【Team 2ch】分散コンピューティングプロジェクト&クリック募金【ボランティア】★2
これらのプロジェクトに、2ちゃんねる各板から多数の有志が「Team 2ch」という統一チームで参加しています。
あなたも世界有数のボランティア集団「Team 2ch」で参加してみませんか。
Team 2chとして参加している、生命科学に関する分散コンピューティングを使用した
http://lists.team2ch.info/ を参照してください。
http://www.dff.jp/index_t.php 参加方法など詳細は
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【TANPAKU日報】 注:昨日分
データ取得時刻 Tue Jul 31 11:02:06 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (81) (+1) . r@EAnewsplus ... 26515.19 (+419.54) : 348.86 (+6.56)
2. (162) (+5) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 14629.04 (+261.28) : 236.51 (+2.97)
3. (168) (+8) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 14376.69 (+372.41) : 226.85 (+6.58)
4. (461) (-1) YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 5566.53 .. (+11.28)... : 61.27 .. (-8.21)
5. (499) (+6) solstice@EAnewsplus ... 5064.67 ... (+135.96) : 82.71 .. (-9.8)
6. (603) . Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 3841.72 .. (+52.85)... : 70.44 .. (-6.23)
7. (693) (-3) tome7x@EAnewsplus 3008.31 .. (+23.77)... : 40.78 .. (-1.75)
8. (711) (+14) . Yami@EAnewsplus .. 2823.28 .. (+79.64)... : 28.06 .. (+0.97)
9. (842) (-5) asakaze@EAnewsplus .. 1979.73 ... . : 9.16 ..
10. (852) (+1) .. HANA0501@EAnewsplus 1916.13 .. (+47.0) .. : 44.74 .. (-3.03)
11. (869) (+4) .. fuji--@EAnewsplus . 1823.12 .. (+76.39)... : 33.25 .. (+1.46)
12. (879) (-9) .. giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 1760.2 . .. : 78.2 .
13. (882) (+17) KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 1750.48 .. (+112.22) : 114.64 (-8.5)
14. (908) (-4) .. tsuka@EAnewsplus . 1616.96 .. .. : 34.99 ..
15. (928) (+12) ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.. 1533.46 ... (+87.77).. : 29.89 ... (+1.43)
16. (957) (-5) .. foxy@EAnewsplus 1389.58 .. .. : 30.29 ..
17. (1020) (+4) .. yumenemi@EAnewsplus . 1122.19 ... (+46.02).. : 23.86 ... (-0.37)
18. (1329) . sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 274.92 . new! : 26.68 .. new!
19. (1518) (-3) .. eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
http://nazuna.sumomo.ne.jp/cgi-bin/tanpaku/split/EAnewsplus.html sikasuke@EAnewsplusさんいらっさ〜い( ´∀`)つ旦~
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/07/31〜2007/08/01
Team ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ Points
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere....┃1,689 (+1)┃231,181 (+165)┃37│39,784,546 ( .+54,543)→ .
Folding@Malaysia ┃1,041 ( )┃328,429 (+192)┃38│39,627,758 ( .+61,476)→ .
SpeedGuide.net. ┃ 586 ( )┃452,299 ( .+91)┃39│38,797,553 ( .+29,563)→ .
2ch@PS3 ┃1,986 (+5)┃128,048 (+615)┃40│37,753,814 (+178,696)↑2
Team Lithuania ┃1,521 ( )┃185,394 (+197)┃41│37,694,256 ( .+75,208)↓1
Team 2ch. ┃2,465 ( )┃333,138 (+291)┃42│37,690,920 (+108,626)↓1
Sudhian Media ┃ 698 ( )┃414,697 ( .+78)┃43│36,279,577 ( .+31,850)→ .
F?rum PCs Brasil. ┃1,349 (+1)┃317,969 (+198)┃44│36,167,247 ( .+56,081)→ .
LITTLEWHITEDOG ┃ 293 ( )┃270,756 ( .+75)┃45│34,721,794 ( .+21,492)→ .
Vietnam Global Team. ┃ 546 ( )┃140,270 ( .+72)┃46│34,227,934 ( .+40,136)→ .
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070801&f=20070731&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070730 - 20070731.
┃◎24 @keitaiphs.... 28( )人 3,958,368(+56,504)Pt.→ 11,187(+159)Res. 8:203:22:08:56(+0:040:09:47:40)
┃◎25 @mobile.. 14( )人 3,642,521(+47,825)Pt.→ .9,641(+131)Res. 5:292:05:34:14(+0:025:21:58:43)
┃◎26 @EAnewsplus. 46(+1)人 3,505,280(+45,566)Pt.→ 10,163(+124)Res. 7:113:05:39:41(+0:031:21:01:24)
┃◎27 @UTU. 31( )人 3,080,167(+30,099)Pt.→ 18,318( .+80)Res. 6:258:16:34:53(+0:024:19:02:25)
┃◎28 @netgame. 23( )人 3,049,645(+49,267)Pt.→ 13,172(+132)Res. 4:238:02:20:07(+0:024:03:47:17)
@EAnewsplus 3,500,000ポイント達成、7年3ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 46 人中、提出 30 名です。提出率は 65.2% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070730 - 20070731.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 697,091(+4,681)Pt.→ 1,516(+11)Res. 1:322:09:42:38(+0:004:10:30:26)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 357,849(+4,232)Pt.→ 821(+12)Res. 0:168:12:23:10(+0:002:00:25:36)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 286,827(+3,127)Pt.→ 634( .+8)Res. 0:229:22:00:56(+0:003:01:09:02)
┃◎. 4 garu@EAnewsplus . 256,369(+5,797)Pt.→ 858(+15)Res. 0:174:22:15:53(+0:002:18:33:26)
┃◎. 5 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 226,440(+2,505)Pt.→ 509( .+7)Res. 0:139:03:12:11(+0:001:10:13:04)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 177,512(+1,792)Pt.→ 348( .+5)Res. 0:188:16:19:19(+0:001:19:40:20)
┃◎. 8 Hazama@EAnewsplus 125,807(+1,553)Pt.→ 271( .+4)Res. 0:080:14:21:57(+0:000:23:44:26)
┃◎. 9 solstice@EAnewsplus. 110,239(+1,772)Pt.→ 249( .+5)Res. 0:075:12:13:25(+0:001:04:29:45)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus. 106,019(+2,724)Pt.→ 242( .+7)Res. 0:040:23:52:09(+0:001:02:42:20)
┃◎11 kinta@EAnewsplus 93,801( +730)Pt.→ 223( .+2)Res. 0:054:09:59:53(+0:000:09:47:42)
┃◎12 Fortune@EAnewsplus. 92,777(+1,065)Pt.→ 208( .+3)Res. 0:058:17:54:20(+0:000:07:31:36)
┃◎13 hokuto@EAnewsplus 82,231(+1,918)Pt.↑ 180( .+6)Res. 0:024:15:48:47(+0:000:12:25:09)
┃◎14 tome7x@EAnewsplus 81,970( +377)Pt.↓ 199( .+1)Res. 0:048:10:07:55(+0:000:04:16:23)
┃◎15 arikui@EAnewsplus. 70,109( +787)Pt.→ 161( .+2)Res. 0:044:06:39:34(+0:000:11:46:35)
┃◎16 noclaimer@EAnewsplus. 68,106(+1,664)Pt.→ 164( .+4)Res. 0:082:10:55:20(+0:002:16:21:44)
┃◎18 tera3@EAnewsplus. 40,420( +933)Pt.→ .89( .+3)Res. 0:018:19:48:29(+0:000:09:34:34)
┃◎19 yutaka@EAnewsplus 38,190(+1,969)Pt.→ .86( .+5)Res. 0:019:07:02:36(+0:000:22:40:02)
┃◎20 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 37,268(+2,154)Pt.→ .78( .+5)Res. 0:019:20:03:27(+0:001:00:52:38)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus. 32,455( +701)Pt.→ 132( .+3)Res. 0:061:15:59:20(+0:001:04:23:31)
┃◎22 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.... 30,223( +342)Pt.→ 160( .+1)Res. 0:050:16:53:10(+0:000:09:13:24)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 29,431( +775)Pt.→ .62( .+2)Res. 0:022:20:12:01(+0:000:13:51:02)
┃◎24 giryushu@EAnewsplus 28,581( +339)Pt.→ .88( .+2)Res. 0:020:23:41:40(+0:000:06:07:22)
┃◎25 YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus 19,563( +359)Pt.→ .57( .+1)Res. 0:015:10:39:33(+0:000:06:22:47)
┃◎26 shari@EAnewsplus 18,359( +559)Pt.→ .42( .+2)Res. 0:018:08:52:08(+0:000:14:45:25)
┃◎27 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 17,857( +401)Pt.→ .42( .+1)Res. 0:021:21:55:22(+0:000:10:20:49)
┃◎29 Wachutka@EAnewsplus 14,949( +794)Pt.→ .40( .+2)Res. 0:013:22:35:47(+0:000:16:20:35)
┃◎31 1220@EAnewsplus 13,242( +365)Pt.→ .29( .+1)Res. 0:008:14:47:50(+0:000:04:08:29)
┃◎32 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus 12,121( +663)Pt.↑ .23( .+2)Res. 0:010:23:15:33(+0:000:14:27:07)
┃◎33 Yami@EAnewsplus 11,706( +185)Pt.↓ .25( .+1)Res. 0:010:17:20:15(+0:000:08:01:19)
┃◎36 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus. 9,124( +303)Pt.→ .23( .+1)Res. 0:016:01:24:28(+0:000:14:14:46)
∧ ∧
.(*^ー^) <sikasuke@EAnewsplusさん
/⊃⊃ 旦~~ WCGにもいらっさ〜い。お茶どぞ〜
⊂_)_) ━━
データ取得時刻 Wed Aug 01 11:02:12 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (81) r@EAnewsplus ... 26889.0 ... (+373.81) : 350.55 (+1.69)
2. (159) (+3) ... ingot@EAnewsplus .. 14989.62 (+360.58) : 247.9 .. (+11.39)
3. (163) (+5) ... kinta@EAnewsplus .. 14639.58 (+262.88) : 231.94 (+5.08)
4. (463) (-2) ... YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 5610.45 .. (+43.92)... : 59.69 .. (-1.59)
5. (497) (+2) ... solstice@EAnewsplus 5213.43 .. (+148.76) : 82.77 .. (+0.05)
6. (577) (+26) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 4097.74 .. (+256.02) : 85.88 .. (+15.43)
7. (694) (-1) ... tome7x@EAnewsplus 3008.31 .. .. : 40.78 ..
8. (713) (-2) ... Yami@EAnewsplus .. 2850.5 . (+27.21)... : 28.49 .. (+0.43)
9. (837) (+5) ... asakaze@EAnewsplus .. 2044.16 ... (+64.43).. : 10.45 ... (+1.29)
10. (838) (+44) ... KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 2040.8 . (+290.32) : 131.2 .. (+16.55)
19 :
@hangul:2007/08/02(木) 00:22:50 ID:MDH8czee
Λ_Λ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
<=( ´∀` ) < 新スレおめでとうニダ・・ございます。
( ) \__________
| | |
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Λ_Λ < ふぅー、チョパリーのふりはつかれるニダ
<丶`∀´> \____________
( ̄ ⊃・∀・))
| | ̄| ̄
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Λ_Λ < 何見てるニダ。
< `∀´ > \____________
( ̄ ⊃・∀・))
| | ̄| ̄
22 :
<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん:2007/08/02(木) 22:26:34 ID:5X69ByVF
>>21 いらっしゃいませ!(^o^)
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/01〜2007/08/03
Team ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ Points
NCIX.com Forum Folding Team..... ┃ 812 ( )┃196,564 ( +496)┃36│42,520,707 (+198,962)→ .
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere.. ┃1,690 (+1)┃231,498 ( +317)┃37│39,893,013 (+108,467)→ .
Folding@Malaysia ┃1,041 ( )┃328,794 ( +365)┃38│39,752,925 (+125,167)→ .
SpeedGuide.net. ┃ 587 (+1)┃452,501 ( +202)┃39│38,855,410 ( .+57,857)→ .
2ch@PS3 ┃1,988 (+2)┃129,220 (+1,172)┃40│38,091,758 (+337,944)→ .
Team 2ch. ┃2,466 (+1)┃333,674 ( +536)┃41│37,913,282 (+222,362)↑1
Team Lithuania ┃1,522 (+1)┃185,766 ( +372)┃42│37,833,611 (+139,355)↓1
Sudhian Media ┃ 698 ( )┃414,849 ( +152)┃43│36,335,173 ( .+55,596)→ .
F?rum PCs Brasil . ┃1,352 (+3)┃318,315 ( +346)┃44│36,282,438 (+115,191)→ .
LITTLEWHITEDOG ┃ 293 ( )┃270,900 ( +144)┃45│34,766,314 ( .+44,520)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070803&f=20070801&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
┃@team 2ch 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member .4,605 .+14 .-
┃ .result .1,604,499 .+32,098 .3
┃ .point .499,667,805 .+11,936,834 .4
┃ ....time 929:040:14:39:43 +20:177:04:58:59 .6
@Team 2ch.
http://wcg-team2ch.no-ip.info/stat.cgi?c=top10-aa&b=Team+2ch&s=point&u=&m=&bit=&t=20070802&f=20070731 WCGについて
http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/index.jsp http://boinc.oocp.org/indexj.php http://www.geocities.jp/asamayamanobore/BOINC/dounyuu/boincdounyuu2.html http://wcg-team2ch.no-ip.info/
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070731 - 20070802.
┃◎24 @keitaiphs.... 28( .)人 4,084,565(+126,197)Pt.→ 11,531(+344)Res. 8:297:17:02:00(+0:093:18:53:04)
┃◎25 @mobile.. 14( .)人 3,735,744( .+93,223)Pt.→ .9,893(+252)Res. 5:344:07:00:16(+0:052:01:26:02)
┃◎26 @EAnewsplus. 46( .)人 3,601,557( .+96,277)Pt.→ 10,419(+256)Res. 7:179:13:14:49(+0:066:07:35:08)
┃◎27 @UTU. 31( .)人 3,149,202( .+69,035)Pt.→ 18,500(+182)Res. 6:311:01:45:21(+0:052:09:10:28)
┃◎28 @netgame. 23( .)人 3,148,077( .+98,432)Pt.→ 13,432(+260)Res. 4:284:15:02:40(+0:046:12:42:33)
@EAnewsplus. 3,600,000ポイント達成、7年5ヶ月解析時間達成
http://wcg-team2ch.no-ip.info/stat.cgi?c=ita-aa&b=EAnewsplus&s=point&u=&m=&bit=&t=20070802&f=20070731 7月分月報
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 46 人中、提出 32 名です。提出率は 69.6% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070731 - 20070802.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus. 709,331(+12,240)Pt.→ 1,548(+32)Res. 1:334:19:43:11(+0:012:10:00:33)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus 365,844( .+7,995)Pt.→ 843(+22)Res. 0:172:09:38:38(+0:003:21:15:28)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 293,290( .+6,463)Pt.→ 651(+17)Res. 0:235:15:55:07(+0:005:17:54:11)
┃◎. 4 garu@EAnewsplus 260,158( .+3,789)Pt.→ 868(+10)Res. 0:177:05:39:31(+0:002:07:23:38)
┃◎. 5 sharakuh@EAnewsplus 235,582( .+9,142)Pt.→ 532(+23)Res. 0:144:13:57:25(+0:005:10:45:14)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus 181,381( .+3,869)Pt.→ 359(+11)Res. 0:192:14:34:27(+0:003:22:15:08)
┃◎. 8 Hazama@EAnewsplus. 127,901( .+2,094)Pt.→ 277( .+6)Res. 0:081:21:59:02(+0:001:07:37:05)
┃◎. 9 solstice@EAnewsplus 115,754( .+5,515)Pt.→ 264(+15)Res. 0:079:05:19:12(+0:003:17:05:47)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus . 110,590( .+4,571)Pt.→ 255(+13)Res. 0:042:19:28:16(+0:001:19:36:07)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus. 101,991( .+9,214)Pt.↑ 232(+24)Res. 0:061:23:30:03(+0:003:05:35:43)
┃◎12 kinta@EAnewsplus. 96,170( .+2,369)Pt.↓ 229( .+6)Res. 0:055:13:55:13(+0:001:03:55:20)
┃◎13 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 83,555( .+1,585)Pt.↑ 203( .+4)Res. 0:049:03:41:26(+0:000:17:33:31)
┃◎14 hokuto@EAnewsplus. 83,364( .+1,133)Pt.↓ 183( .+3)Res. 0:024:22:36:34(+0:000:06:47:47)
┃◎15 arikui@EAnewsplus 73,235( .+3,126)Pt.→ 169( .+8)Res. 0:046:07:20:32(+0:002:00:40:58)
┃◎16 noclaimer@EAnewsplus 71,347( .+3,241)Pt.→ 173( .+9)Res. 0:086:00:36:04(+0:003:13:40:44)
┃◎18 tera3@EAnewsplus 41,845( .+1,425)Pt.→ .93( .+4)Res. 0:019:09:00:36(+0:000:13:12:07)
┃◎19 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 41,480( .+3,290)Pt.→ .95( .+9)Res. 0:020:22:40:32(+0:001:15:37:56)
┃◎20 taiaki@EAnewsplus 39,458( .+2,190)Pt.→ .83( .+5)Res. 0:020:21:05:30(+0:001:01:02:03)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus . 33,484( .+1,029)Pt.→ 135( .+3)Res. 0:063:09:41:28(+0:001:17:42:08)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus. 30,572( .+1,991)Pt.↑ .94( .+6)Res. 0:021:18:38:45(+0:000:18:57:05)
┃◎24 yumenemi@EAnewsplus. 30,124( .+693)Pt.↓ .64( .+2)Res. 0:023:10:03:30(+0:000:13:51:29)
┃◎25 YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus. 20,838( .+1,275)Pt.→ .60( .+3)Res. 0:016:09:14:02(+0:000:22:34:29)
┃◎26 shari@EAnewsplus. 19,052( .+693)Pt.→ .44( .+2)Res. 0:019:01:14:32(+0:000:16:22:24)
┃◎27 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus. 18,578( .+721)Pt.→ .44( .+2)Res. 0:022:17:55:37(+0:000:20:00:15)
┃◎28 HANA0501@EAnewsplus. 18,114( .+764)Pt.→ .44( .+2)Res. 0:018:23:31:40(+0:000:19:45:32)
┃◎29 Wachutka@EAnewsplus. 15,431( .+482)Pt.→ .41( .+1)Res. 0:014:09:27:59(+0:000:10:52:12)
┃◎31 1220@EAnewsplus. 13,575( .+333)Pt.→ .30( .+1)Res. 0:008:17:51:58(+0:000:03:04:08)
┃◎32 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus. 12,511( .+390)Pt.→ .24( .+1)Res. 0:011:08:07:07(+0:000:08:51:34)
┃◎35 yajishou@EAnewsplus. 10,498( .+382)Pt.→ .23( .+1)Res. 0:008:21:36:27(+0:000:08:32:11)
┃◎36 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus 10,102( .+978)Pt.→ .25( .+2)Res. 0:017:17:24:10(+0:001:15:59:42)
┃◎40 fuji--@EAnewsplus. 5,149( .+360)Pt.→ .40( .+1)Res. 0:005:19:40:27(+0:000:10:50:59)
┃◎42 sikasuke@EAnewsplus 2,935( .初)Pt.↑ 8( .初)Res. 0:001:16:11:40( .初)
データ取得時刻 Fri Aug 03 11:02:09 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (82) (-1) . r@EAnewsplus ... 27502.86 (+310.83) : 340.61 (-4.74)
2. (158) (+2) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 15544.61 (+397.06) : 250.21 (+10.62)
3. (165) (-3) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 15165.33 (+281.04) : 235.43 (+2.58)
4. (465) (-1) YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 5722.18 .. (+23.67)... : 56.54 .. (-2.25)
5. (474) (+8) solstice@EAnewsplus ... 5595.01 ... (+169.37) : 100.96 (+6.5)
6. (559) (+6) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 4411.6 . (+117.49) : 100.45 (+3.81)
7. (703) (-7) tome7x@EAnewsplus 3038.99 .. .. : 37.54 ..
8. (713) (-3) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 2934.52 .. .. : 32.8 .
9. (722) (+90) . KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 2868.7 . (+548.61) : 183.36 (+36.16)
10. (827) (+17) giryushu@EAnewsplus . 2186.07 ... (+163.31) : 88.98 .. (+6.21)
11. (846) (+4) .. HANA0501@EAnewsplus 2070.41 .. (+82.07)... : 48.67 .. (+3.23)
12. (849) (-7) .. asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2044.16 .. .. : 10.45 ..
13. (874) (+6) .. fuji--@EAnewsplus . 1896.8 . (+73.68)... : 32.2 . (-1.05)
14. (912) (-10) tsuka@EAnewsplus 1705.43 ... . : 28.63
15. (937) (-5) .. ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 1557.79 .. .. : 30.53 ..
16. (974) (-8) .. foxy@EAnewsplus 1389.58 .. .. : 30.29 ..
17. (994) (+55) sikasuke@EAnewsplus . 1288.41 ... (+263.81) : 105.16 (+17.17)
18. (1024) (+2) .. yumenemi@EAnewsplus . 1161.99 ... (+26.89).. : 22.2 .. (-0.43)
19. (1524) (-1) .. eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
http://nazuna.sumomo.ne.jp/cgi-bin/tanpaku/split/EAnewsplus.html ★TANPAKUについて★
http://issofty17.is.noda.tus.ac.jp/ http://boinc.oocp.org/indexj.php http://www.geocities.jp/asamayamanobore/BOINC/dounyuu/tanpakusanka.html http://nazuna.sumomo.ne.jp/cgi-bin/tanpaku/
>>19-23 どもどもです〜
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( ・∀・) .( ・∀・) .( ・∀・) .( ・∀・) <チームのみんなー解析おつかれー♪
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>>2-4 >>7
31 :
にっぽつを叫ぶ会:2007/08/04(土) 14:30:38 ID:3lDf2uK8
日報おっ おっ おっ カッチン
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2007/08/03〜2007/08/05のランキング 編集 クリップボードコピー(IE専)
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/03〜2007/08/05
Team . ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
NCIX.com Forum Folding Team.... ┃ 812 ( )┃196,985 ( +421)┃36│42,713,478 (+192,771)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere. ┃1,691 (+1)┃231,777 ( +279)┃37│39,998,099 (+105,086)→
Folding@Malaysia . ┃1,041 ( )┃329,065 ( +271)┃38│39,862,701 (+109,776)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 588 (+1)┃452,695 ( +194)┃39│38,908,651 ( .+53,241)→
2ch@PS3. ┃1,991 (+3)┃130,453 (+1,233)┃40│38,447,942 (+356,184)→
Team 2ch ┃2,469 (+3)┃334,177 ( +503)┃41│38,140,587 (+227,305)→
Team Lithuania . ┃1,522 ( )┃186,039 ( +273)┃42│37,939,883 (+106,272)→
Sudhian Media. ┃ 698 ( )┃414,973 ( +124)┃43│36,385,859 ( .+50,686)→
F?rum PCs Brasil. ┃1,355 (+3)┃318,564 ( +249)┃44│36,368,971 ( .+86,533)→
LITTLEWHITEDOG . ┃ 293 ( )┃271,031 ( +131)┃45│34,811,918 ( .+45,604)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070805&f=20070803&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
┃@team 2ch 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member .4,616 .+11 .-
┃ .result .1,635,600 .+31,101 .2
┃ .point .511,247,803 .+11,579,998 .3
┃ ....time 948:311:12:15:03 +19:270:21:35:20 .6
@Team 2ch.
http://wcg-team2ch.no-ip.info/stat.cgi?c=top10-aa&b=Team+2ch&s=point&u=&m=&bit=&t=20070804&f=20070802 WCGについて
http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/index.jsp http://boinc.oocp.org/indexj.php http://www.geocities.jp/asamayamanobore/BOINC/dounyuu/boincdounyuu2.html http://wcg-team2ch.no-ip.info/
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070802 - 20070804.
┃◎24 @keitaiphs.... 28( .)人 4,199,329(+114,764)Pt.→ 11,849(+318)Res. 9:019:19:18:21(+0:087:02:16:21)
┃◎25 @mobile.. 14( .)人 3,808,154( .+72,410)Pt.→ 10,091(+198)Res. 6:022:23:36:50(+0:043:16:36:34)
┃◎26 @EAnewsplus. 46( .)人 3,693,625( .+92,068)Pt.→ 10,661(+242)Res. 7:241:10:17:51(+0:061:21:03:02)
┃◎27 @netgame. 23( .)人 3,252,384(+104,307)Pt.↑ 13,710(+278)Res. 4:338:09:19:57(+0:053:18:17:17)
┃◎28 @UTU. 31( .)人 3,212,092( .+62,890)Pt.↓ 18,665(+165)Res. 6:359:18:07:11(+0:048:16:21:50)
@EAnewsplus. リザルト30位浮上、7年7ヶ月解析時間達成
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070802 - 20070804.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 718,356(+9,025)Pt.→ 1,571(+23)Res. 1:344:17:46:55(+0:009:22:03:44)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 374,989(+9,145)Pt.→ 868(+25)Res. 0:176:14:29:47(+0:004:04:51:09)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 299,000(+5,710)Pt.→ 665(+14)Res. 0:241:16:48:15(+0:006:00:53:08)
┃◎. 4 garu@EAnewsplus . 264,688(+4,530)Pt.→ 881(+13)Res. 0:179:15:58:43(+0:002:10:19:12)
┃◎. 5 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 244,923(+9,341)Pt.→ 557(+25)Res. 0:150:08:58:04(+0:005:19:00:39)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 185,080(+3,699)Pt.→ 368( .+9)Res. 0:196:04:44:42(+0:003:14:10:15)
┃◎. 8 Hazama@EAnewsplus 130,676(+2,775)Pt.→ 284( .+7)Res. 0:083:15:40:29(+0:001:17:41:27)
┃◎. 9 solstice@EAnewsplus. 119,854(+4,100)Pt.→ 275(+11)Res. 0:082:06:07:31(+0:003:00:48:19)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus. 114,658(+4,068)Pt.→ 266(+11)Res. 0:044:08:38:51(+0:001:13:10:35)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 109,106(+7,115)Pt.→ 251(+19)Res. 0:064:12:02:43(+0:002:12:32:40)
┃◎12 kinta@EAnewsplus 98,987(+2,817)Pt.→ 237( .+8)Res. 0:057:01:40:33(+0:001:11:45:20)
┃◎13 hokuto@EAnewsplus 89,224(+5,860)Pt.↑ 197(+14)Res. 0:026:11:33:48(+0:001:12:57:14)
┃◎14 tome7x@EAnewsplus 85,276(+1,721)Pt.↓ 207( .+4)Res. 0:049:23:44:13(+0:000:20:02:47)
┃◎15 arikui@EAnewsplus. 76,375(+3,140)Pt.→ 178( .+9)Res. 0:048:05:59:06(+0:001:22:38:34)
┃◎16 noclaimer@EAnewsplus. 73,458(+2,111)Pt.→ 179( .+6)Res. 0:088:15:48:06(+0:002:15:12:02)
┃◎18 yutaka@EAnewsplus 45,098(+3,618)Pt.↑ 104( .+9)Res. 0:022:16:45:54(+0:001:18:05:22)
┃◎19 tera3@EAnewsplus. 44,074(+2,229)Pt.↓ .99( .+6)Res. 0:020:05:33:45(+0:000:20:33:09)
┃◎20 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 40,494(+1,036)Pt.→ .85( .+2)Res. 0:021:08:13:22(+0:000:11:07:52)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus. 34,836(+1,352)Pt.→ 139( .+4)Res. 0:065:16:20:41(+0:002:06:39:13)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus 32,037(+1,465)Pt.→ .98( .+4)Res. 0:022:08:32:37(+0:000:13:53:52)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 31,721(+1,597)Pt.↑ .68( .+4)Res. 0:024:13:54:36(+0:001:03:51:06)
┃◎24 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.... 30,570( +347)Pt.↓ 161( .+1)Res. 0:051:02:00:06(+0:000:09:06:56)
┃◎25 YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus 21,230( +392)Pt.→ .61( .+1)Res. 0:016:16:18:33(+0:000:07:04:31)
┃◎27 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 18,957( +379)Pt.→ .45( .+1)Res. 0:023:03:31:59(+0:000:09:36:22)
┃◎28 HANA0501@EAnewsplus 18,497( +383)Pt.→ .45( .+1)Res. 0:019:08:54:14(+0:000:09:22:34)
┃◎29 Wachutka@EAnewsplus 15,881( +450)Pt.→ .42( .+1)Res. 0:014:18:15:30(+0:000:08:47:31)
┃◎30 1220@EAnewsplus 14,055( +480)Pt.↑ .31( .+1)Res. 0:009:06:40:34(+0:000:12:48:36)
┃◎32 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus 12,846( +335)Pt.→ .25( .+1)Res. 0:011:15:05:32(+0:000:06:58:25)
┃◎33 Yami@EAnewsplus 12,150( +444)Pt.→ .26( .+1)Res. 0:011:01:52:35(+0:000:08:32:20)
┃◎35 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus . 10,821( +719)Pt.↑ .27( .+2)Res. 0:019:03:23:30(+0:001:09:59:20)
┃◎36 yajishou@EAnewsplus 10,806( +308)Pt.↓ .24( .+1)Res. 0:009:04:23:31(+0:000:06:47:04)
┃◎42 sikasuke@EAnewsplus. 4,312(+1,377)Pt.→ .12( .+4)Res. 0:002:11:53:24(+0:000:19:41:44)
データ取得時刻 Sun Aug 05 11:02:07 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (80) (+1) r@EAnewsplus ... 27957.65 (+187.59) : 332.08 (-0.63)
2. (159) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 15944.38 (+232.66) : 248.21 (+3.87)
3. (166) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 15506.54 (+129.37) : 228.05 (-3.56)
4. (465) (+9) .. solstice@EAnewsplus 5813.51 .. (+176.44) : 103.73 (+3.55)
5. (468) (-3) .. YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 5790.6 . (+22.16)... : 52.87 .. (-3.82)
6. (544) (+4) .. Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 4741.54 .. (+142.95) : 110.93 (+5.29)
7. (640) (+25) KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 3649.61 .. (+252.55) : 225.06 (+12.89)
8. (700) (+3) .. tome7x@EAnewsplus 3167.27 .. (+61.76)... : 37.55 .. (+2.77)
9. (714) (-2) .. Yami@EAnewsplus .. 2993.99 .. .. : 32.72 ..
10. (815) (+6) . giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 2371.82 .. (+139.76) : 89.44 .. (+2.52)
11. (849) (-3) . HANA0501@EAnewsplus 2093.03 .. .. : 46.15 ..
12. (857) (-2) . asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2044.16 .. .. : 10.45 ..
13. (876) (+3) . fuji--@EAnewsplus . 1923.42 .. (+26.61)... : 28.74 .. (-3.47)
14. (922) (-5) . tsuka@EAnewsplus . 1705.43 .. .. : 28.63 ..
15. (925) (+1) . sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 1676.97 .. (+29.64)... : 126.07... (-5.94)
16. (943) (-2) . ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 1557.79 .. .. : 30.53 ..
17. (980) (-2) . foxy@EAnewsplus 1389.58 .. .. : 30.29 ..
18. (1018) (-1) . yumenemi@EAnewsplus . 1212.99 ... . : 23.0 ..
19. (1526) (-1) . eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
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∧∧ アチュイ…
( ・д・) ,,,. シャクシャク
〜O つヽ、ノ
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/05〜2007/08/06
Team ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ Points
NCIX.com Forum Folding Team ┃ 812 ( )┃197,200 (+215)┃36│42,812,977 ( .+99,499)→ .
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere.. ┃1,691 ( )┃231,943 (+166)┃37│40,056,585 ( .+58,486)→ .
Folding@Malaysia ┃1,041 ( )┃329,209 (+144)┃38│39,911,774 ( .+49,073)→ .
SpeedGuide.net. ┃ 589 (+1)┃452,806 (+111)┃39│38,930,771 ( .+22,120)→ .
2ch@PS3 ┃1,993 (+2)┃131,061 (+608)┃40│38,623,496 (+175,554)→ .
Team 2ch. ┃2,469 ( )┃334,417 (+240)┃41│38,244,545 (+103,958)→ .
Team Lithuania ┃1,523 (+1)┃186,210 (+171)┃42│38,010,156 ( .+70,273)→ .
F?rum PCs Brasil . ┃1,356 (+1)┃318,674 (+110)┃43│36,413,236 ( .+44,265)↑1
Sudhian Media ┃ 698 ( )┃415,025 ( .+52)┃44│36,410,576 ( .+24,717)↓1
LITTLEWHITEDOG ┃ 293 ( )┃271,092 ( .+61)┃45│34,831,996 ( .+20,078)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070806&f=20070805&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070804 - 20070805.
┃◎24 @keitaiphs... 28( .)人 4,256,838(+57,509)Pt.→ 12,008(+159)Res. 9:062:17:09:17(+0:042:21:50:56)
┃◎25 @mobile. 14( .)人 3,837,485(+29,331)Pt.→ 10,169( .+78)Res. 6:041:20:36:18(+0:018:20:59:28)
┃◎26 @EAnewsplus 46( .)人 3,744,139(+50,514)Pt.→ 10,793(+132)Res. 7:276:02:17:26(+0:034:15:59:35)
┃◎27 @netgame 23( .)人 3,303,294(+50,910)Pt.→ 13,847(+137)Res. 5:000:09:37:22(+0:027:00:17:25)
┃◎28 @UTU 31( .)人 3,244,239(+32,147)Pt.→ 18,748( .+83)Res. 7:020:20:39:38(+0:026:02:32:27)
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 46 人中、提出 28 名です。提出率は 60.9% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070804 - 20070805
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 726,023(+7,667)Pt.→ 1,592(+21)Res. 1:352:12:28:47(+0:007:18:41:52)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 377,440(+2,451)Pt.→ 875( .+7)Res. 0:177:18:33:45(+0:001:04:03:58)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 302,648(+3,648)Pt.→ 675(+10)Res. 0:245:09:16:08(+0:003:16:27:53)
┃◎. 4 garu@EAnewsplus. 267,350(+2,662)Pt.→ 888( .+7)Res. 0:180:23:07:40(+0:001:07:08:57)
┃◎. 5 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 249,819(+4,896)Pt.→ 569(+12)Res. 0:153:16:58:43(+0:003:08:00:39)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 187,881(+2,801)Pt.→ 375( .+7)Res. 0:198:19:17:06(+0:002:14:32:24)
┃◎. 8 Hazama@EAnewsplus 132,861(+2,185)Pt.→ 289( .+5)Res. 0:084:21:38:00(+0:001:05:57:31)
┃◎. 9 solstice@EAnewsplus. 120,570( +716)Pt.→ 277( .+2)Res. 0:082:16:00:10(+0:000:09:52:39)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus 117,625(+2,967)Pt.→ 274( .+8)Res. 0:045:13:00:51(+0:001:04:22:00)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 111,263(+2,157)Pt.→ 256( .+5)Res. 0:065:03:24:26(+0:000:15:21:43)
┃◎12 kinta@EAnewsplus . 99,756( +769)Pt.→ 239( .+2)Res. 0:057:11:25:45(+0:000:09:45:12)
┃◎13 hokuto@EAnewsplus 91,345(+2,121)Pt.→ 202( .+5)Res. 0:027:01:52:13(+0:000:14:18:25)
┃◎14 tome7x@EAnewsplus 86,445(+1,169)Pt.→ 210( .+3)Res. 0:050:12:50:50(+0:000:13:06:37)
┃◎15 arikui@EAnewsplus. 78,876(+2,501)Pt.→ 184( .+6)Res. 0:049:20:05:36(+0:001:14:06:30)
┃◎16 noclaimer@EAnewsplus. 73,910( +452)Pt.→ 180( .+1)Res. 0:089:03:59:45(+0:000:12:11:39)
┃◎18 yutaka@EAnewsplus 47,398(+2,300)Pt.→ 110( .+6)Res. 0:023:20:14:45(+0:001:03:28:51)
┃◎19 tera3@EAnewsplus. 46,223(+2,149)Pt.→ 105( .+6)Res. 0:021:01:12:02(+0:000:19:38:17)
┃◎20 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 41,480( +986)Pt.→ .87( .+2)Res. 0:021:19:08:52(+0:000:10:55:30)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus 35,392( +556)Pt.→ 141( .+2)Res. 0:066:14:45:25(+0:000:22:24:44)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus 33,144(+1,107)Pt.→ 101( .+3)Res. 0:022:19:24:00(+0:000:10:51:23)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 32,093( +372)Pt.→ .69( .+1)Res. 0:024:20:03:38(+0:000:06:09:02)
┃◎25 YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus . 21,641( +411)Pt.→ .62( .+1)Res. 0:017:01:33:51(+0:000:09:15:18)
┃◎26 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 19,561( +604)Pt.↑ .47( .+2)Res. 0:024:00:06:06(+0:000:20:34:07)
┃◎27 shari@EAnewsplus . 19,379( +327)Pt.↓ .45( .+1)Res. 0:019:10:19:59(+0:000:09:05:27)
┃◎30 1220@EAnewsplus . 15,180(+1,125)Pt.→ .34( .+3)Res. 0:010:01:54:43(+0:000:19:14:09)
┃◎31 tsuka@EAnewsplus. 14,477( +655)Pt.→ .32( .+2)Res. 0:006:08:04:53(+0:000:07:20:31)
┃◎35 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus. 11,148( +327)Pt.→ .28( .+1)Res. 0:019:18:53:51(+0:000:15:30:21)
┃◎41 sikasuke@EAnewsplus. 4,745( +433)Pt.↑ .13( .+1)Res. 0:002:17:27:20(+0:000:05:33:56)
データ取得時刻 Mon Aug 06 11:02:07 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (79) (+1) . r@EAnewsplus 28275.6 .. (+317.94) : 324.0 .. (-8.08)
2. (156) (+3) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 16177.84 (+233.45) : 248.76 (+0.54)
3. (165) (+1) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 15782.13 (+275.58) : 229.78 (+1.72)
4. (447) (+18) . solstice@EAnewsplus 5897.75 .. (+84.24)... : 102.52... (-1.22)
5. (448) (+20) . YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 5880.34 .. (+89.73)... : 56.21 .. (+3.34)
6. (523) (+21) . Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 4927.57 .. (+186.02) : 120.0 .. (+9.07)
7. (616) (+24) . KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 3739.68 .. (+90.06)... : 221.83... (-3.23)
8. (683) (+17) . tome7x@EAnewsplus 3167.27 .. .. : 37.55 ..
9. (697) (+17) . Yami@EAnewsplus .. 2993.99 .. .. : 32.72 ..
10. (768) (+47) giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 2533.22 .. (+161.39) : 96.82 .. (+7.37)
11. (825) (+24) HANA0501@EAnewsplus 2143.36 .. (+50.33)... : 42.44 .. (-3.72)
12. (834) (+23) asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2044.16 .. .. : 10.45 ..
13. (859) (+66) sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 1877.69 .. (+200.71) : 130.37 (+4.29)
14. (887) (+35) tsuka@EAnewsplus . 1729.61 .. (+24.17)... : 21.5 . (-7.13)
15. (898) (+45) ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 1653.21 .. (+95.41)... : 25.28 .. (-5.25)
16. (991) (+27) yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 1212.99 .. .. : 23.0 .
17. (1496) (+30) eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
http://nazuna.sumomo.ne.jp/cgi-bin/tanpaku/split/EAnewsplus.html ★TANPAKUについて★
http://issofty17.is.noda.tus.ac.jp/ http://boinc.oocp.org/indexj.php http://www.geocities.jp/asamayamanobore/BOINC/dounyuu/tanpakusanka.html http://nazuna.sumomo.ne.jp/cgi-bin/tanpaku/
.。.:*・゜☆. .。*:。.。.:*・☆彡.。.:*・゜☆. .。*:。.
。:*゚゜ / :。
*:。.*:。.。.☆ ∧∧ / .☆゜*・: .。:*゚ チームの皆さん解析お疲れ様です〜
.☆゜*・: .。:*゚ (*゚ー゚)/) 。:*゚゜
。:*゚゜ ⊂ / ゚*:。.*:。.。.:*・゜☆
゚*:。.*:。.。.:*・ ノ 丿 :。
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>>2-4 >>7
더운 것은 일본인의 탓...<'A`;>/덥다
日本的夏天也熱... ('ハ`)/熱
51 :
yutaka:2007/08/08(水) 02:11:23 ID:HEfJcaJ3
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/06〜2007/08/08
Team ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ Points
Russia. ┃1,330 (+4)┃284,454 ( +458)┃36│42,962,373 (+149,243)↓1
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere.. ┃1,693 (+2)┃232,343 ( +400)┃37│40,179,198 (+122,613)→ .
Folding@Malaysia ┃1,041 ( )┃329,648 ( +439)┃38│40,045,902 (+134,128)→ .
SpeedGuide.net. ┃ 589 ( )┃453,005 ( +199)┃39│38,983,366 ( .+52,595)→ .
2ch@PS3 ┃1,998 (+5)┃132,193 (+1,132)┃40│38,951,325 (+327,829)→ .
Team 2ch. ┃2,471 (+2)┃334,939 ( +522)┃41│38,460,894 (+216,349)→ .
Team Lithuania ┃1,523 ( )┃186,626 ( +416)┃42│38,145,938 (+135,782)→ .
F?rum PCs Brasil . ┃1,356 ( )┃319,051 ( +377)┃43│36,532,785 (+119,549)→ .
Sudhian Media ┃ 698 ( )┃415,181 ( +156)┃44│36,465,826 ( .+55,250)→ .
LITTLEWHITEDOG ┃ 294 (+1)┃271,260 ( +168)┃45│34,878,635 ( .+46,639)→ .
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070808&f=20070806&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
┃@team 2ch 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member .4,644 .+18 .-
┃ .result .1,686,741 .+34,818 .2
┃ .point .530,608,933 .+13,233,877 .3
┃ ....time 981:213:23:47:03 +22:162:20:42:27 .6
@Team 2ch.
http://wcg-team2ch.no-ip.info/stat.cgi?c=top10-aa&b=Team+2ch&s=point&u=&m=&bit=&t=20070807&f=20070805 WCGについては
>>2-3 参照
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070805 - 20070807.
┃◎24 @keitaiphs... 28( )人 4,374,735(+117,897)Pt.→ 12,327(+319)Res. 9:153:12:19:37(+0:090:19:10:20)
┃◎25 @mobile. 14( )人 3,899,926( .+62,441)Pt.→ 10,332(+163)Res. 6:077:14:41:23(+0:035:18:05:05)
┃◎26 @EAnewsplus 46( )人 3,847,448(+103,309)Pt.→ 11,059(+266)Res. 7:350:23:31:40(+0:074:21:14:14)
┃◎27 @netgame 23( )人 3,408,496(+105,202)Pt.→ 14,124(+277)Res. 5:052:20:25:03(+0:052:10:47:41)
┃◎28 @UTU 32(+1)人 3,316,839( .+72,600)Pt.→ 18,932(+184)Res. 7:078:06:04:01(+0:057:09:24:23)
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 46 人中、提出 31 名です。提出率は 67.4% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070805 - 20070807.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus. 740,196(+14,173)Pt.→ 1,628(+36)Res. 2:002:21:23:44(+0:015:08:54:57)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus 385,278( .+7,838)Pt.→ 895(+20)Res. 0:181:08:07:49(+0:003:13:34:04)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 312,899(+10,251)Pt.→ 702(+27)Res. 0:254:21:00:21(+0:009:11:44:13)
┃◎. 4 garu@EAnewsplus 273,615( .+6,265)Pt.→ 903(+15)Res. 0:184:16:25:06(+0:003:17:17:26)
┃◎. 5 sharakuh@EAnewsplus 260,425(+10,606)Pt.→ 597(+28)Res. 0:160:09:06:52(+0:006:16:08:09)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus 192,639( .+4,758)Pt.→ 387(+12)Res. 0:203:10:54:40(+0:004:15:37:34)
┃◎. 8 Hazama@EAnewsplus. 135,135( .+2,274)Pt.→ 295( .+6)Res. 0:086:08:00:03(+0:001:10:22:03)
┃◎. 9 solstice@EAnewsplus 124,048( .+3,478)Pt.→ 286( .+9)Res. 0:085:04:48:30(+0:002:12:48:20)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus . 123,423( .+5,798)Pt.→ 290(+16)Res. 0:047:20:21:29(+0:002:07:20:38)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus. 115,896( .+4,633)Pt.→ 269(+13)Res. 0:066:20:10:35(+0:001:16:46:09)
┃◎12 kinta@EAnewsplus . 102,402( .+2,646)Pt.→ 246( .+7)Res. 0:058:19:44:51(+0:001:08:19:06)
┃◎13 hokuto@EAnewsplus. 95,019( .+3,674)Pt.→ 212(+10)Res. 0:028:01:50:14(+0:000:23:58:01)
┃◎14 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 89,413( .+2,968)Pt.→ 218( .+8)Res. 0:051:22:05:09(+0:001:09:14:19)
┃◎15 arikui@EAnewsplus 82,290( .+3,414)Pt.→ 192( .+8)Res. 0:051:23:55:41(+0:002:03:50:05)
┃◎16 noclaimer@EAnewsplus 75,571( .+1,661)Pt.→ 184( .+4)Res. 0:091:05:19:50(+0:002:01:20:05)
┃◎18 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 51,270( .+3,872)Pt.→ 119( .+9)Res. 0:025:17:45:49(+0:001:21:31:04)
┃◎19 tera3@EAnewsplus 48,079( .+1,856)Pt.→ 110( .+5)Res. 0:021:18:55:18(+0:000:17:43:16)
┃◎20 taiaki@EAnewsplus 43,188( .+1,708)Pt.→ .91( .+4)Res. 0:022:15:07:47(+0:000:19:58:55)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus . 36,385( .+993)Pt.→ 145( .+4)Res. 0:068:06:55:02(+0:001:16:09:37)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus. 34,873( .+1,729)Pt.→ 105( .+4)Res. 0:023:21:58:52(+0:001:02:34:52)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus. 32,842( .+749)Pt.→ .71( .+2)Res. 0:025:09:10:54(+0:000:13:07:16)
┃◎24 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus 31,676( .+1,106)Pt.→ 164( .+3)Res. 0:052:07:09:32(+0:001:05:09:26)
┃◎26 shari@EAnewsplus. 20,755( .+1,376)Pt.↑ .48( .+3)Res. 0:020:15:46:34(+0:001:05:26:35)
┃◎27 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus. 20,013( .+452)Pt.↓ .48( .+1)Res. 0:024:11:39:29(+0:000:11:33:23)
┃◎28 HANA0501@EAnewsplus. 18,873( .+376)Pt.→ .46( .+1)Res. 0:019:17:55:15(+0:000:09:01:01)
┃◎29 Wachutka@EAnewsplus. 16,747( .+866)Pt.→ .44( .+2)Res. 0:015:13:25:05(+0:000:19:09:35)
┃◎30 1220@EAnewsplus. 16,031( .+851)Pt.→ .36( .+2)Res. 0:010:15:47:41(+0:000:13:52:58)
┃◎32 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus. 13,555( .+709)Pt.→ .27( .+2)Res. 0:012:06:17:54(+0:000:15:12:22)
┃◎34 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus 12,144( .+996)Pt.↑ .30( .+2)Res. 0:021:23:48:00(+0:002:04:54:09)
┃◎35 yajishou@EAnewsplus. 11,691( .+885)Pt.↑ .26( .+2)Res. 0:009:21:06:23(+0:000:16:42:52)
┃◎40 fuji--@EAnewsplus. 5,497( .+348)Pt.→ .41( .+1)Res. 0:006:07:32:11(+0:000:11:51:44)
データ取得時刻 Wed Aug 08 11:02:08 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (82) (-1) . r@EAnewsplus ... 28812.62 (+240.9).. : 312.3 ... (-8.56)
2. (156) (-1) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 16724.21 (+286.72) : 246.51 (+0.83)
3. (165) (+2) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 16246.85 (+261.09) : 233.49 (+3.22)
4. (452) (+7) solstice@EAnewsplus ... 6197.19 ... (+215.91) : 113.69 (+8.55)
5. (464) . YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 5955.92 .. (+75.58)... : 53.8 . (-2.41)
6. (511) (+10) . Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 5376.42 .. (+257.85) : 138.13 (+14.35)
7. (618) (+14) . KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 3959.33 .. (+172.19) : 192.55 (+0.71)
8. (703) (-1) tome7x@EAnewsplus 3272.27 .. (+43.79)... : 38.77 .. (+0.29)
9. (728) (-5) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 2993.99 .. .. : 32.72 ..
10. (787) (-7) .. giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 2606.86 .. (+0.29) .. : 86.09 .. (-8.08)
11. (847) (-3) .. HANA0501@EAnewsplus 2198.08 .. (+17.96)... : 41.69 .. (-0.27)
12. (863) (-2) .. asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2078.51 .. .. : 8.35 .
13. (865) (+13) fuji--@EAnewsplus 2066.36 ... (+107.13) : 33.67 .. (+3.71)
14. (895) (-4) .. sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 1877.69 .. .. : 130.37
15. (923) (-2) .. tsuka@EAnewsplus . 1729.61 .. .. : 21.5 .
16. (934) ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.. 1653.21 ... . : 25.28
17. (986) (-2) .. foxy@EAnewsplus 1389.58 .. .. : 30.29 ..
18. (1010) (-1) .. yumenemi@EAnewsplus . 1261.95 ... . : 22.07
19. (1534) (-3) .. eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
http://nazuna.sumomo.ne.jp/cgi-bin/tanpaku/split/EAnewsplus.html TANPAKUについては
>>2-3 参照
/ /. | .ヽ \
|| ハ_ハ
ハ_ハ ⊂( ゚∀゚)^) 解析おつかれさまー
チームのみんなー! ('(゚∀゚ )つ ) /
ヽ 〈 (_ノ_ノ
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/08〜2007/08/09
Team ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ Points
Russia ┃1,331 (+1)┃284,677 (+223)┃36│43,036,228 ( .+73,855)→ .
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere....┃1,694 (+1)┃232,532 (+189)┃37│40,247,414 ( .+68,216)→ .
Folding@Malaysia ┃1,042 (+1)┃329,829 (+181)┃38│40,104,585 ( .+58,683)→ .
2ch@PS3 ┃2,001 (+3)┃132,727 (+534)┃39│39,103,610 (+152,285)↑1
SpeedGuide.net. ┃ 589 ( )┃453,071 ( .+66)┃40│39,002,631 ( .+19,265)↓1
Team 2ch. ┃2,472 (+1)┃335,198 (+259)┃41│38,571,598 (+110,704)→ .
Team Lithuania ┃1,524 (+1)┃186,803 (+177)┃42│38,205,371 ( .+59,433)→ .
F?rum PCs Brasil. ┃1,357 (+1)┃319,230 (+179)┃43│36,588,797 ( .+56,012)→ .
Sudhian Media ┃ 698 ( )┃415,247 ( .+66)┃44│36,497,117 ( .+31,291)→ .
LITTLEWHITEDOG ┃ 294 ( )┃271,329 ( .+69)┃45│34,898,511 ( .+19,876)→ .
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070809&f=20070808&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
┃@team 2ch 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member .4,651 +7 .-
┃ .result .1,709,099 .+22,358 .2
┃ .point .539,166,307 +8,557,374 .2
┃ ....time 995:306:03:22:08 +14:092:03:35:05 .6
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070807 - 20070808.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,564(+4)人 1,972,456,980(+4,353,644)Pt.→ 7,156,433(+13,945)Res. 7503:231:16:20:32(+12:179:15:54:30)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 4,651(+7)人 539,166,307(+8,557,374)Pt.↑ 1,709,099(+22,358)Res. .995:306:03:22:08(+14:092:03:35:05)
http://wcg-team2ch.no-ip.info/stat.cgi?c=top10-aa&b=Team+2ch&s=point&u=&m=&bit=&t=20070808&f=20070807 WCGについては
>>2-3 参照
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070807 - 20070808.
┃◎24 @keitaiphs.... 28( )人 4,444,545(+69,810)Pt.→ 12,513(+186)Res. 9:204:03:30:14(+0:050:15:10:37)
┃◎25 @mobile.. 14( )人 3,945,035(+45,109)Pt.→ 10,453(+121)Res. 6:106:14:04:55(+0:028:23:23:32)
┃◎26 @EAnewsplus. 46( )人 3,909,622(+62,174)Pt.→ 11,220(+161)Res. 8:033:10:55:39(+0:047:11:23:59)
┃◎27 @netgame. 25(+2)人 3,479,424(+70,928)Pt.→ 14,307(+183)Res. 5:086:22:05:14(+0:034:01:40:11)
┃◎28 @UTU. 32( )人 3,368,155(+51,316)Pt.→ 19,066(+134)Res. 7:117:10:40:49(+0:039:04:36:48)
@EAnewsplus. 3,900,000ポイント達成、8年1ヶ月解析時間達成、解析時間23位浮上
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 46 人中、提出 30 名です。提出率は 65.2% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070807 - 20070808.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 747,258(+7,062)Pt.→ 1,646(+18)Res. 2:010:09:29:58(+0:007:12:06:14)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 388,071(+2,793)Pt.→ 903( .+8)Res. 0:182:14:57:16(+0:001:06:49:27)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 320,239(+7,340)Pt.→ 720(+18)Res. 0:262:07:05:40(+0:007:10:05:19)
┃◎. 4 garu@EAnewsplus . 276,649(+3,034)Pt.→ 911( .+8)Res. 0:186:10:33:40(+0:001:18:08:34)
┃◎. 5 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 269,608(+9,183)Pt.→ 620(+23)Res. 0:166:12:22:46(+0:006:03:15:54)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 196,408(+3,769)Pt.→ 396( .+9)Res. 0:208:15:21:05(+0:005:04:26:25)
┃◎. 8 Hazama@EAnewsplus 137,834(+2,699)Pt.→ 302( .+7)Res. 0:088:00:06:41(+0:001:16:06:38)
┃◎. 9 pxw10200@EAnewsplus. 126,576(+3,153)Pt.↑ 298( .+8)Res. 0:049:00:23:39(+0:001:04:02:10)
┃◎10 solstice@EAnewsplus. 126,188(+2,140)Pt.↓ 292( .+6)Res. 0:086:14:30:56(+0:001:09:42:26)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 116,230( +334)Pt.→ 270( .+1)Res. 0:066:22:28:14(+0:000:02:17:39)
┃◎12 kinta@EAnewsplus. 104,775(+2,373)Pt.→ 252( .+6)Res. 0:059:23:34:21(+0:001:03:49:30)
┃◎13 hokuto@EAnewsplus 95,477( +458)Pt.→ 213( .+1)Res. 0:028:04:45:48(+0:000:02:55:34)
┃◎14 tome7x@EAnewsplus 90,642(+1,229)Pt.→ 221( .+3)Res. 0:052:12:20:42(+0:000:14:15:33)
┃◎15 arikui@EAnewsplus. 84,466(+2,176)Pt.→ 198( .+6)Res. 0:053:11:05:34(+0:001:11:09:53)
┃◎16 noclaimer@EAnewsplus. 76,324( +753)Pt.→ 186( .+2)Res. 0:092:01:21:26(+0:000:20:01:36)
┃◎17 asakaze@EAnewsplus. 60,309( +353)Pt.→ 415( .+1)Res. 0:048:14:10:05(+0:000:07:18:57)
┃◎18 yutaka@EAnewsplus 54,854(+3,584)Pt.→ 128( .+9)Res. 0:027:10:34:58(+0:001:16:49:09)
┃◎19 tera3@EAnewsplus. 49,087(+1,008)Pt.→ 113( .+3)Res. 0:022:03:25:02(+0:000:08:29:44)
┃◎20 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 45,701(+2,513)Pt.→ .97( .+6)Res. 0:023:21:49:22(+0:001:06:41:35)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus. 36,987( +602)Pt.→ 148( .+3)Res. 0:069:08:16:26(+0:001:01:21:24)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus 35,353( +480)Pt.→ 106( .+1)Res. 0:024:12:37:42(+0:000:14:38:50)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 33,662( +820)Pt.→ .73( .+2)Res. 0:025:23:30:12(+0:000:14:19:18)
┃◎24 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.... 31,975( +299)Pt.→ 165( .+1)Res. 0:052:16:23:53(+0:000:09:14:21)
┃◎25 YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus 21,956( +315)Pt.→ .63( .+1)Res. 0:017:08:31:36(+0:000:06:57:45)
┃◎26 shari@EAnewsplus 21,046( +291)Pt.→ .49( .+1)Res. 0:020:23:04:52(+0:000:07:18:18)
┃◎27 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 20,783( +770)Pt.→ .50( .+2)Res. 0:025:08:13:38(+0:000:20:34:09)
┃◎28 HANA0501@EAnewsplus 19,272( +399)Pt.→ .47( .+1)Res. 0:020:04:07:43(+0:000:10:12:28)
┃◎29 Wachutka@EAnewsplus 17,563( +816)Pt.→ .46( .+2)Res. 0:016:06:47:25(+0:000:17:22:20)
┃◎31 tsuka@EAnewsplus. 14,899( +422)Pt.→ .33( .+1)Res. 0:006:12:15:58(+0:000:04:11:05)
┃◎40 sikasuke@EAnewsplus. 5,751(+1,006)Pt.↑ .16( .+3)Res. 0:003:08:09:04(+0:000:14:41:44)
データ取得時刻 Thu Aug 09 11:02:08 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (82) r@EAnewsplus 29038.6 .. (+225.98) : 303.82 (-8.48)
2. (156) . ingot@EAnewsplus .. 16975.01 (+250.79) : 249.82 (+3.31)
3. (161) (+4) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 16573.99 (+327.14) : 237.05 (+3.55)
4. (439) (+13) . solstice@EAnewsplus ... 6471.29 ... (+274.1).. : 124.33 (+10.64)
5. (469) (-5) YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 5955.92 .. .. : 53.8 .
6. (501) (+10) . Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 5526.1 . (+149.68) : 137.03 (-1.11)
7. (610) (+8) KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 4080.02 .. (+120.68) : 187.92 (-4.64)
8. (704) (-1) tome7x@EAnewsplus 3295.92 .. (+23.64)... : 37.04 .. (-1.73)
9. (729) (-1) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 3056.55 .. (+62.56)... : 24.73 .. (-8.0)
10. (759) (+28) giryushu@EAnewsplus . 2831.15 ... (+224.28) : 97.34 .. (+11.25)
11. (839) (+56) sikasuke@EAnewsplus . 2306.66 ... (+428.96) : 136.91 (+6.54)
12. (841) (+6) .. HANA0501@EAnewsplus 2265.94 .. (+67.85)... : 40.73 .. (-0.96)
13. (869) (-6) .. asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2078.51 .. .. : 8.35 .
14. (872) (-7) .. fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2066.36 .. .. : 33.67 ..
15. (901) (+22) tsuka@EAnewsplus 1872.38 ... (+142.77) : 28.07 .. (+6.57)
16. (936) (-2) .. ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 1653.21 .. .. : 25.28 ..
17. (990) (-4) .. foxy@EAnewsplus 1389.58 .. .. : 30.29 ..
18. (1014) (-4) .. yumenemi@EAnewsplus . 1261.95 ... . : 22.07
19. (1539) (-5) .. eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
(祭) ∧ ∧
Y ( ゚Д゚) <チームの皆さん解析乙だ!ゴルァ!
>>2-4 >>7
>>61 遂にXSを抜いてしまったとですねwwwwwwwww
68 :
<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん:2007/08/10(金) 03:19:36 ID:HtlQrqAz
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/09〜2007/08/10
Team .┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
Russia . ┃1,333 (+2)┃284,896 (+219)┃36│43,112,674 ( .+76,446)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere... ┃1,696 (+2)┃232,702 (+170)┃37│40,307,306 ( .+59,892)→
Folding@Malaysia. ┃1,043 (+1)┃330,003 (+174)┃38│40,166,520 ( .+61,935)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,005 (+4)┃133,276 (+549)┃39│39,263,811 (+160,201)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 590 (+1)┃453,156 ( .+85)┃40│39,023,991 ( .+21,360)→
Team 2ch ┃2,472 ( )┃335,458 (+260)┃41│38,693,741 (+122,143)→
Team Lithuania. ┃1,524 ( )┃186,997 (+194)┃42│38,267,154 ( .+61,783)→
F?rum PCs Brasil ┃1,357 ( )┃319,391 (+161)┃43│36,652,056 ( .+63,259)→
Sudhian Media. ┃ 698 ( )┃415,316 ( .+69)┃44│36,522,516 ( .+25,399)→
LITTLEWHITEDOG. ┃ 294 ( )┃271,382 ( .+53)┃45│34,913,100 ( .+14,589)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070810&f=20070809&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
70 :
<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん:2007/08/10(金) 21:29:04 ID:mx7g9VPJ
┃@team 2ch. 合計 .増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,656 .+5 .-
┃ .result 1,722,660 +13,561 .2
┃ .point 544,278,874 .+5,112,567 .2
┃ ....time 1004:192:23:11:09 +8:251:19:49:01 .6
@Team 2ch. 540,000,000ポイント達成、1004年6ヶ月解析時間達成
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070808 - 20070809.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews 5,569( .+5)人 1,975,787,755(+3,330,775)Pt.→ 7,167,083(+10,650)Res. 7514:013:19:46:02(+10:147:03:25:30)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch 4,656( .+5)人 544,278,874(+5,112,567)Pt.→ 1,722,660(+13,561)Res. 1004:192:23:11:09( .+8:251:19:49:01)
http://wcg-team2ch.no-ip.info/stat.cgi?c=top10-aa&b=Team+2ch&s=point&u=&m=&bit=&t=20070809&f=20070808 WCGについては
>>2-3 参照
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070808 - 20070809.
┃◎24 @doujin . 46( .)人 4,491,354(+31,075)Pt.↓ 13,369( .+83)Res. 8:280:04:32:36(+0:021:14:03:34)
┃◎25 @mobile. 14( .)人 3,969,148(+24,113)Pt.→ 10,518( .+65)Res. 6:119:10:10:56(+0:012:20:06:01)
┃◎26 @EAnewsplus 46( .)人 3,948,129(+38,507)Pt.→ 11,321(+101)Res. 8:063:01:19:29(+0:029:14:23:50)
┃◎27 @netgame 25( .)人 3,525,536(+46,112)Pt.→ 14,427(+120)Res. 5:111:02:54:13(+0:024:04:48:59)
┃◎28 @UTU 32( .)人 3,403,581(+35,426)Pt.→ 19,157( .+91)Res. 7:145:09:57:42(+0:027:23:16:53)
@EAnewsplus. 8年2ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 46 人中、提出 29 名です。提出率は 63% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070808 - 20070809.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 753,751(+6,493)Pt.→ 1,663(+17)Res. 2:017:08:49:31(+0:006:23:19:33)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 391,536(+3,465)Pt.→ 912( .+9)Res. 0:184:03:41:53(+0:001:12:44:37)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 322,828(+2,589)Pt.→ 727( .+7)Res. 0:264:19:29:13(+0:002:12:23:33)
┃◎. 4 garu@EAnewsplus . 278,427(+1,778)Pt.→ 916( .+5)Res. 0:187:14:26:41(+0:001:03:53:01)
┃◎. 5 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 272,748(+3,140)Pt.→ 628( .+8)Res. 0:168:15:49:21(+0:002:03:26:35)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 198,236(+1,828)Pt.→ 401( .+5)Res. 0:210:14:09:12(+0:001:22:48:07)
┃◎. 8 Hazama@EAnewsplus 139,679(+1,845)Pt.→ 307( .+5)Res. 0:089:05:58:40(+0:001:05:51:59)
┃◎. 9 solstice@EAnewsplus. 127,729(+1,541)Pt.↑ 296( .+4)Res. 0:087:22:19:35(+0:001:07:48:39)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus. 127,227( +651)Pt.↓ 300( .+2)Res. 0:049:06:26:06(+0:000:06:02:27)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 116,538( +308)Pt.→ 271( .+1)Res. 0:067:00:35:15(+0:000:02:07:01)
┃◎12 kinta@EAnewsplus. 106,399(+1,624)Pt.→ 256( .+4)Res. 0:060:19:28:39(+0:000:19:54:18)
┃◎13 hokuto@EAnewsplus 96,717(+1,240)Pt.→ 216( .+3)Res. 0:028:12:43:46(+0:000:07:57:58)
┃◎14 tome7x@EAnewsplus 91,348( +706)Pt.→ 223( .+2)Res. 0:052:20:10:14(+0:000:07:49:32)
┃◎15 arikui@EAnewsplus. 86,466(+2,000)Pt.→ 203( .+5)Res. 0:054:15:25:36(+0:001:04:20:02)
┃◎16 noclaimer@EAnewsplus. 76,647( +323)Pt.→ 187( .+1)Res. 0:092:07:32:29(+0:000:06:11:03)
┃◎17 asakaze@EAnewsplus. 60,717( +408)Pt.→ 416( .+1)Res. 0:048:23:44:23(+0:000:09:34:18)
┃◎18 yutaka@EAnewsplus 56,663(+1,809)Pt.→ 133( .+5)Res. 0:028:09:22:01(+0:000:22:47:03)
┃◎19 tera3@EAnewsplus. 50,411(+1,324)Pt.→ 116( .+3)Res. 0:022:15:59:22(+0:000:12:34:20)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus. 37,547( +560)Pt.→ 150( .+2)Res. 0:070:06:55:26(+0:000:22:39:00)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 34,540( +878)Pt.→ .75( .+2)Res. 0:026:14:25:47(+0:000:14:55:35)
┃◎24 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.... 32,370( +395)Pt.→ 166( .+1)Res. 0:053:02:59:05(+0:000:10:35:12)
┃◎25 YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus 22,182( +226)Pt.→ .64( .+1)Res. 0:017:15:30:28(+0:000:06:58:52)
┃◎26 shari@EAnewsplus 21,772( +726)Pt.→ .51( .+2)Res. 0:021:14:58:54(+0:000:15:54:02)
┃◎27 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 21,270( +487)Pt.→ .51( .+1)Res. 0:025:22:07:51(+0:000:13:54:13)
┃◎30 1220@EAnewsplus 16,635( +604)Pt.→ .37( .+1)Res. 0:011:05:29:51(+0:000:13:42:10)
┃◎31 tsuka@EAnewsplus. 15,279( +380)Pt.→ .34( .+1)Res. 0:006:15:37:28(+0:000:03:21:30)
┃◎32 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus 13,962( +407)Pt.→ .28( .+1)Res. 0:012:13:48:46(+0:000:07:30:52)
┃◎33 Yami@EAnewsplus 12,597( +447)Pt.→ .27( .+1)Res. 0:011:11:19:24(+0:000:09:26:49)
┃◎34 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus . 12,469( +325)Pt.→ .31( .+1)Res. 0:022:15:39:29(+0:000:15:51:29)
データ取得時刻 Fri Aug 10 11:02:09 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (82) r@EAnewsplus 29339.75... (+301.15) : 304.75 (+0.92)
2. (155) (+1) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 17281.85 (+306.83) : 251.96 (+2.13)
3. (159) (+2) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 16833.24 (+259.25) : 237.47 (+0.41)
4. (435) (+4) solstice@EAnewsplus ... 6619.02 ... (+147.72) : 128.0 .. (+3.66)
5. (473) (-4) YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 5955.92 .. .. : 53.8 .
6. (497) (+4) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 5667.94 .. (+141.83) : 140.44 (+3.41)
7. (615) (-5) KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 4080.02 .. .. : 187.92
8. (704) . tome7x@EAnewsplus 3340.67 .. (+44.75)... : 38.01 .. (+0.96)
9. (732) (-3) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 3056.55 .. .. : 24.73 ..
10. (748) (+91) sikasuke@EAnewsplus . 2929.02 ... (+622.36) : 177.83 (+40.91)
11. (768) (-9) .. giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 2831.15 .. .. : 97.34 ..
12. (845) (-4) .. HANA0501@EAnewsplus 2280.17 .. (+14.22)... : 38.57 .. (-2.16)
13. (856) (+13) asakaze@EAnewsplus .. 2176.11 ... (+97.6) . : 13.86 ... (+5.5)
14. (869) (+3) .. fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2121.14 .. (+54.77)... : 30.97 .. (-2.7)
15. (894) (+7) .. tsuka@EAnewsplus . 1932.61 .. (+60.22)... : 31.21 .. (+3.13)
16. (934) (+2) .. ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 1691.14 .. (+37.93)... : 19.66 .. (-5.63)
17. (992) (-2) .. foxy@EAnewsplus 1389.58 .. .. : 30.29 ..
18. (998) (+16) yumenemi@EAnewsplus . 1341.51 ... (+79.56).. : 23.68 ... (+1.61)
19. (1542) (-3) .. eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
http://nazuna.sumomo.ne.jp/cgi-bin/tanpaku/split/EAnewsplus.html TANPAKUについては
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゙i, ;;, :;; ,,;;;;;,, _,,,....:::r‐'''''"~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| | 詳しくは
>>2-4 >>7 ゙t;, ;;;;: _,,..r'''"~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::、:ヽ::::::::::::::::::,! .,!
゙ヽ. '';;,, |i, ゙i,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::、::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,! !
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 ̄ ̄ ̄
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/10〜2007/08/12
Team .┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
Russia . ┃1,334 (+1)┃285,259 ( +363)┃36│43,249,694 (+137,020)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere...┃1,697 (+1)┃233,047 ( +345)┃37│40,414,148 (+106,842)→
Folding@Malaysia. ┃1,044 (+1)┃330,301 ( +298)┃38│40,282,703 (+116,183)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,011 (+6)┃134,331 (+1,055)┃39│39,566,944 (+303,133)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 591 (+1)┃453,322 ( +166)┃40│39,070,996 ( .+47,005)→
Team 2ch ┃2,473 (+1)┃335,961 ( +503)┃41│38,918,262 (+224,521)→
Team Lithuania. ┃1,524 ( )┃187,336 ( +339)┃42│38,373,625 (+106,471)→
F?rum PCs Brasil ┃1,358 (+1)┃319,687 ( +296)┃43│36,759,215 (+107,159)→
Sudhian Media. ┃ 698 ( )┃415,432 ( +116)┃44│36,569,712 ( .+47,196)→
LITTLEWHITEDOG. ┃ 294 ( )┃271,522 ( +140)┃45│34,953,085 ( .+39,985)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070812&f=20070810&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,676 .+20 .-
┃ .result 1,751,923 .+29,263 .2
┃ .point 555,182,698 .+10,903,824 .2
┃ ....time 1022:295:21:10:25 +18:102:21:59:16 .6
@Team 2ch.
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070809 - 20070811.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,579(+10)人 1,982,692,618( .+6,904,863)Pt.→ 7,188,449(+21,366)Res. 7535:118:10:59:07(+21:104:15:13:05)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 4,676(+20)人 555,182,698(+10,903,824)Pt.→ 1,751,923(+29,263)Res. 1022:295:21:10:25(+18:102:21:59:16)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070809 - 20070811.
┃◎23 @bicycle. 33( .)人 4,554,360( .+61,584)Pt.↓ 16,972(+165)Res. 8:107:07:38:30(+0:041:00:45:16)
┃◎24 @doujin 46( .)人 4,554,054( .+62,700)Pt.→ 13,538(+169)Res. 8:326:07:24:06(+0:046:02:51:30)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus. 46( .)人 4,035,982( .+87,853)Pt.↑ 11,550(+229)Res. 8:127:09:58:18(+0:064:08:38:49)
┃◎26 @mobile.. 14( .)人 4,020,546( .+51,398)Pt.↓ 10,660(+142)Res. 6:147:03:54:02(+0:027:17:43:06)
┃◎27 @netgame. 25( .)人 3,635,993(+110,457)Pt.→ 14,725(+298)Res. 5:169:00:40:57(+0:057:21:46:44)
@EAnewsplus. 4,000,000ポイント達成、ポイント25位浮上、8年4ヶ月解析時間達成、解析時間22位浮上
http://wcg-team2ch.no-ip.info/stat.cgi?c=ita-aa&b=EAnewsplus&s=point&u=&m=&bit=&t=20070811&f=20070809 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 46 人中、提出 31 名です。提出率は 67.4% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070809 - 20070811.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus. 764,760(+11,009)Pt.→ 1,692(+29)Res. 2:028:01:06:25(+0:010:16:16:54)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus 402,138(+10,602)Pt.→ 939(+27)Res. 0:188:21:49:16(+0:004:18:07:23)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 332,484( .+9,656)Pt.→ 752(+25)Res. 0:274:08:57:36(+0:009:13:28:23)
┃◎. 4 garu@EAnewsplus 282,719( .+4,292)Pt.→ 926(+10)Res. 0:190:07:22:34(+0:002:16:55:53)
┃◎. 5 sharakuh@EAnewsplus 280,274( .+7,526)Pt.→ 648(+20)Res. 0:174:00:43:45(+0:005:08:54:24)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus 202,373( .+4,137)Pt.→ 412(+11)Res. 0:214:18:39:37(+0:004:04:30:25)
┃◎. 8 Hazama@EAnewsplus. 142,758( .+3,079)Pt.→ 315( .+8)Res. 0:091:02:52:06(+0:001:20:53:26)
┃◎. 9 pxw10200@EAnewsplus . 132,848( .+5,621)Pt.↑ 315(+15)Res. 0:051:10:05:38(+0:002:03:39:32)
┃◎10 solstice@EAnewsplus 130,283( .+2,554)Pt.↓ 303( .+7)Res. 0:090:02:33:27(+0:002:04:13:52)
┃◎12 kinta@EAnewsplus . 106,795( .+396)Pt.→ 257( .+1)Res. 0:061:00:03:00(+0:000:04:34:21)
┃◎13 hokuto@EAnewsplus. 97,681( .+964)Pt.→ 218( .+2)Res. 0:028:18:10:40(+0:000:05:26:54)
┃◎14 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 93,727( .+2,379)Pt.→ 229( .+6)Res. 0:053:22:13:34(+0:001:02:03:20)
┃◎15 arikui@EAnewsplus 89,749( .+3,283)Pt.→ 212( .+9)Res. 0:056:16:23:48(+0:002:00:58:12)
┃◎16 noclaimer@EAnewsplus 77,435( .+788)Pt.→ 189( .+2)Res. 0:093:15:16:39(+0:001:07:44:10)
┃◎17 asakaze@EAnewsplus 61,991( .+1,274)Pt.→ 419( .+3)Res. 0:050:07:43:07(+0:001:07:58:44)
┃◎18 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 59,120( .+2,457)Pt.→ 140( .+7)Res. 0:029:15:25:06(+0:001:06:03:05)
┃◎19 tera3@EAnewsplus 51,135( .+724)Pt.→ 118( .+2)Res. 0:022:22:30:16(+0:000:06:30:54)
┃◎20 taiaki@EAnewsplus 46,539( .+838)Pt.→ .99( .+2)Res. 0:024:07:57:28(+0:000:10:08:06)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus . 38,767( .+1,220)Pt.→ 154( .+4)Res. 0:072:08:29:04(+0:002:01:33:38)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus. 35,733( .+380)Pt.→ 107( .+1)Res. 0:025:00:00:24(+0:000:11:22:42)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus. 35,282( .+742)Pt.→ .77( .+2)Res. 0:027:03:41:12(+0:000:13:15:25)
┃◎24 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus 32,770( .+400)Pt.→ 167( .+1)Res. 0:053:16:47:39(+0:000:13:48:34)
┃◎25 YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus. 22,685( .+503)Pt.→ .65( .+1)Res. 0:018:01:57:19(+0:000:10:26:51)
┃◎26 shari@EAnewsplus. 22,126( .+354)Pt.→ .52( .+1)Res. 0:021:23:42:29(+0:000:08:43:35)
┃◎27 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus. 22,090( .+820)Pt.→ .53( .+2)Res. 0:026:18:27:56(+0:000:20:20:05)
┃◎28 HANA0501@EAnewsplus. 19,659( .+387)Pt.→ .48( .+1)Res. 0:020:13:32:05(+0:000:09:24:22)
┃◎29 Wachutka@EAnewsplus. 18,305( .+742)Pt.→ .48( .+2)Res. 0:016:22:34:50(+0:000:15:47:25)
┃◎30 1220@EAnewsplus. 17,717( .+1,082)Pt.→ .40( .+3)Res. 0:011:22:44:18(+0:000:17:14:27)
┃◎31 tsuka@EAnewsplus 15,715( .+436)Pt.→ .35( .+1)Res. 0:006:20:02:28(+0:000:04:25:00)
┃◎32 sikasuke@EAnewsplus. 14,211( .+8,460)Pt.↑ .38(+22)Res. 0:007:07:55:22(+0:003:23:46:18)
┃◎34 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus 13,217( .+748)Pt.→ .33( .+2)Res. 0:024:03:41:58(+0:001:12:02:29)
データ取得時刻 Sun Aug 12 11:02:07 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (83) (-1) . r@EAnewsplus ... 29763.17 (+211.6).. : 296.28 (+2.72)
2. (155) . ingot@EAnewsplus .. 17772.98 (+233.17) : 255.09 (+4.5)
3. (158) . kinta@EAnewsplus .. 17173.05 (+116.29) : 234.61 (-8.51)
4. (427) (-6) solstice@EAnewsplus ... 6824.51 ... (+12.13).. : 128.53 (-3.64)
5. (472) (+3) YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6079.42 .. (+98.06)... : 47.44 .. (+4.19)
6. (492) (+1) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 5798.43 .. (+38.18)... : 126.7 .. (-5.27)
7. (591) (+17) . KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 4435.53 .. (+213.53) : 169.49 (+5.82)
8. (617) (+66) . sikasuke@EAnewsplus . 4172.53 ... (+684.56) : 262.92 (+45.75)
9. (686) (+13) . tome7x@EAnewsplus 3509.93 .. (+88.2) .. : 44.89 .. (+4.66)
10. (741) (-4) .. Yami@EAnewsplus .. 3056.55 .. .. : 24.73 ..
11. (762) giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 2927.28 .. (+41.22)... : 81.28 .. (-10.24)
12. (851) (-4) .. HANA0501@EAnewsplus 2297.97 .. (+17.8) .. : 35.14 .. (-3.44)
13. (869) (-5) .. asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2176.11 .. .. : 13.86 ..
14. (880) (-4) .. fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2121.14 .. .. : 30.97 ..
15. (902) (-5) .. tsuka@EAnewsplus . 1932.61 .. .. : 31.21 ..
16. (918) (+19) ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.. 1816.02 ... (+124.88) : 28.96 .. (+9.29)
17. (1000) (-1) .. foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
18. (1005) (-1) .. yumenemi@EAnewsplus . 1341.51 ... . : 23.68
19. (1549) (-4) .. eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
__ カキーーン | |
| | __ __ __ __ . ‖
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>>2-4 >>7
84 :
にっぽつを叫ぶ会:2007/08/13(月) 00:44:49 ID:9nayF5Sv
(祭) .∧∧
Y (*゚ー゚) <にっぽつ
>>83 AAを理解するのに5分程かかった orz
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/12〜2007/08/13
Team .┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
Russia . ┃1,335 (+1)┃285,461 (+202)┃36│43,328,652 ( .+78,958)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere... ┃1,697 ( )┃233,241 (+194)┃37│40,483,355 ( .+69,207)→
Folding@Malaysia. ┃1,044 ( )┃330,467 (+166)┃38│40,330,546 ( .+47,843)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,013 (+2)┃134,829 (+498)┃39│39,711,079 (+144,135)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 591 ( )┃453,417 ( .+95)┃40│39,100,592 ( .+29,596)→
Team 2ch ┃2,473 ( )┃336,203 (+242)┃41│39,024,992 (+106,730)→
Team Lithuania. ┃1,524 ( )┃187,527 (+191)┃42│38,434,135 ( .+60,510)→
F?rum PCs Brasil ┃1,359 (+1)┃319,823 (+136)┃43│36,813,342 ( .+54,127)→
Sudhian Media. ┃ 698 ( )┃415,485 ( .+53)┃44│36,593,611 ( .+23,899)→
LITTLEWHITEDOG. ┃ 294 ( )┃271,601 ( .+79)┃45│34,975,202 ( .+22,117)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070813&f=20070812&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,688 .+12 .-
┃ .result 1,769,818 .+17,895 .2
┃ .point 561,866,963 +6,684,265 .2
┃ ....time 1033:321:08:55:24 +11:025:11:44:59 .6
@Team 2ch.
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070811 - 20070812.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews 5,585( .+6)人 1,986,514,173(+3,821,555)Pt.→ 7,199,590(+11,141)Res. 7546:285:19:00:26(+11:167:08:01:19)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch 4,688(+12)人 561,866,963(+6,684,265)Pt.→ 1,769,818(+17,895)Res. 1033:321:08:55:24(+11:025:11:44:59)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070811 - 20070812.
┃◎23 @bicycle 33( .)人 4,589,021(+34,661)Pt.→ 17,065( .+93)Res. 8:130:17:45:26(+0:023:10:06:56)
┃◎24 @doujin . 46( .)人 4,587,179(+33,125)Pt.→ 13,627( .+89)Res. 8:353:11:08:54(+0:027:03:44:48)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus 46( .)人 4,091,979(+55,997)Pt.→ 11,699(+149)Res. 8:166:14:27:06(+0:039:04:28:48)
┃◎26 @mobile. 14( .)人 4,058,561(+38,015)Pt.→ 10,762(+102)Res. 6:167:07:34:04(+0:020:03:40:02)
┃◎27 @netgame 25( .)人 3,686,003(+50,010)Pt.→ 14,858(+133)Res. 5:193:04:25:46(+0:024:03:44:49)
@EAnewsplus. 8年5ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 46 人中、提出 24 名です。提出率は 52.2% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070811 - 20070812.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 771,221(+6,461)Pt.→ 1,709(+17)Res. 2:035:01:03:55(+0:006:23:57:30)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 406,997(+4,859)Pt.→ 952(+13)Res. 0:191:02:56:11(+0:002:05:06:55)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 338,547(+6,063)Pt.→ 768(+16)Res. 0:280:20:09:25(+0:006:11:11:49)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 286,480(+6,206)Pt.↑ 663(+15)Res. 0:178:08:35:16(+0:004:07:51:31)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus . 284,254(+1,535)Pt.↓ 930( .+4)Res. 0:191:18:20:05(+0:001:10:57:31)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 204,357(+1,984)Pt.→ 417( .+5)Res. 0:216:17:09:26(+0:001:22:29:49)
┃◎. 7 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 174,801( +768)Pt.→ 1,953( .+2)Res. 0:122:19:33:26(+0:000:11:10:30)
┃◎. 8 Hazama@EAnewsplus 143,922(+1,164)Pt.→ 318( .+3)Res. 0:091:19:34:37(+0:000:16:42:31)
┃◎. 9 pxw10200@EAnewsplus. 135,804(+2,956)Pt.→ 324( .+9)Res. 0:052:14:01:05(+0:001:03:55:27)
┃◎10 solstice@EAnewsplus. 131,040( +757)Pt.→ 305( .+2)Res. 0:090:18:49:30(+0:000:16:16:03)
┃◎12 kinta@EAnewsplus. 107,733( +938)Pt.→ 260( .+3)Res. 0:061:12:58:11(+0:000:12:55:11)
┃◎14 tome7x@EAnewsplus 96,178(+2,451)Pt.→ 236( .+7)Res. 0:055:01:40:23(+0:001:03:26:49)
┃◎15 arikui@EAnewsplus. 90,771(+1,022)Pt.→ 215( .+3)Res. 0:057:08:47:53(+0:000:16:24:05)
┃◎18 yutaka@EAnewsplus 61,961(+2,841)Pt.→ 147( .+7)Res. 0:031:00:17:16(+0:001:08:52:10)
┃◎19 tera3@EAnewsplus. 52,728(+1,593)Pt.→ 122( .+4)Res. 0:023:13:00:12(+0:000:14:29:56)
┃◎20 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 49,165(+2,626)Pt.→ 106( .+7)Res. 0:025:15:48:58(+0:001:07:51:30)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus. 39,314( +547)Pt.→ 156( .+2)Res. 0:073:06:54:38(+0:000:22:25:34)
┃◎22 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 36,002( +720)Pt.↑ .79( .+2)Res. 0:027:16:16:04(+0:000:12:34:52)
┃◎24 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.... 33,108( +338)Pt.→ 168( .+1)Res. 0:054:03:12:56(+0:000:10:25:17)
┃◎26 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 22,355( +265)Pt.↑ .54( .+1)Res. 0:027:01:40:07(+0:000:07:12:11)
┃◎28 sikasuke@EAnewsplus 21,683(+7,472)Pt.↑ .57(+19)Res. 0:010:12:08:42(+0:003:04:13:20)
┃◎29 HANA0501@EAnewsplus 19,942( +283)Pt.↓ .49( .+1)Res. 0:020:21:19:42(+0:000:07:47:37)
┃◎30 1220@EAnewsplus 19,534(+1,817)Pt.→ .45( .+5)Res. 0:013:05:26:03(+0:001:06:41:45)
┃◎32 tsuka@EAnewsplus. 16,046( +331)Pt.↓ .36( .+1)Res. 0:006:23:31:23(+0:000:03:28:55)
データ取得時刻 Mon Aug 13 11:02:08 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (83) .. r@EAnewsplus ... 30130.01 (+366.83).. : 294.81 (-1.48)
2. (154) (+1) . ingot@EAnewsplus .. 17984.45 (+211.46).. : 254.34 (-0.75)
3. (160) (-2) . kinta@EAnewsplus .. 17369.12 (+196.06).. : 223.99 (-10.62)
4. (421) (+6) . solstice@EAnewsplus 6921.76 .. (+97.25) .. : 120.09... (-8.45)
5. (469) (+3) . YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6128.8 . (+49.37) .. : 49.06 .. (+1.62)
6. (490) (+127) sikasuke@EAnewsplus . 5861.46 ... (+1688.93) : 396.49 (+133.56)
7. (493) (-1) . Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 5824.37 .. (+25.93) .. : 123.32... (-3.38)
8. (578) (+13) .. KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 4683.36 .. (+247.83)... : 175.96... (+6.47)
9. (680) (+6) . tome7x@EAnewsplus 3578.15 .. (+68.21) .. : 46.63 .. (+1.74)
10. (751) (-10) . Yami@EAnewsplus .. 3056.55 .. . : 24.73 ..
11. (768) (-6) giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 2927.28 .. . : 81.28 ..
12. (843) (+8) HANA0501@EAnewsplus 2380.09 .. (+82.12) .. : 38.87 .. (+3.72)
13. (873) (-4) asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2176.11 .. . : 13.86 ..
14. (882) (-2) fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2121.14 .. . : 30.97 ..
15. (894) (+8) tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2008.86 .. (+76.25) .. : 29.82 .. (-1.39)
16. (919) (-1) ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 1816.02 .. . : 28.96 ..
17. (998) (+7) yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 1418.06 .. (+76.55) .. : 24.95 .. (+1.27)
18. (1003) (-3) foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... : 30.29
19. (1554) (-5) eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 . : 1.96 .
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>>2-4 >>7
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/13〜2007/08/14
Team ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ Points
Futuremark.com ┃1,244 ( )┃508,209 (+114)┃35│43,666,319 ( .+50,150)↓1
Russia ┃1,336 (+1)┃285,701 (+240)┃36│43,404,908 ( .+76,256)→ .
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere....┃1,698 (+1)┃233,426 (+185)┃37│40,544,949 ( .+61,594)→ .
Folding@Malaysia ┃1,044 ( )┃330,658 (+191)┃38│40,398,565 ( .+68,019)→ .
2ch@PS3 ┃2,018 (+5)┃135,336 (+507)┃39│39,858,331 (+147,252)→ .
Team 2ch. ┃2,474 (+1)┃336,456 (+253)┃40│39,134,656 (+109,664)↑1
SpeedGuide.net. ┃ 592 (+1)┃453,527 (+110)┃41│39,129,381 ( .+28,789)↓1
Team Lithuania ┃1,524 ( )┃187,724 (+197)┃42│38,499,589 ( .+65,454)→ .
F?rum PCs Brasil. ┃1,359 ( )┃319,981 (+158)┃43│36,867,271 ( .+53,929)→ .
Sudhian Media ┃ 698 ( )┃415,556 ( .+71)┃44│36,619,971 ( .+26,360)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070814&f=20070813&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 .増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,695 .+7 .-
┃ .result 1,785,792 +15,974 .2
┃ .point 567,829,650 .+5,962,687 .2
┃ ....time 1043:297:14:57:45 +9:341:06:02:21 .5
@Team 2ch.
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070812 - 20070813.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews 5,588( .+3)人 1,990,186,941(+3,672,768)Pt.→ 7,210,909(+11,319)Res. 7557:357:01:09:52(+11:071:06:09:26)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch 4,695( .+7)人 567,829,650(+5,962,687)Pt.→ 1,785,792(+15,974)Res. 1043:297:14:57:45( .+9:341:06:02:21)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070812 - 20070813.
┃◎23 @doujin . 46( .)人 4,621,423(+34,244)Pt.↑ 13,718( .+91)Res. 9:013:19:02:02(+0:025:07:53:08)
┃◎24 @bicycle 33( .)人 4,617,029(+28,008)Pt.↓ 17,142( .+77)Res. 8:149:14:02:18(+0:018:20:16:52)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus 46( .)人 4,137,143(+45,164)Pt.→ 11,816(+117)Res. 8:198:06:06:40(+0:031:15:39:34)
┃◎26 @mobile. 14( .)人 4,094,305(+35,744)Pt.→ 10,858( .+96)Res. 6:184:14:35:34(+0:017:07:01:30)
┃◎27 @netgame 25( .)人 3,736,795(+50,792)Pt.→ 14,994(+136)Res. 5:219:03:04:00(+0:025:22:38:14)
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 46 人中、提出 24 名です。提出率は 52.2% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070812 - 20070813
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 776,554(+5,333)Pt.→ 1,723(+14)Res. 2:040:12:17:54(+0:005:11:13:59)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 411,743(+4,746)Pt.→ 965(+13)Res. 0:193:08:52:43(+0:002:05:56:32)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 342,495(+3,948)Pt.→ 779(+11)Res. 0:285:09:20:42(+0:004:13:11:17)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 290,048(+3,568)Pt.→ 672( .+9)Res. 0:180:13:33:52(+0:002:04:58:36)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus. 289,094(+4,840)Pt.→ 943(+13)Res. 0:194:10:01:38(+0:002:15:41:33)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 206,653(+2,296)Pt.→ 423( .+6)Res. 0:219:03:20:03(+0:002:10:10:37)
┃◎. 7 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 176,370(+1,569)Pt.→ 1,956( .+3)Res. 0:123:19:51:48(+0:001:00:18:22)
┃◎. 8 Hazama@EAnewsplus 145,072(+1,150)Pt.→ 321( .+3)Res. 0:092:11:34:50(+0:000:16:00:13)
┃◎. 9 pxw10200@EAnewsplus 137,509(+1,705)Pt.→ 329( .+5)Res. 0:053:05:50:09(+0:000:15:49:04)
┃◎10 solstice@EAnewsplus. 131,890( +850)Pt.→ 307( .+2)Res. 0:091:06:35:29(+0:000:11:45:59)
┃◎12 kinta@EAnewsplus 108,919(+1,186)Pt.→ 263( .+3)Res. 0:062:05:45:12(+0:000:16:47:01)
┃◎14 tome7x@EAnewsplus 97,338(+1,160)Pt.→ 239( .+3)Res. 0:055:13:49:16(+0:000:12:08:53)
┃◎15 arikui@EAnewsplus. 92,909(+2,138)Pt.→ 220( .+5)Res. 0:058:18:21:13(+0:001:09:33:20)
┃◎17 yutaka@EAnewsplus 65,209(+3,248)Pt.↑ 155( .+8)Res. 0:032:16:54:46(+0:001:16:37:30)
┃◎18 asakaze@EAnewsplus. 62,461( +470)Pt.↓ 420( .+1)Res. 0:050:18:27:46(+0:000:10:44:39)
┃◎19 tera3@EAnewsplus. 54,138(+1,410)Pt.→ 126( .+4)Res. 0:024:01:55:58(+0:000:12:55:46)
┃◎20 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 50,654(+1,489)Pt.→ 110( .+4)Res. 0:026:09:05:06(+0:000:17:16:08)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus 39,795( +481)Pt.→ 157( .+1)Res. 0:074:03:16:10(+0:000:20:21:32)
┃◎22 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 36,398( +396)Pt.→ .80( .+1)Res. 0:027:23:28:16(+0:000:07:12:12)
┃◎25 sikasuke@EAnewsplus 22,975(+1,292)Pt.↑ .60( .+3)Res. 0:011:03:28:10(+0:000:15:19:28)
┃◎26 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 22,721( +366)Pt.→ .55( .+1)Res. 0:027:10:26:06(+0:000:08:45:59)
┃◎29 1220@EAnewsplus . 19,983( +449)Pt.↑ .46( .+1)Res. 0:013:10:01:39(+0:000:04:35:36)
┃◎31 Wachutka@EAnewsplus . 18,967( +662)Pt.→ .50( .+2)Res. 0:017:16:46:02(+0:000:18:11:12)
┃◎32 tsuka@EAnewsplus. 16,458( +412)Pt.→ .37( .+1)Res. 0:007:03:35:29(+0:000:04:04:06)
1. 860999.03 @jisaku
2. 752163.98 @news
3. 357744.91 @mmo
4. 333400.66 @newsVIP
5. 325598.99 @soccer
6. 317407.56 @utu
7. 287537.41 @bike
8. 234220.87 @male
9. 233130.86 @newsplus
10. 210184.22 @download
11. 207890.51 @lounge
12. 179250.00 @swf
13. 153708.44 @leafkey
14. 145562.91 @stg
15. 136353.48 @watch
16. 122469.53 @hangul
17. 117807.85 @EAnewsplus
18. 110269.25 @livevenus
19. 96458.55 @prog
20. 94985.31 @newslive
| ほんの少しCPUパワー |
| 貸してもらえませんか? |
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
∧_∧ || サッ!
( ・ω・)と) パソコンでできるボランティア
. ( つ|| 詳しくは
>>2-3 >>7 と_)_) ||
102 :
一日一乙:2007/08/15(水) 00:20:57 ID:I1LsOshc
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/14〜2007/08/16
Team .┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
Futuremark.com . ┃1,245 (+1)┃508,442 ( +233)┃35│43,760,984 ( .+94,665)→
Russia . ┃1,337 (+1)┃286,165 ( +464)┃36│43,573,300 (+168,392)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere...┃1,699 (+1)┃233,774 ( +348)┃37│40,653,702 (+108,753)→
Folding@Malaysia. ┃1,044 ( )┃331,015 ( +357)┃38│40,520,670 (+122,105)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,025 (+7)┃136,356 (+1,020)┃39│40,153,402 (+295,071)→
Team 2ch ┃2,474 ( )┃336,943 ( +487)┃40│39,361,271 (+226,615)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 593 (+1)┃453,743 ( +216)┃41│39,189,589 ( .+60,208)→
Team Lithuania. ┃1,524 ( )┃188,127 ( +403)┃42│38,625,853 (+126,264)→
F?rum PCs Brasil ┃1,361 (+2)┃320,300 ( +319)┃43│36,976,284 (+109,013)→
Sudhian Media. ┃ 698 ( )┃415,677 ( +121)┃44│36,679,320 ( .+59,349)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070816&f=20070814&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,707 .+12 .-
┃ .result 1,816,553 .+30,761 .2
┃ .point 579,402,391 .+11,572,741 .2
┃ ....time 1062:346:00:26:21 +19:048:09:28:36 .5
@Team 2ch.
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070813 - 20070815.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews 5,600( .+12)人 1,997,391,957( .+7,205,016)Pt.→ 7,233,176(+22,267)Res. 7579:352:05:30:27(+21:360:04:20:35)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch 4,707( .+12)人 579,402,391(+11,572,741)Pt.→ 1,816,553(+30,761)Res. 1062:346:00:26:21(+19:048:09:28:36)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070813 - 20070815.
┃◎23 @doujin 46( .)人 4,670,419( .+48,996)Pt.→ 13,842(+124)Res. 9:050:13:16:14(+0:036:18:14:12)
┃◎24 @bicycle. 33( .)人 4,666,134( .+49,105)Pt.→ 17,272(+130)Res. 8:184:20:14:43(+0:035:06:12:25)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus. 46( .)人 4,216,899( .+79,756)Pt.→ 12,024(+208)Res. 8:252:14:23:57(+0:054:08:17:17)
┃◎26 @mobile.. 14( .)人 4,181,104( .+86,799)Pt.→ 11,091(+233)Res. 6:229:01:09:49(+0:044:10:34:15)
┃◎27 @netgame. 25( .)人 3,851,741(+114,946)Pt.→ 15,294(+300)Res. 5:275:06:54:47(+0:056:03:50:47)
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 46 人中、提出 26 名です。提出率は 56.5% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070813 - 20070815.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus. 789,911(+13,357)Pt.→ 1,755(+32)Res. 2:053:06:31:19(+0:012:18:13:25)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus 418,533( .+6,790)Pt.→ 983(+18)Res. 0:196:15:01:30(+0:003:06:08:47)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 345,801( .+3,306)Pt.→ 787( .+8)Res. 0:288:22:30:30(+0:003:13:09:48)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus 299,811( .+9,763)Pt.→ 698(+26)Res. 0:186:23:09:07(+0:006:09:35:15)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus 292,168( .+3,074)Pt.→ 951( .+8)Res. 0:196:07:22:30(+0:001:21:20:52)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus 211,493( .+4,840)Pt.→ 435(+12)Res. 0:223:23:22:12(+0:004:20:02:09)
┃◎. 7 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus. 177,939( .+1,569)Pt.→ 1,960( .+4)Res. 0:124:19:44:34(+0:000:23:52:46)
┃◎. 8 Hazama@EAnewsplus. 148,250( .+3,178)Pt.→ 329( .+8)Res. 0:094:08:20:28(+0:001:20:45:38)
┃◎. 9 pxw10200@EAnewsplus . 144,453( .+6,944)Pt.→ 347(+18)Res. 0:055:21:11:49(+0:002:15:21:40)
┃◎10 solstice@EAnewsplus 133,334( .+1,444)Pt.→ 311( .+4)Res. 0:092:02:38:41(+0:000:20:03:12)
┃◎12 kinta@EAnewsplus . 111,590( .+2,671)Pt.→ 270( .+7)Res. 0:063:15:39:51(+0:001:09:54:39)
┃◎13 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 97,721( .+383)Pt.↑ 240( .+1)Res. 0:055:17:43:32(+0:000:03:54:16)
┃◎15 arikui@EAnewsplus 95,210( .+2,301)Pt.→ 226( .+6)Res. 0:060:04:44:59(+0:001:10:23:46)
┃◎17 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 68,526( .+3,317)Pt.→ 164( .+9)Res. 0:034:07:28:36(+0:001:14:33:50)
┃◎18 asakaze@EAnewsplus 62,840( .+379)Pt.→ 421( .+1)Res. 0:051:04:20:36(+0:000:09:52:50)
┃◎19 tera3@EAnewsplus 58,072( .+3,934)Pt.→ 137(+11)Res. 0:025:13:11:02(+0:001:11:15:04)
┃◎20 taiaki@EAnewsplus 52,263( .+1,609)Pt.→ 114( .+4)Res. 0:027:03:52:30(+0:000:18:47:24)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus . 40,784( .+989)Pt.→ 161( .+4)Res. 0:075:19:44:49(+0:001:16:28:39)
┃◎22 yumenemi@EAnewsplus. 37,325( .+927)Pt.→ .83( .+3)Res. 0:028:18:48:33(+0:000:19:20:17)
┃◎24 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus 33,526( .+418)Pt.→ 169( .+1)Res. 0:054:15:45:24(+0:000:12:32:28)
┃◎25 sikasuke@EAnewsplus. 28,444( .+5,469)Pt.→ .75(+15)Res. 0:013:13:35:19(+0:002:10:07:09)
┃◎26 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus. 23,465( .+744)Pt.→ .57( .+2)Res. 0:028:06:58:17(+0:000:20:32:11)
┃◎28 shari@EAnewsplus. 22,560( .+434)Pt.→ .53( .+1)Res. 0:022:09:41:38(+0:000:09:59:09)
┃◎29 1220@EAnewsplus. 20,381( .+398)Pt.→ .47( .+1)Res. 0:013:19:23:53(+0:000:09:22:14)
┃◎31 Wachutka@EAnewsplus. 19,679( .+712)Pt.→ .52( .+2)Res. 0:018:07:44:23(+0:000:14:58:21)
┃◎32 tsuka@EAnewsplus 17,264( .+806)Pt.→ .39( .+2)Res. 0:007:11:16:57(+0:000:07:41:28)
データ取得時刻 Thu Aug 16 11:02:02 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間2分前
1. (84) (-1) . r@EAnewsplus ... 30989.08 (+265.13).. : 294.46 (-3.25)
2. (150) . ingot@EAnewsplus .. 18654.17 (+135.4) . : 242.36 (-9.84)
3. (163) . kinta@EAnewsplus .. 17833.23 (+237.58).. : 209.2 ... (-3.94)
4. (301) (+39) . sikasuke@EAnewsplus . 10241.15 (+1238.28) : 680.43 (+71.82)
5. (404) (+1) solstice@EAnewsplus ... 7404.52 ... (+151.01).. : 137.16 (+8.46)
6. (476) (-4) YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6128.8 . . : 49.06 ..
7. (479) (+4) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 6082.03 .. (+82.58) .. : 107.08... (-5.01)
8. (587) (-3) KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 4683.36 .. . : 175.96
9. (690) (-5) tome7x@EAnewsplus 3578.15 .. . : 46.63 ..
10. (755) (+9) .. giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 3131.12 .. (+128.32)... : 73.33 .. (-2.67)
11. (765) (-7) .. Yami@EAnewsplus .. 3056.55 .. . : 24.73 ..
12. (850) (-9) .. HANA0501@EAnewsplus 2440.92 .. . : 36.08 ..
13. (864) (+6) .. asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2293.73 .. (+88.92) .. : 18.72 .. (+7.26)
14. (868) (-1) .. fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. (+11.21) .. : 29.81 .. (-1.5)
15. (873) (-4) .. tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2206.03 .. . : 42.4 .
16. (909) (+2) .. ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 1941.67 .. (+17.56) .. : 28.23 .. (-0.65)
17. (985) (+16) yumenemi@EAnewsplus . 1514.78 ... (+73.28) . : 27.04 ... (+2.98)
18. (1013) (-4) .. foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... : 30.29
19. (1557) (-1) .. eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 . : 1.96 .
...| ̄ ̄ |< 皆さんおめでとう
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>>2-4 >>7
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/16〜2007/08/17
Team .┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
Futuremark.com . ┃1,245 ( )┃508,550 (+108)┃35│43,807,922 ( .+46,938)→
Russia . ┃1,337 ( )┃286,398 (+233)┃36│43,662,102 ( .+88,802)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere... ┃1,700 (+1)┃233,934 (+160)┃37│40,714,735 ( .+61,033)→
Folding@Malaysia. ┃1,045 (+1)┃331,206 (+191)┃38│40,588,175 ( .+67,505)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,029 (+4)┃136,848 (+492)┃39│40,294,106 (+140,704)→
Team 2ch ┃2,474 ( )┃337,158 (+215)┃40│39,459,885 ( .+98,614)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 594 (+1)┃453,842 ( .+99)┃41│39,217,188 ( .+27,599)→
Team Lithuania. ┃1,524 ( )┃188,270 (+143)┃42│38,678,568 ( .+52,715)→
F?rum PCs Brasil ┃1,361 ( )┃320,466 (+166)┃43│37,039,941 ( .+63,657)→
Sudhian Media. ┃ 698 ( )┃415,743 ( .+66)┃44│36,705,596 ( .+26,276)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070817&f=20070816&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 .増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,719 +12 .-
┃ .result 1,832,236 +15,683 .2
┃ .point 585,243,851 .+5,841,460 .2
┃ ....time 1072:178:15:48:24 +9:197:15:22:03 .5
@Team 2ch.
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070815 - 20070816.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews 5,607( .+7)人 2,000,991,427(+3,599,470)Pt.→ 7,244,541(+11,365)Res. 7590:325:13:21:42(+10:338:07:51:15)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch 4,719(+12)人 585,243,851(+5,841,460)Pt.→ 1,832,236(+15,683)Res. 1072:178:15:48:24( .+9:197:15:22:03)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070815 - 20070816.
┃◎23 @doujin . 46( .)人 4,697,008(+26,589)Pt.→ 13,915( .+73)Res. 9:069:16:18:13(+0:019:03:01:59)
┃◎24 @bicycle 33( .)人 4,686,269(+20,135)Pt.→ 17,326( .+54)Res. 8:198:00:46:51(+0:013:04:32:08)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus 46( .)人 4,263,567(+46,668)Pt.→ 12,152(+128)Res. 8:284:00:49:13(+0:031:10:25:16)
┃◎26 @mobile. 14( .)人 4,222,068(+40,964)Pt.→ 11,201(+110)Res. 6:249:04:30:46(+0:020:03:20:57)
┃◎27 @netgame 25( .)人 3,908,498(+56,757)Pt.→ 15,447(+153)Res. 5:300:05:32:41(+0:024:22:37:54)
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 46 人中、提出 20 名です。提出率は 43.5% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070815 - 20070816
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 797,125(+7,214)Pt.→ 1,774(+19)Res. 2:060:01:25:00(+0:006:18:53:41)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 423,526(+4,993)Pt.→ 996(+13)Res. 0:198:22:57:03(+0:002:07:55:33)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 347,758(+1,957)Pt.→ 792( .+5)Res. 0:290:21:24:56(+0:001:22:54:26)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 304,630(+4,819)Pt.→ 711(+13)Res. 0:189:23:31:33(+0:003:00:22:26)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus. 295,864(+3,696)Pt.→ 961(+10)Res. 0:198:08:13:22(+0:002:00:50:52)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 213,104(+1,611)Pt.→ 439( .+4)Res. 0:225:12:48:14(+0:001:13:26:02)
┃◎. 7 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 179,771(+1,832)Pt.→ 1,965( .+5)Res. 0:126:01:22:35(+0:001:05:38:01)
┃◎. 8 Hazama@EAnewsplus 149,773(+1,523)Pt.→ 333( .+4)Res. 0:095:05:52:13(+0:000:21:31:45)
┃◎. 9 pxw10200@EAnewsplus 148,576(+4,123)Pt.→ 358(+11)Res. 0:057:10:57:23(+0:001:13:45:34)
┃◎10 solstice@EAnewsplus. 135,749(+2,415)Pt.→ 319( .+8)Res. 0:093:08:20:29(+0:001:05:41:48)
┃◎13 arikui@EAnewsplus. 99,285(+4,075)Pt.↑ 237(+11)Res. 0:062:16:16:50(+0:002:11:31:51)
┃◎17 yutaka@EAnewsplus 70,003(+1,477)Pt.→ 168( .+4)Res. 0:035:00:43:40(+0:000:17:15:04)
┃◎19 tera3@EAnewsplus. 59,816(+1,744)Pt.→ 142( .+5)Res. 0:026:04:50:20(+0:000:15:39:18)
┃◎20 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 52,571( +308)Pt.→ 115( .+1)Res. 0:027:08:15:08(+0:000:04:22:38)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus 41,694( +910)Pt.→ 165( .+4)Res. 0:077:08:47:40(+0:001:13:02:51)
┃◎22 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 37,693( +368)Pt.→ .84( .+1)Res. 0:029:01:12:49(+0:000:06:24:16)
┃◎23 giryushu@EAnewsplus 36,159( +426)Pt.→ 108( .+1)Res. 0:025:16:48:05(+0:000:16:47:41)
┃◎25 sikasuke@EAnewsplus 30,258(+1,814)Pt.→ .80( .+5)Res. 0:014:12:07:28(+0:000:22:32:09)
┃◎26 shari@EAnewsplus . 23,569(+1,009)Pt.↑ .56( .+3)Res. 0:023:10:47:17(+0:001:01:05:39)
┃◎33 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus.. 14,316( +354)Pt.→ .29( .+1)Res. 0:012:20:32:27(+0:000:06:43:41)
データ取得時刻 Fri Aug 17 11:02:02 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (84) r@EAnewsplus 31402.15... (+413.07) : 303.49 (+9.02)
2. (149) (+1) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 19004.95 (+350.77) : 250.8 .. (+8.44)
3. (164) (-1) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 17951.66 (+118.42) : 201.24 (-7.96)
4. (298) (+3) sikasuke@EAnewsplus . 10304.18 (+63.02).. : 631.24 (-49.19)
5. (399) (+5) solstice@EAnewsplus ... 7533.46 ... (+128.93) : 133.6 .. (-3.56)
6. (475) (+4) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 6171.72 .. (+89.69)... : 110.57... (+3.48)
7. (479) (-3) YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6128.8 . .. : 49.06 ..
8. (590) (-3) KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 4683.36 .. .. : 175.96
9. (692) (-2) tome7x@EAnewsplus 3578.15 .. .. : 46.63 ..
10. (738) (+17) giryushu@EAnewsplus . 3268.82 ... (+137.69) : 77.55 .. (+4.22)
11. (766) (-1) .. Yami@EAnewsplus .. 3056.55 .. .. : 24.73 ..
12. (854) (-4) .. HANA0501@EAnewsplus 2440.92 .. .. : 36.08 ..
13. (868) (-4) .. asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2293.73 .. .. : 18.72 ..
14. (871) (-3) .. fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
15. (883) (-10) tsuka@EAnewsplus 2206.03 ... . : 42.4 ..
16. (913) (-4) .. ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 1941.67 .. .. : 28.23 ..
17. (991) (-6) .. yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 1514.78 .. .. : 27.04 ..
18. (1018) (-5) .. foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1560) (-3) .. eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
☆。・゚・ 。・ ・゚・。☆ チームの皆さん解析お疲れ様です。
☆ ☆。・゚・
゚・。 。・゚・・゚・。☆ ☆
☆ 。・゚
. ∧ ∧ ☆ 。・゚ パソコンでできるボランティア
(*・∀・) ゚・。 ☆ 詳しくは
>>2-3 >>7 ( ∩∩) 。・゚
>>115 冷夏でも困るし
にっぽつ!\(^^ )
121 :
にっぽつを叫ぶ会:2007/08/19(日) 14:05:51 ID:V8RcKlkO
|\ ハ_ハ. |\
ヽ. \ ( ゚∀゚)') \ にっぽつ!
 ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄|
/⌒ヽ ヽ
| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄|
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/16〜2007/08/18
Team .┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
Futuremark.com . ┃1,245 ( )┃508,646 ( +204)┃35│43,853,026 ( .+92,042)→
Russia . ┃1,337 ( )┃286,841 ( +676)┃36│43,732,251 (+158,951)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere...┃1,700 (+1)┃234,108 ( +334)┃37│40,770,302 (+116,600)→
Folding@Malaysia. ┃1,045 (+1)┃331,370 ( +355)┃38│40,650,005 (+129,335)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,032 (+7)┃137,394 (+1,038)┃39│40,452,593 (+299,191)→
Team 2ch ┃2,477 (+3)┃337,378 ( +435)┃40│39,569,674 (+208,403)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 595 (+2)┃453,953 ( +210)┃41│39,248,973 ( .+59,384)→
Team Lithuania. ┃1,525 (+1)┃188,457 ( +330)┃42│38,743,039 (+117,186)→
F?rum PCs Brasil ┃1,361 ( )┃320,698 ( +398)┃43│37,091,882 (+115,598)→
Sudhian Media. ┃ 698 ( )┃415,810 ( +133)┃44│36,740,600 ( .+61,280)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070818&f=20070816&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,740 .+21 .-
┃ .result 1,863,345 .+31,109 .2
┃ .point 596,714,021 .+11,470,170 .2
┃ ....time 1091:179:20:47:07 +19:001:04:58:43 .5
@Team 2ch.
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070816 - 20070818.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,616( .+9)人 2,008,272,993( .+7,281,566)Pt.→ 7,267,611(+23,070)Res. 7612:334:20:53:05(+22:009:07:31:23)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 4,740(+21)人 596,714,021(+11,470,170)Pt.→ 1,863,345(+31,109)Res. 1091:179:20:47:07(+19:001:04:58:43)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070816 - 20070818.
┃◎23 @doujin . 46( )人 4,753,235( .+56,227)Pt.→ 14,066(+151)Res. 9:108:11:24:47(+0:038:19:06:34)
┃◎24 @bicycle 33( )人 4,733,109( .+46,840)Pt.→ 17,452(+126)Res. 8:230:21:50:26(+0:032:21:03:35)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus 46( )人 4,360,572( .+97,005)Pt.→ 12,413(+261)Res. 8:351:05:42:16(+0:067:04:53:03)
┃◎26 @mobile. 14( )人 4,301,086( .+79,018)Pt.→ 11,417(+216)Res. 6:294:04:58:12(+0:045:00:27:26)
┃◎27 @netgame 26(+1)人 4,028,943(+120,445)Pt.→ 15,774(+327)Res. 5:355:08:48:24(+0:055:03:15:43)
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 46 人中、提出 29 名です。提出率は 63% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070816 - 20070818.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus. 810,617(+13,492)Pt.→ 1,808(+34)Res. 2:074:12:28:18(+0:014:11:03:18)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus 431,663( .+8,137)Pt.→ 1,018(+22)Res. 0:202:18:40:58(+0:003:19:43:55)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 356,475( .+8,717)Pt.→ 815(+23)Res. 0:300:05:10:34(+0:009:07:45:38)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus 317,390(+12,760)Pt.→ 745(+34)Res. 0:197:22:37:32(+0:007:23:05:59)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus 299,907( .+4,043)Pt.→ 972(+11)Res. 0:200:21:50:03(+0:002:13:36:41)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus 216,521( .+3,417)Pt.→ 448( .+9)Res. 0:228:18:32:06(+0:003:05:43:52)
┃◎. 7 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus. 184,932( .+5,161)Pt.→ 1,978(+13)Res. 0:129:07:18:50(+0:003:05:56:15)
┃◎. 8 Hazama@EAnewsplus. 152,905( .+3,132)Pt.→ 341( .+8)Res. 0:097:02:10:57(+0:001:20:18:44)
┃◎. 9 pxw10200@EAnewsplus . 151,635( .+3,059)Pt.→ 367( .+9)Res. 0:058:15:14:18(+0:001:04:16:55)
┃◎10 solstice@EAnewsplus 139,375( .+3,626)Pt.→ 330(+11)Res. 0:095:02:22:38(+0:001:18:02:09)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus. 117,385( .+847)Pt.→ 273( .+2)Res. 0:067:06:48:49(+0:000:06:13:34)
┃◎12 kinta@EAnewsplus . 111,909( .+319)Pt.→ 271( .+1)Res. 0:063:19:28:11(+0:000:03:48:20)
┃◎13 arikui@EAnewsplus. 103,715( .+4,430)Pt.→ 249(+12)Res. 0:065:12:10:20(+0:002:19:53:30)
┃◎14 hokuto@EAnewsplus 102,394( .+4,713)Pt.↑ 231(+13)Res. 0:030:00:50:46(+0:001:06:40:06)
┃◎15 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 98,123( .+402)Pt.↓ 241( .+1)Res. 0:055:21:47:49(+0:000:04:04:17)
┃◎17 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 73,771( .+3,768)Pt.→ 178(+10)Res. 0:036:20:33:03(+0:001:19:49:23)
┃◎18 tera3@EAnewsplus 64,309( .+4,493)Pt.↑ 154(+12)Res. 0:027:20:18:23(+0:001:15:28:03)
┃◎19 asakaze@EAnewsplus 63,947( .+1,107)Pt.↓ 424( .+3)Res. 0:052:05:40:33(+0:001:01:19:57)
┃◎20 taiaki@EAnewsplus 55,536( .+2,965)Pt.→ 122( .+7)Res. 0:028:17:53:24(+0:001:09:38:16)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus . 42,667( .+973)Pt.→ 170( .+5)Res. 0:079:00:26:14(+0:001:15:38:34)
┃◎22 yumenemi@EAnewsplus. 38,990( .+1,297)Pt.→ .88( .+4)Res. 0:030:03:39:07(+0:001:02:26:18)
┃◎23 giryushu@EAnewsplus. 38,519( .+2,360)Pt.→ 115( .+7)Res. 0:026:23:24:35(+0:001:06:36:30)
┃◎25 sikasuke@EAnewsplus. 30,957( .+699)Pt.→ .82( .+2)Res. 0:014:21:33:20(+0:000:09:25:52)
┃◎26 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus. 24,263( .+798)Pt.↑ .59( .+2)Res. 0:029:02:56:40(+0:000:19:58:23)
┃◎29 1220@EAnewsplus. 20,804( .+423)Pt.→ .48( .+1)Res. 0:014:04:37:47(+0:000:09:13:54)
┃◎30 Wachutka@EAnewsplus. 20,489( .+810)Pt.↑ .54( .+2)Res. 0:019:01:24:01(+0:000:17:39:38)
┃◎31 HANA0501@EAnewsplus. 20,304( .+362)Pt.↓ .50( .+1)Res. 0:021:06:06:31(+0:000:08:46:49)
┃◎32 tsuka@EAnewsplus 17,579( .+315)Pt.→ .40( .+1)Res. 0:007:14:40:15(+0:000:03:23:18)
┃◎33 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus. 14,696( .+380)Pt.→ .30( .+1)Res. 0:013:03:47:22(+0:000:07:14:55)
データ取得時刻 Sun Aug 19 11:02:02 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (82) (+1) r@EAnewsplus ... 32081.44 (+331.15) : 310.29 (+2.94)
2. (145) (+5) .. ingot@EAnewsplus .. 19380.92 (+265.98) : 242.65 (-3.27)
3. (159) (+1) .. kinta@EAnewsplus .. 18515.04 (+262.82) : 212.47 (+2.63)
4. (296) (+2) .. sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 10596.9 .. (+180.11) : 539.09 (-38.59)
5. (404) (-2) .. solstice@EAnewsplus 7533.46 .. .. : 133.6 ..
6. (472) (-1) .. Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 6287.66 .. .. : 107.82
7. (481) (+2) .. YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6206.63 .. (+77.83)... : 32.9 . (-16.16)
8. (569) (+22) KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 5057.52 .. (+374.16) : 129.58 (-46.39)
9. (704) (-5) .. tome7x@EAnewsplus 3598.66 .. (+20.51)... : 29.84 .. (-16.8)
10. (711) (+4) . giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 3524.78 .. (+52.21)... : 88.88 .. (-1.49)
11. (776) (-5) . Yami@EAnewsplus .. 3056.55 .. .. : 24.73 ..
12. (854) (-3) . HANA0501@EAnewsplus 2524.18 .. .. : 33.89 ..
13. (880) (-9) . asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2293.73 .. .. : 18.72 ..
14. (885) (-8) . fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
15. (893) (-9) . tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2231.4 . .. : 34.61 ..
16. (922) (-2) . ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 1999.33 .. (+57.65)... : 26.05 .. (-2.19)
17. (993) (-1) . yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 1580.84 .. (+26.22)... : 25.5 . (-0.16)
18. (1025) (-5) . foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1572) (-6) . eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
>>119 >>120(・∀・)オカエリ
∧∧ ∧∧ o
(*゚ー゚). T (゚Д゚,,∩ '
/ づ○ ━┳━━━┷━━━┳━ | づ●ミ チームの皆さん解析お疲れ様です♪
〜' | ┃ ┃ | _,つ
し'^ヽ_) ┃ ┃ ノし'
>>2-4 >>7
131 :
<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん:2007/08/20(月) 15:09:14 ID:LN2Q3nV+
ミ*・ー・ミ にっぽつ
〃o ο
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/18〜2007/08/20
Team .┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
Futuremark.com . ┃1,245 ( )┃508,851 ( +205)┃35│43,946,501 ( .+93,475)→
Russia . ┃1,339 (+2)┃289,699 (+2,858)┃36│43,889,614 (+157,363)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere...┃1,700 ( )┃234,472 ( +364)┃37│40,880,727 (+110,425)→
Folding@Malaysia. ┃1,047 (+2)┃331,696 ( +326)┃38│40,770,507 (+120,502)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,034 (+2)┃138,430 (+1,036)┃39│40,752,659 (+300,066)→
Team 2ch ┃2,480 (+3)┃337,854 ( +476)┃40│39,792,984 (+223,310)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 595 ( )┃454,119 ( +166)┃41│39,298,236 ( .+49,263)→
Team Lithuania. ┃1,527 (+2)┃188,738 ( +281)┃42│38,854,168 (+111,129)→
F?rum PCs Brasil ┃1,362 (+1)┃320,976 ( +278)┃43│37,206,858 (+114,976)→
Sudhian Media. ┃ 698 ( )┃415,927 ( +117)┃44│36,799,367 ( .+58,767)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070820&f=20070818&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,748 +8 .-
┃ .result 1,880,535 .+17,190 .2
┃ .point 603,073,836 +6,359,815 .2
┃ ....time 1101:325:14:02:18 +10:145:17:15:11 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070818 - 20070819.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,619(+3)人 2,012,005,045(+3,732,052)Pt.→ 7,279,114(+11,503)Res. 7624:007:18:12:05(+11:037:21:19:00)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 4,748(+8)人 603,073,836(+6,359,815)Pt.→ 1,880,535(+17,190)Res. 1101:325:14:02:18(+10:145:17:15:11)
http://wcg-team2ch.no-ip.info/stat.cgi?c=top10-aa&b=Team+2ch&s=point&u=&m=&bit=&t=20070819&f=20070818 @Team 2ch.
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070818 - 20070819.
┃◎23 @doujin 46( )人 4,795,592(+42,357)Pt.→ 14,181(+115)Res. 9:136:15:05:52(+0:028:03:41:05)
┃◎24 @bicycle. 33( )人 4,758,973(+25,864)Pt.→ 17,521( .+69)Res. 8:248:11:17:08(+0:017:13:26:42)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus. 47(+1)人 4,416,565(+55,993)Pt.→ 12,565(+152)Res. 9:024:16:06:58(+0:038:10:24:42)
┃◎26 @mobile.. 14( )人 4,341,709(+40,623)Pt.→ 11,529(+112)Res. 6:313:21:12:26(+0:019:16:14:14)
┃◎27 @netgame. 27(+1)人 4,092,767(+63,824)Pt.→ 15,945(+171)Res. 6:020:01:25:14(+0:029:16:36:50)
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 47 人中、提出 29 名です。提出率は 61.7% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070818 - 20070819.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 816,480(+5,863)Pt.→ 1,823(+15)Res. 2:081:05:23:53(+0:006:16:55:35)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 436,515(+4,852)Pt.→ 1,031(+13)Res. 0:205:02:39:08(+0:002:07:58:10)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 360,130(+3,655)Pt.→ 825(+10)Res. 0:304:09:56:42(+0:004:04:46:08)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 321,981(+4,591)Pt.→ 758(+13)Res. 0:200:16:45:56(+0:002:18:08:24)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus . 303,339(+3,432)Pt.→ 982(+10)Res. 0:202:17:02:33(+0:001:19:12:30)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 218,835(+2,314)Pt.→ 454( .+6)Res. 0:231:04:59:46(+0:002:10:27:40)
┃◎. 7 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 185,062( +130)Pt.→ 1,979( .+1)Res. 0:129:18:19:29(+0:000:11:00:39)
┃◎. 8 Hazama@EAnewsplus 154,423(+1,518)Pt.→ 345( .+4)Res. 0:098:00:42:09(+0:000:22:31:12)
┃◎. 9 pxw10200@EAnewsplus. 154,110(+2,475)Pt.→ 374( .+7)Res. 0:059:15:02:26(+0:000:23:48:08)
┃◎10 solstice@EAnewsplus. 142,161(+2,786)Pt.→ 338( .+8)Res. 0:096:13:57:12(+0:001:11:34:34)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 120,355(+2,970)Pt.→ 281( .+8)Res. 0:068:05:01:18(+0:000:22:12:29)
┃◎12 kinta@EAnewsplus. 112,794( +885)Pt.→ 273( .+2)Res. 0:064:05:44:03(+0:000:10:15:52)
┃◎13 arikui@EAnewsplus 106,697(+2,982)Pt.→ 257( .+8)Res. 0:067:10:20:09(+0:001:22:09:49)
┃◎14 hokuto@EAnewsplus. 103,613(+1,219)Pt.→ 234( .+3)Res. 0:030:08:48:32(+0:000:07:57:46)
┃◎15 tome7x@EAnewsplus 99,986(+1,863)Pt.→ 246( .+5)Res. 0:056:18:18:02(+0:000:20:30:13)
┃◎17 yutaka@EAnewsplus 75,497(+1,726)Pt.→ 182( .+4)Res. 0:037:17:13:19(+0:000:20:40:16)
┃◎18 tera3@EAnewsplus. 69,036(+4,727)Pt.→ 167(+13)Res. 0:029:12:50:45(+0:001:16:32:22)
┃◎20 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 56,733(+1,197)Pt.→ 125( .+3)Res. 0:029:06:57:32(+0:000:13:04:08)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus. 43,375( +708)Pt.→ 173( .+3)Res. 0:080:05:09:34(+0:001:04:43:20)
┃◎22 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 39,811( +821)Pt.→ .90( .+2)Res. 0:030:18:19:07(+0:000:14:40:00)
┃◎23 giryushu@EAnewsplus 39,248( +729)Pt.→ 117( .+2)Res. 0:027:16:54:21(+0:000:17:29:46)
┃◎24 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.... 33,893( +367)Pt.→ 170( .+1)Res. 0:055:02:54:18(+0:000:11:08:54)
┃◎26 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 24,524( +261)Pt.→ .60( .+1)Res. 0:029:11:21:14(+0:000:08:24:34)
┃◎28 YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus 23,260( +575)Pt.→ .66( .+1)Res. 0:018:10:58:01(+0:000:09:00:42)
┃◎29 1220@EAnewsplus 22,598(+1,794)Pt.→ .53( .+5)Res. 0:015:10:07:09(+0:001:05:29:22)
┃◎30 Wachutka@EAnewsplus 20,985( +496)Pt.→ .55( .+1)Res. 0:019:11:17:28(+0:000:09:53:27)
┃◎31 HANA0501@EAnewsplus 20,679( +375)Pt.→ .51( .+1)Res. 0:021:16:57:07(+0:000:10:50:36)
┃◎34 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus . 13,544( +327)Pt.→ .34( .+1)Res. 0:024:19:29:35(+0:000:15:47:37)
┃◎36 yajishou@EAnewsplus 12,046( +355)Pt.→ .27( .+1)Res. 0:010:04:16:52(+0:000:07:10:29)
http://wcg-team2ch.no-ip.info/stat.cgi?c=itamem-aa&b=EAnewsplus&s=point&u=&m=&bit=&t=20070819&f=20070818 ●今日のWCG新規さん
∧ ∧
(*゚ー゚) 旦~~ <Chemosh@EAnewsplusさんいらっさいー お茶ドゾー
ノ つ━━
〜 ノ
(( (/ J
データ取得時刻 Mon Aug 20 11:02:04 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (82) r@EAnewsplus 32450.4 .. (+368.96) : 315.3 .. (+5.0)
2. (143) (+2) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 19570.42 (+189.5).. : 240.57 (-2.08)
3. (159) . kinta@EAnewsplus .. 18758.8 .. (+243.76) : 215.95 (+3.47)
4. (291) (+5) sikasuke@EAnewsplus . 10797.98 (+201.08) : 506.35 (-32.75)
5. (406) (-2) solstice@EAnewsplus ... 7533.46 ... . : 133.6
6. (469) (+3) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 6415.88 .. (+128.21) : 103.12 (-4.7)
7. (481) . YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6252.66 .. (+46.03)... : 34.08 .. (+1.18)
8. (552) (+17) . KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 5344.75 .. (+287.22) : 144.77 (+15.19)
9. (692) (+12) . tome7x@EAnewsplus 3735.82 .. (+137.16) : 37.91 .. (+8.07)
10. (705) (+6) .. giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 3622.63 .. (+97.84)... : 89.09 .. (+0.2)
11. (781) (-5) .. Yami@EAnewsplus .. 3056.55 .. .. : 24.73 ..
12. (841) (+13) HANA0501@EAnewsplus ... 2619.27 ... (+95.09).. : 36.62 ... (+2.72)
13. (885) (-5) .. asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2293.73 .. .. : 18.72 ..
14. (892) (-7) .. fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
15. (899) (-6) .. tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2231.4 . .. : 34.61 ..
16. (924) (-2) .. ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 1999.33 .. .. : 26.05 ..
17. (996) (-3) .. yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 1580.84 .. .. : 25.5 .
18. (1027) (-2) .. foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1575) (-3) .. eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
>>130 お待ち申し上げております(・∀・)
>>131 おつおつ
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>>2-4 >>7
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/20〜2007/08/21
Team ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ Points
Futuremark.com ┃1,245 ( )┃508,964 (+113)┃35│43,993,927 ( .+47,426)→ .
Russia ┃1,340 (+1)┃290,179 (+480)┃36│43,973,579 ( .+83,965)→ .
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere....┃1,700 ( )┃234,681 (+209)┃37│40,945,275 ( .+64,548)→ .
2ch@PS3 ┃2,035 (+1)┃138,942 (+512)┃38│40,899,626 (+146,967)↑1
Folding@Malaysia ┃1,049 (+2)┃331,886 (+190)┃39│40,844,922 ( .+74,415)↓1
Team 2ch. ┃2,483 (+3)┃338,096 (+242)┃40│39,894,742 (+101,758)→ .
SpeedGuide.net. ┃ 595 ( )┃454,216 ( .+97)┃41│39,327,057 ( .+28,821)→ .
Team Lithuania ┃1,527 ( )┃188,940 (+202)┃42│38,918,656 ( .+64,488)→ .
F?rum PCs Brasil. ┃1,362 ( )┃321,149 (+173)┃43│37,275,135 ( .+68,277)→ .
Sudhian Media ┃ 698 ( )┃416,019 ( .+92)┃44│36,836,027 ( .+36,660)→ .
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070821&f=20070820&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,764 .+16 .-
┃ .result 1,897,826 .+17,291 .2
┃ .point 609,560,635 +6,486,799 .2
┃ ....time 1112:214:13:56:58 +10:253:23:54:40 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070819 - 20070820.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews 5,621( .+2)人 2,015,765,206(+3,760,161)Pt.→ 7,290,567(+11,453)Res. 7635:064:15:08:18(+11:056:20:56:13)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch 4,764(+16)人 609,560,635(+6,486,799)Pt.→ 1,897,826(+17,291)Res. 1112:214:13:56:58(+10:253:23:54:40)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070819 - 20070820.
┃◎23 @doujin . 46( .)人 4,832,032(+36,440)Pt.→ 14,277( .+96)Res. 9:161:08:04:53(+0:024:16:59:01)
┃◎24 @bicycle 33( .)人 4,791,565(+32,592)Pt.→ 17,607( .+86)Res. 8:269:10:05:04(+0:020:22:47:56)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus 47( .)人 4,467,495(+50,930)Pt.→ 12,701(+136)Res. 9:057:11:14:32(+0:032:19:07:34)
┃◎26 @mobile. 14( .)人 4,387,203(+45,494)Pt.→ 11,652(+123)Res. 6:337:18:15:22(+0:023:21:02:56)
┃◎27 @netgame 27( .)人 4,160,681(+67,914)Pt.→ 16,126(+181)Res. 6:051:11:15:15(+0:031:09:50:01)
@EAnewsplus. 9年1ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 47 人中、提出 24 名です。編集 クリップボードコピー(IE専)
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070819 - 20070820.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 822,209(+5,729)Pt.→ 1,838(+15)Res. 2:086:17:11:49(+0:005:11:47:56)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 439,927(+3,412)Pt.→ 1,041(+10)Res. 0:206:18:14:49(+0:001:15:35:41)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 363,763(+3,633)Pt.→ 834( .+9)Res. 0:308:04:58:03(+0:003:19:01:21)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 327,847(+5,866)Pt.→ 773(+15)Res. 0:204:14:56:18(+0:003:22:10:22)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus . 306,369(+3,030)Pt.→ 991( .+9)Res. 0:204:10:05:44(+0:001:17:03:11)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 219,855(+1,020)Pt.→ 457( .+3)Res. 0:232:06:59:38(+0:001:01:59:52)
┃◎. 7 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 186,422(+1,360)Pt.→ 1,982( .+3)Res. 0:130:17:19:14(+0:000:22:59:45)
┃◎. 8 pxw10200@EAnewsplus. 156,072(+1,962)Pt.↑ 379( .+5)Res. 0:060:10:00:27(+0:000:18:58:01)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus 155,810(+1,387)Pt.↓ 349( .+4)Res. 0:098:23:53:21(+0:000:23:11:12)
┃◎10 solstice@EAnewsplus. 147,317(+5,156)Pt.→ 352(+14)Res. 0:099:07:00:09(+0:002:17:02:57)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 124,125(+3,770)Pt.→ 291(+10)Res. 0:069:08:57:48(+0:001:03:56:30)
┃◎12 kinta@EAnewsplus. 113,197( +403)Pt.→ 274( .+1)Res. 0:064:10:26:41(+0:000:04:42:38)
┃◎13 arikui@EAnewsplus 109,203(+2,506)Pt.→ 264( .+7)Res. 0:068:23:38:27(+0:001:13:18:18)
┃◎14 hokuto@EAnewsplus. 104,030( +417)Pt.→ 235( .+1)Res. 0:030:11:28:03(+0:000:02:39:31)
┃◎15 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 101,149(+1,163)Pt.→ 249( .+3)Res. 0:057:07:25:35(+0:000:13:07:33)
データ取得時刻 Tue Aug 21 11:02:02 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (81) (+1) . r@EAnewsplus ... 32679.25 (+228.84) : 310.41 (-4.89)
2. (144) (-1) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 19786.8 .. (+216.38) : 241.66 (+1.08)
3. (161) (-2) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 19036.04 (+277.23) : 221.6 .. (+5.65)
4. (290) (+1) sikasuke@EAnewsplus . 10909.19 (+111.2).. : 467.67 (-38.68)
5. (401) (+5) solstice@EAnewsplus ... 7670.08 ... (+136.62) : 98.99 .. (-34.62)
6. (469) . Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 6493.71 .. (+77.83)... : 98.92 .. (-4.21)
7. (474) (+7) YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6339.62 .. (+86.95)... : 38.32 .. (+4.23)
8. (532) (+20) . KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 5643.13 .. (+298.37) : 160.32 (+15.55)
9. (686) (+19) . giryushu@EAnewsplus . 3793.68 ... (+171.05) : 94.77 .. (+5.68)
10. (696) (-4) .. tome7x@EAnewsplus 3735.82 .. .. : 37.91 ..
11. (784) (-3) .. Yami@EAnewsplus .. 3056.55 .. .. : 24.73 ..
12. (831) (+10) HANA0501@EAnewsplus ... 2681.79 ... (+62.52).. : 39.98 ... (+3.36)
13. (887) (-2) .. asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2293.73 .. .. : 18.72 ..
14. (894) (-2) .. fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
15. (901) (-2) .. tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2231.4 . .. : 34.61 ..
16. (925) (-1) .. ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2048.41 .. (+49.07)... : 25.54 .. (-0.51)
17. (985) (+11) yumenemi@EAnewsplus . 1647.42 ... (+66.58).. : 25.69 ... (+0.19)
18. (1030) (-3) .. foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1576) (-1) .. eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
┃◎16 yutaka@EAnewsplus 77,885(+2,388)Pt.↑ 188( .+6)Res. 0:038:20:01:35(+0:001:02:48:16)
┃◎18 tera3@EAnewsplus. 72,291(+3,255)Pt.→ 175( .+8)Res. 0:030:17:06:22(+0:001:04:15:37)
┃◎20 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 58,045(+1,312)Pt.→ 128( .+3)Res. 0:029:20:39:08(+0:000:13:41:36)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus. 43,794( +419)Pt.→ 175( .+2)Res. 0:080:22:11:17(+0:000:17:01:43)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus 40,190( +942)Pt.↑ 120( .+3)Res. 0:028:09:36:44(+0:000:16:42:23)
┃◎24 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.... 34,254( +361)Pt.→ 171( .+1)Res. 0:055:12:49:36(+0:000:09:55:18)
┃◎27 shari@EAnewsplus 24,331( +762)Pt.→ .58( .+2)Res. 0:024:05:14:33(+0:000:18:27:16)
┃◎29 1220@EAnewsplus 22,955( +357)Pt.→ .54( .+1)Res. 0:015:19:43:37(+0:000:09:36:28)
┃◎33 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus 15,016( +320)Pt.→ .31( .+1)Res. 0:013:10:51:31(+0:000:07:04:09)
>>139-140 |
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>>2-4 >>7
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/21〜2007/08/22
Team ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ Points
Russia ┃1,341 (+1)┃290,568 (+389)┃35│44,054,362 ( .+80,783)↑1
Futuremark.com ┃1,245 ( )┃509,092 (+128)┃36│44,041,560 ( .+47,633)↓1
2ch@PS3 ┃2,037 (+2)┃139,596 (+654)┃37│41,085,037 (+185,411)↑1
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere....┃1,700 ( )┃234,947 (+266)┃38│41,003,125 ( .+57,850)↓1
Folding@Malaysia ┃1,049 ( )┃332,077 (+191)┃39│40,912,267 ( .+67,345)→ .
Team 2ch. ┃2,484 (+1)┃338,325 (+229)┃40│39,998,703 (+103,961)→ .
SpeedGuide.net. ┃ 597 (+2)┃454,332 (+116)┃41│39,359,814 ( .+32,757)→ .
Team Lithuania ┃1,527 ( )┃189,112 (+172)┃42│38,976,056 ( .+57,400)→ .
F?rum PCs Brasil. ┃1,362 ( )┃321,318 (+169)┃43│37,339,688 ( .+64,553)→ .
Sudhian Media ┃ 698 ( )┃416,109 ( .+90)┃44│36,869,744 ( .+33,717)→ .
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070822&f=20070821&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,775 .+11 .-
┃ .result 1,915,578 .+17,752 .2
┃ .point 616,036,799 +6,476,164 .2
┃ ....time 1123:079:14:04:05 +10:230:00:07:07 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070820 - 20070821.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews 5,629( .+8)人 2,019,499,687(+3,734,481)Pt.→ 7,302,131(+11,564)Res. 7646:126:00:56:26(+11:061:09:48:08)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch 4,775(+11)人 616,036,799(+6,476,164)Pt.→ 1,915,578(+17,752)Res. 1123:079:14:04:05(+10:230:00:07:07)
@Team 2ch.
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070820 - 20070821.
┃◎23 @doujin . 46( .)人 4,875,725(+43,693)Pt.→ 14,393(+116)Res. 9:189:21:10:50(+0:028:13:05:57)
┃◎24 @bicycle 33( .)人 4,823,785(+32,220)Pt.→ 17,699( .+92)Res. 8:290:07:47:34(+0:020:21:42:30)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus 47( .)人 4,518,038(+50,543)Pt.→ 12,836(+135)Res. 9:095:04:27:18(+0:037:17:12:46)
┃◎26 @mobile. 14( .)人 4,432,867(+45,664)Pt.→ 11,775(+123)Res. 6:360:15:19:01(+0:022:21:03:39)
┃◎27 @netgame 27( .)人 4,229,271(+68,590)Pt.→ 16,313(+187)Res. 6:082:15:17:14(+0:031:04:01:59)
@EAnewsplus. 4,500,000ポイント達成、9年3ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 47 人中、提出 29 名です。提出率は 61.7% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070820 - 20070821
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 827,305(+5,096)Pt.→ 1,852(+14)Res. 2:092:13:05:45(+0:005:19:53:56)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 442,954(+3,027)Pt.→ 1,049( .+8)Res. 0:208:03:16:06(+0:001:09:01:17)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 369,549(+5,786)Pt.→ 848(+14)Res. 0:314:17:20:24(+0:006:12:22:21)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 333,337(+5,490)Pt.→ 788(+15)Res. 0:207:18:32:06(+0:003:03:35:48)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus. 309,150(+2,781)Pt.→ 1,000( .+9)Res. 0:206:12:00:44(+0:002:01:55:00)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 223,267(+3,412)Pt.→ 465( .+8)Res. 0:235:14:43:54(+0:003:07:44:16)
┃◎. 7 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 186,846( +424)Pt.→ 1,983( .+1)Res. 0:131:00:36:20(+0:000:07:17:06)
┃◎. 8 Hazama@EAnewsplus 157,260(+1,450)Pt.↑ 353( .+4)Res. 0:099:21:09:17(+0:000:21:15:56)
┃◎. 9 pxw10200@EAnewsplus 156,459( +387)Pt.↓ 380( .+1)Res. 0:060:13:51:02(+0:000:03:50:35)
┃◎10 solstice@EAnewsplus. 150,223(+2,906)Pt.→ 361( .+9)Res. 0:100:18:09:32(+0:001:11:09:23)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 127,485(+3,360)Pt.→ 299( .+8)Res. 0:070:08:54:12(+0:000:23:56:24)
┃◎12 kinta@EAnewsplus 114,214(+1,017)Pt.→ 277( .+3)Res. 0:064:23:28:48(+0:000:13:02:07)
┃◎13 arikui@EAnewsplus . 110,857(+1,654)Pt.→ 269( .+5)Res. 0:070:02:07:21(+0:001:02:28:54)
┃◎14 hokuto@EAnewsplus. 105,572(+1,542)Pt.→ 239( .+4)Res. 0:030:21:46:38(+0:000:10:18:35)
┃◎15 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 101,870( +721)Pt.→ 251( .+2)Res. 0:057:15:27:24(+0:000:08:01:49)
┃◎16 yutaka@EAnewsplus 79,264(+1,379)Pt.→ 192( .+4)Res. 0:039:11:50:17(+0:000:15:48:42)
┃◎17 noclaimer@EAnewsplus. 78,791(+1,356)Pt.→ 192( .+3)Res. 0:095:05:25:17(+0:001:14:08:38)
┃◎18 tera3@EAnewsplus. 73,614(+1,323)Pt.→ 179( .+4)Res. 0:031:04:42:25(+0:000:11:36:03)
┃◎19 asakaze@EAnewsplus. 64,343( +396)Pt.→ 425( .+1)Res. 0:052:16:15:27(+0:000:10:34:54)
┃◎20 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 60,200(+2,155)Pt.→ 133( .+5)Res. 0:030:20:44:18(+0:001:00:05:10)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus 44,527( +733)Pt.→ 177( .+2)Res. 0:082:04:13:00(+0:001:06:01:43)
┃◎22 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 41,081(+1,270)Pt.↑ .93( .+3)Res. 0:031:14:02:48(+0:000:19:43:41)
┃◎23 giryushu@EAnewsplus 40,904( +714)Pt.↓ 122( .+2)Res. 0:028:16:25:53(+0:000:06:49:09)
┃◎26 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 24,956( +432)Pt.→ .61( .+1)Res. 0:030:00:29:47(+0:000:13:08:33)
┃◎28 YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus . 23,564( +304)Pt.→ .67( .+1)Res. 0:018:21:10:43(+0:000:10:12:42)
┃◎29 1220@EAnewsplus . 23,250( +295)Pt.→ .55( .+1)Res. 0:015:22:52:11(+0:000:03:08:34)
┃◎33 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus.. 15,424( +408)Pt.→ .32( .+1)Res. 0:013:18:55:12(+0:000:08:03:41)
┃◎34 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus. 13,932( +388)Pt.→ .35( .+1)Res. 0:025:14:15:39(+0:000:18:46:04)
┃◎41 fuji--@EAnewsplus 5,834( +337)Pt.→ .42( .+1)Res. 0:006:18:43:56(+0:000:11:11:45)
データ取得時刻 Wed Aug 22 11:02:03 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (80) (+1) r@EAnewsplus ... 32971.84 (+292.58) : 306.59 (-3.83)
2. (140) (+4) .. ingot@EAnewsplus .. 20146.54 (+359.73) : 243.9 .. (+2.23)
3. (159) (+2) .. kinta@EAnewsplus .. 19206.96 (+170.92) : 223.85 (+2.25)
4. (291) (-1) .. sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 11055.02... (+145.82) : 437.39 (-30.28)
5. (399) (+2) .. solstice@EAnewsplus 7818.95 .. (+148.87) : 110.26 (+11.27)
6. (457) (+12) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 6742.66 .. (+248.95) : 111.77 (+12.84)
7. (475) (-1) .. YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6371.79 .. (+32.16)... : 37.44 .. (-0.89)
8. (520) (+12) KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 5888.82 .. (+245.68) : 167.0 .. (+6.67)
9. (677) (+9) .. giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 3889.46 .. (+95.78)... : 96.56 .. (+1.79)
10. (700) (-4) . tome7x@EAnewsplus 3735.82 .. .. : 37.91 ..
11. (792) (-8) . Yami@EAnewsplus .. 3056.55 .. .. : 24.73 ..
12. (840) (-9) . HANA0501@EAnewsplus 2681.79 .. .. : 39.98 ..
13. (888) (-1) . asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2293.73 .. .. : 18.72 ..
14. (897) (-3) . fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
15. (902) (-1) . tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2231.4 . .. : 34.61 ..
16. (926) (-1) . ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2048.41 .. .. : 25.54 ..
17. (982) (+3) . yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 1669.48 .. (+22.05)... : 25.25 .. (-0.45)
18. (1033) (-3) . foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1577) (-1) . eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/22〜2007/08/26
Team ┃ User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
Russia. ┃1,346 ( .+5)┃291,455 ( +887)┃35│44,370,293 (+315,931)→
Futuremark.com. ┃1,245 ( .)┃509,560 ( +468)┃36│44,224,872 (+183,312)→
2ch@PS3 ┃2,063 (+26)┃142,653 (+3,057)┃37│41,930,036 (+844,999)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere.. ┃1,702 ( .+2)┃235,783 ( +836)┃38│41,246,091 (+242,966)→
Folding@Malaysia ┃1,052 ( .+3)┃332,886 ( +809)┃39│41,171,760 (+259,493)→
Team 2ch. ┃2,494 (+10)┃341,171 (+2,846)┃40│40,474,301 (+475,598)→
SpeedGuide.net. ┃ 600 ( .+3)┃454,746 ( +414)┃41│39,475,565 (+115,751)→
Team Lithuania ┃1,527 ( .)┃189,927 ( +815)┃42│39,232,618 (+256,562)→
F?rum PCs Brasil . ┃1,363 ( .+1)┃321,977 ( +659)┃43│37,585,839 (+246,151)→
Sudhian Media ┃ 699 ( .+1)┃416,367 ( +258)┃44│37,000,286 (+130,542)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070826&f=20070822&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,812 .+37 .-
┃ .result 1,984,346 .+68,768 .2
┃ .point 641,053,861 .+25,017,062 .2
┃ ....time 1164:121:22:36:23 +41:042:08:32:18 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070821 - 20070825.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,643(+14)人 2,034,552,134(+15,052,447)Pt.→ 7,349,262(+47,131)Res. 7691:055:20:05:04(+44:294:19:08:38)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 4,812(+37)人 641,053,861(+25,017,062)Pt.→ 1,984,346(+68,768)Res. 1164:121:22:36:23(+41:042:08:32:18)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070821 - 20070825.
┃◎23 @doujin . 46( )人 5,011,194(+135,469)Pt.→ 14,765(+372)Res. 9:280:02:44:24(+0:090:05:33:34)
┃◎24 @bicycle 34(+1)人 4,941,028(+117,243)Pt.→ 18,018(+319)Res. 9:005:19:13:05(+0:080:11:25:31)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus 47( )人 4,712,678(+194,640)Pt.→ 13,368(+532)Res. 9:242:03:50:37(+0:146:23:23:19)
┃◎26 @mobile. 14( )人 4,590,013(+157,146)Pt.→ 12,210(+435)Res. 7:075:14:18:26(+0:079:22:59:25)
┃◎27 @netgame 27( )人 4,503,471(+274,200)Pt.→ 17,069(+756)Res. 6:203:23:28:18(+0:121:08:11:04)
@EAnewsplus. 4,700,000ポイント達成、13,000リザルト達成、9年7ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 47 人中、提出 33 名です。提出率は 70.2% です。
2007/08/21〜2007/08/25のランキング 編集 クリップボードコピー(IE専)
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070821 - 20070825.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus. 848,121(+20,816)Pt.→ 1,908(+56)Res. 2:116:00:43:34(+0:023:11:37:49)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus 460,758(+17,804)Pt.→ 1,097(+48)Res. 0:216:08:23:01(+0:008:05:06:55)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 391,423(+21,874)Pt.→ 906(+58)Res. 0:341:15:48:14(+0:026:22:27:50)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus 354,811(+21,474)Pt.→ 846(+58)Res. 0:221:01:41:34(+0:013:07:09:28)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus 316,978( .+7,828)Pt.→ 1,023(+23)Res. 0:212:01:57:04(+0:005:13:56:20)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus 229,528( .+6,261)Pt.→ 480(+15)Res. 0:243:01:41:15(+0:007:10:57:21)
┃◎. 7 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus. 193,826( .+6,980)Pt.→ 2,002(+19)Res. 0:136:11:27:01(+0:005:10:50:41)
┃◎. 8 solstice@EAnewsplus 166,883(+16,660)Pt.↑ 411(+50)Res. 0:109:09:51:55(+0:008:15:42:23)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus. 163,422( .+6,162)Pt.↓ 369(+16)Res. 0:103:13:23:30(+0:003:16:14:13)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus . 161,952( .+5,493)Pt.↓ 395(+15)Res. 0:062:17:24:06(+0:002:03:33:04)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus. 130,365( .+2,880)Pt.→ 307( .+8)Res. 0:071:11:19:33(+0:001:02:25:21)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus. 119,873( .+9,016)Pt.↑ 295(+26)Res. 0:075:18:29:18(+0:005:16:21:57)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus . 119,717( .+5,503)Pt.↓ 291(+14)Res. 0:067:15:29:12(+0:002:16:00:24)
┃◎14 hokuto@EAnewsplus 109,530( .+3,958)Pt.→ 250(+11)Res. 0:032:00:01:08(+0:001:02:14:30)
┃◎15 tome7x@EAnewsplus 104,448( .+2,578)Pt.→ 258( .+7)Res. 0:058:19:00:12(+0:001:03:32:48)
┃◎16 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 87,231( .+7,967)Pt.→ 211(+19)Res. 0:043:05:54:48(+0:003:18:04:31)
┃◎17 tera3@EAnewsplus 80,897( .+7,283)Pt.↑ 200(+21)Res. 0:033:22:35:42(+0:002:17:53:17)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus 79,843( .+1,052)Pt.↓ 195( .+3)Res. 0:096:01:52:48(+0:000:20:27:31)
┃◎20 taiaki@EAnewsplus 61,968( .+1,768)Pt.→ 137( .+4)Res. 0:031:15:43:58(+0:000:18:59:40)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus . 46,861( .+2,334)Pt.→ 185( .+8)Res. 0:086:02:42:46(+0:003:22:29:46)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus. 44,578( .+3,674)Pt.↑ 133(+11)Res. 0:031:00:32:05(+0:002:08:06:12)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus. 42,849( .+1,768)Pt.↓ .99( .+6)Res. 0:033:02:48:05(+0:001:12:45:17)
┃◎24 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus 35,220( .+966)Pt.→ 174( .+3)Res. 0:057:00:58:51(+0:001:12:09:15)
┃◎26 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus. 26,815( .+1,859)Pt.→ .66( .+5)Res. 0:032:02:04:52(+0:002:01:35:05)
┃◎27 shari@EAnewsplus. 26,251( .+1,920)Pt.→ .63( .+5)Res. 0:026:05:14:27(+0:001:23:59:54)
┃◎28 1220@EAnewsplus. 25,414( .+2,164)Pt.↑ .61( .+6)Res. 0:017:03:38:29(+0:001:04:46:18)
┃◎29 YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus. 24,032( .+468)Pt.↓ .68( .+1)Res. 0:019:07:28:48(+0:000:10:18:05)
┃◎30 Wachutka@EAnewsplus. 22,120( .+1,135)Pt.→ .57( .+2)Res. 0:020:09:27:06(+0:000:22:09:38)
┃◎31 HANA0501@EAnewsplus. 21,485( .+806)Pt.→ .53( .+2)Res. 0:022:15:20:24(+0:000:22:23:17)
┃◎32 tsuka@EAnewsplus 17,907( .+328)Pt.→ .41( .+1)Res. 0:007:18:12:10(+0:000:03:31:55)
┃◎33 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus. 16,213( .+789)Pt.→ .34( .+2)Res. 0:014:12:22:07(+0:000:17:26:55)
┃◎34 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus 15,276( .+1,344)Pt.→ .39( .+4)Res. 0:028:12:19:56(+0:002:22:04:17)
┃◎43 Chemosh@EAnewsplus. 1,728( .初)Pt.↑ 5( .初)Res. 0:001:14:01:22( .初)
データ取得時刻 Sun Aug 26 11:02:02 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (79) .. r@EAnewsplus ... 34028.37 (+279.17) : 291.93 (-2.28)
2. (149) (-5) . ingot@EAnewsplus .. 20595.78 (+105.85) : 203.92 (-11.28)
3. (154) (-1) . kinta@EAnewsplus .. 20178.67 (+151.25) : 224.89 (-10.81)
4. (293) (-2) . sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 11458.03... (+83.77)... : 326.74... (-35.71)
5. (391) (-2) . solstice@EAnewsplus 8327.64 .. (+42.29)... : 110.81... (-10.31)
6. (437) ... Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 7335.86 .. (+147.83) : 125.05 (+4.92)
7. (492) (-6) . KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
8. (497) (-4) . YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
9. (632) (+7) . giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 4570.09 .. (+196.31) : 121.7 .. (+9.11)
10. (710) (+1) tome7x@EAnewsplus 3828.98 .. (+50.87)... : 28.15 .. (-4.63)
11. (795) (+5) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 3113.74 .. (+57.18)... : 8.79 . (-15.94)
12. (825) .. HANA0501@EAnewsplus ... 2894.08 ... (+36.6) . : 39.25 ... (-1.46)
13. (903) (-2) asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2293.73 .. .. : 18.72 ..
14. (907) (-1) fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
15. (915) (-4) tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2231.4 . .. : 34.61 ..
16. (916) (-1) ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2211.11 .. (+14.97)... : 29.32 .. (+0.04)
17. (962) (+3) yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 1813.55 .. (+26.95)... : 30.13 .. (+0.72)
18. (1042) (-2) foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1589) (-2) eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
163 :
<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん:2007/08/26(日) 23:16:18 ID:WQ9qtD/f
// TANPAKUランキング(板別チーム順位)
// 解析・統計エンジン: @mmoスレ335氏・多謝
// 分解・公開: 簡易日報@doujin
データ取得時刻 Sun Aug 26 11:02:02 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
14. 171156.65 @LeafKey
15. 149544.48 @watch
16. 141477.82 @EAnewsplus
17. 135221.19 @hangul
18. 123964.21 @livevenus
∧∧ ∩
(*゚ー゚ )/
ハ_ハ ⊂ ノ ハ_ハ
('(゚ー゚,,∩ (つ ノ ∩,,゚ー゚)')
ハ_ハ ヽ 〈 (ノ 〉 / ハ_ハ
('(゚ー゚∩ ヽヽ_) (_ノ ノ .∩*゚ー゚)')
O,_ 〈 〉 ,_O
`ヽ_) (_/ ´
ハ_ハ チームの皆さんお疲れ様です! ハ_ハ
⊂(゚ー゚⊂⌒`⊃ ⊂´⌒⊃゚ー゚)⊃
>>2-4 >>7 お知らせ
>>139-140 >>155
>>166 リアルでなんかあったんかと心配しとったがねw
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/26〜2007/08/27
Team .┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
Russia . ┃1,347 (+1)┃291,912 (+457)┃35│44,452,759 ( .+82,466)→
Futuremark.com . ┃1,245 ( )┃509,678 (+118)┃36│44,265,463 ( .+40,591)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,071 (+8)┃143,393 (+740)┃37│42,135,659 (+205,623)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere... ┃1,704 (+2)┃236,028 (+245)┃38│41,310,424 ( .+64,333)→
Folding@Malaysia. ┃1,053 (+1)┃333,077 (+191)┃39│41,245,837 ( .+74,077)→
Team 2ch ┃2,496 (+2)┃341,429 (+258)┃40│40,594,559 (+120,258)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 600 ( )┃454,866 (+120)┃41│39,505,737 ( .+30,172)→
Team Lithuania. ┃1,529 (+2)┃190,134 (+207)┃42│39,301,161 ( .+68,543)→
F?rum PCs Brasil ┃1,363 ( )┃322,134 (+157)┃43│37,645,566 ( .+59,727)→
Sudhian Media. ┃ 699 ( )┃416,468 (+101)┃44│37,049,140 ( .+48,854)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070827&f=20070826&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
Team 2chのチーム 250 チーム中、提出 247 チームです。提出率は 98.8% です。
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,821 +9 .-
┃ .result 2,003,142 .+18,796 .2
┃ .point 647,805,452 +6,751,591 .2
┃ ....time 1175:107:07:11:25 +10:350:08:35:02 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070825 - 20070826.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,644(+1)人 2,038,426,801(+3,874,667)Pt.→ 7,361,333(+12,071)Res. 7702:101:13:41:46(+11:045:17:36:42)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 4,821(+9)人 647,805,452(+6,751,591)Pt.→ 2,003,142(+18,796)Res. 1175:107:07:11:25(+10:350:08:35:02)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070825 - 20070826.
┃◎23 @doujin . 46( .)人 5,047,503(+36,309)Pt.→ 14,867(+102)Res. 9:305:07:34:37(+0:025:04:50:13)
┃◎24 @bicycle 34( .)人 4,978,115(+37,087)Pt.→ 18,121(+103)Res. 9:031:07:13:36(+0:025:12:00:31)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus 47( .)人 4,772,573(+59,895)Pt.→ 13,534(+166)Res. 9:283:19:59:42(+0:041:16:09:05)
┃◎26 @mobile. 14( .)人 4,636,702(+46,689)Pt.→ 12,342(+132)Res. 7:100:21:34:28(+0:025:07:16:02)
┃◎27 @netgame 27( .)人 4,575,512(+72,041)Pt.→ 17,269(+200)Res. 6:235:22:40:16(+0:031:23:11:58)
@EAnewsplus. 9年9ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 47 人中、提出 29 名です。提出率は 61.7% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070825 - 20070826
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 853,158(+5,037)Pt.→ 1,922(+14)Res. 2:121:04:53:53(+0:005:04:10:19)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 463,945(+3,187)Pt.→ 1,105( .+8)Res. 0:217:20:28:07(+0:001:12:05:06)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 396,156(+4,733)Pt.→ 919(+13)Res. 0:347:14:23:01(+0:005:22:34:47)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 360,742(+5,931)Pt.→ 863(+17)Res. 0:225:06:29:01(+0:004:04:47:27)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus. 322,869(+5,891)Pt.→ 1,040(+17)Res. 0:215:05:13:56(+0:003:03:16:52)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 232,458(+2,930)Pt.→ 487( .+7)Res. 0:246:01:53:16(+0:003:00:12:01)
┃◎. 7 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 195,878(+2,052)Pt.→ 2,008( .+6)Res. 0:137:19:53:36(+0:001:08:26:35)
┃◎. 8 solstice@EAnewsplus. 170,447(+3,564)Pt.→ 422(+11)Res. 0:111:06:12:50(+0:001:20:20:55)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus 165,525(+2,103)Pt.→ 374( .+5)Res. 0:104:18:22:03(+0:001:04:58:33)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus 164,711(+2,759)Pt.→ 403( .+8)Res. 0:063:19:48:01(+0:001:02:23:55)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 131,066( +701)Pt.→ 309( .+2)Res. 0:071:16:33:31(+0:000:05:13:58)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus . 122,690(+2,817)Pt.→ 303( .+8)Res. 0:077:14:31:59(+0:001:20:02:41)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus 121,714(+1,997)Pt.→ 297( .+6)Res. 0:068:17:52:04(+0:001:02:22:52)
┃◎14 hokuto@EAnewsplus. 111,002(+1,472)Pt.→ 254( .+4)Res. 0:032:09:55:56(+0:000:09:54:48)
┃◎15 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 106,739(+2,291)Pt.→ 264( .+6)Res. 0:059:19:03:25(+0:001:00:03:13)
┃◎16 yutaka@EAnewsplus 89,328(+2,097)Pt.→ 217( .+6)Res. 0:044:07:51:59(+0:001:01:57:11)
┃◎17 tera3@EAnewsplus. 82,738(+1,841)Pt.→ 205( .+5)Res. 0:034:14:53:15(+0:000:16:17:33)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus. 80,617( +774)Pt.→ 197( .+2)Res. 0:097:07:29:26(+0:001:05:36:38)
┃◎20 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 63,078(+1,110)Pt.→ 140( .+3)Res. 0:032:03:48:54(+0:000:12:04:56)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus 47,414( +553)Pt.→ 187( .+2)Res. 0:087:01:08:39(+0:000:22:25:53)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus 45,253( +675)Pt.→ 135( .+2)Res. 0:031:06:32:24(+0:000:06:00:19)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 43,551( +702)Pt.→ 101( .+2)Res. 0:033:14:23:58(+0:000:11:35:53)
┃◎26 1220@EAnewsplus . 26,890(+1,476)Pt.↑ .65( .+4)Res. 0:018:03:54:01(+0:001:00:15:32)
┃◎30 Wachutka@EAnewsplus . 22,832( +712)Pt.→ .59( .+2)Res. 0:021:01:31:29(+0:000:16:04:23)
┃◎31 HANA0501@EAnewsplus 21,818( +333)Pt.→ .54( .+1)Res. 0:023:00:25:39(+0:000:09:05:15)
┃◎32 tsuka@EAnewsplus. 18,627( +720)Pt.→ .43( .+2)Res. 0:008:00:58:46(+0:000:06:46:36)
┃◎33 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus.. 16,724( +511)Pt.→ .35( .+1)Res. 0:014:21:38:48(+0:000:09:16:41)
┃◎35 Yami@EAnewsplus . 12,937( +340)Pt.→ .28( .+1)Res. 0:011:18:36:27(+0:000:07:17:03)
┃◎43 Chemosh@EAnewsplus . 2,314( +586)Pt.→ 6( .+1)Res. 0:002:00:32:32(+0:000:10:31:10)
データ取得時刻 Mon Aug 27 11:02:02 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (80) (-1) .. r@EAnewsplus 34270.09... (+241.71) : 294.02 (+2.08)
2. (150) (-1) . ingot@EAnewsplus .. 20773.95 (+178.16) : 204.26 (+0.33)
3. (154) ... kinta@EAnewsplus .. 20411.86 (+233.18) : 225.05 (+0.16)
4. (292) (+1) . sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 11622.21... (+164.17) : 320.7 .. (-6.04)
5. (393) (-2) . solstice@EAnewsplus 8327.64 .. .. : 110.81
6. (436) (+1) . Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 7470.62 .. (+134.76) : 127.38 (+2.32)
7. (496) (-4) . KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
8. (502) (-5) . YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
9. (631) (+1) . giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 4625.71 .. (+55.62)... : 117.05... (-4.65)
10. (708) (+2) tome7x@EAnewsplus 3878.93 .. (+49.94)... : 30.24 .. (+2.09)
11. (798) (-3) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 3126.02 .. (+12.28)... : 9.49 . (+0.69)
12. (828) (-3) HANA0501@EAnewsplus 2894.08 .. .. : 39.25 ..
13. (909) (-6) asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2293.73 .. .. : 18.72 ..
14. (913) (-6) fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
15. (918) (-3) tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2231.4 . .. : 34.61 ..
16. (919) (-3) ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2211.11 .. .. : 29.32 ..
17. (962) .. yumenemi@EAnewsplus . 1848.58 ... (+35.02).. : 29.08 ... (-1.05)
18. (1045) (-3) foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1593) (-4) eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
チームのみなさん♪ 解析おつかれさまー♪
ノビー ノビー
( ∧∧ ∧∧ )
と´⌒つ^ヮ^)つ と(^ヮ^と⌒`つ
>>2-4 >>7 お知らせ
>>139-140 >>155
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/27〜2007/08/29
Team ┃ User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
Russia. ┃1,349 ( .+2)┃292,410 ( +498)┃35│44,621,764 (+169,005)→
Futuremark.com. ┃1,245 ( .)┃510,034 ( +356)┃36│44,358,109 ( .+92,646)→
2ch@PS3 ┃2,082 (+11)┃144,784 (+1,391)┃37│42,528,316 (+392,657)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere.. ┃1,706 ( .+2)┃236,461 ( +433)┃38│41,433,798 (+123,374)→
Folding@Malaysia ┃1,054 ( .+1)┃333,502 ( +425)┃39│41,390,983 (+145,146)→
Team 2ch. ┃2,497 ( .+1)┃342,392 ( +963)┃40│40,810,064 (+215,505)→
SpeedGuide.net. ┃ 602 ( .+2)┃455,088 ( +222)┃41│39,564,746 ( .+59,009)→
Team Lithuania ┃1,529 ( .)┃190,540 ( +406)┃42│39,436,914 (+135,753)→
F?rum PCs Brasil . ┃1,363 ( .)┃322,528 ( +394)┃43│37,770,648 (+125,082)→
Sudhian Media ┃ 699 ( .)┃416,625 ( +157)┃44│37,129,505 ( .+80,365)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070829&f=20070827&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,848 .+27 .-
┃ .result 2,039,592 .+36,450 .2
┃ .point 660,993,348 .+13,187,896 .2
┃ ....time 1196:305:00:33:39 +21:197:17:22:14 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070826 - 20070828.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,654(+10)人 2,046,329,151( .+7,902,350)Pt.→ 7,386,196(+24,863)Res. 7725:277:14:41:22(+23:176:00:59:36)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 4,848(+27)人 660,993,348(+13,187,896)Pt.→ 2,039,592(+36,450)Res. 1196:305:00:33:39(+21:197:17:22:14)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070826 - 20070828.
┃◎23 @doujin 46( .)人 5,120,048( .+72,545)Pt.→ 15,066(+199)Res. 9:359:06:35:12(+0:053:23:00:35)
┃◎24 @bicycle. 34( .)人 5,038,973( .+60,858)Pt.→ 18,289(+168)Res. 9:077:00:36:37(+0:045:17:23:01)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus. 47( .)人 4,869,118( .+96,545)Pt.→ 13,798(+264)Res. 9:354:19:37:42(+0:070:23:38:00)
┃◎26 @netgame. 27( .)人 4,724,969(+149,457)Pt.↑ 17,684(+415)Res. 6:304:19:06:24(+0:068:20:26:08)
┃◎27 @mobile.. 14( .)人 4,724,641( .+87,939)Pt.↓ 12,595(+253)Res. 7:152:06:51:31(+0:051:09:17:03)
@EAnewsplus. 4,800,000ポイント達成、9年11ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 47 人中、提出 29 名です。提出率は 61.7% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070826 - 20070828.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus. 864,690(+11,532)Pt.→ 1,953(+31)Res. 2:134:01:33:20(+0:012:20:39:27)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus 471,408( .+7,463)Pt.→ 1,125(+20)Res. 0:221:08:17:59(+0:003:11:49:52)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 408,687(+12,531)Pt.→ 952(+33)Res. 0:360:10:56:48(+0:012:20:33:47)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus 369,333( .+8,591)Pt.→ 886(+23)Res. 0:231:00:28:14(+0:005:17:59:13)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus 325,990( .+3,121)Pt.→ 1,049( .+9)Res. 0:217:05:58:49(+0:002:00:44:53)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus 237,128( .+4,670)Pt.→ 499(+12)Res. 0:250:21:54:08(+0:004:20:00:52)
┃◎. 7 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus. 199,641( .+3,763)Pt.→ 2,018(+10)Res. 0:140:11:19:40(+0:002:15:26:04)
┃◎. 8 solstice@EAnewsplus 178,943( .+8,496)Pt.→ 447(+25)Res. 0:115:13:01:09(+0:004:06:48:19)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus. 168,093( .+2,568)Pt.→ 381( .+7)Res. 0:106:07:03:53(+0:001:12:41:50)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus . 166,490( .+1,779)Pt.→ 408( .+5)Res. 0:064:13:13:23(+0:000:17:25:22)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus. 133,531( .+2,465)Pt.→ 315( .+6)Res. 0:072:08:49:56(+0:000:16:16:25)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus. 128,248( .+5,558)Pt.→ 319(+16)Res. 0:081:04:11:31(+0:003:13:39:32)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus . 123,729( .+2,015)Pt.→ 303( .+6)Res. 0:069:17:46:53(+0:000:23:54:49)
┃◎14 hokuto@EAnewsplus 112,076( .+1,074)Pt.→ 257( .+3)Res. 0:032:17:37:06(+0:000:07:41:10)
┃◎15 tome7x@EAnewsplus 109,234( .+2,495)Pt.→ 271( .+7)Res. 0:060:22:28:12(+0:001:03:24:47)
┃◎16 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 93,904( .+4,576)Pt.→ 228(+11)Res. 0:046:09:09:23(+0:002:01:17:24)
┃◎17 tera3@EAnewsplus 85,618( .+2,880)Pt.→ 214( .+9)Res. 0:035:16:12:44(+0:001:01:19:29)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus 80,963( .+346)Pt.→ 198( .+1)Res. 0:097:13:58:15(+0:000:06:28:49)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus 64,575( .+1,497)Pt.↑ 144( .+4)Res. 0:032:20:28:24(+0:000:16:39:30)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus . 48,380( .+966)Pt.→ 191( .+4)Res. 0:088:16:18:16(+0:001:15:09:37)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus. 46,292( .+1,039)Pt.→ 138( .+3)Res. 0:032:08:02:14(+0:001:01:29:50)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus. 44,607( .+1,056)Pt.→ 104( .+3)Res. 0:034:09:25:21(+0:000:19:01:23)
┃◎24 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus 35,932( .+712)Pt.→ 176( .+2)Res. 0:057:20:29:23(+0:000:19:30:32)
┃◎26 1220@EAnewsplus. 28,561( .+1,671)Pt.→ .70( .+5)Res. 0:019:08:14:21(+0:001:04:20:20)
┃◎27 shari@EAnewsplus. 27,564( .+1,313)Pt.↑ .66( .+3)Res. 0:027:16:00:51(+0:001:10:46:24)
┃◎28 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus. 27,475( .+660)Pt.↓ .68( .+2)Res. 0:032:20:54:27(+0:000:18:49:35)
┃◎30 Wachutka@EAnewsplus. 23,391( .+559)Pt.→ .60( .+1)Res. 0:021:13:29:22(+0:000:11:57:53)
┃◎33 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus. 17,101( .+377)Pt.→ .36( .+1)Res. 0:015:06:12:38(+0:000:08:33:50)
┃◎36 yajishou@EAnewsplus. 12,818( .+772)Pt.→ .29( .+2)Res. 0:010:19:23:54(+0:000:15:07:02)
データ取得時刻 Wed Aug 29 11:02:03 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (79) (+2) .. r@EAnewsplus 34793.31... (+281.35) : 285.1 .. (-2.37)
2. (150) (-1) . ingot@EAnewsplus .. 21070.12 (+144.34) : 190.95 (-3.0)
3. (151) (+1) . kinta@EAnewsplus .. 20951.38 (+238.8).. : 232.56 (+2.97)
4. (293) ... sikasuke@EAnewsplus . 11746.34 (+110.74) : 267.07 (-25.53)
5. (389) (+1) . solstice@EAnewsplus 8697.33 .. (+155.03) : 116.31 (+2.98)
6. (421) (+2) . Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 7954.43 .. (+169.16) : 145.42 (+3.97)
7. (504) (-3) . KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
8. (509) (-4) . YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
9. (621) (+6) . giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 4823.74 .. (+100.49) : 112.22 (-2.02)
10. (717) (-2) tome7x@EAnewsplus 3909.03 .. (+30.1) .. : 27.25 .. (-2.99)
11. (808) (-6) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 3126.02 .. .. : 9.49 .
12. (821) (+1) HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3025.01 .. (+65.63)... : 40.65 .. (+2.89)
13. (909) (+5) ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2329.63 .. (+40.34)... : 31.5 . (+0.53)
14. (916) (-3) asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2293.73 .. .. : 18.72 ..
15. (919) (-3) fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
16. (922) (-3) tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2231.4 . .. : 34.61 ..
17. (960) (+6) yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 1915.02 .. (+66.44)... : 30.11 .. (+1.03)
18. (1050) (-2) foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1599) (-3) eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
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>>2-4 >>7
∧,,∧ 日報、乙ニダ
(∪ )
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/08/29〜2007/09/01
Team ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ Points
Russia. ┃1,354 (+5)┃293,059 ( +649)┃35│44,866,797 (+245,033)→ .
Futuremark.com. ┃1,245 ( )┃510,398 ( +364)┃36│44,505,387 (+147,278)→ .
2ch@PS3 ┃2,088 (+6)┃147,087 (+2,303)┃37│43,138,915 (+610,599)→ .
Folding@Malaysia ┃1,058 (+4)┃334,049 ( +547)┃38│41,606,566 (+215,583)↑1
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere.. ┃1,707 (+1)┃237,031 ( +570)┃39│41,604,605 (+170,807)↓1
Team 2ch. ┃2,501 (+4)┃343,201 ( +809)┃40│41,167,802 (+357,738)→ .
SpeedGuide.net. ┃ 603 (+1)┃455,496 ( +408)┃41│39,660,072 ( .+95,326)→ .
Team Lithuania ┃1,529 ( )┃191,158 ( +618)┃42│39,640,877 (+203,963)→ .
F?rum PCs Brasil . ┃1,368 (+5)┃323,136 ( +608)┃43│37,956,544 (+185,896)→ .
Sudhian Media ┃ 700 (+1)┃419,806 (+3,181)┃44│37,238,849 (+109,344)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070901&f=20070829&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,925 .+77 .-
┃ .result 2,092,870 .+53,278 .2
┃ .point 680,261,379 .+19,268,031 .2
┃ ....time 1228:148:12:09:57 +31:208:11:36:18 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070828 - 20070831.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,670(+16)人 2,058,309,329(+11,980,178)Pt.→ 7,423,500(+37,304)Res. 7761:064:22:14:16(+35:152:07:32:54)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 4,925(+77)人 680,261,379(+19,268,031)Pt.→ 2,092,870(+53,278)Res. 1228:148:12:09:57(+31:208:11:36:18)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070828 - 20070831.
┃◎23 @doujin . 46( .)人 5,215,652( .+95,604)Pt.→ 15,328(+262)Res. 10:065:04:36:59(+0:070:22:01:47)
┃◎24 @bicycle 34( .)人 5,138,129( .+99,156)Pt.→ 18,566(+277)Res. .9:145:12:33:58(+0:068:11:57:21)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus 47( .)人 5,012,780(+143,662)Pt.→ 14,197(+399)Res. 10:092:01:18:25(+0:102:05:40:43)
┃◎26 @netgame 27( .)人 4,940,749(+215,780)Pt.→ 18,278(+594)Res. .7:036:10:11:42(+0:096:15:05:18)
┃◎27 @mobile. 14( .)人 4,860,589(+135,948)Pt.→ 12,982(+387)Res. .7:228:21:05:52(+0:076:14:14:21)
@EAnewsplus. 5,000,000ポイント達成、14,000リザルト達成、10年3ヶ月解析時間達成、解析時間21位浮上
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 47 人中、提出 32 名です。提出率は 68.1% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070828 - 20070831.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus. 879,335(+14,645)Pt.→ 1,992(+39)Res. 2:150:03:26:26(+0:016:01:53:06)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus 484,665(+13,257)Pt.→ 1,161(+36)Res. 0:227:10:02:29(+0:006:01:44:30)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 422,096(+13,409)Pt.→ 986(+34)Res. 1:009:01:08:30(+0:013:14:11:42)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus 388,835(+19,502)Pt.→ 942(+56)Res. 0:243:08:56:42(+0:012:08:28:28)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus 331,747( .+5,757)Pt.→ 1,064(+15)Res. 0:221:05:39:13(+0:003:23:40:24)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus 241,822( .+4,694)Pt.→ 512(+13)Res. 0:255:15:16:11(+0:004:17:22:03)
┃◎. 7 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus. 204,473( .+4,832)Pt.→ 2,032(+14)Res. 0:144:18:06:53(+0:004:06:47:13)
┃◎. 8 solstice@EAnewsplus 188,376( .+9,433)Pt.→ 475(+28)Res. 0:120:08:12:09(+0:004:19:11:00)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus. 172,978( .+4,885)Pt.→ 394(+13)Res. 0:109:04:06:37(+0:002:21:02:44)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus . 168,518( .+2,028)Pt.→ 414( .+6)Res. 0:065:08:38:52(+0:000:19:25:29)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus. 139,634( .+6,103)Pt.→ 332(+17)Res. 0:074:05:33:28(+0:001:20:43:32)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus. 133,188( .+4,940)Pt.→ 333(+14)Res. 0:084:06:36:44(+0:003:02:25:13)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus . 127,298( .+3,569)Pt.→ 313(+10)Res. 0:071:15:03:06(+0:001:21:16:13)
┃◎14 hokuto@EAnewsplus 114,074( .+1,998)Pt.→ 262( .+5)Res. 0:033:07:05:18(+0:000:13:28:12)
┃◎15 tome7x@EAnewsplus 112,771( .+3,537)Pt.→ 282(+11)Res. 0:062:13:20:18(+0:001:14:52:06)
┃◎16 yutaka@EAnewsplus 101,326( .+7,422)Pt.→ 248(+20)Res. 0:049:16:36:34(+0:003:07:27:11)
┃◎17 tera3@EAnewsplus 89,142( .+3,524)Pt.→ 224(+10)Res. 0:036:23:10:40(+0:001:06:57:56)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus 82,719( .+1,756)Pt.→ 202( .+4)Res. 0:099:19:10:18(+0:002:05:12:03)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus 69,263( .+4,688)Pt.→ 155(+11)Res. 0:034:23:51:15(+0:002:03:22:51)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus . 50,433( .+2,053)Pt.→ 201(+10)Res. 0:092:03:39:30(+0:003:11:21:14)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus. 47,902( .+1,610)Pt.→ 143( .+5)Res. 0:034:00:01:46(+0:001:15:59:32)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus. 46,037( .+1,430)Pt.→ 108( .+4)Res. 0:035:09:53:56(+0:001:00:28:35)
┃◎24 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus 36,307( .+375)Pt.→ 177( .+1)Res. 0:058:05:52:29(+0:000:09:23:06)
┃◎26 1220@EAnewsplus. 29,584( .+1,023)Pt.→ .73( .+3)Res. 0:019:23:02:13(+0:000:14:47:52)
┃◎27 shari@EAnewsplus. 28,935( .+1,371)Pt.→ .70( .+4)Res. 0:028:21:16:23(+0:001:05:15:32)
┃◎28 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus. 28,555( .+1,080)Pt.→ .71( .+3)Res. 0:034:02:36:26(+0:001:05:41:59)
┃◎29 Wachutka@EAnewsplus. 24,508( .+1,117)Pt.↑ .63( .+3)Res. 0:022:14:23:04(+0:001:00:53:42)
┃◎31 HANA0501@EAnewsplus. 22,659( .+841)Pt.→ .56( .+2)Res. 0:023:22:22:25(+0:000:21:56:46)
┃◎32 tsuka@EAnewsplus 19,358( .+731)Pt.→ .45( .+2)Res. 0:008:08:37:27(+0:000:07:38:41)
┃◎33 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus. 17,716( .+615)Pt.→ .38( .+2)Res. 0:015:19:54:08(+0:000:13:41:30)
┃◎34 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus 16,049( .+773)Pt.→ .41( .+2)Res. 0:030:02:50:24(+0:001:14:30:28)
┃◎43 Chemosh@EAnewsplus. 2,978( .+664)Pt.→ 8( .+2)Res. 0:002:15:02:22(+0:000:14:29:50)
データ取得時刻 Sat Sep 01 11:02:03 JST 2007
比較対象 37時間11分前
1. (82) (-3) . r@EAnewsplus 35570.22... (+412.28) : 279.41 (+1.3)
2. (150) (+1) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 21663.88 (+334.04) : 240.18 (+4.56)
3. (152) (+1) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 21543.72 (+264.49) : 185.43 (-0.5)
4. (290) (+5) sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 12136.91... (+344.08) : 234.54 (-12.53)
5. (389) (-5) solstice@EAnewsplus 8957.45 .. (+28.73)... : 111.13... (-6.78)
6. (403) (+4) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 8509.41 .. (+249.79) : 161.42 (+6.77)
7. (518) (-7) KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
8. (524) (-7) YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
9. (604) (+15) . giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 5206.97 .. (+266.6)... : 116.2 .. (+4.13)
10. (715) (+3) ... tome7x@EAnewsplus 4013.71 .. (+66.58)... : 29.47 .. (+1.59)
11. (805) (+6) ... Yami@EAnewsplus .. 3190.69 .. (+64.66)... : 10.53 .. (+1.04)
12. (816) (+6) ... HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3098.6 . (+63.96)... : 37.63 .. (-2.25)
13. (908) (+4) ... ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.. 2411.69 ... (+82.06).. : 31.2 .. (-0.3)
14. (920) (-2) ... tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2296.93 .. .. : 15.14 ..
15. (921) (-2) ... asakaze@EAnewsplus .. 2293.73 ... . : 18.72
16. (922) (-1) ... fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
17. (953) (+9) ... yumenemi@EAnewsplus . 2007.95 ... (+92.92).. : 29.43 ... (-0.69)
18. (1059) (-5) .. foxy@EAnewsplus 1389.58 .. .. : 30.29 ..
19. (1617) (-11) eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
∧∧ ∧∧ ∧∧
(*゚ワ゚) (*^ヮ^) (*゚ー゚) チームの皆さん解析お疲れ様でした!
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し' (/"ヽ) (/`J
>>2-4 >>7
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/01〜2007/09/02
Team ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ Points
Russia. ┃1,355 (+1)┃293,233 ( +174)┃35│44,945,023 ( .+78,226)→ .
Futuremark.com. ┃1,245 ( )┃510,513 ( +115)┃36│44,555,899 ( .+50,512)→ .
2ch@PS3 ┃2,091 (+3)┃147,913 ( +826)┃37│43,364,565 (+225,650)→ .
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere.. ┃1,707 ( )┃237,268 ( +237)┃38│41,678,709 ( .+74,104)↑1
Folding@Malaysia ┃1,059 (+1)┃334,174 ( +125)┃39│41,664,133 ( .+57,567)↓1
Team 2ch. ┃2,501 ( )┃344,632 (+1,431)┃40│41,294,208 (+126,406)→ .
Team Lithuania ┃1,529 ( )┃191,338 ( +180)┃41│39,708,507 ( .+67,630)↑1
SpeedGuide.net. ┃ 606 (+3)┃455,604 ( +108)┃42│39,689,067 ( .+28,995)↓1
F?rum PCs Brasil . ┃1,368 ( )┃323,971 ( +835)┃43│38,006,784 ( .+50,240)→ .
Sudhian Media ┃ 700 ( )┃419,923 ( +117)┃44│37,282,530 ( .+43,681)→ .
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070902&f=20070901&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,951 .+26 .-
┃ .result 2,110,633 .+17,763 .2
┃ .point 686,653,093 +6,391,714 .2
┃ ....time 1238:285:14:51:13 +10:137:02:41:16 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070831 - 20070901.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews 5,674( .+4)人 2,062,149,922(+3,840,593)Pt.→ 7,435,508(+12,008)Res. 7772:183:21:09:21(+11:118:22:55:05)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch 4,951(+26)人 686,653,093(+6,391,714)Pt.→ 2,110,633(+17,763)Res. 1238:285:14:51:13(+10:137:02:41:16)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070831 - 20070901.
┃◎23 @doujin 46( .)人 5,247,084(+31,432)Pt.→ 15,414( .+86)Res. 10:086:19:55:28(+0:021:15:18:29)
┃◎24 @bicycle. 34( .)人 5,169,629(+31,500)Pt.→ 18,655( .+89)Res. .9:166:19:21:38(+0:021:06:47:40)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus. 47( .)人 5,067,659(+54,879)Pt.→ 14,348(+151)Res. 10:129:10:34:57(+0:037:09:16:32)
┃◎26 @netgame. 27( .)人 5,003,556(+62,807)Pt.→ 18,451(+173)Res. .7:065:07:35:27(+0:028:21:23:45)
┃◎27 @mobile.. 14( .)人 4,906,325(+45,736)Pt.→ 13,118(+136)Res. .7:254:02:59:35(+0:025:05:53:43)
@EAnewsplus. 10年4ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 47 人中、提出 29 名です。提出率は 61.7% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070831 - 20070901.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 883,669(+4,334)Pt.→ 2,004(+12)Res. 2:154:20:39:07(+0:004:17:12:41)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 488,088(+3,423)Pt.→ 1,170( .+9)Res. 0:228:23:27:53(+0:001:13:25:24)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 425,691(+3,595)Pt.→ 996(+10)Res. 1:012:09:49:31(+0:003:08:41:01)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 394,612(+5,777)Pt.→ 957(+15)Res. 0:246:21:33:20(+0:003:12:36:38)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus . 335,846(+4,099)Pt.→ 1,076(+12)Res. 0:223:14:39:28(+0:002:09:00:15)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 243,713(+1,891)Pt.→ 517( .+5)Res. 0:257:11:31:19(+0:001:20:15:08)
┃◎. 7 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 205,769(+1,296)Pt.→ 2,037( .+5)Res. 0:145:18:48:30(+0:001:00:41:37)
┃◎. 8 solstice@EAnewsplus. 192,972(+4,596)Pt.→ 489(+14)Res. 0:122:18:20:43(+0:002:10:08:34)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus 174,590(+1,612)Pt.→ 398( .+4)Res. 0:110:01:37:42(+0:000:21:31:05)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus. 170,165(+1,647)Pt.→ 419( .+5)Res. 0:066:01:11:49(+0:000:16:32:57)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 140,525( +891)Pt.→ 334( .+2)Res. 0:074:11:57:55(+0:000:06:24:27)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus 134,386(+1,198)Pt.→ 336( .+3)Res. 0:085:00:04:51(+0:000:17:28:07)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus. 128,707(+1,409)Pt.→ 317( .+4)Res. 0:072:09:22:53(+0:000:18:19:47)
┃◎14 hokuto@EAnewsplus. 116,806(+2,732)Pt.→ 269( .+7)Res. 0:034:01:25:44(+0:000:18:20:26)
┃◎15 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 115,179(+2,408)Pt.→ 290( .+8)Res. 0:063:16:05:14(+0:001:02:44:56)
┃◎16 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 102,818(+1,492)Pt.→ 252( .+4)Res. 0:050:08:10:15(+0:000:15:33:41)
┃◎17 tera3@EAnewsplus. 91,655(+2,513)Pt.→ 231( .+7)Res. 0:037:21:33:05(+0:000:22:22:25)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus. 84,385(+1,666)Pt.→ 206( .+4)Res. 0:102:13:27:00(+0:002:18:16:42)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 71,651(+2,388)Pt.→ 161( .+6)Res. 0:036:03:27:40(+0:001:03:36:25)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus. 50,561( +128)Pt.→ 202( .+1)Res. 0:092:08:52:02(+0:000:05:12:32)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus 48,795( +893)Pt.→ 145( .+2)Res. 0:034:07:29:22(+0:000:07:27:36)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 46,324( +287)Pt.→ 109( .+1)Res. 0:035:14:52:32(+0:000:04:58:36)
┃◎24 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.... 36,709( +402)Pt.→ 178( .+1)Res. 0:058:22:25:00(+0:000:16:32:31)
┃◎26 1220@EAnewsplus 30,898(+1,314)Pt.→ .76( .+3)Res. 0:021:00:38:03(+0:001:01:35:50)
┃◎27 shari@EAnewsplus 29,380( +445)Pt.→ .71( .+1)Res. 0:029:06:04:42(+0:000:08:48:19)
┃◎28 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 29,044( +489)Pt.→ .72( .+1)Res. 0:034:13:38:30(+0:000:11:02:04)
┃◎33 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus 18,424( +708)Pt.→ .40( .+2)Res. 0:016:09:36:11(+0:000:13:42:03)
┃◎34 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus . 16,886( +837)Pt.→ .43( .+2)Res. 0:031:17:35:11(+0:001:14:44:47)
┃◎35 Yami@EAnewsplus 13,346( +409)Pt.→ .29( .+1)Res. 0:012:02:36:25(+0:000:07:59:58)
http://wcg-team2ch.no-ip.info/stat.cgi?c=itamem-aa&b=EAnewsplus&s=point&u=&m=&bit=&t=20070901&f=20070831 2007年8月月報
データ取得時刻 Sun Sep 02 11:08:49 JST 2007
比較対象 24時間5分前
1. (81) (+1) . r@EAnewsplus 35899.83... (+329.6)... : 282.6 .. (+3.19)
2. (147) (+3) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 21930.01 (+266.12) : 233.67 (-6.51)
3. (153) (-1) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 21703.54 (+159.81) : 178.63 (-6.8)
4. (285) (+5) sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 12352.34... (+215.42) : 232.68 (-1.87)
5. (385) (+4) solstice@EAnewsplus 8957.45 .. .. : 111.13
6. (396) (+7) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 8585.33 .. (+75.91)... : 147.42... (-14.0)
7. (510) (+8) KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
8. (515) (+9) YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
9. (590) (+14) . giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 5256.64 .. (+49.66)... : 112.79... (-3.41)
10. (697) (+18) tome7x@EAnewsplus 4058.46 .. (+44.75)... : 31.56 .. (+2.09)
11. (785) (+20) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 3231.03 .. (+40.34)... : 14.05 .. (+3.52)
12. (797) (+19) HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3142.01 .. (+43.4) .. : 37.84 .. (+0.2)
13. (887) (+21) ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2427.46 .. (+15.77)... : 28.76 .. (-2.45)
14. (900) (+20) tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2296.93 .. .. : 15.14 ..
15. (902) (+19) asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2293.73 .. .. : 18.72 ..
16. (903) (+19) fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
17. (932) (+21) yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 2029.97 .. (+22.02)... : 28.64 .. (-0.8)
18. (1037) (+22) foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1578) (+39) eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
| チームの皆さん解析おつかれー
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 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
>>2-4 >>7
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チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/02〜2007/09/03
Team .┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
Russia . ┃1,356 (+1)┃293,417 ( +184)┃35│45,019,800 ( .+74,777)→
Futuremark.com . ┃1,245 ( )┃510,612 ( .+99)┃36│44,607,484 ( .+51,585)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,095 (+4)┃148,674 ( +761)┃37│43,555,319 (+190,754)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere...┃1,708 (+1)┃237,626 ( +358)┃38│41,756,639 ( .+77,930)→
Folding@Malaysia. ┃1,059 ( )┃334,355 ( +181)┃39│41,749,141 ( .+85,008)→
Team 2ch ┃2,503 (+2)┃345,753 (+1,121)┃40│41,427,074 (+132,866)→
Team Lithuania. ┃1,529 ( )┃191,508 ( +170)┃41│39,774,697 ( .+66,190)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 606 ( )┃455,685 ( .+81)┃42│39,710,436 ( .+21,369)→
F?rum PCs Brasil ┃1,369 (+1)┃324,091 ( +120)┃43│38,064,473 ( .+57,689)→
Sudhian Media. ┃ 700 ( )┃419,988 ( .+65)┃44│37,321,612 ( .+39,082)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070903&f=20070902&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,967 .+16 .-
┃ .result 2,129,848 .+19,215 .2
┃ .point 693,624,281 +6,971,188 .2
┃ ....time 1250:051:02:28:36 +11:130:11:37:23 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070901 - 20070902.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews 5,680( .+6)人 2,066,011,356(+3,861,434)Pt.→ 7,447,441(+11,933)Res. 7783:248:03:20:24(+11:064:06:11:03)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch 4,967(+16)人 693,624,281(+6,971,188)Pt.→ 2,129,848(+19,215)Res. 1250:051:02:28:36(+11:130:11:37:23)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070901 - 20070902.
┃◎23 @doujin . 46( )人 5,278,220(+31,136)Pt.→ 15,498( .+84)Res. 10:109:22:49:52(+0:023:02:54:24)
┃◎24 @bicycle 35(+1)人 5,202,374(+32,745)Pt.→ 18,744( .+89)Res. .9:189:01:27:19(+0:022:06:05:41)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus 47( )人 5,122,912(+55,253)Pt.→ 14,499(+151)Res. 10:166:07:59:53(+0:036:21:24:56)
┃◎26 @netgame 27( )人 5,081,121(+77,565)Pt.→ 18,662(+211)Res. .7:101:06:00:48(+0:035:22:25:21)
┃◎27 @mobile. 14( )人 4,956,523(+50,198)Pt.→ 13,266(+148)Res. .7:282:18:05:07(+0:028:15:05:32)
@EAnewsplus. 5,100,000ポイント達成、10年5ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 47 人中、提出 25 名です。提出率は 53.2% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070901 - 20070902.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 887,726(+4,057)Pt.→ 2,013( .+9)Res. 2:159:06:14:17(+0:004:09:35:10)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 492,722(+4,634)Pt.→ 1,183(+13)Res. 0:231:04:32:30(+0:002:05:04:37)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 430,119(+4,428)Pt.→ 1,007(+11)Res. 1:017:05:38:36(+0:004:19:49:05)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 398,535(+3,923)Pt.→ 968(+11)Res. 0:249:06:56:53(+0:002:09:23:33)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus . 344,269(+8,423)Pt.→ 1,099(+23)Res. 0:228:17:13:52(+0:005:02:34:24)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 244,889(+1,176)Pt.→ 520( .+3)Res. 0:258:15:09:25(+0:001:03:38:06)
┃◎. 7 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 206,646( +877)Pt.→ 2,039( .+2)Res. 0:146:08:30:16(+0:000:13:41:46)
┃◎. 8 solstice@EAnewsplus. 196,176(+3,204)Pt.→ 498( .+9)Res. 0:124:12:31:32(+0:001:18:10:49)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus 175,782(+1,192)Pt.→ 401( .+3)Res. 0:110:18:45:20(+0:000:17:07:38)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus. 172,486(+2,321)Pt.→ 426( .+7)Res. 0:066:23:31:46(+0:000:22:19:57)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 142,416(+1,891)Pt.→ 339( .+5)Res. 0:075:01:54:44(+0:000:13:56:49)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus 136,963(+2,577)Pt.→ 344( .+8)Res. 0:086:16:56:44(+0:001:16:51:53)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus. 130,272(+1,565)Pt.→ 321( .+4)Res. 0:073:04:08:45(+0:000:18:45:52)
┃◎14 hokuto@EAnewsplus. 117,541( +735)Pt.→ 271( .+2)Res. 0:034:06:08:49(+0:000:04:43:05)
┃◎15 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 117,270(+2,091)Pt.→ 296( .+6)Res. 0:064:14:26:00(+0:000:22:20:46)
┃◎16 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 105,209(+2,391)Pt.→ 258( .+6)Res. 0:051:12:24:43(+0:001:04:14:28)
┃◎17 tera3@EAnewsplus. 95,498(+3,843)Pt.→ 242(+11)Res. 0:039:06:58:47(+0:001:09:25:42)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus. 85,105( +720)Pt.→ 207( .+1)Res. 0:103:02:55:21(+0:000:13:28:21)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus. 51,535( +974)Pt.→ 206( .+4)Res. 0:094:01:59:04(+0:001:17:07:02)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus 49,854(+1,059)Pt.→ 148( .+3)Res. 0:035:08:48:48(+0:001:01:19:26)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 47,245( +921)Pt.→ 112( .+3)Res. 0:036:06:49:56(+0:000:15:57:24)
┃◎24 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.... 37,023( +314)Pt.→ 179( .+1)Res. 0:059:07:05:08(+0:000:08:40:08)
┃◎25 1220@EAnewsplus 31,753( +855)Pt.↑ .79( .+3)Res. 0:021:14:17:44(+0:000:13:39:41)
┃◎27 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 29,430( +386)Pt.↑ .73( .+1)Res. 0:035:00:07:42(+0:000:10:29:12)
┃◎29 Wachutka@EAnewsplus 25,204( +696)Pt.→ .65( .+2)Res. 0:023:07:23:06(+0:000:17:00:02)
データ取得時刻 Mon Sep 03 11:02:04 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間51分前
1. (81) . r@EAnewsplus ... 36160.25 (+260.42) : 280.93 (-1.68)
2. (148) (-1) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 22177.35 (+247.33) : 236.87 (+3.19)
3. (154) (-1) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 21798.59 (+95.05).. : 171.64 (-7.0)
4. (283) (+2) sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 12680.49... (+328.15) : 242.26 (+9.58)
5. (394) (-9) solstice@EAnewsplus 8990.95 .. (+33.5) .. : 87.49 .. (-23.64)
6. (403) (-7) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 8718.49 .. (+133.16) : 146.74 (-0.68)
7. (525) (-15) . KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
8. (530) (-15) . YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
9. (588) (+2) giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 5535.13 .. (+278.48) : 125.23 (+12.44)
10. (706) (-9) ... tome7x@EAnewsplus 4167.96 .. (+109.5)... : 39.03 .. (+7.46)
11. (794) (-9) ... Yami@EAnewsplus .. 3375.76 .. (+144.72) : 25.94 .. (+11.89)
12. (820) (-23) HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3142.01 .. .. : 37.84 ..
13. (902) (-15) ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2490.68 .. (+63.21)... : 31.79 .. (+3.03)
14. (923) (-23) tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2296.93 .. .. : 15.14 ..
15. (925) (-23) asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2293.73 .. .. : 18.72 ..
16. (927) (-24) fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
17. (958) (-26) yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 2029.97 .. .. : 28.64 ..
18. (1064) (-27) foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1624) (-46) eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
,ィ ・ 。 *
☆ ゚ /´i ∧,,∧ あなたもプロジェクトに参加しませんか?
i゙ ゚ゝミ,,゚∀゚彡
! ー、ミ っ日o ・ 。 ゜
゚ ゚ . ヽ,, `ー(^)-ァ^) パソコンでできるボランティア
`''--―'´ ̄ 詳しくは
>>2-4 >>7 ゚ ・。
☆ ゚ ☆ 。
BOINC 5.10.20正式リリース
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/03〜2007/09/04
Team .┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
Russia . ┃1,356 ( )┃293,701 (+284)┃35│45,133,325 (+113,525)→
Futuremark.com . ┃1,245 ( )┃510,736 (+124)┃36│44,674,068 ( .+66,584)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,099 (+4)┃149,430 (+756)┃37│43,758,082 (+202,763)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere... ┃1,711 (+3)┃237,866 (+240)┃38│41,831,721 ( .+75,082)→
Folding@Malaysia. ┃1,059 ( )┃334,541 (+186)┃39│41,825,412 ( .+76,271)→
Team 2ch ┃2,504 (+1)┃346,014 (+261)┃40│41,543,399 (+116,325)→
Team Lithuania. ┃1,529 ( )┃191,724 (+216)┃41│39,845,260 ( .+70,563)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 606 ( )┃455,798 (+113)┃42│39,746,944 ( .+36,508)→
F?rum PCs Brasil ┃1,369 ( )┃324,263 (+172)┃43│38,130,021 ( .+65,548)→
Sudhian Media. ┃ 700 ( )┃420,050 ( .+62)┃44│37,357,373 ( .+35,761)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070904&f=20070903&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,975 +8 .-
┃ .result 2,148,931 .+19,083 .2
┃ .point 700,617,607 +6,993,326 .2
┃ ....time 1261:180:00:49:18 +11:128:22:20:42 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070902 - 20070903.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,684(+4)人 2,070,001,392(+3,990,036)Pt.→ 7,459,837(+12,396)Res. 7795:122:00:07:58(+11:238:20:47:34)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 4,975(+8)人 700,617,607(+6,993,326)Pt.→ 2,148,931(+19,083)Res. 1261:180:00:49:18(+11:128:22:20:42)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070902 - 20070903.
┃◎23 @doujin 46( .)人 5,313,476(+35,256)Pt.→ 15,592( .+94)Res. 10:135:00:39:17(+0:025:01:49:25)
┃◎24 @bicycle. 35( .)人 5,233,778(+31,404)Pt.→ 18,829( .+85)Res. .9:210:16:40:08(+0:021:15:12:49)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus. 47( .)人 5,179,821(+56,909)Pt.→ 14,653(+154)Res. 10:204:10:41:16(+0:038:02:41:23)
┃◎26 @netgame. 27( .)人 5,160,879(+79,758)Pt.→ 18,882(+220)Res. .7:136:00:35:59(+0:034:18:35:11)
┃◎27 @mobile.. 14( .)人 4,998,950(+42,427)Pt.→ 13,385(+119)Res. .7:305:20:45:46(+0:023:02:40:39)
@EAnewsplus. リザルト29位浮上、10年6ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 47 人中、提出 29 名です。提出率は 61.7% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070902 - 20070903.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 892,261(+4,535)Pt.→ 2,025(+12)Res. 2:164:04:56:29(+0:004:22:42:12)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 498,200(+5,478)Pt.→ 1,198(+15)Res. 0:233:16:34:08(+0:002:12:01:38)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 435,136(+5,017)Pt.→ 1,020(+13)Res. 1:022:12:46:18(+0:005:07:07:42)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 403,114(+4,579)Pt.→ 980(+12)Res. 0:251:16:36:26(+0:002:09:39:33)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus . 348,782(+4,513)Pt.→ 1,111(+12)Res. 0:231:09:18:58(+0:002:16:05:06)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 247,241(+2,352)Pt.→ 526( .+6)Res. 0:261:00:35:49(+0:002:09:26:24)
┃◎. 7 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 208,093(+1,447)Pt.→ 2,043( .+4)Res. 0:147:04:44:41(+0:000:20:14:25)
┃◎. 8 solstice@EAnewsplus. 201,070(+4,894)Pt.→ 512(+14)Res. 0:127:02:57:57(+0:002:14:26:25)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus 177,479(+1,697)Pt.→ 405( .+4)Res. 0:111:18:36:41(+0:000:23:51:21)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus. 173,404( +918)Pt.→ 429( .+3)Res. 0:067:08:48:22(+0:000:09:16:36)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 144,240(+1,824)Pt.→ 344( .+5)Res. 0:075:15:28:15(+0:000:13:33:31)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus 138,738(+1,775)Pt.→ 348( .+4)Res. 0:087:19:40:48(+0:001:02:44:04)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus. 131,321(+1,049)Pt.→ 324( .+3)Res. 0:073:16:36:01(+0:000:12:27:16)
┃◎14 hokuto@EAnewsplus. 118,231( +690)Pt.→ 273( .+2)Res. 0:034:10:50:36(+0:000:04:41:47)
┃◎15 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 118,147( +877)Pt.→ 299( .+3)Res. 0:065:00:11:19(+0:000:09:45:19)
┃◎16 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 106,773(+1,564)Pt.→ 262( .+4)Res. 0:052:04:51:50(+0:000:16:27:07)
┃◎17 tera3@EAnewsplus. 98,850(+3,352)Pt.→ 251( .+9)Res. 0:040:10:56:32(+0:001:03:57:45)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus. 86,601(+1,496)Pt.→ 211( .+4)Res. 0:104:16:46:24(+0:001:13:51:03)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 73,780(+2,129)Pt.→ 167( .+6)Res. 0:037:07:57:53(+0:001:04:30:13)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus. 52,086( +551)Pt.→ 208( .+2)Res. 0:095:00:20:26(+0:000:22:21:22)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus 51,334(+1,480)Pt.→ 152( .+4)Res. 0:035:22:27:35(+0:000:13:38:47)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 48,032( +787)Pt.→ 114( .+2)Res. 0:036:20:03:53(+0:000:13:13:57)
┃◎24 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.... 37,352( +329)Pt.→ 180( .+1)Res. 0:059:16:00:32(+0:000:08:55:24)
┃◎25 1220@EAnewsplus 32,470( +717)Pt.→ .81( .+2)Res. 0:022:03:13:56(+0:000:12:56:12)
┃◎32 tsuka@EAnewsplus. 20,023( +665)Pt.→ .47( .+2)Res. 0:008:15:21:04(+0:000:06:43:37)
┃◎33 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus 18,782( +358)Pt.→ .41( .+1)Res. 0:016:16:27:56(+0:000:06:51:45)
┃◎34 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus . 17,568( +682)Pt.→ .45( .+2)Res. 0:033:00:05:19(+0:001:06:30:08)
┃◎35 Yami@EAnewsplus 14,141( +795)Pt.→ .31( .+2)Res. 0:012:14:47:30(+0:000:12:11:05)
┃◎43 Chemosh@EAnewsplus 3,337( +359)Pt.→ 9( .+1)Res. 0:002:23:32:01(+0:000:08:29:39)
データ取得時刻 Tue Sep 04 11:02:03 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (82) (-1) . r@EAnewsplus ... 36425.33 (+265.07) : 278.61 (-2.33)
2. (148) . kinta@EAnewsplus .. 22386.99 (+209.64) : 237.57 (+0.7)
3. (155) (-1) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 21923.46 (+124.87) : 171.42 (-0.23)
4. (283) . sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 12793.18... (+112.68) : 230.37 (-11.89)
5. (393) (+1) solstice@EAnewsplus ... 9100.32 ... (+109.37) : 93.01 .. (+5.52)
6. (400) (+3) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 8873.84 .. (+155.34) : 147.68 (+0.93)
7. (530) (-5) KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
8. (532) (-2) YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
9. (585) (+3) giryushu@EAnewsplus . 5601.96 ... (+66.83).. : 120.54 (-4.7)
10. (702) (+4) .. tome7x@EAnewsplus 4238.11 .. (+70.14)... : 41.36 .. (+2.33)
11. (737) (+57) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 3863.69 .. (+487.92) : 69.26 .. (+43.32)
12. (814) (+6) .. HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3228.17 .. (+86.15)... : 40.36 .. (+2.52)
13. (901) (+1) .. ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2528.77 .. (+38.09)... : 33.81 .. (+2.02)
14. (917) (+6) .. tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2429.99 .. (+133.06) : 20.82 .. (+5.67)
15. (928) (-3) .. asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2293.73 .. .. : 18.72 ..
16. (930) (-3) .. fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
17. (959) (-1) .. yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 2069.58 .. (+39.61)... : 27.29 .. (-1.35)
18. (1068) (-4) .. foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1630) (-6) .. eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
<丶`∀´>ノ にっぽつ!( `ハ´)ノ
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ttp://www.dff.jp/index.html よりコピペ
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/04〜2007/09/05
Team .┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
Russia . ┃1,357 (+1)┃293,938 (+237)┃35│45,217,046 ( .+83,721)→
Futuremark.com . ┃1,245 ( )┃510,840 (+104)┃36│44,726,030 ( .+51,962)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,101 (+2)┃150,185 (+755)┃37│43,946,317 (+188,235)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere... ┃1,713 (+2)┃238,146 (+280)┃38│41,900,177 ( .+68,456)→
Folding@Malaysia. ┃1,059 ( )┃334,713 (+172)┃39│41,889,330 ( .+63,918)→
Team 2ch ┃2,505 (+1)┃346,283 (+269)┃40│41,668,647 (+125,248)→
Team Lithuania. ┃1,529 ( )┃191,897 (+173)┃41│39,907,548 ( .+62,288)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 607 (+1)┃455,895 ( .+97)┃42│39,775,625 ( .+28,681)→
F?rum PCs Brasil ┃1,369 ( )┃324,430 (+167)┃43│38,186,689 ( .+56,668)→
Sudhian Media. ┃ 701 (+1)┃420,126 ( .+76)┃44│37,393,683 ( .+36,310)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070905&f=20070904&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,983 +8 .-
┃ .result 2,166,926 .+17,995 .2
┃ .point 707,285,515 +6,667,908 .2
┃ ....time 1272:114:07:23:34 +10:299:06:34:16 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070903 - 20070904.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews 5,693( .+9)人 2,073,914,319(+3,912,927)Pt.→ 7,472,071(+12,234)Res. 7806:316:10:46:07(+11:194:10:38:09)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch 4,983( .+8)人 707,285,515(+6,667,908)Pt.→ 2,166,926(+17,995)Res. 1272:114:07:23:34(+10:299:06:34:16)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070903 - 20070904.
┃◎24 @bicycle. 35( .)人 5,263,518(+29,740)Pt.→ 18,909( .+80)Res. .9:231:23:54:43(+0:021:07:14:35)
┃◎25 @netgame. 27( .)人 5,228,449(+67,570)Pt.↑ 19,063(+181)Res. .7:165:09:53:23(+0:029:09:17:24)
┃◎26 @EAnewsplus. 47( .)人 5,226,154(+46,333)Pt.↓ 14,773(+120)Res. 10:237:04:14:28(+0:032:17:33:12)
┃◎27 @mobile.. 14( .)人 5,036,907(+37,957)Pt.→ 13,483( .+98)Res. .7:327:11:42:29(+0:021:14:56:43)
┃◎28 @stock. 17( .)人 4,698,112(+62,653)Pt.→ 12,200(+173)Res. .7:097:19:22:49(+0:029:18:16:09)
@EAnewsplus. 5,200,000ポイント達成、10年7ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 47 人中、提出 30 名です。提出率は 63.8% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070903 - 20070904
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 895,008(+2,747)Pt.→ 2,032( .+7)Res. 2:166:18:49:20(+0:002:13:52:51)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 500,878(+2,678)Pt.→ 1,205( .+7)Res. 0:234:22:06:42(+0:001:05:32:34)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 439,269(+4,133)Pt.→ 1,030(+10)Res. 1:027:01:26:07(+0:004:12:39:49)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 406,529(+3,415)Pt.→ 989( .+9)Res. 0:253:19:07:45(+0:002:02:31:19)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus. 350,643(+1,861)Pt.→ 1,116( .+5)Res. 0:232:18:59:27(+0:001:09:40:29)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 249,005(+1,764)Pt.→ 531( .+5)Res. 0:262:21:29:17(+0:001:20:53:28)
┃◎. 7 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 208,743( +650)Pt.→ 2,045( .+2)Res. 0:147:19:55:03(+0:000:15:10:22)
┃◎. 8 solstice@EAnewsplus. 205,240(+4,170)Pt.→ 525(+13)Res. 0:129:08:41:35(+0:002:05:43:38)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus 178,589(+1,110)Pt.→ 407( .+2)Res. 0:112:09:00:29(+0:000:14:23:48)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus 174,125( +721)Pt.→ 431( .+2)Res. 0:067:15:49:14(+0:000:07:00:52)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 147,023(+2,783)Pt.→ 351( .+7)Res. 0:076:11:42:09(+0:000:20:13:54)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus . 140,765(+2,027)Pt.→ 353( .+5)Res. 0:089:02:52:26(+0:001:07:11:38)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus 131,694( +373)Pt.→ 325( .+1)Res. 0:073:20:56:32(+0:000:04:20:31)
┃◎14 hokuto@EAnewsplus. 118,645( +414)Pt.→ 274( .+1)Res. 0:034:13:41:33(+0:000:02:50:57)
┃◎15 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 118,547( +400)Pt.→ 300( .+1)Res. 0:065:04:32:42(+0:000:04:21:23)
┃◎16 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 109,617(+2,844)Pt.→ 269( .+7)Res. 0:053:10:26:21(+0:001:05:34:31)
┃◎17 tera3@EAnewsplus 100,941(+2,091)Pt.→ 257( .+6)Res. 0:041:04:56:28(+0:000:17:59:56)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus. 87,696(+1,095)Pt.→ 214( .+3)Res. 0:106:11:26:28(+0:001:18:40:04)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 76,423(+2,643)Pt.→ 173( .+6)Res. 0:038:15:50:01(+0:001:07:52:08)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus 52,725( +639)Pt.→ 210( .+2)Res. 0:096:02:17:04(+0:001:01:56:38)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus 51,950( +616)Pt.→ 154( .+2)Res. 0:036:04:08:36(+0:000:05:41:01)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 48,544( +512)Pt.→ 115( .+1)Res. 0:037:04:52:48(+0:000:08:48:55)
┃◎27 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 30,642(+1,212)Pt.→ .76( .+3)Res. 0:036:06:58:25(+0:001:06:50:43)
┃◎28 shari@EAnewsplus . 29,761( +381)Pt.→ .72( .+1)Res. 0:029:14:47:28(+0:000:08:42:46)
┃◎29 Wachutka@EAnewsplus . 25,579( +375)Pt.→ .66( .+1)Res. 0:023:15:51:30(+0:000:08:28:24)
┃◎31 HANA0501@EAnewsplus 23,120( +461)Pt.→ .57( .+1)Res. 0:024:12:09:23(+0:000:13:46:58)
┃◎32 tsuka@EAnewsplus. 20,408( +385)Pt.→ .48( .+1)Res. 0:008:19:29:09(+0:000:04:08:05)
┃◎33 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus.. 19,456( +674)Pt.→ .43( .+2)Res. 0:017:05:31:18(+0:000:13:03:22)
┃◎34 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus. 18,507( +939)Pt.→ .47( .+2)Res. 0:034:19:25:36(+0:001:19:20:17)
┃◎35 Yami@EAnewsplus . 16,361(+2,220)Pt.→ .36( .+5)Res. 0:013:08:59:21(+0:000:18:11:51)
データ取得時刻 Wed Sep 05 11:02:04 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (81) (+1) . r@EAnewsplus ... 36649.95 (+224.62) : 274.41 (-4.2)
2. (146) (+2) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 22615.17 (+228.17) : 238.96 (+1.38)
3. (157) (-2) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 22084.17 (+160.7).. : 166.49 (-4.93)
4. (283) . sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 12908.87... (+115.69) : 222.14 (-8.23)
5. (387) (+6) solstice@EAnewsplus ... 9334.0 .. (+233.67) : 102.44 (+9.43)
6. (401) (-1) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 8907.49 .. (+33.65)... : 146.67... (-1.01)
7. (532) (-2) KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
8. (536) (-4) YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
9. (582) (+3) giryushu@EAnewsplus . 5703.26 ... (+101.29) : 127.88 (+7.33)
10. (691) (+11) tome7x@EAnewsplus 4373.16 .. (+135.05) : 51.54 .. (+10.18)
11. (711) (+26) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 4204.76 .. (+341.06) : 95.5 . (+26.23)
12. (816) (-2) .. HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3228.17 .. .. : 40.36 ..
13. (905) (-4) .. ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2528.77 .. .. : 33.81 ..
14. (909) (+8) .. tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2478.15 .. (+48.15)... : 23.27 .. (+2.45)
15. (927) (+1) .. asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2326.23 .. (+32.5) .. : 4.05 . (-14.67)
16. (933) (-3) .. fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
17. (961) (-2) .. yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 2069.58 .. .. : 27.29 ..
18. (1069) (-1) .. foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1632) (-2) .. eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
∧∧ ∧∧ o
(*゚ー゚). T (゚Д゚,,∩ '
/ づ○ ━┳━━━┷━━━┳━ | づ●ミ チームの皆さん解析お疲れ様です♪
〜' | ┃ ┃ | _,つ
し'^ヽ_) ┃ ┃ ノし'
>>219 パソコンでできるボランティア
>>2-4 >>7
>>219 はてはて・・・
228 :
219:2007/09/06(木) 00:09:24 ID:VaYay7Kq
>>227 UDはやってなかったので分かりませんが、5.10.13の時のままです
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/05〜2007/09/06
Team ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ Points
Russia ┃1,357 ( )┃294,155 (+217)┃35│45,313,963 ( .+96,917)→ .
Futuremark.com ┃1,245 ( )┃510,958 (+118)┃36│44,776,832 ( .+50,802)→ .
2ch@PS3 ┃2,105 (+4)┃150,886 (+701)┃37│44,149,044 (+202,727)→ .
Folding@Malaysia ┃1,060 (+1)┃334,931 (+218)┃38│41,965,800 ( .+76,470)↑1
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere....┃1,713 ( )┃238,457 (+311)┃39│41,958,926 ( .+58,749)↓1
Team 2ch. ┃2,507 (+2)┃346,543 (+260)┃40│41,796,065 (+127,418)→ .
Team Lithuania ┃1,530 (+1)┃192,131 (+234)┃41│39,987,349 ( .+79,801)→ .
SpeedGuide.net. ┃ 607 ( )┃455,992 ( .+97)┃42│39,804,751 ( .+29,126)→ .
F?rum PCs Brasil. ┃1,369 ( )┃324,585 (+155)┃43│38,247,983 ( .+61,294)→ .
Sudhian Media ┃ 701 ( )┃420,202 ( .+76)┃44│37,437,938 ( .+44,255)→ .
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070906&f=20070905&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162 http://www.scei.co.jp/folding/jp/
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 4,992 +9 .-
┃ .result 2,185,206 .+18,280 .2
┃ .point 713,992,617 +6,707,102 .2
┃ ....time 1283:113:05:52:44 +10:363:22:29:10 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070904 - 20070905.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews 5,698( .+5)人 2,077,887,125(+3,972,806)Pt.→ 7,484,380(+12,309)Res. 7818:148:15:01:26(+11:197:04:15:19)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch 4,992( .+9)人 713,992,617(+6,707,102)Pt.→ 2,185,206(+18,280)Res. 1283:113:05:52:44(+10:363:22:29:10)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070904 - 20070905.
┃◎24 @netgame. 27( .)人 5,305,264(+76,815)Pt.↑ 19,274(+211)Res. .7:200:06:42:02(+0:034:20:48:39)
┃◎25 @bicycle. 35( .)人 5,288,827(+25,309)Pt.↓ 18,977( .+68)Res. .9:249:09:56:15(+0:017:10:01:32)
┃◎26 @EAnewsplus. 47( .)人 5,279,560(+53,406)Pt.→ 14,914(+141)Res. 10:276:22:33:03(+0:039:18:18:35)
┃◎27 @mobile.. 14( .)人 5,074,012(+37,105)Pt.→ 13,583(+100)Res. .7:347:19:01:40(+0:020:07:19:11)
┃◎28 @stock. 17( .)人 4,760,098(+61,986)Pt.→ 12,371(+171)Res. .7:127:14:48:03(+0:029:19:25:14)
@EAnewsplus. 10年9ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 47 人中、提出 28 名です。提出率は 59.6% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070904 - 20070905.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 901,875(+6,867)Pt.→ 2,050(+18)Res. 2:174:05:31:43(+0:007:10:42:23)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 505,718(+4,840)Pt.→ 1,218(+13)Res. 0:237:03:05:35(+0:002:04:58:53)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 444,823(+5,554)Pt.→ 1,044(+14)Res. 1:032:08:34:22(+0:005:07:08:15)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 409,287(+2,758)Pt.→ 996( .+7)Res. 0:256:01:10:54(+0:002:06:03:09)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus . 352,922(+2,279)Pt.→ 1,122( .+6)Res. 0:234:04:02:42(+0:001:09:03:15)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 251,625(+2,620)Pt.→ 538( .+7)Res. 0:266:23:23:05(+0:004:01:53:48)
┃◎. 7 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 210,139(+1,396)Pt.→ 2,049( .+4)Res. 0:148:21:18:30(+0:001:01:23:27)
┃◎. 8 solstice@EAnewsplus. 209,071(+3,831)Pt.→ 536(+11)Res. 0:131:05:52:02(+0:001:21:10:27)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus 180,259(+1,670)Pt.→ 411( .+4)Res. 0:113:08:11:10(+0:000:23:10:41)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus. 175,082( +957)Pt.→ 434( .+3)Res. 0:068:01:05:41(+0:000:09:16:27)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 150,407(+3,384)Pt.→ 360( .+9)Res. 0:077:11:50:13(+0:001:00:08:04)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus 142,558(+1,793)Pt.→ 358( .+5)Res. 0:090:05:34:58(+0:001:02:42:32)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus. 132,996(+1,302)Pt.→ 328( .+3)Res. 0:074:12:11:53(+0:000:15:15:21)
┃◎14 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 119,594(+1,047)Pt.↑ 303( .+3)Res. 0:065:16:18:03(+0:000:11:45:21)
┃◎15 hokuto@EAnewsplus. 119,018( +373)Pt.↓ 275( .+1)Res. 0:034:16:16:24(+0:000:02:34:51)
┃◎16 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 111,579(+1,962)Pt.→ 274( .+5)Res. 0:054:07:20:34(+0:000:20:54:13)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus. 88,942(+1,246)Pt.→ 217( .+3)Res. 0:107:16:57:51(+0:001:05:31:23)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 77,195( +772)Pt.→ 175( .+2)Res. 0:039:01:20:25(+0:000:09:30:24)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus. 53,350( +625)Pt.→ 212( .+2)Res. 0:097:04:02:14(+0:001:01:45:10)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus 53,220(+1,270)Pt.→ 157( .+3)Res. 0:037:06:46:18(+0:001:02:37:42)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 48,917( +373)Pt.→ 116( .+1)Res. 0:037:11:23:25(+0:000:06:30:37)
┃◎24 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.... 37,818( +466)Pt.→ 181( .+1)Res. 0:060:06:15:51(+0:000:14:15:19)
┃◎26 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 30,976( +334)Pt.↑ .77( .+1)Res. 0:036:16:33:37(+0:000:09:35:12)
┃◎29 Wachutka@EAnewsplus 26,292( +713)Pt.→ .68( .+2)Res. 0:024:07:18:04(+0:000:15:26:34)
┃◎32 tsuka@EAnewsplus. 20,755( +347)Pt.→ .49( .+1)Res. 0:008:22:55:37(+0:000:03:26:28)
┃◎33 Yami@EAnewsplus 20,183(+3,822)Pt.↑ .46(+10)Res. 0:015:00:01:31(+0:001:15:02:10)
┃◎34 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus 19,787( +331)Pt.↓ .44( .+1)Res. 0:017:12:39:20(+0:000:07:08:02)
┃◎35 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus . 18,981( +474)Pt.↓ .48( .+1)Res. 0:035:14:44:03(+0:000:19:18:27)
データ取得時刻 Thu Sep 06 11:02:09 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (81) r@EAnewsplus 36962.68... (+312.73) : 279.3 .. (+4.88)
2. (145) (+1) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 22958.28 (+343.1).. : 245.16 (+6.19)
3. (159) (-2) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 22159.73 (+75.56).. : 159.16 (-7.34)
4. (281) (+2) sikasuke@EAnewsplus . 13058.9 ... (+150.03) : 217.8 .. (-4.34)
5. (385) (+2) solstice@EAnewsplus ... 9558.99 ... (+224.99) : 119.33 (+16.89)
6. (396) (+5) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 9077.81 .. (+170.31) : 140.19 (-6.48)
7. (535) (-3) KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
8. (538) (-2) YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
9. (581) (+1) giryushu@EAnewsplus . 5773.84 ... (+70.58).. : 119.19 (-8.69)
10. (681) (+30) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 4529.94 .. (+325.18) : 118.03 (+22.53)
11. (692) (-1) .. tome7x@EAnewsplus 4405.35 .. (+32.18)... : 50.1 . (-1.45)
12. (809) (+7) .. HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3328.57 .. (+100.4)... : 39.38 .. (-0.98)
13. (893) (+12) ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.. 2610.22 ... (+81.44).. : 33.12 ... (-0.7)
14. (913) (-4) .. tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2478.15 .. .. : 23.27 ..
15. (930) (-3) .. asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2326.23 .. .. : 4.05 .
16. (939) (-6) .. fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
17. (956) (+5) .. yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 2134.12 .. (+64.54)... : 28.23 .. (+0.93)
18. (1073) (-4) .. foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1635) (-3) .. eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
| ほんの少しCPUパワー |
| 貸してもらえませんか? |
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
∧_∧ || サッ!
( ・ω・)と) パソコンでできるボランティア
. ( つ|| 詳しくは
>>2-4 >>7 と_)_) ||
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/06〜2007/09/07
Team .┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
Russia . ┃1,359 (+2)┃294,353 (+198)┃35│45,395,386 ( .+81,423)→
Futuremark.com . ┃1,245 ( )┃511,077 (+119)┃36│44,839,705 ( .+62,873)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,108 (+3)┃151,639 (+753)┃37│44,341,943 (+192,899)→
Folding@Malaysia. ┃1,060 ( )┃335,128 (+197)┃38│42,033,726 ( .+67,926)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere... ┃1,713 ( )┃238,773 (+316)┃39│42,030,433 ( .+71,507)→
Team 2ch ┃2,508 (+1)┃347,502 (+959)┃40│41,915,721 (+119,656)→
Team Lithuania. ┃1,530 ( )┃192,305 (+174)┃41│40,050,046 ( .+62,697)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 608 (+1)┃456,087 ( .+95)┃42│39,833,080 ( .+28,329)→
F?rum PCs Brasil ┃1,369 ( )┃324,739 (+154)┃43│38,305,036 ( .+57,053)→
Sudhian Media. ┃ 701 ( )┃420,270 ( .+68)┃44│37,476,530 ( .+38,592)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070907&f=20070906&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162 http://www.scei.co.jp/folding/jp/
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 5,005 .+13 .-
┃ .result 2,202,993 .+17,787 .2
┃ .point 720,559,514 +6,566,897 .2
┃ ....time 1293:361:02:02:50 +10:247:20:10:06 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070905 - 20070906.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews 5,703( .+5)人 2,081,758,497(+3,871,372)Pt.→ 7,496,453(+12,073)Res. 7829:313:19:02:10(+11:165:04:00:44)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch 5,005(+13)人 720,559,514(+6,566,897)Pt.→ 2,202,993(+17,787)Res. 1293:361:02:02:50(+10:247:20:10:06)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070905 - 20070906.
┃◎24 @netgame 27( )人 5,376,440(+71,176)Pt.→ 19,467(+193)Res. .7:230:02:00:20(+0:029:19:18:18)
┃◎25 @bicycle 36(+1)人 5,323,586(+34,759)Pt.→ 19,071( .+94)Res. .9:274:21:03:38(+0:025:11:07:23)
┃◎26 @EAnewsplus 47( )人 5,318,491(+38,931)Pt.→ 15,019(+105)Res. 10:305:21:55:47(+0:028:23:22:44)
┃◎27 @mobile. 14( )人 5,106,894(+32,882)Pt.→ 13,671( .+88)Res. .7:364:22:25:55(+0:017:03:24:15)
┃◎28 @stock 17( )人 4,821,473(+61,375)Pt.→ 12,536(+165)Res. .7:158:18:48:37(+0:031:04:00:34)
@EAnewsplus. 5,300,000ポイント達成、15,000リザルト達成、10年10ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 47 人中、提出 29 名です。提出率は 61.7% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070905 - 20070906
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 905,014(+3,139)Pt.→ 2,057( .+7)Res. 2:177:02:51:38(+0:002:21:19:55)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 509,779(+4,061)Pt.→ 1,229(+11)Res. 0:239:00:25:55(+0:001:21:20:20)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 448,985(+4,162)Pt.→ 1,055(+11)Res. 1:036:23:42:22(+0:004:15:08:00)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 411,474(+2,187)Pt.→ 1,002( .+6)Res. 0:257:22:30:24(+0:001:21:19:30)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus. 354,306(+1,384)Pt.→ 1,126( .+4)Res. 0:235:08:17:28(+0:001:04:14:46)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 253,191(+1,566)Pt.→ 542( .+4)Res. 0:268:14:18:34(+0:001:14:55:29)
┃◎. 7 solstice@EAnewsplus. 213,125(+4,054)Pt.↑ 547(+11)Res. 0:133:06:09:41(+0:002:00:17:39)
┃◎. 8 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 212,619(+2,480)Pt.↓ 2,055( .+6)Res. 0:151:08:23:56(+0:002:11:05:26)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus 181,551(+1,292)Pt.→ 414( .+3)Res. 0:114:04:06:38(+0:000:19:55:28)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus 175,399( +317)Pt.→ 435( .+1)Res. 0:068:04:16:53(+0:000:03:11:12)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 152,532(+2,125)Pt.→ 366( .+6)Res. 0:078:03:34:14(+0:000:15:44:01)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus . 143,276( +718)Pt.→ 360( .+2)Res. 0:090:15:43:16(+0:000:10:08:18)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus 134,500(+1,504)Pt.→ 332( .+4)Res. 0:075:06:53:08(+0:000:18:41:15)
┃◎14 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 119,931( +337)Pt.→ 304( .+1)Res. 0:065:19:55:15(+0:000:03:37:12)
┃◎16 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 112,307( +728)Pt.→ 276( .+2)Res. 0:054:15:28:11(+0:000:08:07:37)
┃◎17 tera3@EAnewsplus 101,273( +332)Pt.→ 258( .+1)Res. 0:041:07:51:50(+0:000:02:55:22)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus. 89,639( +697)Pt.→ 219( .+2)Res. 0:108:13:30:24(+0:000:20:32:33)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 77,972( +777)Pt.→ 177( .+2)Res. 0:039:10:22:55(+0:000:09:02:30)
┃◎20 asakaze@EAnewsplus. 65,020( +677)Pt.→ 427( .+2)Res. 0:053:04:56:24(+0:000:12:40:57)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus 53,955( +605)Pt.→ 214( .+2)Res. 0:098:05:47:29(+0:001:01:45:15)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus 53,398( +178)Pt.→ 158( .+1)Res. 0:037:10:27:54(+0:000:03:41:36)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 49,510( +593)Pt.→ 118( .+2)Res. 0:037:21:36:39(+0:000:10:13:14)
┃◎25 1220@EAnewsplus . 33,300( +830)Pt.→ .83( .+2)Res. 0:022:12:15:27(+0:000:09:01:31)
┃◎26 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 31,306( +330)Pt.→ .78( .+1)Res. 0:037:01:47:49(+0:000:09:14:12)
┃◎28 shari@EAnewsplus . 30,162( +401)Pt.→ .73( .+1)Res. 0:030:02:13:45(+0:000:11:26:17)
┃◎31 HANA0501@EAnewsplus 23,483( +363)Pt.→ .58( .+1)Res. 0:024:21:38:43(+0:000:09:29:20)
┃◎32 Yami@EAnewsplus . 22,613(+2,430)Pt.↑ .53( .+7)Res. 0:015:22:59:19(+0:000:22:57:48)
┃◎33 tsuka@EAnewsplus. 21,113( +358)Pt.↓ .50( .+1)Res. 0:009:02:47:49(+0:000:03:52:12)
┃◎35 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus. 19,287( +306)Pt.→ .49( .+1)Res. 0:036:10:07:52(+0:000:19:23:49)
データ取得時刻 Fri Sep 07 11:02:02 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (83) (-2) . r@EAnewsplus ... 37016.27 (+53.58).. : 275.28 (-4.02)
2. (140) (+5) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 23416.72 (+458.44) : 263.04 (+17.88)
3. (159) . ingot@EAnewsplus .. 22270.62 (+110.88) : 156.89 (-2.28)
4. (281) . sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 13227.37... (+168.46) : 209.63 (-8.17)
5. (384) (+1) solstice@EAnewsplus ... 9669.25 ... (+110.25) : 121.58 (+2.25)
6. (398) (-2) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 9236.54 .. (+158.73) : 141.82 (+1.63)
7. (537) (-2) KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
8. (540) (-2) YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
9. (570) (+11) . giryushu@EAnewsplus . 5990.16 ... (+216.32) : 122.62 (+3.43)
10. (654) (+27) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 4862.22 .. (+332.28) : 139.72 (+21.69)
11. (684) (+8) .. tome7x@EAnewsplus 4527.29 .. (+121.93) : 56.14 .. (+6.04)
12. (815) (-6) .. HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3346.69 .. (+18.11)... : 39.19 .. (-0.2)
13. (893) ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.. 2633.72 ... (+23.5) . : 32.3 .. (-0.82)
14. (918) (-5) .. tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2504.99 .. (+26.84)... : 21.91 .. (-1.37)
15. (935) (-5) .. asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2326.23 .. .. : 4.05 .
16. (939) fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
17. (957) (-1) .. yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 2134.12 .. .. : 28.23 ..
18. (1076) (-3) .. foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1636) (-1) .. eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
:*・゜゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*:*・゜゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*:*
∧∧ ∧ ∧
(,,゚Д゚) チームの皆さん (゚ー゚*)
と つ と、 つ
〜| | 解析お疲れ様でした。 ヽ __つ
し^J し'
:*・゜゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*:*・゜゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*:*
>>2-4 >>7
244 :
<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん:2007/09/08(土) 10:15:04 ID:paqDEc2Z
245 :
<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん:2007/09/09(日) 09:52:39 ID:B6SeoUn4
>>245 俺のとこは結果2つしか返してなかったけど、両方エラーだったわ
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/07〜2007/09/09
Team ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ Points
The Knights Who Say Ni!. ┃ 438 ( )┃429,829 ( +182)┃33│48,593,954 ( .+40,770)→ .
NCIX.com Forum Folding Team..... ┃ 830 ( )┃207,632 ( +526)┃34│46,764,913 (+232,371)→ .
Russia. ┃1,361 (+2)┃294,813 ( +460)┃35│45,577,386 (+182,000)→ .
Futuremark.com. ┃1,245 ( )┃511,304 ( +227)┃36│44,947,710 (+108,005)→ .
2ch@PS3 ┃2,117 (+9)┃153,213 (+1,574)┃37│44,754,571 (+412,628)→ .
Team 2ch. ┃2,509 (+1)┃348,111 ( +609)┃38│42,179,214 (+263,493)↑2
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere.. ┃1,715 (+2)┃239,267 ( +494)┃39│42,175,027 (+144,594)→ .
Folding@Malaysia ┃1,061 (+1)┃335,483 ( +355)┃40│42,164,298 (+130,572)↓2
Team Lithuania ┃1,530 ( )┃192,648 ( +343)┃41│40,171,830 (+121,784)→ .
SpeedGuide.net. ┃ 609 (+1)┃456,314 ( +227)┃42│39,900,252 ( .+67,172)→ .
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070909&f=20070907&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162 http://www.scei.co.jp/folding/jp/
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 5,023 .+18 .-
┃ .result 2,238,359 .+35,366 .2
┃ .point 733,702,928 .+13,143,414 .2
┃ ....time 1315:087:20:06:05 +21:091:18:03:15 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070906 - 20070908.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,712( .+9)人 2,089,565,342( .+7,806,845)Pt.→ 7,520,527(+24,074)Res. 7852:262:15:34:02(+22:313:20:31:52)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 5,023(+18)人 733,702,928(+13,143,414)Pt.→ 2,238,359(+35,366)Res. 1315:087:20:06:05(+21:091:18:03:15)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070906 - 20070908.
┃◎23 @netgame 27( .)人 5,513,972(+137,532)Pt.↑ 19,845(+378)Res. .7:291:06:18:13(+0:061:04:17:53)
┃◎24 @doujin . 46( .)人 5,484,824( .+71,528)Pt.↓ 16,055(+191)Res. 10:260:11:43:26(+0:053:00:42:51)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus 47( .)人 5,417,679( .+99,188)Pt.↑ 15,280(+261)Res. 11:009:16:59:51(+0:068:19:04:04)
┃◎26 @bicycle 36( .)人 5,385,896( .+62,310)Pt.↓ 19,236(+165)Res. .9:317:16:33:39(+0:042:19:30:01)
┃◎27 @mobile. 14( .)人 5,179,756( .+72,862)Pt.→ 13,859(+188)Res. .8:038:08:24:43(+0:038:09:58:48)
@EAnewsplus. 5,400,000ポイント達成、ポイント25位浮上、11年解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 47 人中、提出 29 名です。提出率は 61.7% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070906 - 20070908.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 914,552(+9,538)Pt.→ 2,083(+26)Res. 2:187:19:24:01(+0:010:16:32:23)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 514,733(+4,954)Pt.→ 1,242(+13)Res. 0:241:07:55:47(+0:002:07:29:52)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 455,440(+6,455)Pt.→ 1,071(+16)Res. 1:044:02:18:42(+0:007:02:36:20)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 420,920(+9,446)Pt.→ 1,027(+25)Res. 0:263:19:55:26(+0:005:21:25:02)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus . 362,007(+7,701)Pt.→ 1,146(+20)Res. 0:240:05:30:14(+0:004:21:12:46)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 254,635(+1,444)Pt.→ 546( .+4)Res. 0:269:23:00:50(+0:001:08:42:16)
┃◎. 7 solstice@EAnewsplus. 220,041(+6,916)Pt.→ 568(+21)Res. 0:136:20:52:04(+0:003:14:42:23)
┃◎. 8 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 216,554(+3,935)Pt.→ 2,065(+10)Res. 0:153:21:12:25(+0:002:12:48:29)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus 184,722(+3,171)Pt.→ 422( .+8)Res. 0:116:02:21:09(+0:001:22:14:31)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus. 178,541(+3,142)Pt.→ 444( .+9)Res. 0:069:10:09:02(+0:001:05:52:09)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 154,300(+1,768)Pt.→ 371( .+5)Res. 0:078:16:37:02(+0:000:13:02:48)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus 146,167(+2,891)Pt.→ 369( .+9)Res. 0:092:11:16:53(+0:001:19:33:37)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus. 137,310(+2,810)Pt.→ 339( .+7)Res. 0:076:15:41:10(+0:001:08:48:02)
┃◎14 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 122,218(+2,287)Pt.→ 311( .+7)Res. 0:066:20:37:04(+0:001:00:41:49)
┃◎16 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 118,258(+5,951)Pt.→ 288(+12)Res. 0:057:04:07:56(+0:002:12:39:45)
┃◎17 tera3@EAnewsplus 106,165(+4,892)Pt.→ 271(+13)Res. 0:043:02:34:26(+0:001:18:42:36)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus. 92,636(+2,997)Pt.→ 226( .+7)Res. 0:112:14:59:40(+0:004:01:29:16)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 81,231(+3,259)Pt.→ 185( .+8)Res. 0:041:00:45:37(+0:001:14:22:42)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus. 54,688( +733)Pt.→ 216( .+2)Res. 0:099:12:05:58(+0:001:06:18:29)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus 54,324( +926)Pt.→ 161( .+3)Res. 0:038:01:24:55(+0:000:14:57:01)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 50,750(+1,240)Pt.→ 121( .+3)Res. 0:038:19:44:48(+0:000:22:08:09)
┃◎24 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.... 38,429( +611)Pt.→ 183( .+2)Res. 0:061:07:27:52(+0:001:01:12:01)
┃◎25 1220@EAnewsplus 38,068(+4,768)Pt.→ .95(+12)Res. 0:025:06:05:09(+0:002:17:49:42)
┃◎26 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 31,689( +383)Pt.→ .79( .+1)Res. 0:037:13:13:46(+0:000:11:25:57)
┃◎29 Yami@EAnewsplus 27,102(+4,489)Pt.↑ .64(+11)Res. 0:018:00:40:30(+0:002:01:41:11)
┃◎30 Wachutka@EAnewsplus 26,643( +351)Pt.↓ .69( .+1)Res. 0:024:14:43:24(+0:000:07:25:20)
┃◎34 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus 20,475( +688)Pt.→ .46( .+2)Res. 0:018:02:24:33(+0:000:13:45:13)
┃◎35 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus . 20,390(+1,103)Pt.→ .52( .+3)Res. 0:038:15:23:16(+0:002:05:15:24)
┃◎43 Chemosh@EAnewsplus 3,676( +339)Pt.→ .10( .+1)Res. 0:003:05:40:52(+0:000:06:08:51)
データ取得時刻 Sun Sep 09 11:02:02 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (83) r@EAnewsplus 37016.27... .. : 275.28
2. (141) (-2) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 23673.89 .. : 271.8 ..
3. (158) . ingot@EAnewsplus .. 22604.64 (+202.1).. : 156.3 ... (-4.14)
4. (284) (+2) sikasuke@EAnewsplus . 13429.79 (+202.41) : 200.7 .. (-8.94)
5. (385) (-2) solstice@EAnewsplus ... 9803.85 ... . : 122.0
6. (399) (+1) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 9432.21 .. (+95.96)... : 141.14... (+0.33)
7. (546) (-6) KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
8. (549) (-6) YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
9. (578) (-4) giryushu@EAnewsplus . 6001.39 ... . : 112.26 .
10. (608) (+31) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 5590.09 .. (+471.15) : 180.27 (+31.65)
11. (668) (+11) tome7x@EAnewsplus 4783.01 .. (+152.01) : 68.94 .. (+7.81)
12. (814) (+5) .. HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3397.43 .. (+50.73)... : 36.99 .. (-2.2)
13. (899) (-2) .. ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2633.72 .. .. : 32.3 .
14. (921) (-4) .. tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2504.99 .. .. : 21.91 ..
15. (936) (-1) .. asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2326.23 .. .. : 4.05 .
16. (941) (-1) .. fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
17. (951) (+2) .. yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 2189.1 . (+23.54)... : 26.64 .. (-0.99)
18. (1085) (-8) .. foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1641) (-4) .. eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
<丶`∀´>/日報乙ニダ!( `ハ´)/解析乙アル!
255 :
219:2007/09/10(月) 11:47:12 ID:XqhO58Jr
# UDアイコンと聞いて、試しに「UD」でGrepしてみたら引っかかりました。
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/09〜2007/09/11
Team ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ Points
The Knights Who Say Ni!. ┃ 438 ( )┃430,000 ( +171)┃33│48,647,902 ( .+53,948)→ .
NCIX.com Forum Folding Team..... ┃ 830 ( )┃208,219 ( +587)┃34│47,021,271 (+256,358)→ .
Russia. ┃1,362 (+1)┃295,304 ( +491)┃35│45,785,605 (+208,219)→ .
2ch@PS3 ┃2,121 (+4)┃154,614 (+1,401)┃36│45,153,679 (+399,108)↑1
Futuremark.com. ┃1,246 (+1)┃511,572 ( +268)┃37│45,075,522 (+127,812)↓1
Team 2ch. ┃2,510 (+1)┃348,648 ( +537)┃38│42,425,328 (+246,114)→ .
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere.. ┃1,717 (+2)┃239,862 ( +595)┃39│42,339,185 (+164,158)→ .
Folding@Malaysia ┃1,061 ( )┃335,867 ( +384)┃40│42,309,090 (+144,792)→ .
Team Lithuania ┃1,531 (+1)┃193,075 ( +427)┃41│40,309,275 (+137,445)→ .
SpeedGuide.net. ┃ 610 (+1)┃456,533 ( +219)┃42│39,968,591 ( .+68,339)→ .
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070911&f=20070909&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162 http://www.scei.co.jp/folding/jp/
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
Team 2chのチーム 250 チーム中、提出 246 チームです。提出率は 98.4% です。
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 5,046 .+23 .-
┃ .result 2,277,001 .+38,642 .2
┃ .point 748,215,509 .+14,512,581 .2
┃ ....time 1338:198:12:18:17 +23:110:16:12:12 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070908 - 20070910.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,721( .+9)人 2,097,512,920( .+7,947,578)Pt.→ 7,544,737(+24,210)Res. 7875:305:10:15:24(+23:042:18:41:22)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 5,046(+23)人 748,215,509(+14,512,581)Pt.→ 2,277,001(+38,642)Res. 1338:198:12:18:17(+23:110:16:12:12)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070908 - 20070910.
┃◎23 @netgame. 27( )人 5,664,516(+150,544)Pt.→ 20,254(+409)Res. .7:357:07:19:08(+0:066:01:00:55)
┃◎24 @doujin 46( )人 5,554,723( .+69,899)Pt.→ 16,239(+184)Res. 10:311:14:14:57(+0:051:02:31:31)
┃◎25 @EAnewsplus. 49(+2)人 5,535,804(+118,125)Pt.→ 15,589(+309)Res. 11:090:02:19:04(+0:080:09:19:13)
┃◎26 @bicycle. 36( )人 5,451,633( .+65,737)Pt.→ 19,410(+174)Res. .9:363:09:37:36(+0:045:17:03:57)
┃◎27 @mobile.. 14( )人 5,258,006( .+78,250)Pt.→ 14,062(+203)Res. .8:079:22:35:46(+0:041:14:11:03)
@EAnewsplus. 5,500,000ポイント達成、11年2ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 49 人中、提出 31 名です。提出率は 63.3% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070908 - 20070910.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus. 923,616( .+9,064)Pt.→ 2,107(+24)Res. 2:197:18:58:25(+0:009:23:34:24)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus 524,130( .+9,397)Pt.→ 1,267(+25)Res. 0:245:13:10:21(+0:004:05:14:34)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 466,452(+11,012)Pt.→ 1,099(+28)Res. 1:056:18:21:46(+0:012:16:03:04)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus 431,475(+10,555)Pt.→ 1,054(+27)Res. 0:270:09:53:30(+0:006:13:58:04)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus 367,549( .+5,542)Pt.→ 1,162(+16)Res. 0:243:05:47:35(+0:003:00:17:21)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus 258,309( .+3,674)Pt.→ 556(+10)Res. 0:273:20:20:44(+0:003:21:19:54)
┃◎. 7 solstice@EAnewsplus 227,648( .+7,607)Pt.→ 591(+23)Res. 0:140:17:26:27(+0:003:20:34:23)
┃◎. 8 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus. 218,925( .+2,371)Pt.→ 2,071( .+6)Res. 0:155:14:13:03(+0:001:17:00:38)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus. 187,506( .+2,784)Pt.→ 430( .+8)Res. 0:117:19:19:44(+0:001:16:58:35)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus . 181,942( .+3,401)Pt.→ 454(+10)Res. 0:070:19:05:06(+0:001:08:56:04)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus. 158,841( .+4,541)Pt.→ 383(+12)Res. 0:080:01:58:51(+0:001:09:21:49)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus. 151,136( .+4,969)Pt.→ 381(+12)Res. 0:095:13:39:25(+0:003:02:22:32)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus . 139,523( .+2,213)Pt.→ 345( .+6)Res. 0:077:17:44:05(+0:001:02:02:55)
┃◎14 tome7x@EAnewsplus 125,689( .+3,471)Pt.→ 320( .+9)Res. 0:068:09:32:51(+0:001:12:55:47)
┃◎15 yutaka@EAnewsplus 122,689( .+4,431)Pt.↑ 298(+10)Res. 0:059:03:51:38(+0:001:23:43:42)
┃◎17 tera3@EAnewsplus. 110,905( .+4,740)Pt.→ 284(+13)Res. 0:044:20:14:06(+0:001:17:39:40)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus 95,010( .+2,374)Pt.→ 231( .+5)Res. 0:115:16:50:51(+0:003:01:51:11)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus 83,347( .+2,116)Pt.→ 190( .+5)Res. 0:042:01:55:50(+0:001:01:10:13)
┃◎20 asakaze@EAnewsplus 65,409( .+389)Pt.→ 428( .+1)Res. 0:053:11:47:55(+0:000:06:51:31)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus . 56,187( .+1,499)Pt.→ 222( .+6)Res. 0:102:01:49:38(+0:002:13:43:40)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus. 56,026( .+1,702)Pt.→ 164( .+3)Res. 0:038:16:55:45(+0:000:15:30:50)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus. 51,524( .+774)Pt.→ 123( .+2)Res. 0:039:09:31:29(+0:000:13:46:41)
┃◎24 1220@EAnewsplus. 41,925( .+3,857)Pt.↑ 105(+10)Res. 0:027:15:48:07(+0:002:09:42:58)
┃◎25 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus 38,612( .+183)Pt.↓ 184( .+1)Res. 0:061:16:34:44(+0:000:09:06:52)
┃◎26 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus. 32,872( .+1,183)Pt.→ .82( .+3)Res. 0:038:21:42:03(+0:001:08:28:17)
┃◎27 Yami@EAnewsplus. 31,193( .+4,091)Pt.↑ .74(+10)Res. 0:019:19:12:09(+0:001:18:31:39)
┃◎29 shari@EAnewsplus. 30,910( .+748)Pt.↓ .75( .+2)Res. 0:030:19:31:51(+0:000:17:18:06)
┃◎30 Wachutka@EAnewsplus. 27,520( .+877)Pt.→ .71( .+2)Res. 0:025:09:19:19(+0:000:18:35:55)
┃◎32 HANA0501@EAnewsplus. 23,875( .+392)Pt.→ .59( .+1)Res. 0:025:07:42:51(+0:000:10:04:08)
┃◎33 tsuka@EAnewsplus 21,736( .+623)Pt.→ .52( .+2)Res. 0:009:08:53:28(+0:000:06:05:39)
┃◎34 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus. 20,811( .+336)Pt.→ .47( .+1)Res. 0:018:08:32:16(+0:000:06:07:43)
┃◎40 express102@EAnewsplus. 7,209( .初)Pt.− .16( .初)Res. 0:004:00:20:24( .初)
express102@EAnewsplusさん. 転入
meganeoji@EAnewsplusさん 新規
(゛⌒ (゛⌒
(゛⌒ ) ∫
rー┴. .|
| i┬'~~~~~~~~~~|
| i┴ (,,゚Д゚) | ∫ <お二人様いらっさ〜い。コーヒーでもどぞー
`ー:┬'(/ .|つc■
∪ ∪
データ取得時刻 Tue Sep 11 11:02:03 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (82) ... r@EAnewsplus ... 37655.34 (+319.51) : 227.52 (+8.63)
2. (142) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 24221.32 (+322.74) : 242.58 (+4.75)
3. (158) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 22967.58 (+198.4).. : 160.06 (+4.2)
4. (281) (+1) .. sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 13980.76... (+311.7)... : 206.81... (+15.84)
5. (390) (+2) .. solstice@EAnewsplus 9953.05 .. (+149.2)... : 103.22... (-18.78)
6. (395) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 9820.7 . (+166.81) : 144.93 (+1.0)
7. (556) (-8) .. KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
8. (560) (-7) .. YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
9. (570) (+16) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 6259.69 .. (+269.23) : 207.4 .. (+6.06)
10. (583) (-6) . giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 6092.72 .. .. : 100.6 ..
11. (665) (+2) . tome7x@EAnewsplus 4918.73 .. (+47.18)... : 71.51 .. (-0.83)
12. (810) (-3) . HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3456.34 .. .. : 37.14 ..
13. (892) (-3) . ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2741.7 . .. : 34.87 ..
14. (906) (-4) . tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2632.69 .. .. : 27.51 ..
15. (942) (-1) . asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2349.82 .. (+23.59)... : 3.75 . (-0.31)
16. (950) (-4) . fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
17. (951) (+2) . yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 2248.97 .. (+59.86)... : 27.59 .. (+0.95)
18. (1098) (-9) . foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1649) (-2) . eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
// TANPAKUランキング(板別チーム順位)
// 解析・統計エンジン: @mmoスレ335氏・多謝
// 分解・公開: 簡易日報@doujin
データ取得時刻 Tue Sep 11 11:02:03 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. 1079510.09 @jisaku
2. 1048654.95 @news
3. 474582.67 @soccer
4. 470333.66 @mmo
5. 417226.49 @newsVIP
6. 417217.93 @utu
7. 394732.59 @bike
8. 295990.61 @male
9. 286441.95 @newsplus
10. 275680.62 @download
11. 270041.01 @lounge
12. 231107.81 @swf
13. 220969.65 @stg
14. 196165.75 @LeafKey
15. 167432.19 @watch
16. 165896.20 @EAnewsplus ←←←
17. 155480.60 @hangul
18. 145574.55 @livevenus
19. 133641.47 @newslive
20. 131683.99 @prog
>>254 オツニダ
>>255 了解しました(・∀・)
>>262 そんなあなたには国産プロジェクト「TANPAKU」がオヌヌメ
>>2-3 ∧∧ ∧∧
(*゚ー゚)')(`(゚Д゚,,) <チームの皆さん解析お疲れ様でした!
と / ヽ つ
⊂ 〈 . Ο )〜
("`J `J
>>261 ども。よろしくです。
データ取得時刻 Tue Sep 11 11:02:03 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (82) ... r@EAnewsplus ... 37655.34 (+319.51) : 227.52 (+8.63)
2. (142) kinta@EAnewsplus .. 24221.32 (+322.74) : 242.58 (+4.75)
3. (158) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 22967.58 (+198.4).. : 160.06 (+4.2)
4. (281) (+1) .. sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 13980.76... (+311.7)... : 206.81... (+15.84)
5. (390) (+2) .. solstice@EAnewsplus 9953.05 .. (+149.2)... : 103.22... (-18.78)
6. (395) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 9820.7 . (+166.81) : 144.93 (+1.0)
7. (556) (-8) .. KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
8. (560) (-7) .. YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
9. (570) (+16) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 6259.69 .. (+269.23) : 207.4 .. (+6.06)
10. (583) (-6) . giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 6092.72 .. .. : 100.6 ..
11. (665) (+2) . tome7x@EAnewsplus 4918.73 .. (+47.18)... : 71.51 .. (-0.83)
12. (810) (-3) . HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3456.34 .. .. : 37.14 ..
13. (892) (-3) . ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2741.7 . .. : 34.87 ..
14. (906) (-4) . tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2632.69 .. .. : 27.51 ..
15. (942) (-1) . asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2349.82 .. (+23.59)... : 3.75 . (-0.31)
16. (950) (-4) . fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
17. (951) (+2) . yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 2248.97 .. (+59.86)... : 27.59 .. (+0.95)
18. (1098) (-9) . foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1649) (-2) . eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
>>266-268 (・∀・)オツオツ
∧∧. ∧∧
(*゚ー゚) (,,゚Д゚) チームのみなさん解析お疲れ様でした。
( ,二)(二 )
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157 404 sage New! 2007/09/13(木) 22:48:40 ID:???
2007/09/11〜2007/09/12のランキング 編集 クリップボードコピー(IE専)
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/11〜2007/09/12
Team . ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
The Knights Who Say Ni! ┃ 439 (+1)┃430,083 ( .+83)┃33│48,676,743 ( .+28,841)→
NCIX.com Forum Folding Team.... ┃ 830 ( )┃208,497 (+278)┃34│47,140,645 (+119,374)→
Russia ┃1,363 (+1)┃295,551 (+247)┃35│45,889,427 (+103,822)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,122 (+1)┃155,382 (+768)┃36│45,345,885 (+192,206)→
Futuremark.com ┃1,246 ( )┃511,692 (+120)┃37│45,139,873 ( .+64,351)→
Team 2ch ┃2,511 (+1)┃348,925 (+277)┃38│42,557,119 (+131,791)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere. ┃1,718 (+1)┃240,260 (+398)┃39│42,409,468 ( .+70,283)→
Folding@Malaysia . ┃1,061 ( )┃336,050 (+183)┃40│42,386,671 ( .+77,581)→
Team Lithuania . ┃1,531 ( )┃193,282 (+207)┃41│40,377,070 ( .+67,795)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 610 ( )┃456,640 (+107)┃42│40,000,202 ( .+31,611)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070912&f=20070911&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162 http://www.scei.co.jp/folding/jp/
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 5,064 .+18 .-
┃ .result 2,332,621 .+55,620 .2
┃ .point 769,360,533 .+21,145,024 .2
┃ ....time 1372:206:09:39:48 +34:007:21:21:31 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070910 - 20070913.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,730( .+9)人 2,109,424,789(+11,911,869)Pt.→ 7,581,393(+36,656)Res. 7910:328:14:33:30(+35:023:04:18:06)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 5,064(+18)人 769,360,533(+21,145,024)Pt.→ 2,332,621(+55,620)Res. 1372:206:09:39:48(+34:007:21:21:31)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070910 - 20070913.
┃◎22 @dtv. 10( .)人 6,415,929(+141,920)Pt.→ 36,961(+380)Res. .9:133:16:28:30(+0:065:05:05:44)
┃◎23 @netgame 27( .)人 5,887,551(+223,035)Pt.→ 20,848(+594)Res. .8:092:14:42:35(+0:100:07:23:27)
┃◎24 @EAnewsplus 49( .)人 5,695,926(+160,122)Pt.↑ 15,999(+410)Res. 11:202:04:50:38(+0:112:02:31:34)
┃◎25 @doujin . 46( .)人 5,647,488( .+92,765)Pt.↓ 16,476(+237)Res. 11:015:00:59:45(+0:068:10:44:48)
┃◎26 @bicycle 36( .)人 5,555,212(+103,579)Pt.→ 19,687(+277)Res. 10:070:17:23:18(+0:072:07:45:42)
@EAnewsplus. 5,600,000ポイント達成、ポイント24位浮上、11年6ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 49 人中、提出 32 名です。提出率は 65.3% です。
2007/09/10〜2007/09/13のランキング 編集 クリップボードコピー(IE専)
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070910 - 20070913.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus. 940,098(+16,482)Pt.→ 2,149(+42)Res. 2:214:22:13:44(+0:017:03:15:19)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus 537,695(+13,565)Pt.→ 1,302(+35)Res. 0:251:19:25:52(+0:006:06:15:31)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 481,518(+15,066)Pt.→ 1,136(+37)Res. 1:073:04:36:57(+0:016:10:15:11)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus 449,909(+18,434)Pt.→ 1,100(+46)Res. 0:281:08:00:28(+0:010:22:06:58)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus 377,609(+10,060)Pt.→ 1,187(+25)Res. 0:249:15:51:30(+0:006:10:03:55)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus 263,720( .+5,411)Pt.→ 570(+14)Res. 0:279:03:57:21(+0:005:07:36:37)
┃◎. 7 solstice@EAnewsplus 240,879(+13,231)Pt.→ 626(+35)Res. 0:147:06:50:48(+0:006:13:24:21)
┃◎. 8 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus. 222,371( .+3,446)Pt.→ 2,080( .+9)Res. 0:157:19:42:17(+0:002:05:29:14)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus. 191,080( .+3,574)Pt.→ 439( .+9)Res. 0:119:21:48:49(+0:002:02:29:05)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus . 187,039( .+5,097)Pt.→ 469(+15)Res. 0:072:20:37:27(+0:002:01:32:21)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus. 162,693( .+3,852)Pt.→ 391( .+8)Res. 0:081:02:56:20(+0:001:00:57:29)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus. 154,751( .+3,615)Pt.→ 390( .+9)Res. 0:097:19:38:15(+0:002:05:58:50)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus . 143,572( .+4,049)Pt.→ 355(+10)Res. 0:079:16:33:21(+0:001:22:49:16)
┃◎14 yutaka@EAnewsplus 129,841( .+7,152)Pt.↑ 316(+18)Res. 0:062:11:53:54(+0:003:08:02:16)
┃◎15 tome7x@EAnewsplus 127,817( .+2,128)Pt.↓ 325( .+5)Res. 0:069:07:54:23(+0:000:22:21:32)
┃◎16 hokuto@EAnewsplus 119,703( .+685)Pt.→ 277( .+2)Res. 0:034:20:52:56(+0:000:04:36:32)
┃◎17 tera3@EAnewsplus. 115,094( .+4,189)Pt.→ 295(+11)Res. 0:046:07:26:49(+0:001:11:12:43)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus 99,240( .+4,230)Pt.→ 241(+10)Res. 0:121:15:58:53(+0:005:23:08:02)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus 86,927( .+3,580)Pt.→ 199( .+9)Res. 0:043:20:22:26(+0:001:18:26:36)
┃◎21 giryushu@EAnewsplus. 57,934( .+1,908)Pt.↑ 168( .+4)Res. 0:040:23:34:19(+0:002:06:38:34)
┃◎22 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus . 57,845( .+1,658)Pt.↓ 229( .+7)Res. 0:104:20:58:25(+0:002:19:08:47)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus. 53,031( .+1,507)Pt.→ 127( .+4)Res. 0:040:13:55:29(+0:001:04:24:00)
┃◎24 1220@EAnewsplus. 43,555( .+1,630)Pt.→ 109( .+4)Res. 0:028:19:36:49(+0:001:03:48:42)
┃◎26 Yami@EAnewsplus. 37,633( .+6,440)Pt.↑ .92(+18)Res. 0:022:06:15:02(+0:002:11:02:53)
┃◎27 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus. 33,713( .+841)Pt.↓ .84( .+2)Res. 0:039:21:41:56(+0:000:23:59:53)
┃◎28 shari@EAnewsplus. 31,915( .+1,005)Pt.↑ .78( .+3)Res. 0:031:22:27:19(+0:001:02:55:28)
┃◎30 Wachutka@EAnewsplus. 27,860( .+340)Pt.→ .72( .+1)Res. 0:025:17:11:42(+0:000:07:52:23)
┃◎31 HANA0501@EAnewsplus. 24,244( .+369)Pt.↑ .60( .+1)Res. 0:025:17:21:53(+0:000:09:39:02)
┃◎34 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus. 21,412( .+601)Pt.→ .49( .+2)Res. 0:018:23:04:23(+0:000:14:32:07)
┃◎35 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus 21,228( .+838)Pt.→ .54( .+2)Res. 0:040:03:58:51(+0:001:12:35:35)
┃◎37 express102@EAnewsplus 12,033( .+4,824)Pt.↑ .28(+12)Res. 0:006:16:17:15(+0:002:15:56:51)
┃◎46 meganeoji@EAnewsplus 315( .初)Pt.↑ 1( .初)Res. 0:000:05:55:31( .初)
データ取得時刻 Fri Sep 14 11:02:03 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (82) (-1) .. r@EAnewsplus 38467.75... (+246.23) : 240.81 (+1.28)
2. (143) (-1) . kinta@EAnewsplus .. 25013.5 .. (+349.09) : 248.7 .. (+5.02)
3. (159) (+1) . ingot@EAnewsplus .. 23364.14 (+194.35) : 153.33 (+2.36)
4. (277) (+3) . sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 14587.64... (+199.38) : 206.54 (-0.09)
5. (387) (+5) . solstice@EAnewsplus 10301.84... (+121.46) : 108.48 (+1.6)
6. (392) (+2) . Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 10240.19 (+160.99) : 141.97 (-6.57)
7. (544) (+7) . Yami@EAnewsplus .. 6843.89 .. (+149.27) : 205.63 (-8.76)
8. (566) (-4) . KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
9. (572) (-5) . YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
10. (580) (+4) giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 6312.03 .. (+104.44) : 88.61 .. (-0.09)
11. (664) (+5) tome7x@EAnewsplus 5108.77 .. (+133.7)... : 68.16 .. (+6.7)
12. (807) (-3) HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3557.08 .. .. : 36.12 ..
13. (902) (-3) ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2741.7 . .. : 34.87 ..
14. (919) (-3) tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2632.69 .. .. : 27.51 ..
15. (950) (-2) asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2349.82 .. .. : 3.75 .
16. (951) (+3) yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 2345.49 .. (+96.52)... : 28.87 .. (+1.28)
17. (957) (-4) fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
18. (1106) ... foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1656) (-1) eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
>>271-273 ありがとうございます(・∀・)
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
チームのみんなー (,,゚ー゚ )人( ゚∀゚,,) 解析おつかれー!
〜(___ノ ヽ___)〜
>>2-4 >>7
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/12〜2007/09/15
Team . ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
The Knights Who Say Ni! ┃ 439 ( )┃430,327 ( +244)┃33│48,749,650 ( .+72,907)→
NCIX.com Forum Folding Team.... ┃ 831 (+1)┃209,320 ( +823)┃34│47,487,832 (+347,187)→
Russia ┃1,367 (+4)┃296,270 ( +719)┃35│46,191,794 (+302,367)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,131 (+9)┃157,625 (+2,243)┃36│45,894,407 (+548,522)→
Futuremark.com ┃1,247 (+1)┃512,061 ( +369)┃37│45,300,907 (+161,034)→
Team 2ch ┃2,512 (+1)┃349,688 ( +763)┃38│42,893,938 (+336,819)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere. ┃1,723 (+5)┃240,935 ( +675)┃39│42,628,907 (+219,439)→
Folding@Malaysia . ┃1,062 (+1)┃336,633 ( +583)┃40│42,605,805 (+219,134)→
Team Lithuania . ┃1,532 (+1)┃194,060 ( +778)┃41│40,595,589 (+218,519)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 610 ( )┃456,975 ( +335)┃42│40,099,412 ( .+99,210)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070915&f=20070912&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162 http://www.scei.co.jp/folding/jp/
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 5,068 +4 .-
┃ .result 2,351,239 .+18,618 .2
┃ .point 776,346,649 +6,986,116 .2
┃ ....time 1383:260:14:07:51 +11:054:04:28:03 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070913 - 20070914.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,733(+3)人 2,113,297,662(+3,872,873)Pt.→ 7,593,328(+11,935)Res. 7922:050:10:26:53(+11:086:19:53:23)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 5,068(+4)人 776,346,649(+6,986,116)Pt.→ 2,351,239(+18,618)Res. 1383:260:14:07:51(+11:054:04:28:03)
2007/09/13〜2007/09/14のランキング 編集 クリップボードコピー(IE専)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070913 - 20070914.
┃◎22 @dtv 10( .)人 6,463,092(+47,163)Pt.→ 37,089(+128)Res. .9:155:23:31:49(+0:022:07:03:19)
┃◎23 @netgame. 27( .)人 5,960,662(+73,111)Pt.→ 21,045(+197)Res. .8:123:08:06:42(+0:030:17:24:07)
┃◎24 @EAnewsplus. 49( .)人 5,739,964(+44,038)Pt.→ 16,111(+112)Res. 11:232:10:50:22(+0:030:05:59:44)
┃◎25 @doujin 46( .)人 5,671,489(+24,001)Pt.→ 16,538( .+62)Res. 11:033:06:54:14(+0:018:05:54:29)
┃◎26 @bicycle. 36( .)人 5,589,349(+34,137)Pt.→ 19,780( .+93)Res. 10:094:03:05:23(+0:023:09:42:05)
@EAnewsplus. 5,700,000ポイント達成、16,000リザルト達成、11年7ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 49 人中、提出 29 名です。提出率は 59.2% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070913 - 20070914
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 944,357(+4,259)Pt.→ 2,158( .+9)Res. 2:220:01:54:12(+0:005:03:40:28)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 541,203(+3,508)Pt.→ 1,311( .+9)Res. 0:253:08:53:23(+0:001:13:27:31)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 484,718(+3,200)Pt.→ 1,144( .+8)Res. 1:076:11:17:23(+0:003:06:40:26)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 454,334(+4,425)Pt.→ 1,112(+12)Res. 0:283:22:34:30(+0:002:14:34:02)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus. 378,762(+1,153)Pt.→ 1,190( .+3)Res. 0:250:07:18:50(+0:000:15:27:20)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 264,732(+1,012)Pt.→ 573( .+3)Res. 0:280:03:28:32(+0:000:23:31:11)
┃◎. 7 solstice@EAnewsplus. 244,144(+3,265)Pt.→ 636(+10)Res. 0:148:22:34:45(+0:001:15:43:57)
┃◎. 8 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 223,949(+1,578)Pt.→ 2,084( .+4)Res. 0:158:15:02:25(+0:000:19:20:08)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus 192,943(+1,863)Pt.→ 444( .+5)Res. 0:121:01:20:22(+0:001:03:31:33)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus 188,178(+1,139)Pt.→ 472( .+3)Res. 0:073:07:40:55(+0:000:11:03:28)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 163,108( +415)Pt.→ 392( .+1)Res. 0:081:05:59:35(+0:000:03:03:15)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus . 155,968(+1,217)Pt.→ 393( .+3)Res. 0:098:13:31:37(+0:000:17:53:22)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus 144,647(+1,075)Pt.→ 358( .+3)Res. 0:080:05:22:51(+0:000:12:49:30)
┃◎14 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 131,865(+2,024)Pt.→ 321( .+5)Res. 0:063:10:25:18(+0:000:22:31:24)
┃◎15 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 128,203( +386)Pt.→ 326( .+1)Res. 0:069:12:36:25(+0:000:04:42:02)
┃◎17 tera3@EAnewsplus 116,678(+1,584)Pt.→ 299( .+4)Res. 0:046:22:03:39(+0:000:14:36:50)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus 100,574(+1,334)Pt.→ 245( .+4)Res. 0:123:00:09:22(+0:001:08:10:29)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 89,552(+2,625)Pt.→ 205( .+6)Res. 0:045:02:54:24(+0:001:06:31:58)
┃◎20 asakaze@EAnewsplus. 65,859( +450)Pt.→ 429( .+1)Res. 0:053:19:24:12(+0:000:07:36:17)
┃◎21 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus 58,557( +712)Pt.↑ 231( .+2)Res. 0:106:01:46:28(+0:001:04:48:03)
┃◎22 giryushu@EAnewsplus 58,275( +341)Pt.↓ 169( .+1)Res. 0:041:02:45:20(+0:000:03:11:01)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 53,334( +303)Pt.→ 128( .+1)Res. 0:040:19:25:18(+0:000:05:29:49)
┃◎24 1220@EAnewsplus . 43,916( +361)Pt.→ 110( .+1)Res. 0:028:23:20:28(+0:000:03:43:39)
┃◎26 Yami@EAnewsplus . 38,346( +713)Pt.→ .94( .+2)Res. 0:022:12:48:39(+0:000:06:33:37)
┃◎28 shari@EAnewsplus . 33,042(+1,127)Pt.→ .81( .+3)Res. 0:033:01:42:07(+0:001:03:14:48)
┃◎30 Wachutka@EAnewsplus . 28,162( +302)Pt.→ .73( .+1)Res. 0:026:01:17:02(+0:000:08:05:20)
┃◎34 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus. 21,619( +391)Pt.↑ .55( .+1)Res. 0:040:22:22:44(+0:000:18:23:53)
┃◎36 express102@EAnewsplus. 14,671(+2,638)Pt.↑ .33( .+5)Res. 0:008:00:07:47(+0:001:07:50:32)
┃◎45 meganeoji@EAnewsplus. 953( +638)Pt.↑ 2( .+1)Res. 0:000:13:39:22(+0:000:07:43:51)
データ取得時刻 Sat Sep 15 11:02:03 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (80) (+2) r@EAnewsplus ... 38761.41 (+293.66) : 244.22 (+3.41)
2. (141) (+2) .. kinta@EAnewsplus .. 25224.15 (+210.65) : 244.03 (-4.67)
3. (158) (+1) .. ingot@EAnewsplus .. 23517.93 (+153.78) : 152.0 .. (-1.34)
4. (276) (+1) .. sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 14779.27... (+191.62) : 206.43 (-0.12)
5. (388) (+4) .. Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 10380.58 (+140.38) : 139.97 (-2.0)
6. (389) (-2) .. solstice@EAnewsplus 10345.48... (+43.64)... : 102.73... (-5.75)
7. (525) (+19) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 7266.63 .. (+422.73) : 231.19 (+25.55)
8. (570) (-4) .. KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
9. (572) (+8) .. giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 6470.55 .. (+158.52) : 96.92 .. (+8.3)
10. (576) (-4) . YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
11. (666) (-2) . tome7x@EAnewsplus 5108.77 .. .. : 68.16 ..
12. (804) (+3) . HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3608.62 .. (+51.54)... : 35.51 .. (-0.62)
13. (904) (-2) . ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2741.7 . .. : 34.87 ..
14. (922) (-3) . tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2632.69 .. .. : 27.51 ..
15. (950) (+1) . yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 2366.65 .. (+21.15)... : 28.21 .. (-0.67)
16. (954) (-4) . asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2349.82 .. .. : 3.75 .
17. (957) ... fuji--@EAnewsplus 2257.54 ... . : 29.81
18. (1110) (-4) . foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1657) (-1) . eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
|  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ‖ ∧ ∧
| おつかれさま! ‖ ヽ(・∀ ・)ノ ニャー
|________‖ ( )
.|| .|| < >
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
>>2-4 >>7
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/15〜2007/09/16
Team . ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
The Knights Who Say Ni! ┃ 439 ( )┃430,397 ( .+70)┃33│48,774,533 ( .+24,883)→
NCIX.com Forum Folding Team.... ┃ 832 (+1)┃209,604 (+284)┃34│47,613,676 (+125,844)→
Russia ┃1,367 ( )┃296,470 (+200)┃35│46,278,221 ( .+86,427)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,135 (+4)┃158,385 (+760)┃36│46,075,082 (+180,675)→
Futuremark.com ┃1,247 ( )┃512,171 (+110)┃37│45,355,745 ( .+54,838)→
Team 2ch ┃2,513 (+1)┃349,954 (+266)┃38│43,022,623 (+128,685)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere. ┃1,724 (+1)┃241,177 (+242)┃39│42,700,089 ( .+71,182)→
Folding@Malaysia . ┃1,062 ( )┃336,778 (+145)┃40│42,666,227 ( .+60,422)→
Team Lithuania . ┃1,533 (+1)┃194,241 (+181)┃41│40,659,819 ( .+64,230)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 612 (+2)┃457,079 (+104)┃42│40,131,465 ( .+32,053)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070916&f=20070915&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162 http://www.scei.co.jp/folding/jp/
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 5,076 +8 .-
┃ .result 2,369,438 .+18,199 .2
┃ .point 783,164,557 +6,817,908 .2
┃ ....time 1394:260:18:28:12 +11:000:04:20:21 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070914 - 20070915.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,735(+2)人 2,117,142,693(+3,845,031)Pt.→ 7,605,335(+12,007)Res. 7933:139:11:57:50(+11:089:01:30:57)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 5,076(+8)人 783,164,557(+6,817,908)Pt.→ 2,369,438(+18,199)Res. 1394:260:18:28:12(+11:000:04:20:21)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070914 - 20070915.
┃◎22 @dtv. 10( )人 6,509,253(+46,161)Pt.→ 37,218(+129)Res. .9:176:01:38:05(+0:020:02:06:16)
┃◎23 @netgame 27( )人 6,024,856(+64,194)Pt.→ 21,219(+174)Res. .8:154:02:12:14(+0:030:18:05:32)
┃◎24 @EAnewsplus 50(+1)人 5,787,149(+47,185)Pt.→ 16,238(+127)Res. 11:266:06:59:06(+0:033:20:08:44)
┃◎25 @doujin . 46( )人 5,703,297(+31,808)Pt.→ 16,619( .+81)Res. 11:060:00:16:19(+0:026:17:22:05)
┃◎26 @bicycle 36( )人 5,617,583(+28,234)Pt.→ 19,857( .+77)Res. 10:113:11:06:44(+0:019:08:01:21)
@EAnewsplus. 11年8ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 50 人中、提出 28 名です。提出率は 56% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070914 - 20070915
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 947,393(+3,036)Pt.→ 2,166( .+8)Res. 2:223:21:03:48(+0:003:19:09:36)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 546,153(+4,950)Pt.→ 1,325(+14)Res. 0:255:18:20:18(+0:002:09:26:55)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 486,206(+1,488)Pt.→ 1,148( .+4)Res. 1:077:21:21:11(+0:001:10:03:48)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 460,363(+6,029)Pt.→ 1,127(+15)Res. 0:287:20:57:44(+0:003:22:23:14)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus. 381,690(+2,928)Pt.→ 1,198( .+8)Res. 0:252:16:06:25(+0:002:08:47:35)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 266,806(+2,074)Pt.→ 579( .+6)Res. 0:282:02:55:52(+0:001:23:27:20)
┃◎. 7 solstice@EAnewsplus. 247,517(+3,373)Pt.→ 646(+10)Res. 0:150:15:22:38(+0:001:16:47:53)
┃◎. 8 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 225,679(+1,730)Pt.→ 2,089( .+5)Res. 0:160:16:17:29(+0:002:01:15:04)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus 193,921( +978)Pt.→ 447( .+3)Res. 0:121:17:33:22(+0:000:16:13:00)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus 188,612( +434)Pt.→ 473( .+1)Res. 0:073:11:29:58(+0:000:03:49:03)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus . 156,359( +391)Pt.→ 394( .+1)Res. 0:098:18:53:39(+0:000:05:22:02)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus 146,128(+1,481)Pt.→ 362( .+4)Res. 0:080:23:20:02(+0:000:17:57:11)
┃◎14 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 134,200(+2,335)Pt.→ 327( .+6)Res. 0:064:12:04:47(+0:001:01:39:29)
┃◎15 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 129,075( +872)Pt.→ 328( .+2)Res. 0:069:22:50:29(+0:000:10:14:04)
┃◎16 tera3@EAnewsplus 119,965(+3,287)Pt.↑ 308( .+9)Res. 0:048:04:25:27(+0:001:06:21:48)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus 101,690(+1,116)Pt.→ 248( .+3)Res. 0:124:15:45:51(+0:001:15:36:29)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 90,665(+1,113)Pt.→ 208( .+3)Res. 0:045:15:20:55(+0:000:12:26:31)
┃◎21 giryushu@EAnewsplus 59,263( +988)Pt.↑ 171( .+2)Res. 0:041:11:46:55(+0:000:09:01:35)
┃◎22 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus 58,828( +271)Pt.↓ 233( .+2)Res. 0:106:12:46:17(+0:000:10:59:49)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 53,809( +475)Pt.→ 129( .+1)Res. 0:041:04:22:34(+0:000:08:57:16)
┃◎24 1220@EAnewsplus . 45,126(+1,210)Pt.→ 113( .+3)Res. 0:029:18:09:02(+0:000:18:48:34)
┃◎25 Yami@EAnewsplus . 39,394(+1,048)Pt.↑ .97( .+3)Res. 0:023:03:06:00(+0:000:14:17:21)
┃◎27 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 34,514( +801)Pt.→ .86( .+2)Res. 0:040:18:59:54(+0:000:21:17:58)
┃◎28 shari@EAnewsplus . 33,727( +685)Pt.→ .83( .+2)Res. 0:033:19:30:53(+0:000:17:48:46)
┃◎30 Wachutka@EAnewsplus . 28,615( +453)Pt.→ .74( .+1)Res. 0:026:10:41:15(+0:000:09:24:13)
┃◎33 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus. 22,051( +432)Pt.↑ .56( .+1)Res. 0:041:18:27:09(+0:000:20:04:25)
┃◎36 express102@EAnewsplus. 16,758(+2,087)Pt.→ .38( .+5)Res. 0:009:05:46:46(+0:001:05:38:59)
┃◎45 meganeoji@EAnewsplus. 1,715( +762)Pt.→ 4( .+2)Res. 0:001:02:55:18(+0:000:13:15:56)
┃◎47 Hirone@EAnewsplus. 358( 初)Pt.− 1( .初)Res. 0:000:05:32:50( .初)
∧_∧ /ヽ )。*o ッパ
(・ω・)丿゛ ̄ ̄' ゜
. ノ/ /
ノ ̄ゝ
データ取得時刻 Sun Sep 16 11:02:04 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (81) (-1) r@EAnewsplus ... 38984.11 (+222.69) : 243.38 (-0.84)
2. (142) (-1) .. kinta@EAnewsplus .. 25425.91 (+201.75) : 242.73 (-1.31)
3. (161) (-3) .. ingot@EAnewsplus .. 23620.16 (+102.23) : 152.32 (+0.32)
4. (275) (+1) .. sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 14947.34... (+168.07) : 201.75 (-4.68)
5. (382) (+6) .. Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 10599.39 (+218.8).. : 148.93 (+8.95)
6. (391) (-2) .. solstice@EAnewsplus 10345.48... .. : 102.73
7. (507) (+18) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 7587.73 .. (+321.1)... : 236.33... (+5.13)
8. (573) (-1) .. giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 6516.94 .. (+46.39)... : 95.59 .. (-1.34)
9. (576) (-6) .. KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
10. (580) (-4) . YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
11. (665) (+1) . tome7x@EAnewsplus 5168.05 .. (+59.27)... : 65.69 .. (-2.48)
12. (805) (-1) . HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3608.62 .. .. : 35.51 ..
13. (907) (-3) . ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2741.7 . .. : 34.87 ..
14. (924) (-2) . tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2632.69 .. .. : 27.51 ..
15. (950) ... yumenemi@EAnewsplus . 2401.07 ... (+34.42).. : 26.77 ... (-1.44)
16. (955) (-1) . asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2349.82 .. .. : 3.75 .
17. (960) (-3) . fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
18. (1110) foxy@EAnewsplus 1389.58 .. .. : 30.29 ..
19. (1657) eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
..旦 ∴ 旦
∴ ■
(ノ・∀・)ノ チームの皆さん解析お疲れ様です!お茶とようかんどぞー
/ /
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
>>2-4 >>7
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/16〜2007/09/17
Team . ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
The Knights Who Say Ni! ┃ 439 ( )┃430,462 ( .+65)┃33│48,797,141 ( .+22,608)→
NCIX.com Forum Folding Team.... ┃ 832 ( )┃209,899 (+295)┃34│47,746,622 (+132,946)→
Russia ┃1,368 (+1)┃296,684 (+214)┃35│46,376,720 ( .+98,499)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,144 (+9)┃159,182 (+797)┃36│46,263,135 (+188,053)→
Futuremark.com ┃1,247 ( )┃512,277 (+106)┃37│45,414,242 ( .+58,497)→
Team 2ch ┃2,513 ( )┃350,252 (+298)┃38│43,158,833 (+136,210)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere. ┃1,724 ( )┃241,399 (+222)┃39│42,763,014 ( .+62,925)→
Folding@Malaysia . ┃1,063 (+1)┃336,938 (+160)┃40│42,721,969 ( .+55,742)→
Team Lithuania . ┃1,533 ( )┃194,409 (+168)┃41│40,720,150 ( .+60,331)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 612 ( )┃457,172 ( .+93)┃42│40,164,795 ( .+33,330)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070917&f=20070916&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162 http://www.scei.co.jp/folding/jp/
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 5,083 +7 .-
┃ .result 2,389,483 .+20,045 .2
┃ .point 790,602,053 +7,437,496 .2
┃ ....time 1406:150:16:37:55 +11:254:22:09:43 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070915 - 20070916.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,739(+4)人 2,121,116,840(+3,974,147)Pt.→ 7,617,422(+12,087)Res. 7944:243:02:43:30(+11:103:14:45:40)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 5,083(+7)人 790,602,053(+7,437,496)Pt.→ 2,389,483(+20,045)Res. 1406:150:16:37:55(+11:254:22:09:43)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070915 - 20070916.
┃◎22 @dtv 10( .)人 6,569,086(+59,833)Pt.→ 37,385(+167)Res. .9:202:18:44:33(+0:026:17:06:28)
┃◎23 @netgame. 27( .)人 6,098,219(+73,363)Pt.→ 21,426(+207)Res. .8:186:13:50:25(+0:032:11:38:11)
┃◎24 @EAnewsplus. 50( .)人 5,839,734(+52,585)Pt.→ 16,377(+139)Res. 11:299:18:58:36(+0:033:11:59:30)
┃◎25 @doujin 46( .)人 5,733,476(+30,179)Pt.→ 16,697( .+78)Res. 11:082:18:28:51(+0:022:18:12:32)
┃◎26 @bicycle. 36( .)人 5,649,674(+32,091)Pt.→ 19,945( .+88)Res. 10:135:03:35:44(+0:021:16:29:00)
@EAnewsplus. 5,800,000ポイント達成、11年9ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 50 人中、提出 25 名です。提出率は 50% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070915 - 20070916
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 951,043(+3,650)Pt.→ 2,175( .+9)Res. 2:228:15:14:46(+0:004:18:10:58)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 549,528(+3,375)Pt.→ 1,335(+10)Res. 0:257:10:28:55(+0:001:16:08:37)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 487,199( +993)Pt.→ 1,150( .+2)Res. 1:078:22:17:22(+0:001:00:56:11)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 463,972(+3,609)Pt.→ 1,137(+10)Res. 0:289:23:20:57(+0:002:02:23:13)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus. 385,463(+3,773)Pt.→ 1,209(+11)Res. 0:254:14:30:57(+0:001:22:24:32)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 269,507(+2,701)Pt.→ 587( .+8)Res. 0:284:21:13:41(+0:002:18:17:49)
┃◎. 7 solstice@EAnewsplus. 250,524(+3,007)Pt.→ 655( .+9)Res. 0:152:03:09:17(+0:001:11:46:39)
┃◎. 8 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 228,043(+2,364)Pt.→ 2,095( .+6)Res. 0:162:03:55:41(+0:001:11:38:12)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus 194,925(+1,004)Pt.→ 450( .+3)Res. 0:122:08:44:15(+0:000:15:10:53)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 164,786(+1,678)Pt.→ 396( .+4)Res. 0:081:18:17:52(+0:000:12:18:17)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus . 158,772(+2,413)Pt.→ 400( .+6)Res. 0:100:08:55:03(+0:001:14:01:24)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus 147,334(+1,206)Pt.→ 365( .+3)Res. 0:081:13:16:00(+0:000:13:55:58)
┃◎14 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 136,606(+2,406)Pt.→ 332( .+5)Res. 0:065:12:59:18(+0:001:00:54:31)
┃◎16 tera3@EAnewsplus 124,114(+4,149)Pt.→ 319(+11)Res. 0:049:18:57:13(+0:001:14:31:46)
┃◎17 hokuto@EAnewsplus. 121,668(+1,965)Pt.→ 282( .+5)Res. 0:035:09:41:16(+0:000:12:48:20)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 93,298(+2,633)Pt.→ 213( .+5)Res. 0:046:18:01:25(+0:001:02:40:30)
┃◎21 giryushu@EAnewsplus 59,799( +536)Pt.→ 173( .+2)Res. 0:042:01:36:43(+0:000:13:49:48)
┃◎22 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus 59,421( +593)Pt.→ 235( .+2)Res. 0:107:12:42:47(+0:000:23:56:30)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 54,915(+1,106)Pt.→ 132( .+3)Res. 0:042:01:26:58(+0:000:21:04:24)
┃◎24 1220@EAnewsplus . 49,094(+3,968)Pt.→ 124(+11)Res. 0:032:05:03:32(+0:002:10:54:30)
┃◎25 Yami@EAnewsplus . 40,458(+1,064)Pt.→ 100( .+3)Res. 0:023:13:20:38(+0:000:10:14:38)
┃◎28 shari@EAnewsplus . 34,106( +379)Pt.→ .84( .+1)Res. 0:034:04:27:13(+0:000:08:56:20)
┃◎33 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus. 22,449( +398)Pt.→ .57( .+1)Res. 0:042:16:59:07(+0:000:22:31:58)
┃◎36 express102@EAnewsplus. 19,293(+2,535)Pt.→ .44( .+6)Res. 0:010:13:08:49(+0:001:07:22:03)
┃◎46 Hirone@EAnewsplus. 1,438(+1,080)Pt.↑ 4( .+3)Res. 0:000:22:34:19(+0:000:17:01:29)
データ取得時刻 Mon Sep 17 11:02:03 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (80) (+1) r@EAnewsplus ... 39243.41 (+259.3).. : 244.88 (+1.5)
2. (143) (-1) .. kinta@EAnewsplus .. 25721.31 (+295.4).. : 244.69 (+1.96)
3. (163) (-2) .. ingot@EAnewsplus .. 23736.95 (+116.78) : 145.85 (-6.48)
4. (276) (-1) .. sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 15134.26... (+186.91) : 202.37 (+0.61)
5. (378) (+4) .. Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 10771.29 (+171.9).. : 150.37 (+1.44)
6. (388) (+3) .. solstice@EAnewsplus 10466.78... (+121.29) : 88.99 .. (-13.75)
7. (492) (+15) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 7885.61 .. (+297.87) : 238.77 (+2.44)
8. (569) (+4) .. giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 6680.61 .. (+163.66) : 95.96 .. (+0.37)
9. (580) (-4) .. KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
10. (585) (-5) . YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
11. (665) ... tome7x@EAnewsplus 5168.05 .. .. : 65.69 ..
12. (798) (+7) . HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3688.97 .. (+80.34)... : 36.31 .. (+0.8)
13. (910) (-3) . ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2741.7 . .. : 34.87 ..
14. (925) (-1) . tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2632.69 .. .. : 27.51 ..
15. (950) ... yumenemi@EAnewsplus . 2430.48 ... (+29.4) . : 27.52 ... (+0.75)
16. (956) (-1) . asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2349.82 .. .. : 3.75 .
17. (960) ... fuji--@EAnewsplus 2257.54 ... . : 29.81
18. (1113) (-3) . foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1662) (-5) . eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
∧,,∧ ∧,,∧
おつ! (・ω・ /)') 乙♪ ('(・ω・ (ヽ
(( / ( )) (( ヽ ) ))
し――J し――J
>>2-4 >>7
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/17〜2007/09/18
Team . ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
The Knights Who Say Ni! ┃ 439 ( )┃430,545 ( .+83)┃33│48,826,600 ( .+29,459)→
NCIX.com Forum Folding Team.... ┃ 835 (+3)┃210,150 (+251)┃34│47,865,016 (+118,394)→
Russia ┃1,368 ( )┃296,951 (+267)┃35│46,478,772 (+102,052)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,148 (+4)┃159,916 (+734)┃36│46,449,437 (+186,302)→
Futuremark.com ┃1,247 ( )┃512,384 (+107)┃37│45,467,318 ( .+53,076)→
Team 2ch ┃2,514 (+1)┃350,523 (+271)┃38│43,279,451 (+120,618)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere. ┃1,724 ( )┃241,640 (+241)┃39│42,830,795 ( .+67,781)→
Folding@Malaysia . ┃1,064 (+1)┃337,147 (+209)┃40│42,797,434 ( .+75,465)→
Team Lithuania . ┃1,533 ( )┃194,619 (+210)┃41│40,793,100 ( .+72,950)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 612 ( )┃457,276 (+104)┃42│40,195,483 ( .+30,688)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070918&f=20070917&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162 http://www.scei.co.jp/folding/jp/
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 5,100 .+17 .-
┃ .result 2,410,026 .+20,543 .2
┃ .point 798,254,751 +7,652,698 .2
┃ ....time 1418:224:08:54:30 +12:073:16:16:35 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070916 - 20070917.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews 5,746( .+7)人 2,125,187,932(+4,071,092)Pt.→ 7,629,997(+12,575)Res. 7956:149:15:37:57(+11:271:12:54:27)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch 5,100(+17)人 798,254,751(+7,652,698)Pt.→ 2,410,026(+20,543)Res. 1418:224:08:54:30(+12:073:16:16:35)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070916 - 20070917.
┃◎22 @dtv 10( .)人 6,623,666(+54,580)Pt.→ 37,538(+153)Res. .9:227:21:58:01(+0:025:03:13:28)
┃◎23 @netgame. 27( .)人 6,178,230(+80,011)Pt.→ 21,650(+224)Res. .8:224:15:37:45(+0:038:01:47:20)
┃◎24 @EAnewsplus. 50( .)人 5,899,578(+59,844)Pt.→ 16,537(+160)Res. 11:340:03:09:17(+0:040:08:10:41)
┃◎25 @doujin 46( .)人 5,761,417(+27,941)Pt.→ 16,772( .+75)Res. 11:104:12:28:24(+0:021:17:59:33)
┃◎26 @bicycle. 36( .)人 5,686,201(+36,527)Pt.→ 20,043( .+98)Res. 10:160:03:17:06(+0:024:23:41:22)
@EAnewsplus. 11年11ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 50 人中、提出 31 名です。提出率は 62% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070916 - 20070917.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 954,790(+3,747)Pt.→ 2,185(+10)Res. 2:232:12:22:46(+0:003:21:08:00)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 553,582(+4,054)Pt.→ 1,347(+12)Res. 0:259:09:14:57(+0:001:22:46:02)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 488,734(+1,535)Pt.→ 1,154( .+4)Res. 1:080:07:03:08(+0:001:08:45:46)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 469,278(+5,306)Pt.→ 1,152(+15)Res. 0:293:08:41:17(+0:003:09:20:20)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus . 388,344(+2,881)Pt.→ 1,217( .+8)Res. 0:256:14:20:16(+0:001:23:49:19)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 271,757(+2,250)Pt.→ 593( .+6)Res. 0:287:03:55:28(+0:002:06:41:47)
┃◎. 7 solstice@EAnewsplus. 253,419(+2,895)Pt.→ 663( .+8)Res. 0:153:13:21:46(+0:001:10:12:29)
┃◎. 8 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 228,370( +327)Pt.→ 2,096( .+1)Res. 0:162:08:43:18(+0:000:04:47:37)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus 196,511(+1,586)Pt.→ 454( .+4)Res. 0:123:09:07:50(+0:001:00:23:35)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus. 189,446( +834)Pt.→ 475( .+2)Res. 0:073:18:36:54(+0:000:07:06:56)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 165,702( +916)Pt.→ 398( .+2)Res. 0:082:00:53:33(+0:000:06:35:41)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus 162,585(+3,813)Pt.→ 410(+10)Res. 0:102:18:59:47(+0:002:10:04:44)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus. 148,509(+1,175)Pt.→ 368( .+3)Res. 0:082:03:54:09(+0:000:14:38:09)
┃◎14 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 140,045(+3,439)Pt.→ 341( .+9)Res. 0:067:03:15:46(+0:001:14:16:28)
┃◎16 tera3@EAnewsplus 127,757(+3,643)Pt.→ 329(+10)Res. 0:051:05:03:31(+0:001:10:06:18)
┃◎17 hokuto@EAnewsplus. 123,511(+1,843)Pt.→ 287( .+5)Res. 0:035:22:22:59(+0:000:12:41:43)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus 103,554(+1,864)Pt.→ 253( .+5)Res. 0:127:02:55:44(+0:002:11:09:53)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 94,811(+1,513)Pt.→ 216( .+3)Res. 0:047:11:02:36(+0:000:17:01:11)
┃◎21 giryushu@EAnewsplus 60,677( +878)Pt.→ 175( .+2)Res. 0:042:09:37:49(+0:000:08:01:06)
┃◎22 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus. 60,299( +878)Pt.→ 238( .+3)Res. 0:109:00:11:18(+0:001:11:28:31)
┃◎24 1220@EAnewsplus 51,589(+2,495)Pt.→ 130( .+6)Res. 0:033:19:07:40(+0:001:14:04:08)
┃◎25 Yami@EAnewsplus 43,635(+3,177)Pt.→ 108( .+8)Res. 0:025:00:06:32(+0:001:10:45:54)
┃◎26 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.... 38,996( +384)Pt.→ 185( .+1)Res. 0:062:05:05:28(+0:000:12:30:44)
┃◎27 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 35,321( +807)Pt.→ .88( .+2)Res. 0:041:17:27:23(+0:000:22:27:29)
┃◎28 shari@EAnewsplus 34,876( +770)Pt.→ .86( .+2)Res. 0:034:19:21:04(+0:000:14:53:51)
┃◎30 Wachutka@EAnewsplus 29,064( +449)Pt.→ .75( .+1)Res. 0:026:19:09:17(+0:000:08:28:02)
┃◎31 HANA0501@EAnewsplus 24,737( +493)Pt.→ .61( .+1)Res. 0:026:07:25:44(+0:000:14:03:51)
┃◎33 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus . 23,118( +669)Pt.→ .59( .+2)Res. 0:044:14:35:44(+0:001:21:36:37)
┃◎34 express102@EAnewsplus. 22,744(+3,451)Pt.↑ .54(+10)Res. 0:012:06:50:33(+0:001:17:41:44)
┃◎35 tsuka@EAnewsplus. 21,979( +243)Pt.↓ .53( .+1)Res. 0:009:11:21:39(+0:000:02:28:11)
┃◎45 Hirone@EAnewsplus. 2,967(+1,529)Pt.↑ 8( .+4)Res. 0:001:20:38:54(+0:000:22:04:35)
データ取得時刻 Tue Sep 18 11:02:02 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (82) (-2) r@EAnewsplus ... 39455.1 ... (+211.69) : 243.14 (-1.75)
2. (141) (+2) .. kinta@EAnewsplus .. 25987.26 (+265.94) : 247.42 (+2.72)
3. (164) (-1) .. ingot@EAnewsplus .. 23843.42 (+106.47) : 142.14 (-3.72)
4. (274) (+2) .. sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 15349.47... (+215.2)... : 202.44... (+0.07)
5. (375) (+3) .. Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 10952.74 (+181.45) : 154.13 (+3.76)
6. (390) (-2) .. solstice@EAnewsplus 10466.78... .. : 88.99 ..
7. (493) (-1) .. Yami@EAnewsplus .. 7991.46 .. (+105.85) : 233.56 (-5.22)
8. (558) (+11) giryushu@EAnewsplus . 6905.77 ... (+225.16) : 109.26 (+13.3)
9. (585) (-5) .. KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
10. (590) (-5) . YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
11. (665) ... tome7x@EAnewsplus 5199.89 .. (+31.84)... : 54.73 .. (-10.97)
12. (795) (+3) . HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3763.94 .. (+74.96)... : 38.92 .. (+2.6)
13. (913) (-3) . ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2741.7 . .. : 34.87 ..
14. (928) (-3) . tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2632.69 .. .. : 27.51 ..
15. (952) (-2) . yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 2430.48 .. .. : 27.52 ..
16. (959) (-3) . asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2349.82 .. .. : 3.75 .
17. (964) (-4) . fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
18. (1115) (-2) . foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1665) (-3) . eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
みなさん おめでとうございます!!
γ´ ̄r´o゚ ̄ ̄`i 冷たい麦茶ドゾー
| || | ∧_∧ ____ ∧_∧ 温かいお茶も
| ||([) | 只・ω・`) /__ o、 |、((・ω・´,,) ありますよー
│ || | [i l] □ゆ .| ・ \ノ ヽ と_)
t___tt_____j {E }‐J c□ 旦,| ・ | し─‐J
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
>>2-4 >>7
311 :
<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん:2007/09/18(火) 23:56:09 ID:QIBkWynw
>>311 歡迎!來到樣子樣子窺視偽善板!( `ハ´)ノ朋友疲勞先生!
請慢慢地放鬆!茶怎樣 ( `ハ´)つ旦
>>310 ( ^ハ^)ノ總是報告謝謝!
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/18〜2007/09/20
Team ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ Points
The Knights Who Say Ni!. ┃ 440 (+1)┃430,707 ( +162)┃33│48,882,704 ( .+56,104)→ .
NCIX.com Forum Folding Team..... ┃ 837 (+2)┃210,759 ( +609)┃34│48,118,311 (+253,295)→ .
2ch@PS3 ┃2,154 (+6)┃161,409 (+1,493)┃35│46,833,392 (+383,955)↑1
Russia. ┃1,370 (+2)┃297,475 ( +524)┃36│46,689,477 (+210,705)↓1
Futuremark.com. ┃1,247 ( )┃512,669 ( +285)┃37│45,591,958 (+124,640)→ .
Team 2ch. ┃2,517 (+3)┃351,050 ( +527)┃38│43,509,036 (+229,585)→ .
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere.. ┃1,724 ( )┃242,228 ( +588)┃39│42,967,422 (+136,627)→ .
Folding@Malaysia ┃1,064 ( )┃337,558 ( +411)┃40│42,938,758 (+141,324)→ .
Team Lithuania ┃1,534 (+1)┃195,054 ( +435)┃41│40,931,312 (+138,212)→ .
SpeedGuide.net. ┃ 612 ( )┃457,495 ( +219)┃42│40,266,498 ( .+71,015)→ .
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070920&f=20070918&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162 http://www.scei.co.jp/folding/jp/
Team 2chのチーム 250 チーム中、提出 248 チームです。提出率は 99.2% です。
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 5,123 .+23 .-
┃ .result 2,446,812 .+36,786 .2
┃ .point 812,205,685 .+13,950,934 .2
┃ ....time 1441:051:15:21:33 +22:192:06:27:03 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070917 - 20070919.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,759(+13)人 2,133,193,029( .+8,005,097)Pt.→ 7,654,548(+24,551)Res. 7979:202:01:57:42(+23:052:10:19:45)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 5,123(+23)人 812,205,685(+13,950,934)Pt.→ 2,446,812(+36,786)Res. 1441:051:15:21:33(+22:192:06:27:03)
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070917 - 20070919.
┃◎22 @dtv 10( )人 6,740,674(+117,008)Pt.→ 37,852(+314)Res. .9:280:22:28:02(+0:053:00:30:01)
┃◎23 @netgame. 27( )人 6,319,153(+140,923)Pt.→ 22,026(+376)Res. .8:289:10:42:57(+0:064:19:05:12)
┃◎24 @EAnewsplus. 52(+2)人 6,004,498(+104,920)Pt.→ 16,808(+271)Res. 12:045:03:57:46(+0:070:00:48:29)
┃◎25 @doujin 46( )人 5,816,280( .+54,863)Pt.→ 16,913(+141)Res. 11:145:11:58:21(+0:040:23:29:57)
┃◎26 @bicycle. 36( )人 5,742,588( .+56,387)Pt.→ 20,190(+147)Res. 10:200:02:56:07(+0:039:23:39:01)
@EAnewsplus. 6,000,000ポイント達成、12年1ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 52 人中、提出 34 名です。提出率は 65.4% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070917 - 20070919.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 959,433(+4,643)Pt.→ 2,196(+11)Res. 2:237:11:46:57(+0:004:23:24:11)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 560,986(+7,404)Pt.→ 1,367(+20)Res. 0:262:20:07:45(+0:003:10:52:48)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 497,934(+9,200)Pt.→ 1,177(+23)Res. 1:088:18:45:42(+0:008:11:42:34)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 478,826(+9,548)Pt.→ 1,177(+25)Res. 0:299:09:57:35(+0:006:01:16:18)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus . 393,621(+5,277)Pt.→ 1,231(+14)Res. 0:259:18:52:44(+0:003:04:32:28)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 276,664(+4,907)Pt.→ 606(+13)Res. 0:292:05:39:50(+0:005:01:44:22)
┃◎. 7 solstice@EAnewsplus. 261,775(+8,356)Pt.→ 688(+25)Res. 0:157:23:41:33(+0:004:10:19:47)
┃◎. 8 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 232,175(+3,805)Pt.→ 2,106(+10)Res. 0:164:16:10:35(+0:002:07:27:17)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus 198,156(+1,645)Pt.→ 459( .+5)Res. 0:124:07:36:10(+0:000:22:28:20)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus. 190,342( +896)Pt.→ 477( .+2)Res. 0:074:02:29:39(+0:000:07:52:45)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 170,390(+4,688)Pt.→ 408(+10)Res. 0:083:08:07:58(+0:001:07:14:25)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus 165,952(+3,367)Pt.→ 418( .+8)Res. 0:104:20:36:02(+0:002:01:36:15)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus. 150,624(+2,115)Pt.→ 373( .+5)Res. 0:083:05:05:57(+0:001:01:11:48)
┃◎14 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 143,000(+2,955)Pt.→ 349( .+8)Res. 0:068:13:05:52(+0:001:09:50:06)
┃◎15 tera3@EAnewsplus 132,130(+4,373)Pt.↑ 340(+11)Res. 0:052:19:54:25(+0:001:14:50:54)
┃◎16 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 131,173(+2,098)Pt.↓ 333( .+5)Res. 0:070:23:10:00(+0:001:00:19:31)
┃◎17 hokuto@EAnewsplus. 126,188(+2,677)Pt.→ 294( .+7)Res. 0:036:16:10:16(+0:000:17:47:17)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus 106,176(+2,622)Pt.→ 259( .+6)Res. 0:130:15:31:25(+0:003:12:35:41)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 95,821(+1,010)Pt.→ 219( .+3)Res. 0:047:23:44:36(+0:000:12:42:00)
┃◎21 giryushu@EAnewsplus 62,138(+1,461)Pt.→ 178( .+3)Res. 0:043:06:25:01(+0:000:20:47:12)
┃◎22 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus. 61,406(+1,107)Pt.→ 242( .+4)Res. 0:110:21:08:05(+0:001:20:56:47)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 56,182(+1,267)Pt.→ 135( .+3)Res. 0:043:00:46:37(+0:000:23:19:39)
┃◎24 1220@EAnewsplus 52,923(+1,334)Pt.→ 133( .+3)Res. 0:034:12:30:53(+0:000:17:23:13)
┃◎25 Yami@EAnewsplus 46,886(+3,251)Pt.→ 117( .+9)Res. 0:026:07:28:51(+0:001:07:22:19)
┃◎26 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.... 39,743( +747)Pt.→ 187( .+2)Res. 0:063:04:23:54(+0:000:23:18:26)
┃◎27 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 36,050( +729)Pt.→ .90( .+2)Res. 0:042:13:50:34(+0:000:20:23:11)
┃◎28 shari@EAnewsplus 35,859( +983)Pt.→ .89( .+3)Res. 0:035:17:25:10(+0:000:22:04:06)
┃◎30 Wachutka@EAnewsplus 29,368( +304)Pt.→ .76( .+1)Res. 0:027:02:10:27(+0:000:07:01:10)
┃◎31 express102@EAnewsplus. 29,350(+6,606)Pt.↑ .70(+16)Res. 0:015:17:10:14(+0:003:10:19:41)
┃◎34 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus . 23,887( +769)Pt.↓ .61( .+2)Res. 0:046:09:15:53(+0:001:18:40:09)
┃◎35 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus 22,437(+1,025)Pt.↑ .52( .+3)Res. 0:019:22:29:03(+0:000:23:24:40)
┃◎36 tsuka@EAnewsplus. 22,320( +341)Pt.↓ .54( .+1)Res. 0:009:15:06:14(+0:000:03:44:35)
┃◎42 Hirone@EAnewsplus. 5,870(+2,903)Pt.↑ .15( .+7)Res. 0:003:15:11:35(+0:001:18:32:41)
┃◎45 Chemosh@EAnewsplus 4,183( +507)Pt.↓ .11( .+1)Res. 0:003:21:22:45(+0:000:15:41:53)
(゛⌒ (゛⌒
(゛⌒ ) ∫
rー┴. .| dokuo@EAnewsplusさん
| i┬'~~~~~~~~~~| tindaros@EAnewsplusさん
| i┴ (,,゚Д゚) | ∫<いらっさ〜い。コーヒーでもどぞ〜
`ー:┬'(/ .|つc■
∪ ∪
データ取得時刻 Thu Sep 20 11:02:02 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (82) .. r@EAnewsplus ... 39986.82 (+228.42) : 244.45 (-4.81)
2. (138) (+2) . kinta@EAnewsplus .. 26552.33 (+294.08) : 254.33 (+3.16)
3. (166) (-1) . ingot@EAnewsplus .. 24158.93 (+184.83) : 144.51 (+0.16)
4. (277) (-2) . sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 15651.07... (+138.18) : 195.67 (-5.05)
5. (375) (+2) . Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 11163.02 (+99.75).. : 144.82 (-6.07)
6. (392) (+1) . solstice@EAnewsplus 10669.63... (+140.99) : 90.02 .. (+4.41)
7. (478) (+8) . Yami@EAnewsplus .. 8449.27 .. (+210.35) : 226.93 (-1.02)
8. (555) (+2) . giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 7070.32 .. (+105.17) : 102.48 (-4.14)
9. (592) (-4) . KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
10. (596) (-3) YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
11. (661) (+5) tome7x@EAnewsplus 5269.99 .. (+70.1) .. : 49.25 .. (-5.48)
12. (788) (+2) HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3886.26 .. (+56.98)... : 42.52 .. (-0.1)
13. (920) (-2) ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2741.7 . .. : 34.87 ..
14. (929) .. tsuka@EAnewsplus 2632.69 ... . : 27.51
15. (946) (+3) yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 2519.19 .. (+28.4) .. : 27.66 .. (+0.27)
16. (961) (-1) asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2349.82 .. .. : 3.75 .
17. (967) (-1) fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
18. (1117) ... foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1675) (-5) eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
// TANPAKUランキング(板別チーム順位)
http://nazuna.sumomo.ne.jp/cgi-bin/tanpaku/board_list.txt 1. 1181235.22 @jisaku
2. 1155270.62 @news
3. 506529.87 @soccer
4. 504561.54 @mmo
5. 453430.26 @utu
6. 449924.35 @newsVIP
7. 429675.57 @bike
8. 315976.07 @male
9. 303192.82 @newsplus
10. 292212.94 @download
11. 290625.89 @lounge
12. 249695.91 @swf
13. 247844.21 @stg
14. 212667.48 @LeafKey
15. 179697.83 @EAnewsplus ←←←どうやら最近
16. 178136.26 @watch ワンランクうpしたようです
17. 169171.69 @hangul
18. 167564.76 @livevenus
19. 146104.68 @newslive
20. 139373.29 @prog
321 :
<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん:2007/09/20(木) 18:44:15 ID:C8oTdqDd
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
.| チームの皆さん解析お疲れさまー │
\ /
 ̄V  ̄ ̄V  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
∧ ∧ヘ∧ パソコンでできるボランティア
(,,゚Д゚ノ゚ー゚) 詳しくは
>>2-4 >>7 ./ | \
>>318 まいど
>>318 どうもです。
Timer requesting checkpoint って出たまま先に進んでないようなのだが、これなんですか?
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/20〜2007/09/21
Team . ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
The Knights Who Say Ni! ┃ 441 (+1)┃430,816 (+109)┃33│48,911,525 ( .+28,821)→
NCIX.com Forum Folding Team.... ┃ 838 (+1)┃211,074 (+315)┃34│48,243,505 (+125,194)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,160 (+6)┃162,309 (+900)┃35│47,037,856 (+204,464)→
Russia ┃1,370 ( )┃297,751 (+276)┃36│46,794,584 (+105,107)→
Futuremark.com ┃1,247 ( )┃512,798 (+129)┃37│45,660,795 ( .+68,837)→
Team 2ch ┃2,520 (+3)┃351,356 (+306)┃38│43,643,265 (+134,229)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere. ┃1,724 ( )┃242,538 (+310)┃39│43,035,561 ( .+68,139)→
Folding@Malaysia . ┃1,065 (+1)┃337,807 (+249)┃40│43,015,728 ( .+76,970)→
Team Lithuania . ┃1,534 ( )┃195,320 (+266)┃41│41,017,904 ( .+86,592)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 612 ( )┃457,615 (+120)┃42│40,303,833 ( .+37,335)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070921&f=20070920&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162 http://www.scei.co.jp/folding/jp/
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 5,133 .+10 .-
┃ .result 2,465,600 .+18,788 .2
┃ .point 819,360,205 +7,154,520 .2
┃ ....time 1452:231:08:29:48 +11:179:17:08:15 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070919 - 20070920.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews 5,761( .+2)人 2,137,208,216(+4,015,187)Pt.→ 7,666,750(+12,202)Res. 7991:072:05:06:05(+11:235:03:08:23)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch 5,133(+10)人 819,360,205(+7,154,520)Pt.→ 2,465,600(+18,788)Res. 1452:231:08:29:48(+11:179:17:08:15)
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070919 - 20070920.
┃◎22 @dtv 10( .)人 6,791,228(+50,554)Pt.→ 37,988(+136)Res. .9:305:09:11:07(+0:024:10:43:05)
┃◎23 @netgame. 27( .)人 6,388,760(+69,607)Pt.→ 22,214(+188)Res. .8:322:03:03:05(+0:032:16:20:08)
┃◎24 @EAnewsplus. 52( .)人 6,053,768(+49,270)Pt.→ 16,932(+124)Res. 12:079:03:04:05(+0:033:23:06:19)
┃◎25 @doujin 46( .)人 5,851,355(+35,075)Pt.→ 17,004( .+91)Res. 11:171:09:54:02(+0:025:21:55:41)
┃◎26 @bicycle. 36( .)人 5,778,475(+35,887)Pt.→ 20,287( .+97)Res. 10:224:01:54:20(+0:023:22:58:13)
@EAnewsplus. 12年2ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 52 人中、提出 34 名です。提出率は 65.4% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070919 - 20070920
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 963,819(+4,386)Pt.→ 2,208(+12)Res. 2:242:10:23:10(+0:004:22:36:13)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 563,978(+2,992)Pt.→ 1,375( .+8)Res. 0:264:06:48:57(+0:001:10:41:12)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 501,725(+3,791)Pt.→ 1,187(+10)Res. 1:093:11:52:42(+0:004:17:07:00)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 487,288(+8,462)Pt.→ 1,198(+21)Res. 0:304:13:30:07(+0:005:03:32:32)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus. 395,112(+1,491)Pt.→ 1,235( .+4)Res. 0:260:19:53:28(+0:001:01:00:44)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 277,486( +822)Pt.→ 608( .+2)Res. 0:293:00:48:11(+0:000:19:08:21)
┃◎. 7 solstice@EAnewsplus. 265,167(+3,392)Pt.→ 697( .+9)Res. 0:159:15:02:48(+0:001:15:21:15)
┃◎. 8 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 232,931( +756)Pt.→ 2,108( .+2)Res. 0:165:08:35:35(+0:000:16:25:00)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus 198,889( +733)Pt.→ 461( .+2)Res. 0:124:19:08:25(+0:000:11:32:15)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus 191,115( +773)Pt.→ 479( .+2)Res. 0:074:09:56:13(+0:000:07:26:34)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 171,555(+1,165)Pt.→ 411( .+3)Res. 0:083:16:38:09(+0:000:08:30:11)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus . 167,733(+1,781)Pt.→ 422( .+4)Res. 0:105:23:30:26(+0:001:02:54:24)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus 151,873(+1,249)Pt.→ 376( .+3)Res. 0:083:19:51:13(+0:000:14:45:16)
┃◎14 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 144,328(+1,328)Pt.→ 352( .+3)Res. 0:069:02:51:12(+0:000:13:45:20)
┃◎15 tera3@EAnewsplus 133,373(+1,243)Pt.→ 343( .+3)Res. 0:053:06:49:35(+0:000:10:55:10)
┃◎16 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 132,567(+1,394)Pt.→ 336( .+3)Res. 0:071:14:09:16(+0:000:14:59:16)
┃◎17 hokuto@EAnewsplus. 126,585( +397)Pt.→ 295( .+1)Res. 0:036:18:53:25(+0:000:02:43:09)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus 107,009( +833)Pt.→ 261( .+2)Res. 0:131:11:52:23(+0:000:20:20:58)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 96,173( +352)Pt.→ 220( .+1)Res. 0:048:04:23:32(+0:000:04:38:56)
┃◎21 giryushu@EAnewsplus 63,539(+1,401)Pt.→ 181( .+3)Res. 0:043:19:25:33(+0:000:13:00:32)
┃◎22 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus 61,817( +411)Pt.→ 243( .+1)Res. 0:111:13:44:28(+0:000:16:36:23)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 56,698( +516)Pt.→ 136( .+1)Res. 0:043:09:12:25(+0:000:08:25:48)
┃◎24 1220@EAnewsplus . 53,317( +394)Pt.→ 134( .+1)Res. 0:034:22:39:19(+0:000:10:08:26)
┃◎25 Yami@EAnewsplus . 47,672( +786)Pt.→ 119( .+2)Res. 0:026:15:18:32(+0:000:07:49:41)
┃◎27 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 36,358( +308)Pt.→ .91( .+1)Res. 0:042:23:04:05(+0:000:09:13:31)
┃◎29 express102@EAnewsplus. 32,181(+2,831)Pt.↑ .76( .+6)Res. 0:017:04:44:56(+0:001:11:34:42)
┃◎31 Wachutka@EAnewsplus . 29,709( +341)Pt.↓ .77( .+1)Res. 0:027:08:57:39(+0:000:06:47:12)
┃◎32 HANA0501@EAnewsplus 25,229( +492)Pt.→ .62( .+1)Res. 0:026:20:45:39(+0:000:13:19:55)
┃◎35 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus.. 22,758( +321)Pt.→ .53( .+1)Res. 0:020:05:23:28(+0:000:06:54:25)
┃◎36 tsuka@EAnewsplus. 22,685( +365)Pt.→ .55( .+1)Res. 0:009:18:07:43(+0:000:03:01:29)
┃◎40 Hirone@EAnewsplus. 7,619(+1,749)Pt.↑ .20( .+5)Res. 0:004:16:38:45(+0:001:01:27:10)
┃◎45 Chemosh@EAnewsplus . 4,497( +314)Pt.→ .12( .+1)Res. 0:004:04:04:34(+0:000:06:41:49)
┃◎46 meganeoji@EAnewsplus. 2,576( +861)Pt.→ 6( .+2)Res. 0:001:18:13:33(+0:000:15:18:15)
┃◎47 tindaros@EAnewsplus. 840( 初)Pt.↑ 2( .初)Res. 0:000:10:23:15( .初)
データ取得時刻 Fri Sep 21 11:02:02 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (83) (-1) .. r@EAnewsplus 40408.59... (+421.76) : 263.97 (+19.52)
2. (139) (-1) . kinta@EAnewsplus .. 26811.37 (+259.03) : 256.9 .. (+2.56)
3. (168) (-2) . ingot@EAnewsplus .. 24321.91 (+162.98) : 145.55 (+1.04)
4. (274) (+3) . sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 15907.6 .. (+256.52) : 199.91 (+4.24)
5. (373) (+2) . Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 11374.85 (+211.83) : 150.54 (+5.71)
6. (393) (-1) . solstice@EAnewsplus 10803.06... (+133.42) : 93.59 .. (+3.56)
7. (478) ... Yami@EAnewsplus .. 8487.73 .. (+38.46)... : 216.09... (-10.84)
8. (557) (-2) . giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 7070.32 .. .. : 102.48
9. (594) (-2) . KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
10. (598) (-2) YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
11. (663) (-2) tome7x@EAnewsplus 5269.99 .. .. : 49.25 ..
12. (791) (-3) HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3925.57 .. (+39.31)... : 43.67 .. (+1.14)
13. (921) (-1) ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus... 2741.7 . .. : 34.87 ..
14. (927) (+2) tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2682.26 .. (+49.57)... : 13.93 .. (-13.58)
15. (948) (-2) yumenemi@EAnewsplus .. 2519.19 .. .. : 27.66 ..
16. (965) (-4) asakaze@EAnewsplus ... 2349.82 .. .. : 3.75 .
17. (971) (-4) fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
18. (1122) (-5) foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1678) ... dokuo@EAnewsplus ... 33.0 new! .. : 3.09 .. new!
20. (1679) (-4) eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
. .,^.; i:;..:.
∧∧ .:i:.i,.::i.^;:, dokuo@EAnewsplusさん
(*゚ー゚)ヽ^^^/ <TANPAKUでもいらっさ〜い!
/ つつV
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/21〜2007/09/22
Team . ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
The Knights Who Say Ni! ┃ 441 ( )┃430,891 ( .+75)┃33│48,935,937 ( .+24,412)→
NCIX.com Forum Folding Team.... ┃ 840 (+2)┃211,379 (+305)┃34│48,369,681 (+126,176)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,164 (+4)┃163,166 (+857)┃35│47,241,695 (+203,839)→
Russia ┃1,371 (+1)┃297,994 (+243)┃36│46,881,653 ( .+87,069)→
Futuremark.com ┃1,247 ( )┃512,925 (+127)┃37│45,728,973 ( .+68,178)→
Team 2ch ┃2,521 (+1)┃351,667 (+311)┃38│43,763,813 (+120,548)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere. ┃1,725 (+1)┃242,754 (+216)┃39│43,100,707 ( .+65,146)→
Folding@Malaysia . ┃1,065 ( )┃338,003 (+196)┃40│43,080,434 ( .+64,706)→
Team Lithuania . ┃1,534 ( )┃195,522 (+202)┃41│41,086,202 ( .+68,298)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 612 ( )┃457,721 (+106)┃42│40,333,545 ( .+29,712)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070922&f=20070921&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162 http://www.scei.co.jp/folding/jp/
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 5,137 +4 .-
┃ .result 2,484,089 .+18,489 .2
┃ .point 826,430,084 +7,069,879 .2
┃ ....time 1464:007:21:31:48 +11:141:13:02:00 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070920 - 20070921.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,763(+2)人 2,141,212,748(+4,004,532)Pt.→ 7,678,958(+12,208)Res. 8002:235:15:39:54(+11:163:10:33:49)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 5,137(+4)人 826,430,084(+7,069,879)Pt.→ 2,484,089(+18,489)Res. 1464:007:21:31:48(+11:141:13:02:00)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070920 - 20070921.
┃◎22 @dtv 10( .)人 6,846,725(+55,497)Pt.→ 38,132(+144)Res. .9:331:22:53:31(+0:026:13:42:24)
┃◎23 @netgame. 27( .)人 6,458,021(+69,261)Pt.→ 22,401(+187)Res. .8:354:06:31:27(+0:032:03:28:22)
┃◎24 @EAnewsplus. 52( .)人 6,108,501(+54,733)Pt.→ 17,070(+138)Res. 12:117:09:00:48(+0:038:05:56:43)
┃◎25 @doujin 46( .)人 5,883,682(+32,327)Pt.→ 17,088( .+84)Res. 11:192:05:22:23(+0:020:19:28:21)
┃◎26 @bicycle. 36( .)人 5,821,289(+42,814)Pt.→ 20,401(+114)Res. 10:251:19:12:30(+0:027:17:18:10)
@EAnewsplus. 6,100,000ポイント達成、17,000リザルト達成、12年3ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 52 人中、提出 31 名です。提出率は 59.6% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070920 - 20070921
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus 968,938(+5,119)Pt.→ 2,221(+13)Res. 2:247:09:00:33(+0:004:22:37:23)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus. 568,614(+4,636)Pt.→ 1,387(+12)Res. 0:266:12:17:46(+0:002:05:28:49)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus. 505,167(+3,442)Pt.→ 1,196( .+9)Res. 1:097:07:22:57(+0:003:19:30:15)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus. 491,129(+3,841)Pt.→ 1,208(+10)Res. 0:307:03:24:09(+0:002:13:54:02)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus. 398,845(+3,733)Pt.→ 1,243( .+8)Res. 0:263:01:44:15(+0:002:05:50:47)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus. 279,904(+2,418)Pt.→ 614( .+6)Res. 0:295:13:13:58(+0:002:12:25:47)
┃◎. 7 solstice@EAnewsplus. 269,977(+4,810)Pt.→ 710(+13)Res. 0:162:02:57:12(+0:002:11:54:24)
┃◎. 8 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus 234,771(+1,840)Pt.→ 2,112( .+4)Res. 0:166:11:37:07(+0:001:03:01:32)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus 191,867( +752)Pt.→ 481( .+2)Res. 0:074:16:57:48(+0:000:07:01:35)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus 174,229(+2,674)Pt.→ 417( .+6)Res. 0:084:10:02:20(+0:000:17:24:11)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus . 168,470( +737)Pt.→ 424( .+2)Res. 0:106:11:07:31(+0:000:11:37:05)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus 154,396(+2,523)Pt.→ 382( .+6)Res. 0:085:00:55:13(+0:001:05:04:00)
┃◎14 yutaka@EAnewsplus. 146,354(+2,026)Pt.→ 357( .+5)Res. 0:070:02:10:04(+0:000:23:18:52)
┃◎15 tera3@EAnewsplus 134,973(+1,600)Pt.→ 347( .+4)Res. 0:053:21:01:45(+0:000:14:12:10)
┃◎16 tome7x@EAnewsplus. 133,287( +720)Pt.→ 338( .+2)Res. 0:071:22:24:40(+0:000:08:15:24)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus 109,130(+2,121)Pt.→ 266( .+5)Res. 0:133:11:42:09(+0:001:23:49:46)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus. 97,119( +946)Pt.→ 222( .+2)Res. 0:048:14:17:11(+0:000:09:53:39)
┃◎21 giryushu@EAnewsplus 63,872( +333)Pt.→ 182( .+1)Res. 0:043:22:49:52(+0:000:03:24:19)
┃◎22 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus 62,547( +730)Pt.→ 246( .+3)Res. 0:112:19:17:49(+0:001:05:33:21)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus 57,061( +363)Pt.→ 137( .+1)Res. 0:043:16:03:44(+0:000:06:51:19)
┃◎25 Yami@EAnewsplus . 50,499(+2,827)Pt.→ 126( .+7)Res. 0:027:18:57:01(+0:001:03:38:29)
┃◎27 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus 36,801( +443)Pt.→ .92( .+1)Res. 0:043:10:52:54(+0:000:11:48:49)
┃◎28 shari@EAnewsplus . 36,698( +839)Pt.→ .91( .+2)Res. 0:036:13:55:21(+0:000:20:30:11)
┃◎29 express102@EAnewsplus. 33,547(+1,366)Pt.→ .79( .+3)Res. 0:017:22:17:43(+0:000:17:32:47)
┃◎32 HANA0501@EAnewsplus 25,585( +356)Pt.→ .63( .+1)Res. 0:027:05:52:11(+0:000:09:06:32)
┃◎33 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus. 24,681( +794)Pt.↑ .63( .+2)Res. 0:048:08:23:12(+0:001:23:07:19)
┃◎35 tomoeharuka@EAnewsplus.. 23,033( +275)Pt.→ .54( .+1)Res. 0:020:12:13:45(+0:000:06:50:17)
┃◎36 tsuka@EAnewsplus. 23,013( +328)Pt.→ .56( .+1)Res. 0:009:21:29:06(+0:000:03:21:23)
┃◎40 Hirone@EAnewsplus. 8,117( +498)Pt.→ .22( .+2)Res. 0:004:23:20:46(+0:000:06:42:01)
┃◎47 tindaros@EAnewsplus. 2,064(+1,224)Pt.→ 5( .+3)Res. 0:001:02:58:48(+0:000:16:35:33)
┃◎49 dokuo@EAnewsplus. 419( 初)Pt.↑ 1( .初)Res. 0:000:15:34:42( .初)
データ取得時刻 Sat Sep 22 11:02:03 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (82) (+1) . r@EAnewsplus 40690.71... (+282.12) : 262.68 (-1.3)
2. (139) .. kinta@EAnewsplus .. 27080.09 (+268.72) : 256.11 (-0.8)
3. (168) .. ingot@EAnewsplus .. 24440.87 (+118.95) : 148.28 (+2.72)
4. (274) .. sikasuke@EAnewsplus . 16092.63 (+185.03) : 200.44 (+0.52)
5. (373) .. Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 11489.9 .. (+115.05) : 156.42 (+5.88)
6. (393) .. solstice@EAnewsplus ... 10856.94 (+53.88).. : 92.3 .. (-1.29)
7. (470) (+8) Yami@EAnewsplus .. 8805.13 .. (+317.39) : 222.38 (+6.29)
8. (549) (+8) giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 7206.89 .. (+136.57) : 99.48 .. (-3.0)
9. (594) .. KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
10. (597) (+1) ... YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
11. (659) (+4) ... tome7x@EAnewsplus 5311.43 .. (+41.43)... : 44.96 .. (-4.3)
12. (788) (+3) ... HANA0501@EAnewsplus 3954.59 .. (+29.02)... : 43.77 .. (+0.1)
13. (920) (+1) ... ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.. 2741.7 .. . : 34.87
14. (922) (+5) ... tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2728.77 .. (+46.51)... : 17.01 .. (+3.08)
15. (948) . yumenemi@EAnewsplus . 2519.19 ... . : 27.66
16. (966) (-1) ... asakaze@EAnewsplus .. 2349.82 ... . : 3.75 ..
17. (974) (-3) ... fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
18. (1122) .. foxy@EAnewsplus ... 1389.58 ... . : 30.29
19. (1628) (+50) dokuo@EAnewsplus ... 70.99 . (+37.98).. : 6.42 .. (+3.33)
20. (1679) .. eyone@EAnewsplus ... 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
┏━━Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy(筋ジストロフィー治療支援)
┃ ┏FightAIDS@Home(HIVの新薬開発)
WCG Agent━━┻━╋Human Proteome(たんぱく質構造の予測)
┣休止中:Help Defeat Cancer(がん組織の分析)
.┏WCG━━━┻終了Genome Comparison(ゲノム比較)
http://wcg-team2ch.no-ip.info/ ワニ''ヽ,,,ノ'7
|ミ||||lmml:! ♪
|ミ||||||||||l:!゚ー゚*) <解析お疲れさまー
チームの皆さん> (゚Д゚,,)|||||⊂ |
⊂|ミ|O||||l::!´ ノ〜 パソコンでできるボランティア
|ミ|||||リ::/しl二l 詳しくは
>>2-4 >>7 UU ;;;;;ノ .ij ij
342 :
<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん:2007/09/22(土) 23:15:20 ID:pbNjVPCi
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/22〜2007/09/23
Team . ┃ .User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
The Knights Who Say Ni! ┃ 441 ( )┃430,966 ( .+75)┃33│48,959,882 ( .+23,945)→
NCIX.com Forum Folding Team.... ┃ 841 (+1)┃211,684 ( +305)┃34│48,488,093 (+118,412)→
2ch@PS3. ┃2,166 (+2)┃164,172 (+1,006)┃35│47,470,691 (+228,996)→
Russia ┃1,372 (+1)┃298,238 ( +244)┃36│46,967,620 ( .+85,967)→
Futuremark.com ┃1,247 ( )┃513,055 ( +130)┃37│45,792,371 ( .+63,398)→
Team 2ch ┃2,523 (+2)┃351,973 ( +306)┃38│43,891,973 (+128,160)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere. ┃1,727 (+2)┃243,029 ( +275)┃39│43,168,193 ( .+67,486)→
Folding@Malaysia . ┃1,065 ( )┃338,160 ( +157)┃40│43,141,365 ( .+60,931)→
Team Lithuania . ┃1,535 (+1)┃195,704 ( +182)┃41│41,149,848 ( .+63,646)→
SpeedGuide.net ┃ 612 ( )┃457,819 ( .+98)┃42│40,361,568 ( .+28,023)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070923&f=20070922&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162 http://www.scei.co.jp/folding/jp/
【WCG日報】 ★WCGについては
>>2-3 参照★
┃@team 2ch. 合計 増分 順位
┃ ...member 5,153 .+16 .-
┃ .result 2,520,472 .+36,383 .2
┃ .point 840,347,704 .+13,917,620 .2
┃ ....time 1486:119:16:06:09 +22:111:18:34:21 .5
┃◎【チーム】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【Team 2ch】 date 20070921 - 20070923.
┃◎ 1 @Easynews. 5,775(+12)人 2,149,040,432( .+7,827,684)Pt.→ 7,702,496(+23,538)Res. 8024:345:22:53:36(+22:110:07:13:42)
┃◎ 2 @Team 2ch. 5,153(+16)人 840,347,704(+13,917,620)Pt.→ 2,520,472(+36,383)Res. 1486:119:16:06:09(+22:111:18:34:21)
┃◎【板】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070921 - 20070923.
┃◎22 @dtv 11(+1)人 6,953,690(+106,965)Pt.→ 38,422(+290)Res. 10:016:17:09:04(+0:049:18:15:33)
┃◎23 @netgame. 27( )人 6,583,292(+125,271)Pt.→ 22,736(+335)Res. .9:046:07:36:03(+0:057:01:04:36)
┃◎24 @EAnewsplus. 52( )人 6,217,510(+109,009)Pt.→ 17,345(+275)Res. 12:186:22:46:04(+0:069:13:45:16)
┃◎25 @doujin 46( )人 5,959,714( .+76,032)Pt.→ 17,285(+197)Res. 11:246:15:01:46(+0:054:09:39:23)
┃◎26 @bicycle. 36( )人 5,881,272( .+59,983)Pt.→ 20,557(+156)Res. 10:292:23:00:57(+0:041:03:48:27)
@EAnewsplus. 6,200,000ポイント達成、リザルト28位浮上、12年6ヶ月解析時間達成
@EAnewsplusのメンバ 52 人中、提出 34 名です。提出率は 65.4% です。
┃◎【板メンバ】ポイント(・∀・)ランキング【@EAnewsplus】 date 20070921 - 20070923.
┃◎. 1 Fuji762@EAnewsplus. 976,222( .+7,284)Pt.→ 2,239(+18)Res. 2:254:14:37:21(+0:007:05:36:48)
┃◎. 2 foxy@EAnewsplus 577,950( .+9,336)Pt.→ 1,412(+25)Res. 0:270:21:48:05(+0:004:09:30:19)
┃◎. 3 KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 510,586( .+5,419)Pt.→ 1,209(+13)Res. 1:103:00:52:46(+0:005:17:29:49)
┃◎. 4 sharakuh@EAnewsplus 505,621(+14,492)Pt.→ 1,243(+35)Res. 0:315:20:49:24(+0:008:17:25:15)
┃◎. 5 garu@EAnewsplus 407,856( .+9,011)Pt.→ 1,266(+23)Res. 0:267:17:04:52(+0:004:15:20:37)
┃◎. 6 r@EAnewsplus 282,680( .+2,776)Pt.→ 621( .+7)Res. 0:298:08:09:35(+0:002:18:55:37)
┃◎. 7 solstice@EAnewsplus 278,783( .+8,806)Pt.→ 734(+24)Res. 0:166:14:39:57(+0:004:11:42:45)
┃◎. 8 Rising_Sun@EAnewsplus. 239,061( .+4,290)Pt.→ 2,123(+11)Res. 0:169:04:38:56(+0:002:17:01:49)
┃◎. 9 Hazama@EAnewsplus. 200,804( .+1,915)Pt.→ 465( .+4)Res. 0:125:22:57:04(+0:001:03:48:39)
┃◎10 pxw10200@EAnewsplus . 192,645( .+778)Pt.→ 483( .+2)Res. 0:075:00:26:13(+0:000:07:28:25)
┃◎11 Fortune@EAnewsplus. 174,738( .+509)Pt.→ 418( .+1)Res. 0:084:13:17:36(+0:000:03:15:16)
┃◎12 arikui@EAnewsplus. 173,019( .+4,549)Pt.→ 435(+11)Res. 0:109:07:25:00(+0:002:20:17:29)
┃◎13 kinta@EAnewsplus . 157,322( .+2,926)Pt.→ 390( .+8)Res. 0:086:12:47:18(+0:001:11:52:05)
┃◎14 yutaka@EAnewsplus 149,773( .+3,419)Pt.→ 365( .+8)Res. 0:071:16:36:35(+0:001:14:26:31)
┃◎15 tera3@EAnewsplus. 142,313( .+7,340)Pt.→ 365(+18)Res. 0:056:12:11:04(+0:002:15:09:19)
┃◎16 tome7x@EAnewsplus 135,308( .+2,021)Pt.→ 343( .+5)Res. 0:072:20:44:01(+0:000:22:19:21)
┃◎18 noclaimer@EAnewsplus. 110,839( .+1,709)Pt.→ 270( .+4)Res. 0:136:06:33:30(+0:002:18:51:21)
┃◎19 taiaki@EAnewsplus 98,757( .+1,638)Pt.→ 226( .+4)Res. 0:049:09:23:00(+0:000:19:05:49)
┃◎21 giryushu@EAnewsplus. 64,306( .+434)Pt.→ 183( .+1)Res. 0:044:02:49:11(+0:000:03:59:19)
┃◎22 sakuramoti@EAnewsplus . 63,427( .+880)Pt.→ 250( .+4)Res. 0:114:06:53:15(+0:001:11:35:26)
┃◎23 yumenemi@EAnewsplus. 57,245( .+184)Pt.→ 138( .+1)Res. 0:043:22:53:58(+0:000:06:50:14)
┃◎24 1220@EAnewsplus. 56,529( .+3,212)Pt.→ 142( .+8)Res. 0:036:23:19:34(+0:002:00:40:15)
┃◎25 Yami@EAnewsplus. 54,653( .+4,154)Pt.→ 137(+11)Res. 0:029:13:46:39(+0:001:18:49:38)
┃◎26 ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus 40,080( .+337)Pt.→ 188( .+1)Res. 0:063:16:21:14(+0:000:11:57:20)
┃◎27 express102@EAnewsplus 37,820( .+4,273)Pt.↑ .89(+10)Res. 0:020:11:58:21(+0:002:13:40:38)
┃◎28 DEADoFb8lc@EAnewsplus. 37,192( .+391)Pt.↓ .93( .+1)Res. 0:043:20:09:16(+0:000:09:16:22)
┃◎29 shari@EAnewsplus. 37,131( .+433)Pt.↓ .92( .+1)Res. 0:037:00:36:15(+0:000:10:40:54)
┃◎30 sikasuke@EAnewsplus. 32,106( .+1,149)Pt.→ .85( .+3)Res. 0:015:12:37:28(+0:000:15:04:08)
┃◎31 Wachutka@EAnewsplus. 30,467( .+758)Pt.→ .79( .+2)Res. 0:028:00:17:01(+0:000:15:19:22)
┃◎32 HANA0501@EAnewsplus. 25,958( .+373)Pt.→ .64( .+1)Res. 0:027:16:46:17(+0:000:10:54:06)
┃◎33 BIBLIO@EAnewsplus 25,002( .+321)Pt.→ .64( .+1)Res. 0:048:20:21:18(+0:000:11:58:06)
┃◎35 tsuka@EAnewsplus 23,545( .+532)Pt.↑ .57( .+1)Res. 0:010:02:37:08(+0:000:05:08:02)
┃◎39 Hirone@EAnewsplus. 11,002( .+2,885)Pt.↑ .29( .+7)Res. 0:006:15:29:55(+0:001:16:09:09)
┃◎44 Chemosh@EAnewsplus. 4,972( .+475)Pt.↑ .13( .+1)Res. 0:004:14:09:37(+0:000:10:05:03)
データ取得時刻 Mon Sep 24 11:02:02 JST 2007
比較対象 23時間58分前
1. (82) . r@EAnewsplus ... 41252.69 (+302.78) : 269.23 (+6.46)
2. (140) .. kinta@EAnewsplus .. 27507.33 (+210.72) : 250.91 (-1.24)
3. (170) (-2) ingot@EAnewsplus .. 24632.4 .. (+36.24)... : 141.96... (-3.75)
4. (272) (-1) sikasuke@EAnewsplus .. 16425.28... (+134.97) : 193.53 (-5.39)
5. (372) (-1) Wachutka@EAnewsplus .. 11802.52 (+50.19).. : 152.87 (-4.86)
6. (392) (-2) solstice@EAnewsplus 11071.87... .. : 100.91
7. (437) (+11) . Yami@EAnewsplus .. 9755.86 .. (+423.41) : 265.55 (+16.91)
8. (543) (+4) giryushu@EAnewsplus .. 7464.26 .. (+134.03) : 102.24 (+3.23)
9. (599) (-3) KoreaVeryHate@EAnewsplus 6484.92 .. .. : 189.87
10. (603) (-3) ... YuuAsaka@EAnewsplus .. 6432.07 .. .. : 38.54 ..
11. (654) (+5) ... tome7x@EAnewsplus 5509.87 .. (+116.28) : 54.14 .. (+6.82)
12. (779) (+1) ... HANA0501@EAnewsplus 4089.68 .. (+68.07)... : 46.39 .. (+2.66)
13. (918) (-1) ... ichinichiichizen@EAnewsplus.. 2812.17 ... . : 13.01
14. (925) (-1) ... tsuka@EAnewsplus . 2753.41 .. .. : 17.82 ..
15. (953) (-2) ... yumenemi@EAnewsplus . 2519.19 ... . : 27.66
16. (971) (-1) ... asakaze@EAnewsplus .. 2349.82 ... . : 3.75 ..
17. (982) (-4) ... fuji--@EAnewsplus . 2257.54 .. .. : 29.81 ..
18. (1134) (-8) .. foxy@EAnewsplus 1389.58 .. .. : 30.29 ..
19. (1592) (+24) dokuo@EAnewsplus ... 106.85 .. (+26.01).. : 8.76 .. (+1.78)
20. (1681) (-1) .. eyone@EAnewsplus 32.69 .. : 1.96 .
\ | / /
` ! / /
∧∧ ∧_∧ ∧ヘ
(,,゚Д゚)゙) ( ´∀`)○ (*゚ー゚)゙) <チームのみんなー!おつかれー
O / ○ '/ /っ /´
〜( _,つ O( ´") ( _,つ
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>>2-4 >>7
>>349 気が変わったらまた来てくださいね(^-^)/
>>351 東亜には、ざっと4年位前からあります
>>5 現在、270くらいの2ちゃんねる各板がチームとして参加してます。
チーム別ポイントランキング 2007/09/23〜2007/09/24
Team ┃ User┃ WorkUnit┃ .Points
The Knights Who Say Ni!. ┃ 441 ( .)┃431,038 ( .+72)┃33│48,985,135 ( .+25,253)→
NCIX.com Forum Folding Team..... ┃ 842 ( .+1)┃211,954 ( +270)┃34│48,607,619 (+119,526)→
2ch@PS3 ┃2,178 (+12)┃165,331 (+1,159)┃35│47,734,863 (+264,172)→
Russia. ┃1,373 ( .+1)┃298,455 ( +217)┃36│47,058,808 ( .+91,188)→
Futuremark.com. ┃1,247 ( .)┃513,177 ( +122)┃37│45,857,504 ( .+65,133)→
Team 2ch. ┃2,526 ( .+3)┃352,316 ( +343)┃38│44,037,450 (+145,477)→
Gentoo Linux Users Everywhere.. ┃1,727 ( .)┃243,248 ( +219)┃39│43,238,597 ( .+70,404)→
Folding@Malaysia ┃1,065 ( .)┃338,344 ( +184)┃40│43,206,921 ( .+65,556)→
Team Lithuania ┃1,536 ( .+1)┃195,896 ( +192)┃41│41,214,219 ( .+64,371)→
SpeedGuide.net. ┃ 613 ( .+1)┃457,941 ( +122)┃42│40,396,183 ( .+34,615)→
http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/stat.cgi?c=team&s=point&v=&a=1&t=20070924&f=20070923&pt=100 Folding@Homeについて
http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html http://folding-team2ch.mine.nu/ http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=162 http://www.scei.co.jp/folding/jp/
____ ∧ ∧
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