【タイ】 元フランス代表、ジダン氏がタイ北部でチャリティーマッチ [02/20]

60<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん
H. Res. 121: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the
Government of Japan should formally...

Whereas the `comfort women' system of forced military prostitution by the Government
of Japan, considered unprecedented in its cruelty and magnitude, included gang rape,
forced abortions, humiliation, and sexual violence resulting in mutilation, death,
or eventual suicide in one of the largest cases of human trafficking in the 20th

Whereas Japanese public and private officials have recently expressed a desire to
dilute or rescind the 1993 statement by Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono on the
`comfort women', which expressed the Government's sincere apologies and remorse for
their ordeal;

Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that the Government
of Japan-- 日本政府は以下のことを行なうものとする

(1) should formally acknowledge, apologize, and accept historical responsibility in a
clear and unequivocal manner for its Imperial Armed Force's coercion of young women
into sexual slavery, known to the world as `comfort women', during its colonial and
wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands from the 1930s through the duration
of World War II;  1930年代から第二次世界大戦時代の日本帝国軍が若い女性を従軍慰安婦

(2) should have this official apology given as a public statement presented by the
Prime Minister of Japan in his official capacity;

(3) should clearly and publicly refute any claims that the sexual enslavement and
trafficking of the `comfort women' for the Japanese Imperial Armed Forces never
occurred; and

(4) should educate current and future generations about this horrible crime while
following the recommendations of the international community with respect to the
`comfort women'.
(1), (2)も無茶苦茶だけど、(3)は言論の自由の否定、(4)は主権国家の教育への内政干渉