【タイ】 元フランス代表、ジダン氏がタイ北部でチャリティーマッチ [02/20]

43<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん
North Carolina +4   This suggests that John Edwards had some home-state strength
  in '04 that Hillary can't match.
Florida     +1   The one southern state in play in '04 moves slightly toward
Kentucky    -0.5  Negligible movement in state Bill Clinton carried in '92 but
  that has been easily Republican since.
Virginia    -0.5  Negligible movement in state that has become more competitive;
  could be in play.
Tennessee    -1.5  Small movement in still heavily Republican state.
Georgia     -2.5  Movement, but still heavily Republican. Hillary competitive in
  metro Atlanta but not elsewhere.
South Carolina -4.5  Still heavily Republican.
Texas      -4.5  Still heavily Republican. Rudy matches Bush '04 strong showing
  among Hispanics.
Louisiana    -6   Moves toward being in play. But will black Democrats return to
  New Orleans?
West Virginia  -6   State Bush easily carried in '04 is very much in play in this
Arkansas    -6.5  The state where Hillary was first lady for 12 years still likes
  her; in play now.
Alabama     -7   Still heavily Republican.
Mississippi   -7   Still heavily Republican.
Oklahoma    -9.5  The biggest Democraticward movement in all 50 states but still
  heavily Republican.

National upshot: Rudy's electoral vote position against Hillary is much stronger than
Bush's against Kerry.