2ch is chaos of information. 2chは、情報の混沌です。 A lie and the truth coexist there. うそと真実は、そこで共存します。 But a lie and nonsense are 90%. しかし、うそとナンセンスは、90%です。 Therefore two ch is interesting. したがって、2chは面白いです。 A resident of 2ch always says , "Use your imagination" . 「あなたの想像力を使ってください」と、2chの居住者が常に言います。
Matsuri" generally means a festival, but there, it means "destroying a website they don't like by flooding the BBS by spamming or with nasty and cruel posts until the owner of the site surrenders".
Gentleman10 Nov 7, 2006, 07:33 Recently I stumbled across 2channel, which, according to Wikipedia, is the most used forum in Japan. From what I can tell, it must be pretty big, as the famous 'Densha Otoko' talked with all his otaku friends there. Apparetly millions of Japanese use this to communicate since it's so easy to use with your phone/pc etc. Sofar I'm just casually checking it out, but I'm curious, do any Gaijin use this?
If your Japanese isn't good enough, you'll have serious problems understanding what others say, since they deliberately make kanji misconversions and make up words in their posts (just for fun), which can be understood only if you have thorough understanding of the language.
The "fun" ones I saw were 市ね, 氏ね, 史ね, and 詩ね (all at least once in one thread). :p
Also, there are some others that you can only learn about by having followed the thread, or having someone tell you about it, or so it seems to me. The ones that Cue taught me that came from a certain thread are シル, from a typo for しろ, and キボンヌ, from a French version of 希望. Well, I guess they can be picked up from context, but those are a bit more out there.
Also, there are some others that you can only learn about by having followed the thread, or having someone tell you about it, or so it seems to me. The ones that Cue taught me that came from a certain thread are シル, from a typo for しろ, and キボンヌ, from a French version of 希望. Well, I guess they can be picked up from context, but those are a bit more out there.
caster51Dec 11, 2006, 23:27 If you're an innocent person, your mind not yet tainted by what is in the very sewers of the internet (I'm not joking around here. It's REALLY BAD) you should probably stay away from 2ch However ,They have so much knowledge in some specialized field. ppl who are more well informed than the professor of university have gathered in some specialized field of 2ch
if there is no troll( kids, arashi) in 2ch,it might become so nice boards. because there is no adomin.
KaramuuchoNov 14, 2006, 09:39 I wouldn't say 2-ch is the best place to learn slang for daily use, perhaps for internet use, but they are about the same as the western equivalents (lol, rofl, that sorta stuff), and while many people (nerds and not-so-nerds alike) use these online, I still cringe at the thought of saying "lol" out loud while having a laugh!
-Rudel- Nov 14, 2006, 11:51 I'm not talking about the short cut abbreviations. I'm meant like full words, with double meaning, or shortened words, even endings in sentences.
The other day I was reading my wifes message and she usually ends it with じゃーん. I was like wtf is that? It's not in my text books, couldn't find it on any resource sites. So I had to ask. She says it's a girlish way of saying です. I have yet to hear her say it on the phone. But I will be listening carefully when I'm out with here(herの間違いだと思われる)and her freinds again.
epigeneNov 7, 2006, 09:06 2ch though is very interesting in a way. With absolute (well, near enough) anonymity, and the lack of any decent moderation, you'll find some usually very kind, timid Japanese people turn into monsters, haha. Ofcourse this goes the same with most things online, with no serious threat of retaliation (other than verbal) people tend to let go ;)
Then you don't know how 2chers have destroyed the lives of the innocent and not so innocent in the recent past. :souka:
undrentide Nov 14, 2006, 12:40 (引用部省略) 〜じゃん at the end of sentence could be either contracted form of 〜じゃない(の) or dialect in Kanagawa (I heard that particularly around Yokohama but am not sure). :-)
epigene Nov 14, 2006, 13:17 (引用部省略) Yes, I'm from Yokohama and used じゃん when I was young. But, I've been told recently that the "jan" ending is also used in some other area in the Kanto region (Tochigi, if I remember correctly). Today, that ending has become commonplace, everybody seems to be using it in close-friendspeak.
The extended じゃ〜ん is girlish "cute" talk and is accompanied by a distinctive inflection. :blush:
-Rudel- Nov 14, 2006, 13:30 My wife is half Okinawan, and Mainland. She probably picked it up from the internet. Other than that she loves saying DEATH is instead of DESU. It's the only time she can say the "th" sound properly. :-) Hope it doesn't start on the internet or someone might get the wrong idea...hehe
Kyoko_desu Nov 15, 2006, 04:42 2channel lingo somehow reminds me of Leet Speak. If you abuse them, you'll just end up looking like an internet geek with no life.
Gentleman10 Nov 15, 2006, 06:56 Does that mean everyone there is extremely geeky? From what I can tell, there are various active forums that discuss many different topics, some including stuff that I don't exactly think geeks/nerds could appreciate.
TwistedMacDec 10, 2006, 12:13 If you're an innocent person, your mind not yet tainted by what is in the very sewers of the internet (I'm not joking around here. It's REALLY BAD) you should probably stay away from 2ch.
It's not what is in the discussions you choose to join. They might be innocent enough. But just staying there is asking to stumble over something you may rather not see.
If you ever saw the sites that got big for a while like shownomercy and their ilk (pretty much a collection of pictures of dead people) they would still seem like little festive sites with pink decoration compared to what you may find on 2ch if you look for it, or by mistake if you don't.
Gentleman10 Nov 8, 2006, 01:36 heh, I guess that's what you get once you put anonyminty in the game, everyone's devilish side come out. heh, I thought the Japanese people were a such a truthfully loving and kind people. So much for that~ www
TwistedMacDec 10, 2006, 12:13 If you're an innocent person, your mind not yet tainted by what is in the very sewers of the internet (I'm not joking around here. It's REALLY BAD) you should probably stay away from 2ch. It's not what is in the discussions you choose to join. They might be innocent enough. But just staying there is asking to stumble over something you may rather not see. If you ever saw the sites that got big for a while like shownomercy and their ilk (pretty much a collection of pictures of dead people) they would still seem like little festive sites with pink decoration compared to what you may find on 2ch if you look for it, or by mistake if you don't. おまえがもし無邪気にこのインターネットの下水道で人を傷つけるかもしれないって いうんなら(冗談じゃなくて。これマジで悪い事だから) 2ちゃんねるに来るべきじゃないよ
Gentleman10 Nov 8, 2006, 01:36 heh, I guess that's what you get once you put anonyminty in the game, everyone's devilish side come out. heh, I thought the Japanese people were a such a truthfully loving and kind people. So much for that~ www
>>115 >If you're an innocent person, your mind not yet tainted by what is in the very sewers of the internet おまえがもし無邪気にこのインターネットの下水道で人を傷つけるかもしれないって いうんなら
If you're an innocent person, your mind not yet tainted by what is in the very sewers of the internet (I'm not joking around here. It's REALLY BAD) you should probably stay away from 2ch.
Hah yeah. I can't read japanese but i went onto 2channel anyway, to check it out.
ASCII art of tubgirl, pictures of the goatse man AND a .on.nimp link :okashii:
(dont search for any of these, youll regret it)
Reminds me of a few of the english forums i visit.
Kyoko_desuNov 16, 2006, 05:57 Does that mean everyone there is extremely geeky? From what I can tell, there are various active forums that discuss many different topics, some including stuff that I don't exactly think geeks/nerds could appreciate.
Of course, not everyone, but many ... There are very intelectual and educated posters there too, but don't expect all of them as nice as the people here. If you don't ask them the way they like, some of them can get really cold and cruel .... And about the 2channel language, it's okay to use it only sometimes cus you could surprise people (especially when you are not a Japanese native) and sometimes could add a little spice to the conversation, but if you used it too often, like, all the time, it sure would make you look like an otaku and dasai ... :okashii:
japantvhostDec 10, 2006, 10:25 2Ch is a really unmoderated and there can be lots of wierd people (by anyone's standard) there. It can be very interesting to get peoples point of view that you would not nomallly here in public conversation but I agree that they can be a bit cultie but that really goes for any online community
japantvhostDec 10, 2006, 10:25 2Ch is a really unmoderated and there can be lots of wierd people (by anyone's standard) there. It can be very interesting to get peoples point of view that you would not nomallly here in public conversation but I agree that they can be a bit cultie but that really goes for any online community
Nov 9, 2006, 16:00 I have been there, And I'm not ever going back! And you can't make me. I got lost and I couldn't understand a thing that was being said
White Rose Dec 12, 2006, 19:10 >>TwistedMac(>>163) その通りだ。おれは日本語は読めないが、とりあえず2chを見てみた。 tubgirlのAA、goatse manの画像、ウィルス・ブラクラ (こういうのを探し求めると後悔する) 前に見た英語のフォーラムを思い出した。