【タイ】 元フランス代表、ジダン氏がタイ北部でチャリティーマッチ [02/20]

148<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん

QUESTION: So that means it's conceivable Secretary Rice could meet with her Iranian
counterpart about Iraq? Is that what you're saying, if you're not -- I mean, you're
not saying it wouldn't happen? ライス国務長官がシリア、イランとの会合に出る可能性?

MR. MCCORMACK: What I'm saying is there are two stages to this. There is an envoy level
meeting in Baghdad that we know will happen in the first half of March.


MR. MCCORMACK: In as early as April, there is a commitment on our part to attend a
ministerial level meeting, again with the Iraqis serving as hosts. And we shall see
what other states take up that invitation. Our intention is that should the meeting be
held in April or some time thereafter at the ministerial level that we'll be there and
that it's another opportunity for all the states to attend, including Iraq's neighbors,
Syria, Iran and others to play a positive role in Iraq's future.

QUESTION: So just to clarify, I mean, you wouldn't rule out a meeting if that topic were
to come up in (inaudible) Iran's involvement in Iraq --

MR. MCCORMACK: Again, we're getting ahead of ourselves here. Let's -- the first meeting
is a -- the envoy level meeting. And we hope that all the states take the opportunity
at this meeting to play a positive role and be responsible neighbors and assist Iraq
as they move forward on their economic pathway to development, political pathway to
development and to improving the security situation.

QUESTION: Where might that second meeting take place -- the ministerial?

MR. MCCORMACK: It hasn't been set yet. There are some ideas, but it has not been fully
agreed upon yet. 未定である。