From Ore Fines to Hot Metal in a Single Process Step
FINEX(R) is a new smelting reduction process which is based on the reduction and melting of non- agglomerated iron ore fines with the use of non-coking coal as the energy source and reducing agent. The product is hot metal with the same high quality as produced in COREX(R) or blast furnace plants. The process is under development by VAI, the Korean steel producer POSCO and its Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (RIST).
In early 1997 a FINEX(R) hot-bench scale plant with a capacity of 15 t/d was started-up. On the basis of the favorable results, the decision was made to jointly construct a pilot plant with a daily fine-ore feeding rate of 150 tons. This plant was installed in POSCO's Pohang Works in early 1999, adjacent to the existing COREX(R) C-2000 Plant. The positive operational parameters using COREX(R) gas for the reduction of iron ore fines was confirmed again. On the basis of these encouraging results, POSCO and VAI signed an agreement for the construction of a 2000-t/d hot metal demonstration plant at the POSCO steel works site. This plant was started up in early 2003.
It is the objective of POSCO to replace several of their smaller blast furnaces at the Pohang Works site with FINEX(R) technology.
Since 1992, Siemens VAI and the Korean steel producer POSCO have been jointly developing the FINEXョ process, ? a process that is definitely one of the most exciting new developments in iron production.
FINEX is a new innovative process for hot metal production based on the direct use of sinter fine ore and non-coking coal. The key technologies are fluidized bed reducing reactors for the reduction of fine ore to DRI fines and a melter gasifier for melting of DRI to hot metal.
With FINEX, coke making and sintering of fine ore can be avoided in comparison to the conventional blast furnace technology. The quality of the hot metal is equal to that of the blast furnace or COREX hot metal. The first commercial FINEX plant for 1.5 million tons of hot metal per year should commence operation in Poscoエs Pohang works in the first months of 2007.