Prostitution and prostitution system that is exported to the world today It is operated by Korean, and is diffused. This is a system of comfort women of World War II era that Is not it almost the same. The difference of the time travel and operation location It would be troops that had guard. This is the same Vietnam War era and Korean War era,. Korean comfort women facility construction by South Korea in the Korean War era The is operated, South Korea army has been slaughter village per to Vietnam war era There is Raihatan problem. And not get tired of disregard for human rights, massacre, rape South Korea to continue, to survive Prostitution and prostitution system, to spread to the world What, do not because of a state that should not be not be beaten in the world. > Continued (evidence article)
Prostitution and prostitution system that is exported to the world today It is operated by Korean, and is diffused. This is a system of comfort women of World War II era that Is not it almost the same. The difference of the time travel and operation location It would be troops that had guard. This is the same Vietnam War era and Korean War era,. Korean comfort women facility construction by South Korea in the Korean War era The is operated, South Korea army has been slaughter village per to Vietnam war era There is Raihatan problem. And not get tired of disregard for human rights, massacre, rape South Korea to continue, to survive Prostitution and prostitution system, to spread to the world What, do not because of a state that should not be not be beaten in the world. > Continued (evidence article)