ttp:// February 25, 2007 - 9:29 AM
Iran launches space missile
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran has launched a missile capable of reaching space, Iran's state
television Web site reported on Sunday, quoting an Iranian aerospace official.
Iran launched its Sina-1 satellite into orbit from a Russian rocket in 2005 and has
previously said it planned to modify its Shahab-3 missile to launch satellites.
イランは2005年にロシア製ロケットで Sina-1衛星を軌道に乗せている。また、Shahab-3ミサイ
"Iran has successfully launched its first space missile made by Iranian scientists,"
the head of Iran's aerospace research centre, named only as Dr Bahrami, was quoted as
空局のDr Bahramiが述べている。(後略)
グローバル・セキュリティのサイトに拠れば、Shahab-3 / Zelzal-3の現状は:
The Iranian Shahab-3 [alternatively designated Zelzal (Earthquake)] missile is said
to be a derivative of the 1,000-1,300 kilometer range North Korean Nodong-1. The
Nodong missile was developed by North Korea with Iranian financial assistance. The
Shahab-3 missile can have a 500kg-650kg warhead. The range is believed to be 1550km
-1620km (based on performance data of the No-dong B). More specifically it is believed
that with a warhead mass of 760kg the missile will fly 1560km and with a warhead mass
of 1158kg the missile will fly 1350km. Although not verified this data would seem to
indicate that they are working on the Shahab-4 with a 2000km+ range and would be a
derivative of the Taepo-dong 1.
In May 2002, it was reported that Iran had decided to start production of the Shahab-3
missile, according to Turkish intelligence. Iran reportedly planned to produce at
least 150 of the missiles, which are capable of delivering a 1,000kg warhead to 1.300
km range. Israeli officials estimated Iran had so far been able to amass an arsenal
of at least 20 Shihab-3s.
In late July 2005 Iranian Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani said the Shihab-3 contained
a range of 1,930 kilometers, a major increase from the previous version of the missile,
which had a range of 1,300 kilometers. He said the Shihab-3 developed and tested in
2004 significantly increased the range of the missile. Shamkhani was quoted by Radio
Farda as saying that the liquid-fuel Shihab could also be fitted with a nuclear