QUESTION: Are you working with some sort of paper that involves the trade of (inaudible) or a freeze? (核施設の凍結についてだが・・)
ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: I really don’t like to hear this word “freeze.” We are not interested in freezing something; we are interested in addressing problems created by plutonium production in North Korea. Now, how we address that you will see soon enough. We are not interested in freezing; we are interested in moving toward, taking steps towards the abandonment of these nuclear programs. (凍結と言う言葉は相応しくない。我々は凍結には興味は無い。我々はプルトニウムを生産する 事を問題にしている。その問題への対応は、まもなく明らかになる。我々は凍結に興味は無く て、核の廃棄に向けて前進することを望んでいる)
QUESTION: Are you over the hump on this on the issue of financial sanctions? (金融制裁の問題は?)
ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: The financial aspect is... You know, the country that has been engaged in some illicit activity, that has engaged in making weapons of mass destruction -- needless to say these factors add up to a country whose finances are going to be scrutinized, scrutinized in many different places. What we are focusing on is getting moving on the task of denuclearization. As North Korea denuclearizes and as they get out of the illicit activities, I think they can look forward to joining the international community, and that includes the international financial system. (金融制裁は・・不法行為に関わるもので、またWMD製造に関わるものを制裁する。どの部分 の金融行為を制裁すべきかと言う議論がある。我々の目的は核廃棄で、また不法行為の廃止で ある。北朝鮮は国際コミニティと国際金融システムに参加すべく前向きに考えるべきだ)
QUESTION: Japanese Prime Minister Shinto Abe made it clear today that Tokyo will not provide economic aid unless the abductee issue has been solved. Do you see this as slowing down the process of implementing the 9/19 agreement? (日本の安倍首相は拉致問題解決がなければ経済支援は無いといっている。是は障害になるか?)
ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: Japan has a position. Japan needs to have a process with the DPRK, needs to have a mechanism for dealing with tough issues with the DPRK. We understand that. I think everyone understands that. (日本には日本のポジションがある。日本は北朝鮮と問題を解決すべく交渉するメカニズムと プロセスを必要としている。我々はそれを理解しているし、他のメンバーも理解していると 思う) When you are dealing with six parties, different parties are going to have different problems in how they approach any single agreement. That’s what makes it difficult. But as I said, we made some real progress today, and we’ll have to see how we do tomorrow.(6者会合では各々の代表はそれぞれ異なった問題を有していて、その上でひとつの アプローチに合意しようとしている。それは困難なことだが、先にも述べたとおり今日は進展が あった。明日もがむばりたい)