ttp:// <中国の株価下落が、外国市場に長期に、大きく影響するとは思わない・・>
“In our opinion, the market downturn in China is primarily a local event, and we
do not expect that this decline will have a widespread, long-term impact across the
globe,” says Bob Doll, global chief investment officer of equities at BlackRock.
“I’d study carefully the next few days ? my guess is that the correction in most
markets is going to be contained,”
“A 10% to 20% pullback is very normal, and not at all unexpected. The fear and
anticipation of any real change in China is going to be worse than the reality.”
But therein lies the rub. If any proposals by the Chinese government do curb capital
flows, that, along with the world-wide tightening of targeted interest rates, could
further the decline in money supply that has helped fuel markets.
That’s what concerns people ? that this is the start of the “big big thing” that
most of the investing community has been alternately biting nails or dismissing in
the past several months.