【インドネシア】 国軍に出動命令、鳥インフルエンザ対策で [01/27]

266<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん
Christopher R. Hill, Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
US Embassy, Tokyo Tokyo, Japan February 6, 2007

267<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2007/02/07(水) 02:47:34 ID:NzlvAyPc
QUESTION: My friend from the Chinese diplomats, he just mentioned some dissatisfaction
over the Japanese Government, you know, insisting on something on the abductees issues.
They just always complain that that's an obstacle for the further progress on the Six
-Party Talks. So I see some gaps in the perception between Japan and other countries.
So how can you just persuade the Japanese Government?

ASSISTANT SECRETARY HILL: Well, you know, I don't know who your friends are in the
Chinese Foreign Ministry, but the Chinese Foreign Ministry people I talked to
understand that this is a big issue for Japan, and the Japanese Government cannot
ignore this issue. So I think the Chinese try to look at these problems with a sense
of realism, and the reality is it's an issue. So we'll see what we can do.

I think what's important is to try to create a mechanism where you can sit down with
the North Koreans. I mean, the Japanese Government can sit down with the North Koreans
and begin to have some discussion about this. You know, the Six-Party Talks ? it's a
very broad platform, and we can launch several initiatives off of this platform.

There are a number of initiatives, for example U.S.-North Korea bilateral issues can
be addressed through the Six-Party process. In fact, if we can get through
denuclearization, and if we can get that implemented and moving forward, we can also
look at the very important task for the Korean people, on the Korean Peninsula, to
see how they can begin to deal with the problem of replacing the armistice with a
peace treaty.