ttp:// You Go, Geffen! Hillary Clinton's very bad week.
by William Kristol 03/05/2007, Volume 012, Issue 24
Once unleashed, this series of thoughts is subversive. So much of the Hillary Clinton
candidacy depends on an aura of inevitability, supported by oodles of money and a fear
of retribution if you're not on board. But what if she's not inevitable? And what if
the retribution isn't so all-powerful?
That's what is now being tested. Now that it has been raised, the thought that Hillary
isn't the ideal nominee might spread. Hence Team Clinton's need to enforce omerta.
>>344で、Peggy Noonanが指摘していたように、ヒラリー神話の崩壊の兆候は、保守派に
#取っては大歓迎でもあるらめ(what if she's not inevitable?)