/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ /:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ ,i::::::::/ ゙゙'''―-:::: ....--、::::::::::::l ,=‐、 l:::::::::! /::::::::::} I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six or only five ? l´ li !::::/ !、::::::::::! . lー‐'/ iヘ_i ! ,,,,,,,,_ l:::/,,、 you've got to ask one question:"do I feel lucky ? " l | ************** . | | ************** But being this is a 44 magnum, l L ************** /⌒'| / ̄ヽi ̄ヽ _} .ゝ 、_,....`ヽ /゙‐'゛ the most poweful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off... r‐'i | | | |. , / i、 イ、___,、,..,,,__ l / | ! ' ! ! l,――'''''"´/ .!、 !! ´ニニ'^゙゙゛ ノ you've got to ask one question:"do I feel lucky ? " Well, do ya, punk ? ! ,! |\ .| .ヽヽ `''―一'゙ ./ i、\_ | ヽ | 、 ! ヽ \,,,,,,,,,,,,ノ´ / ヽ \ \ . \ | \ゝ 、 ヽ. \ / .ヽ ヽ、 . \ / .`' 〈 .ヽ /~\、 ゙l、 ′ \. \ ./ ヽ l