【タイ】 元フランス代表、ジダン氏がタイ北部でチャリティーマッチ [02/20]

194<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん
March 1, 2007, 9:47 am
No Longer Carrying the Yen  Posted by David Gaffen

In the past few years this trade, in which investors borrow in the low-yielding
currency (the yen) and use the borrowed money to buy assets in higher-yielding
currencies, has become popular. With volatility and Japanese interest rates low and
the yen extremely weak, it was a no-brainer. Today, the dollar is trading at 117.10
yen, down from 118.41 yesterday and from 122 a few days ago ? suggesting that some of
the short-term speculative activity is indeed reversing, in part because when markets
become more volatile, trades like this become riskier.