mckeesport pa, usa --- Hi from the Great State of Texas U S A 10-09-08
Yo, anyone here like horses? If ya dont, ur just weird. --- I like them when I bet on a winner at the track, and they're nice to watch pulling that big, fancy Budweiser beer wagon and my dog really loves them ground up in his dinner dish.
Hey, hoes it goin? --- Who you calling a hoe?! I'm a MNetter, not a hoe. --- Hoe-rah for MNetters! Come back COD!!!!!! --- WTF? Tweaker greetings to y'all! --- This is entirely inappropriate. But hello everyone! --- bunch of crazies! --- mines a big one!
Its really sad when you can't sleep because your afraiding of dreaming...
6:20 AM in Boston on July 9, 2008. Haven't slept all night. --- 一生寝てろ --- It's really nice to go to sleep and dream. . . --- reality is dreaming awake --- COOK! COOK! Where's my hosenfeffer? --- If you are having bad dreams, then you need to figure out what is bothering you in your conscious mind. There is usually an underlying reason as to why you are having bad dreams. --- Last night I had a dream that I was robbing a bank from the back of a ride-on lawnmower. My dreams tend to err towards the more...surreal side. --- The baby in the next apartment is screaming again. It's nearly 6:00 AM. That baby screams a lot. Sleeping would be nice. Dreams can be nice or not. I have a lot of good dreams fun. Not a lot of bad dream - I'm glad.
hello , i hope this message finds you well , happy and loved.life is to short to be anything else. have a blessed day from michigan 08 --- Well thank you. I hope the next person to get this is also well, happy and loved. God bless you! Julie - USA --- I was well till I read this then I vomited. --- Last person is a grumpy cuss
hey hope you're having a nice day... if not, stop what you're doing and make a hot chocolate or get some juice and put some hot water in... feel better? --- what a sweet message - thank you :-) --- Well, I was having a crappy day. It was nice to sit back and take a few mins to myself. Thank You! Danielle Dallas, Texas 7-16-08 --- そんな、ことよりしりとりしようぜ! みじんこ --- My day's been good but when I have a bad day I like to go for a walk in the fresh air. --- my day was productive and now it's time to relax with my family. I hope everyone has someone special to spend their time with! -Mom of 2 in Michigan 8-) --- --------
Why thank you. That was the best message in a bottle I have recieved. At least all of it wasn't squares. --- nice thoughts --- What is this? A namby=pamby fruit-loop thing? No wonder this site is so unpopulated. --- I feel sorry for those out there who can't appreciate a non-violent message. Personally, I don't like the hateful comments. This was a nice message, if you can't handle that, then go someplace else. しりとし無視されててワロタ
オプーナを買う権利をくれ --- well I guess the person before didn't have anything to say. Hello to everyone out there. I hope you're all having a great day! --- Yes, we are having a great day, at least here in Germany.Take care and keep smiling :) --- I'm havung a good day too! ---
He is watching you... He is behind your back... Don't turn around or he will jump at you... He wants your brain... You are doomed... There is no escape No escape Did you hear it? He is moving... --- That is just my pet zombie. I keep him fed on a steady diet of ex-boyfriend brains. He is more effective than a dog at keeping away unwanted visitors. You should stop by my place sometime for dinner . . . --- Nutter! --- fruit loop --- LOL
wsぜxdcrftvgybふんじmこ、lp --- VIPのやつら多すぎだろjk --- くぁwsでrfgthyじゅいkぉ;p@:「」 --- 亜sでfrghyじゅきぉ;p:@」 --- あたまオッカシー --- Ah! I wish I could speak other languages :( --- I wish i could read them
Do you like VIP ? --- A little. by VIP. --- I'm probably misunderstanding the question, but I don't think anyone is more important than anyone else. --- Sorry to sound so dense, but the TV program? It was ok I guess. And I have never played the game. Also never seen the 60's movie. Perhaps elaborating on the question would have been a better idea. WB :) --- hmmm
Hi!I want to love but I must understand who is I and only after that I can give my love to somebody --- right. --- cool i hope yew find love --- love is blind and irrational and hard to find hope you find out who you is... --- Japanese de ok
Hi I'm Ruth Lopez and I love R S S --- hi ruth im gareth nice to know u like R S S. --- hi i am brooke cooper and i dont know what rss is --- I'm Jennifer, and I'd like to know what RSS is too. ---
SALZ TPP --- Really Sweet Sugar - I bet it isn't that :) --- zig hiiiile!))))))))
--- Hi! I'm not one to use my first and last name too risky, --- I agree--way too risky! But--I hope everyone is having a great evening! It's almost midnight in Derby, KS--bed might be a pretty good idea! 7-17-08 --- i'from vip.
--- I'd love to go skinny-dipping if only I had a secluded freshwater lake in my garden. --- Poster #1: STOP playing with yourself. --- オレも好きだぜ! --- go away, baitin'! --- I'd love to skinny dip by myself! If only I had a place to do that... --- No, I wish someone else would (want to) embrace my body ... And countless possibilities to go skinny dipping over here, HA !!! ;P --- 英語は読めないが俺は大好きだ
Read the bible! --- Good idea.11/03/08 --- why would i want to waste my time reading that, and if god used to talk to these people to write the scriptures, why doesnt he any more, dont you think he's had a long enough break, 聖書なんてもってねーよ
You see, is not it that for me, basics? Is not it pretty system? Is not it a type pro-it, to belong to that is pretty when I say in cool system or pretty system? Do you say that you are seen below than the true age? Are not underpants types taken down by a school excursion at midnight? It be said previous life えてんのかよ ..., とか. Well, is not it a type for it, to become the atmosphere awkward afterwards to drag far from growing? Oh, there is not it when I peel off. Such a thing does not care て whether you say. Well, I went to watch a movie last time. "St.-John's-wort" of the たけひささんご recommendation. Then it was the movie, R15 appointment. Well, I fell into it how! ! ! B sounded. No, I do not sound. When I bought some ticket, this movie was R15 appointment, and it was said とか which asked for the presentation of the thing which could identify age to the big sister of the receptionist. No, I am serious. Such a thing is completely expired. It is already あったまきて. With a fool. It is mouth きいとんじゃと for whom. Excuse me, smoke I はな, the unreasonable cigarette, and the unreasonable horse racing goes, too, and pay the unreasonable national pension; and 言 うたら, ぼーぼーなんだよ. It is an adult. Of the size. Adult なめてんじゃねーぞ, Colla. と. No matter how one puts it is it junior high student はねーだろ, besides? Senility. Junior high school っつったらあれだろ, protection とかだろ. にすんな same as such thing, senility. Such a small animal and me. Excuse me, it is protection and can murder you in こちとら 10 seconds though I say. Colla. なっちなら 20 seconds. I can murder Goto in 30 seconds. Hota or Yasuda is 10 minutes. I am murdered in 10 minutes. Probably. Some such feeling. Oh, I say and am unpleasant. くだらねー. --- HUH?? --- уау --- Are all of you a bit soft in the head I have read 6 ocean grams and every one has just been crap like this good luck
Are you afraid of the dark? --- Only when I bumb into things and get bruised or stub the toe. However, NEVER let your feet or hands dangle off the side of the bed! --- no not the dark, but am scared of some fish when they are in a bad mood, eg. cod --- Jayden, aged 4, is not afraid of the dark. --- i am afraid.24 years old...
Am I the only person in the US that wonders when the presidential nominees are dancing around the important issues? Wondering in Illinois --- トップの頭が悪くてもまわりがよければ大丈夫、不思議っ! --- ワシの記憶している単語は108個まであるぞ (以下長いので略)
There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 - 1900), "On Reading and Writing" --- インテリぶってんじゃねぇぞコラ --- あばばばば ---
/ do you think, I am actually understand that shit japanese or chinese? --- no..how?i mean..wtf?..,, --- а думаете мне легко читать англ и не понимать нифига? --- to the original poster...do you really think that the rest of the world should speak YOUR language?,,,,,but you are not smart enough to ever learn another language, you loser.
hey hey you yer you durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you listen up good!you are a noob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
日本もうここではご遠慮ください。 oceangram運命だったんだが英語とあなたの言語に翻訳することはできません。 (It says, please don't write in Japanese anymore. Oceangram was meant to be in English and we can't translate your language.)
--- OH THANK YOU! I thought I was being cussed out in Swahili.
Mumsnet Oh Yeah me likey Oh my God! --- mumsnet=better than sex but not better than Green and Blacks. Actually, you can have Green and Blacks while MNing, but it's harder to do the sex thing while MNing. --- I dont get it....
--- I am from the United States are you from another country>> --- Yes I am. Guess which one. --- That is neither here nor there -- I will be here now.
5633017ものビンが海に流された。 これは5633018番目のビン。 --- Either you're using a weird font from some other laungage, or you've just typed a bunch of squares. Perhaps this is a message from the future, and this is what AOLer will look like someday. (Numbers and squares, not a single letter) --- なんだってーーーー!
I can't sleep for dreaming about you. When you're gone there's nothing I can do But lie awake alone and dream the whole night through. I can't sleep for dreaming about you. I close my weary eyes. And see your face. I hold my pillow tight. They say absence makes a love grow stronger. I have foot cheese.
Help me!!!! --- Gan i hell you? --- help you!!!! --- I hope help you. --- with what????where are you???can you call 911???? --- sorry, you're on your own. I am not an enabler. --- always good to help yourself...life is a buffet
hello im in montana where wild horses are does anyone else live in montana or likes horses --- 馬がすきなんですね>< --- 何がヤバイかって言うと馬のチンコはマジヤバイ --- ∧ ∧ / ヽ‐‐ ヽ 彡 ヽ 彡 ● ● ウマー 彡 ( l 彡 ヽ | 彡 ヽ l / ` ( o o)\ / __ /´> ) (___|_( /<ヽ/ | / ´ | /\ \ | / ) ) ヒl ( \ \二) --- I live in Hokkaido, Japan. There are many horses. ウマー ---
"Happiness" is different respectively depending on the person. If the person thinks, "It is happy", it is happy, and if the person thinks, " It is unhappy", it is unhappy. It doesn't think deeply.
ぐるぁぁぁぁぁああああ --- うるせー 金玉引っこ抜くぞ --- i love him. and he doesn't even know who i am. and he never will. --- おちんちんオイシス(^(エ)^) --- 饅頭に焼酎うめえw --- Sometimes it has to be that way. 7-27-08 --- It is better to have loved, than to have never loved at all. --- Why do we wait for things to happen to us instread of making things happen? Tell him. --- TELL HIM!!!! --- TELL HIM!!!!!!!!!! --- dont tell him if it will hurt anyone else
It's over Phil Bosco...I just found out you're married (with 4 kids). What a jerk. --- Jerk doesn't begin to describe this man. Glad you found out...get over him and go on with your life and find somebody single who can love you and treat you with the respect that you deserve. Obviously, Phil didn't think you were worth it. --- if you need good advice come and see us on mumsnet ! --- Let's avoid future bottles such as this one by not getting involved with someone until you know them
Mike:Oh, no! my cola! I don't have any tissues Do you have any? Aya:No, but I have a handkerchieh. Here. Use this
マイク女の子といるからって焦り過ぎだと思う --- so your problems solved? --- you writing a sitcom?
If so, you really need to take some more classes...... --- hankies are kinda gross unless they are your own --- i agree wholeheartedly. one should always have their own hanky.
Oi where's all my flipping messages- no bottles arriving on my beach.... --- perhaps your beach isn't as nice as others beach? --- My beach is the best!
Я хочу быть счастливой-счастливой! Хочу для этого быть с Лёшкой! родить ему четверых детишек, воспитывать наших любимых животных, построить красивый и большой дом, иметь престижные работы и... БЫТЬ ЗДОРОВОЙ!!!!!!!!!!!! Юля --- ???? --- tossing back for someone who might be able to read this language... --- someone can read this, but not me. Sorry. *tosses back*
i want to love someone for ever --- Someday you'll find your true love -- 8/16/08 --- Before we can truly love someone else we must first love ourselves… and that we can do forever !!!! --- that's for sure 9.17.08 --- When you have children, you will find then you can and will love someone forever. That is the only love the endures. ---Lori, KCMO, USA --- I am pregnant...I hope that I can love and respect my baby in the way parents love me. --- you will because you see it and realize it has to be done. It sounds corny, but that special person comes along when you least expect it!!
hello how are you today --- I've quite well, a little tired and actually very hungry but otherwise good. Thanx for asking! Nat Nth QLD Aust --- 我看不懂英文,不能翻译过来吗?
--- I'm so freakin' hungry I could eat a horse. Well, maybe not a horse but a pony at least. With BBQ sauce. --- I feel ill like a cold's coming on! --- I just got over a nasty cold. It drove me mad keeping me awake at night.
30th October, 1.34. England. --- I'm feeling.... great! Life is so awesome! My hubby is sleeping and I'm trying to become a tad more tired... Thought maybe a few bottles would help - LOL! Message bottles, of course! Vancouver Island BC ...paradise! 中国語ktkr
Mary from Waycross, Ga. It's summer time here--very hot! What's the weather like where you live? --- shut up - don't ask me about the fing weather. --- Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed! --- In the UK, weather is TERRIBLE! Rain, rain, cloud, rain..... I got soaked just by going to collect a package. I took 5 minutes and I looked like a drowned rat. Gah! --- good wet weather for the cod
in cod we trust --- Rainy and cold today in Michigan. 10/25/08 --- I m in Russia. It s cold night.. brrrr
Эх...мечты...я знаю,что для этого нужно очень стараться..да и вообще...но мне очень хочется танцевать!!!! чтобы у нас в группе были нормальные танцы... меня заметили и потом пригласили танцевать... например в Искушение или Тодес!Да....
Good Evening from WV!! --- Good morning from UBC! --- Good Evening from UNKO!! --- Good evening from CD! (Australia) --- Good evening from taiwan, taipei!! --- Good Morning from Gijon, Asturias, Spain !! --- Good afternoon from South Carolina, USA! --- Good grief. --- Good Morning from AIBU --- Good morning from Mumsnetland! --- Good Morning from Minnesota
暇つぶし --- Stay away --- NO YOU STAY AWAY.!!!!!!! HAVE FUN AND BE HAPPY!!!!!!!! 08/18/2008 --- Why can't we all be nice? --- message been drifting in the ocean for 10 days ... "our courage is tested when we are in the minority. our tolerance is tested when we are in the majority." ~Aug. 28, 2008, Lexington, KY --- this message now has been drifting in the ocean 4 2 mounth and 8 days.Cadet 9-20-2008 --- woww its been here a long timme
Life is a dark obis, sufficating me. Every day is like a never ending nightmare. I see fire burning flesh, bodies on fire. bombs droping from the sky like rain. the only salvation is to grab a gun. Violence is the question bullets are the answer. One must learn that his only friend in this wicked world is his fists, knife, and assult rifle. Life is a dark obis, sufficating me. --- There is something beuatiful in everything I see, A silver lining to every cloud and a fish in the sea for me. Red is red for roses, Black is just the sky at night, and in the day will turn to blue and bright. Remember no matter how bad somethings get ,that just means that things can get better. -CEB
I wish that Kevin would realize that he's in love with me and ask for me back. --- ‖ < ̄@> (]]二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ | 警 / ( ヽノ ノ>ノ 三 レレ --- You should clearly say hatred if it likes and it hates it if it is favorite.
LOVE PEACE HAPPINESS --- SEX WAR DEPRAVITY --- 黙れ童貞 --- 童貞すら守れない男に何が守れるというのか --- beer, beer and more beer --- Contentment, fearlessness, non-injury. --- Hand me down my drinking shoes... --- no! they don't fit you anymore. besides, I drink more than you. --- freedom money and car --- I KEEP DOING THAT!
YOU DON'T NEED ANY SHOES'''''' --- You just need some quiche
*sick of all this up-your-buminess!* --- Are you ashamed that you like it in the bum? Because Ken Anderson can fix that. --- Do you think that a dyslexic, agnostic with insomnia lays awake at night wondering if there really is a dog?
I miss my boyfriend. I haven't seen him for 3 weeks. --- Unless he's a spy, has moved abroad or is in hospital, I think there's a fair chance he's not your boyfriend anymore. --- Isn't your "Boyfriend" a delusion?
Love, so strong and powerful, but so delicate. Why did I lose you? Will you ever return?
--- Sure, I've got a return ticket --- Have you tried looking down the back of the sofa? --- look in the "missing sock" corner of the washing machine. --- thanks
ST SOYA 2008 --- ARGH Maties! Remember Pearl Harbor --- No, I'm not old enough
So i'm suppose to be writing up my AP bio osmosis lab report right now, but ill procrastinate and do it tomorrow. I just want to relax and read a bit. So what's up?
P.S my cousin gave birth to a girl today! her name is alexis victoria, i can't wait till i hold her in my arms!
you know that's not true, right? --- I was diagnosed with high blood pressure two months ago. Just last week, I was diagnosed with diabetes. I'm only 39 years old. I feel like I'm falling apart! -Vic in Texas 10-16-08
Today I feel very happy. But nobody else is happy, so I feel guilty for showing it. How are you today, really? --- Today I am so happy! caz I received your message. You shouldn't feel guilty. smile smile! from Japanese girl☆ --- well i'm happy now to i waqs feelin a little down but your message has cheered me up! smile! --- Smile God loves you! --- Im always happy but i dont smile cuz i dont feel ;ike simling lol it hurts my cheeks =) --- I'm happy cuz I got your bottle! --- I laughed when reading this. I was happy before. Now im smiling also. --- I'm tired after a week in a new job --- Not everyone can be happy all the time--but that shouldn't stop you from showing your own happiness.iow --- am not happy coz i've lost my boyfriend .. i love u babe but don't worry be happy :)
Dear You, In this bottle, I'm letting go of everything. You left for college a year ago, but promised me we'd be together again. Even though I was the one to cut end the relationship a couple months after, it was only for his own good, and I still loved you. You knew it too. But there was no way I could go a year without seeing you, and no way that I could carry the guilt of keeping the college experience away from you. You say you still love me. But how? You're arrogant, narcissistic, and melodramatic about what love should be. And yet, there's still a part of me that hasn't been able to let go. I shared a lot with you, and haven't found another person to share my life with, but I know that I won't be able to love again until I shake your obscene ways out of my mind. I don't want to love you anymore. I really don't. After a whole year of silent tears and never hearing from you (though I am partially thankful for the latter, as it would have set me into a deeper depression), it's about time. I pray that you find your way and can find the strength to love again- this time with the deepest of sincerity. If anyone can do it, it's you. Love, Me --- You are holding onto a dream and I think you know it. Imagine how you will feel if you end up with this arrogant narcistic person and then a little while later, you meet the love of your life. Mature, decent and electric. This sounds like your first love - let it go and cherish that you experienced it. The College experience changes people. Someone who has deliberately not talked to you in a year knowing how much you've been hurting, doesn't deserve the rest of your life. ---
He's been cheating on you all along, get over it,he's a loser --- なげーよ ↓日本語3行にまとめてくれ --- 彼を愛してる でも私には他に大切な物があるのよ 私達もう終わりね... --- 知らんがな
--- whats vip? --- Vip organizes it by giving punishment to a malignant net user international. The people of the organization are called 【VIPPER】. They always help the person by the technique of cheap thread when, and home guard is not neglected. It is a super-elite force. (vipは悪質なネットユーザーに制裁を下す国際的な組織。その組織の者達を【VIPPER】と呼ぶ。 彼らはいつ何時も安価スレッドという技で人の手助けをし、自宅警備も怠らない。スーパー精鋭部隊である。) --- ------ Crap!!! -------
--- あれ?漏れの耳かきがない。おまえ、漏れの耳かき知らない? --- 什么什么嘛?! --- My words exactly ---
Why is so slow? I open 3 windows like you say. 2 in living room and 1 in bathroom. Still bottles move so slow. Are these the wrong windows? --- Try to open open the window in your kitchen:) Onyx Mirion
--- To be or not to be??? is that really the question?? and if it is....what the hell does that really mean...?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I want sex! --- no way . --- 訳:私は性別が欲しいです --- はぁ〜彼女ホスィ・・・ --- Boy, do you need to progress. Sex isn't everything. --- Hope it was a girl! ;P And WHEN will Japanese start to learn English ??? --- so do i --- how unique. and when will the english start to learn japanese? --- WHEN will Americans stop thinking everyone else needs to learn our language and we don't have to learn squat? --- The United States are the ruler's of this planet ? Well they think they are ! Canada ---
↑の続き Why is it assumed that anyone who is frustrated with the use of Japanese on this site, is from the US? I'm Australian and it annoys the crap out of me.
Electro SOYA08 --- I can SEX --- I am a Japanese, and I learn English too. In Japan, people start to learn English when they are junior high school student. But some students don't like to study, so they are can't speaking, listening, writing and reading well. At school, teachers teach us English, but it's too easy and unuseful. So some students are studing English at English school. I go to the English school too. I really want to know about foreign countrys.
aaron johnson is a hottiee :) --- I don't know him, but I'm sure that's true. I bet he even has his own teeth. --- Tell him. --- You make a good point, gay-russian-army-Urkel.
gtdery75hgfvbfn vg --- I hate it when people write in code --- Maybe some lonely old person's cat walked across the keyboard while they were in the bathroom --- Yep
Who is the most outrageous person personally known to you? --- My bloody mother.
5th October, 2008 --- I am mather facker!!
Except From Sleeping With Someone, Whats The Easiest Way Of Splitting 2 People up.. ;) --- Bring up/find/make up some kind of issue with money...it'll work every time. Money issues are the leading cause of divorce.
I love you. --- I love you too. --- привет я настя! мне 10 лет. если хочешь написать мне чтонибудь пиши плиз по русски --- hello, I Nastya! me 10 years. if you want to write me chtonibud write pliz Svenska
hello Nastya --- miss lillian where are you? --- Miss Lillian must be floating by in the other bottle. I'm Christine from Palm Springs, California 11/04/08
Vsem privetik)))))))))) If u read this letter, I love u very-very much))))) If u love me too, write me --------- Who are you? -------- my name is Polly.My age is 15.I from Russia. Аnd you? --- Hey, Its Jeff!!! I love you too!!!
--- Wake up jeff --- haha, dear dears, I'm Lulu from Beijing,China.
Nice to meet u all here...
Nice day :)
--- hey ther --- froooooooooooot shoot --- sausaaaaaage rollllllll :) --- U R GAY --- im cleo from brizil 長すぎるから行数減らしたけど おいvipperから手紙が来ない
I am a pen. --- You are a pen. --- Unfortunately, you're out of ink. --- To be a pen or not to be a pen, THAT is the question!
greetings William S. --- this was worth it to read.i'm a magic pen --- You all have the mantality of one who lives in a pen... --- At least we have spellcheck. --- i use pen and computer.....^_^
船員「船長!まだ韓国人が残っていますが!」 船長「ほっておけ。」 船員「なぜですか!」 船長「生き残られると迷惑だ。服が濡れたと賠償請求されてしまう」 --- ジョークサイトより抜粋 --- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX...........A new game of X and O's!!!! --- [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[I dont under stand Japanees]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
萌えた。 --- Always, she would like to try doing “me the queen from M, -!” Because with you say, it tried being able to let do. Become her “chair!”(Force 0) we “......(Disregard)” “This impolite person of her -!” We “......(Disregard)” Her “chair ......” we “......(Disregard)” Her “saying hearing, -…” It sprouted.
The game is played by typing out one sentence for a story, and then sending it along. Have fun!
Dawn rose over the peaceful valley, waking the little fox from his slumber. --- Along came a tiger and sat down beside em'. --- 'Have you seen my mummy?' asked the little fox cub, 'You see, I've lost her, she should have been sleeping next to me'. --- "yum, yum, yum.....loved your mum", said the tiger --- "Oh noes! you ate my mum!" He said running as fast as he could away from the tiger. --- As the tiger chased. "You won't get far little one." --- ............ But the tiger did not see the hunter with his big gun lookin for a new rug .............. --- luckily the hunter didn't see the tiger either. the little fox made it to the magic pool, where he....
Всем привет! Предлагаем разгадать детскую загадку: "Покормишь- живет, попоишь-умрет." И еще одна : "Через одну дверь зашел, через три вышел" Пусть у того, кто прочтет это послание, поднимется настроение! --- いやいや、そんなことないよ。 もしそうならメイド喫茶なんてもの流行らないし、みんなAmazonで買い物することになるよ。 だからオタクがみんな引きこもってるわけじゃないんだよ。 毎日バリバリ仕事に励んでるオタクもいるし、学校でガリガリ勉強してるオタクもいる。 それに引きこもってるけどオタクじゃないって人もたくさんいるんだ。 だからそれはただの偏見なんだよ。
ここでTOUJO! わしがONRYO! 鬼のGYOUSO! ばあさんSANJYO! 違法なMAISO! じいさんTOUSO! 壁からわしが呼ぶGENCHO! (ドゥ〜ン ドゥンドゥンドゥ〜ン キュワキャキャキャッキャキュワキャ!) 年金減少! 医療費上昇! ボケてて大変! 食事の時間! 冷たい世間を生き抜き! パークゴルフで息抜き! どこだJI-I-SA-N老人MONDAI! そんな毎日リアルなSONZAI! SAY HO!(HO!) SAY HO HO HO HO!」
hello you smell like poo (jokes) im so bored that is why i am on this thing and talkin 2 someone i dont even now lol --- Hi Im Ken Anderson and I like giving it to you in your pooper! --- hey, kids, your mommy is calling..past your bedtime. Go get your milk and cookies, and say goodnight....
рита --- は? --- Once there was a little mouse named PNTA. His mother had forgotten to buy a vowel so he wasn't quite a Pinta. His younger sister was named Ninya and his older sister was Santamaria. One day PNTA decided to go to the big city and see if there was a courthouse. He hoped to buy a vowel and have his name changed. So he set out with . . . --- his little wagon with a little piece of cheese that mother mouse had left, than off he went threw the little hole at the foot of the door ..it was raining outside so he stop and picked up a soda cap to keep the rain off ... now dawn was breacking and the rain had stop and he seen his freind mr. todd and he stop to say....... --- you a stupid mouse! --- 'Well, no.' Said mr. Todd. 'I'm a frog' And he asked PNTA what he was up to. 'Well,' said PNTA. 'I'm off to buy a vowel.' 'A what?' asked mr.Todd the frog. 'Is that something to wash your hair with? 'Causse I don't have hair' 'Oh, Hell, no.' Said PNTA. 'I want to buy an A, or an O, or an E, or even an U.' So off he went, leaving a flabbergasted mr.Todd behind. When he was walking up a mountain it began to... --- Snow terrible so. He was scared and alone, and even worse... NO VOWEL! The poor mouse decided he would sleep for the night under a rock. It was cold, but he was refreshed in the morning to find that the snow was gone and the sun was out. He was on his way to the big city. Over the hills, and throught the dark forests of Flim Flam, he finally cam in view of the skyline of the great city. But then, a great owl swooped down, and...
February 2008. Belfast. N Ireland This getting older business is getting me down. 51 and feeling it. Only seems like yesterday I was 21 and life stretched before me. Now, I seem to look back more than forward. Death becomes more real as you get older and the joy of life dissipates for many of us. If you are young reading this...grab the day. Getting older doesn't mean you've done anything wrong - it just happens and believe me you'll be old in a finger snap. Grab the day if you are young and love being young because you will never know it again. ---
I just turned 58 and can relate somewhat to above. One's own mortality does creep up, and you do feel the physical implications of age. However, I do enjoy the wisdom and experiences I've achieved over the years! --- Age is how ever you make. --- ~~THATS RIGHT~ JODYGIRL IN FLORIDA --- - I'm nearly 51 and still alive and kicking. Agenging is shadow in U mind. Just belive that is real or nope. 4 me I decided 2 see the right side, not the shadow 1. - 1 day a WWII hero, that was my lover 4 almost 4 years, said something 2 me: - "Don't worry, be Happy". - Now I'm not with him, in fact I don't know if he's still alive or not. But after He trashed me 4 a younger cub, I found my Chubby Bear and I'm happy. We're a gay Chubby couple and I'm in peace ;-) --- OOh my goodness---I'm 80 andstill enjoy my days. Just got back from the library. Lots of good reading there. No I can't do what I did when I was fifty. I was working ---camping fishing--- gardening etc but we have to adapt. I love hand sewing--making goodies for others. Yes I look forward to bedtime. Stretch out --fluff up my pillow and read even tho I fall asleep most of the tiime.. so enjoy each day as it comes..I say my prayers each morning thanking God for another day. So get with it you fifty year old whipper snappers. Enjoy life. ---
What is love? --- love is the eros for idea --- Love is friendship set afire... --- love is overated --- Love is an emotion we express for the people who mean the most to us. --- Love is something that we all have 4 each other. --- Love is blind! --- Love is a commitment to give your heart and soul to someone.
has anyone ever seen their message bottle return to them? --- Yes. A number of times. --- never an original...but i did see one to which i had replied :) --- BOOOOOOOOOOOON!!
looking for my one true love ..... Hope we will meet some day in the future --- ハ,,ハ ( ゚ω゚ ) I decline it. / \ ((⊂ ) ノ\つ)) (_⌒ヽ ヽ ヘ } ε≡Ξ ノノ `J --- THE TRICK IS TO KNOW IT WHEN YOU FIND IT.....THEN KEEP IT.....TREASURE IT.......NURTURE IT....APPRECIATE IT.... --- Good luck with your search.
--- and here i was hoping for a really good and inspirational bottle to lighten up my life - well silly me, i'll just go back to meditating on the tip of my nose and sending lots of vibrations into the stratosphere --- がんがれ 超がんがれ
....out there on the perimeter..... we is stonnned immaculate........ --- Too bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --- sos///sos --- Well I am just purely effin' pissed and lovin' it :)
30th September, 2008. --- ....out there on the perimeter..... we is stonnned immaculate........ --- Too bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --- sos///sos --- Well I am just purely effin' pissed and lovin' it :)
30th September, 2008. am me aswell love isent easey --- DUNNO WAT TO DO --- instant replay --- ここまで俺の自演
--- 俺もだぜ! --- よし、みんな死ね --- me toooo.....LOL! --- I don't love you - sorry, but I don't know you --- egomaniacs. you should spend less time focusing on yourselves and more time focusing on ME. --- I love greggs --- i love hotties
もう寝る --- おやすみー --- -_- i wish i could read better --- ydomu is kur jus? from where you are? --- うむ --- From Minnesota USA --- I have a time trying to translate Chinese. I'm from British Columbia. --- "I go to bed" "Good night!"
It's Japanese... so that's why you can't translate it via Chinese I guess.
If you mean BC in Canada... We're about 50.. at least ;)
--- 以下,unlucky!!! --- NOTHANKYOU --- You obviously dont know me then!!!!!!!!!! --- spank you --- yeah i know i had lucky carms today --- maybe, maybe not --- not lucky, very unlucky as cod has gone --- Cod may be gone but never forgotten MNHQ
i love dogs too. tho i don't have any but my uncle has his shiba dog and sometimes i can see her when i visit him...hehe she looks like a fox or something but really cute --- ___ /ノ^, ^ヽ / ( ゜) ( ゜) ヽ / ⌒(__人__)⌒::: l | |r┬-| | \ `ー'´ / ⊂ ̄\/´ ̄V ̄ ̄ ⌒,/ヽ―ヽ  ̄ヽ_/____,、_ノヽ_/ ̄´ / _/ ( ( ( ヽ__,\_,ヽ (_/(_/ SEX!SEX!Make Love! --- I love dogs. My dogs name is Alphonse. He is very cute...
まんまんみてちんちんおっき --- Well, its actually quite difficult to add a comment to this !!!
Instead I will make one of my own
Life is what you make it --- It has been nice floating out there but now I am hungry --- why hijack a message when you could make your own? --- さてここで話を戻そう。 まんまんみてちんちんおっき。
Does it bother you that Oceangram is now filled with messages written in Japanese characters? --- Yes it bothers me. I wait a while for a message and then the language barrier that I have makes it almost pointless. Also, online translators are not that good in my experience. I guess the oceans bring languages though, so its OK in the long run. MP Oregon, USA sept 1 --- I use google translator and it seems to work well. What's more fun is to translate back! --- meh, someone will understand them, and sometimes the English ones are so offensive that I wish I didn't understand them... so the Japanese ones are a-ok with me. --- はいはい、面白い面白い。
What is the "best" place you have ever gone for a vacation or a getaway? --- I really enjoyed Nashville. --- i loved corfu, wich is an island off greece. was really nice and hot! but there were loadsa clubs, and they arnt very strict on laws, so its a bit scary, but that also means that they let me into clubs and drink in bars and i was only 14! lol. also, you can ride a moped there at 12! weird hugh! you know you love me xxx --- Camping in Big Sur, California --- まんじゅう食いながら焼酎うめえな
--- It has been said, "you can tell how civilized a nation is by how few laws it has." So, behave, Be kind. Love a lot. Be satisfied with whAT YOU HAVE. --- Pensacola, Florida --- Bed --- 難しいけれども結局、日本が好きです。 南国でのvacacionも良いけれどね。
To whom it may concern, I hope that you find this message and it makes your day just a teensy bit brighter. You are a winner, a fighter, and I know you will do well in all that you pursue! Best of Luck! -Nikolette --- Thanks, Nikolette! --- I would like to add to this.. Love and Light to you .. Bless.. --- Thanxs --- Love to all --- 470万円になりまーす。 当店のカードはお持ちでしょうか? なければお作りいたしましょうか?
--- a;sldkfja;lksdjf8ije9iruw0adspugusaupaoyudufpuasepoifu8eu9wuapodjfvujapsdrtfuiaposditu8earuwur0qwe980 r7uapsdoifjuapsdoiuapouse098ru89a7usdfpuasudfiewupfoa89sourw0a8sduyfupasodfuausdpfouasdpofuaposd fpasodfpasodfapsofuaspofuapofuaspodufpaose9r7uw08rq-wr8wqer8-0ewr8aisr[s[sfa --- August 11, 2008 wls --- bloody hell cod - I can't even begin to start to read. --- Cod's been doing Mavis Beacon course ;) --- I am currently doin an OU curse in codspeak.
びっくりするほどユートピア! --- それ、なんてエロゲ? --- ぱんぱん!ぱんぱん! --- タピオカ --- Greyhounds!!!!!!! --- i have a Siamese cat..we used to like him but not anymore coz he has proved to be soooooo stupid and does nothing but meowing! --- 欲しくなかったが、5年前に太陽拳の師匠に なってしまった ---
--- i thinks that he means he loves oceangram and is looking for a boy, pretty cute to be his boyfriend. and i doesnt matter if the boy is blond, brunnet or else. must be hot. --- I think he is a hiromishu designer and is looking for his next model.
ハ,,ハ ('(゚∀゚∩_ おいらを海に送って! /ヽ 〈/\ お別れの時にはお土産を持たせてね! /| ̄ ̄ ̄|.\/ | |/  ̄ ̄ ̄ 現在の所持品:貝殻 --- ペットボトル --- Wasp knife --- 肉まん --- 消しゴム --- Go on youtube and type in Tourettes Guy. Hilarious for anyone who is bored. -NJ --- This bloody addicitve!
必ず おまえを捜し出して始末する!! --- 見つけてごらんなさい オホホホホ --- きゃっちみーいふゆーきゃんwwwwww --- Well... I don't know about all that, but howdy ya'll from Newport, Tennesee!!! :P --- Tennessee huh? Do you know Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus? --- My cat's breath smells like cat food. --- Bacon Carrots Soya milk Orange Juice Squiz Pudz
cs -- Erith, UK -- 21/09/08 --- hi from chilly Chicago Illinois USA 10/21/2008
阿部高和だけどなにか質問ある? --- 変態か? --- what do u like to do? --- ねえ --- Hi from Mike in NJ, USA 7/30/08 Back in the water at 02:44 --- Hi Mike, I see you a lot here. Where in N.J.? I lived in Bloomfield for a while. --- ----------------------------------------- The bottle's now in England! 2/08/08 7.10pm --- Now it's back in US! Whoo! Anyway, I'm Paul. --- NOw it is in Melbourne, Aus~~ 2008-08-19 i am TONY, hey everyone --- Now it's in west england! 27/08/2008 sent back at exactly 7:00pm --- it hit here on sept. 10'08 in missouri --- it's now in argentina
Hello world. --- Sounds like you just found yourself! --- interesting... not sure... but it sounds like you were just born... or just came out of the closet. --- Hello.....from Maine, USA