>>399-400 クマラスワミ女史の書いた報告書は、あちこちの反日団体の従軍慰安婦関連のページに
ttp://www.comfort-women.org/coomaras.htm Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and
consequences, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamv, in accordance with Commission on Human Rights
resolution 1994/45 Addendum Report on the mission to the Democratic Peoples Republic
of Korea, the Republic of Korea and Japan on the issue of military sexual slavery in
wartime Corrigendum Paragraph 98, third sentence
23. The most problematic aspect of attempting to write an account of the recruitment
of military sexual slaves during the period leading up to the Second World War and
during the war itself is the lack of remaining or disclosed official documentation
concerning the actual recruitment process. Nearly all evidence concerning the
recruitment of "comfort women" comes from the oral testimony of the victims themselves.
24. The first comfort stations under direct Japanese control were those in Shanghai
in 1932, and there is first-hand evidence of official involvement in their
establishment. One of the commanders of the Shanghai campaign, Lieutenant?General
Okamura Yasuji, confessed in his memoirs to have been the original proponent of
comfort stations for the military.
5/ There had been a very high incidence of rape by Japanese troops and, in response,
a number of Korean women from a Korean community in Japan were sent to the province
by the Governor of Nagasaki Prefecture.
The fact that they were sent from Japan implicates not only the military but also
the Home Ministry, which controlled the governors and the police who were later to
play a significant role in collaborating with the army in forcibly recruiting women.