There are plenty of other areas where Korea exposes it's massive juvenile streak. Technology, the World Cup, education, sex... there are many examples of Korea's obsession with the frivolous and the petty. Take technology. Koreans pride themselves on the technological advances they have made. Yet sometimes the adulation of technology seems gimmicky and childish. Obsessed with ranking, the Koreans are determined to be the top dogs when it comes to technology. But they can't do this with any subtlety at all. They have to put up massive, garish plasma screens around central Seoul, most of which are now tattered and peeling. 他にも韓国人が、実にガキじみた性癖を押し付けてくるのは日常茶飯事だ。 科学技術・サッカーのワールドカップ・教育・セックスに関わる事・・・ 大袈裟な、それでいて実際は内容空疎な妄想に とり憑かれている例は事欠かない。 韓国人は自国の科学技術の進歩に自信満々である。 が時として、その科学信奉・崇拝は奇異であり子供じみて見える。 評価やランキングにとり憑かれており、こと科学技術に関しては、 何とかして科学技術分野の最高権威国になろうと決意しているかのようだ。 しかし現実には、韓国人は、繊細な「機微」に全く欠けているため、それは不可能である。 ただただデカイ、ギラギラとして実に下品なプラズマスクリーンをソウル市街の中心に これ見よがしに取り付けてはみたもののその殆どがいまや傾き、剥げかかっている有様だ。
英語wiki Musashi was born in 1584: "[He] was born in Bansh?, in Tensh? 12 [1584], the Year of the Monkey."[3] The historian Kamiko Tadashi, commenting on Musashi's text, notes: "[...]Munisai was Musashi's father...he lived in Miyamoto village, in the Yoshino district [of Mimasaka Province]. Musashi was most probably born here."[4] His childhood name was Bennosuke 弁之助.
While this assessment may seem harsh, I have never seen a country so obsessed with itself. With how it is viewed by the outside world. With how low or high it is in various tables brought out every day from the likes of the IMF or any number of economic and social think tanks. They will compare their rankings to two countries - Japan and the USA. Sometimes it's hard to imagine there are more than three countries in the world.
They will compare their rankings to two countries - Japan and the USA. Sometimes it's hard to imagine there are more than three countries in the world.