民主・細川ネクスト法務大臣 「私が法相なら不法滞在フィリピン人家族が日本に在留できるよう最善をつくす」 Deadline nears for Filipino family The Japan Times: Thursday, Feb. 26, 2009 http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20090226a3.html > Democratic Party of Japan lawmaker Ritsuo Hosokawa, a strong candidate for justice minister if the DPJ comes to power in the next election, urged the Justice Ministry to allow the family to stay. > "If I were justice minister, I would do my best to allow them stay in Japan," Hosokawa told The Japan Times on Tuesday. 民主党の細川律夫(次の内閣法務大臣)は、火曜日のJapan Timesの取材に対して 「もし私が法務大臣なら、彼らに日本在留許可を下すために全力を尽くすだろう」と語った。