It is now up to China and South Korea to apply the kind of serious economic and diplomatic pressure on Pyongyang that they have so far refused to contemplate. That is the only sensible way to deal with the dangerous combination of missiles and nuclear weapons North Korea claims to have built. 今や北朝鮮に圧力をかけて核とミサイルを放棄させるべき責任は 中国と韓国にある
Last month, Seoul made a bizarre threat to deprive the North Korean people of food aid if the Taepodong-2 was launched. Instead, South Korea should suspend its "sunshine" policy of engagement and economic support for the Kim regime through such projects as the Kaesong industrial zone. 韓国は人道支援の食料を止めるのではなく経済特区のプロジェクト などの太陽政策を止めるべきである
China, North Korea's main ally and trading partner, has an equally important part to play, and has reason to be concerned that this North Korean provocation will strengthen calls in Japan for rearmament and the development of Japanese nuclear weapons. 中国は北朝鮮に圧力をかけて好戦的な行動を止めさせるべきであり そうしないならば、日本が再武装と核武装することになろう Beijing's refusal to comment for most of yesterday, and the bland appeal for calm on "all the relevant sides" that did eventually emerge from the foreign ministry last night, show how far China has to go before it can call itself a responsible regional power, let alone a global player able to solve other crises such as the one in Iran. 中国は地域の責任ある大国として北朝鮮やイランの問題に対処すべき 責任がある
木曜日に米中首脳が北朝鮮問題を電話で協議した。中国外交部がこれを発表した。 "We are seriously concerned about the current situation," the statement quoted Hu as saying, echoing earlier comments by the foreign ministry. 胡錦涛は北朝鮮のミサイル問題の現状を真剣に憂慮していると述べた
"We would like to maintain communication and consultation on the current situation with all involved parties," Hu said, adding that he hoped all sides would remain calm and that six-country talks on North Korea's nuclear programs could be resumed as soon as possible. 胡錦涛は6者協議を即時再開し、関係国全てがコンサルテーションと対話を続けて話し合うことを 望むとした
The statement also quoted Bush as saying that the United States remained committed to a diplomatic solution to the issue. ブッシュ大統領はこの問題の外交的解決にコミットしているとした。
"The United States still insists it is committed to resolving the issue through diplomatic means. We respect what China has done for the peace and stability of the Korean peninsula, and said the U.S. is willing to keep communication with China," the statement quoted Bush as saying. ブッシュ大統領は中国が朝鮮半島の平和と安定に果たしている役割を評価し、中国と対話を続け 問題の外交的解決を図ることにコミットしていると述べた。
中国国家統計局のQiu Xiaohua部長は記者会見で5月の中国のGDP成長が10%を超えるとした。 "China's economic growth has been staying at a high level of around 10%...and will remain around this 10% level in the short term,"
更に、中国の固定資産投資が30%の勢いで増加していると述べた Fixed asset investment, or FAI, is estimated to be growing at about 30%, he said.
"A 20%-25% growth rate for FAI would be more appropriate for China," he said. However, since inflation remains mild, the government should take "moderate rather than aggressive steps" to slow fixed-asset-investment growth, Mr. Qiu said.(後略)
In fact, Kim's greatest success may have been to deepen the divisions that raise serious questions about the future of the US-South Korean alliance. 金正日の最大の成功は米韓同盟を危うくして、その将来に重大な懸念を抱かせる事態を起こしたこと であろう
In fact, it may come as a shock to Americans, but many South Koreans would be likely to defend North Korea’s right to test-fire missiles - and even to have nuclear warheads - if needed for "defense" against the Japanese. アメリカ人にとってショックであるかもしれないことは多くの韓国人が北朝鮮のミサイル発射の権利 を擁護し、そればかりか日本からの防衛の為に核弾等さえも肯定することである。
While North Korean missiles are of little real concern in Seoul, attack by the US and Japan on North Korean bases would risk massive protests in the South, rendering US bases there either useless or untenable. Kim, in such an event, would have succeeded in his goal of the destruction of the US-South Korean alliance. ソウルでは人々は北朝鮮のミサイルには殆ど関心がないが、日米による北朝鮮のミサイル基地などへ の攻撃は韓国で大規模な抗議行動を起こし、米軍基地を襲撃しかねない。そういう事態になれば、金 正日は米韓同盟の破壊と言う目的を達成したといえるのだろう。
"There is no change in the sunshine policy," Lee Jong-seok, South Korea's minister of unification, said during a hearing at the National Assembly. Mr. Lee said the two countries should proceed with cabinet-level meetings that are set for next week, a gathering that will mark the highest-level contact between the two nations in a year.
With the 41 million votes counted, Calderon of President Vicente Fox's National Action Party had 35.89 percent to 35.31 percent for Lopez Obrador of the Democratic Revolution Party. The two were separated by 0.57 percent, or 236,006 votes. Nato warms to plan for defence shield By Daniel Dombey in London and Demetri Sevastopulo in Washington Updated: 9:42 p.m. ET July 6, 2006
Plans for a Europe-wide missile defence system to protect the continent from possible threats from Iran and North Korea are winning backing from Nato headquarters, while Pyongyang's recent missile tests have reignited debate in the US about a missile defence system.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Nato secretary-general, wants member states to consider seriously a recently issued 10,000-page report that concluded that such a system would be feasible for Europe and added that the dangers posed by Pyongyang and Tehran were increasing.
NATO事務総長のJaap de Hoop Schefferはテヘランやピョンヤンからの脅威に対抗するための 汎欧州ミサイル防衛構想を記述した10000ページの報告書について、加盟国に真剣な検討を求めた。
Nato has already begun work on an anti-missile system to protect deployed troops, which is scheduled to be ready by 2010 and which the alliance says could become its "largest co-operative project ever".
A Japanese newspaper reported Friday that North Korea had targeted South Pacific waters in the vicinity of Hawaii with the long-range missile. The conservative daily Sankei cited unnamed U.S. and Japanese and officials as saying Japan's Defense Agency and the U.S. military reached that conclusion after analyzing the missile's path from data collected from intelligence equipment. The report couldn't be immediately independently confirmed.
To stay in power, China's leaders have kept focused on internal stability and economic growth. Risking those interests to force North Korea's hand - and a possible crisis - is not an easy choice. But, long term, those interests do require regional peace, a pacified Japan, and a US that feels safe.
For Washington, there are few other proposals, short of force, likely to lead to a rollback of Pyongyang's weapons program. U.S. policy makers may cringe at this plan, seeing it as handing de facto supremacy in northeast Asia to the Chinese. But a successful maneuvering of China into the central role in this crisis would be the truest test of Washington's leadership. Whether one views it as realpolitik, a new multilateralism or innovative thinking, nothing counts in the end except achieving a critical goal.
そして結果は大惨事ということである。是を喩えるなら拳銃を持った銀行強盗が押し入って、行員 を前に見得を切って、威嚇の為に天上に向けて拳銃を発射したところ、ポンとか音がして、銃口か ら国旗が飛び出したようなものだ。もう誰も、この男のことを真剣には扱わない。 It's like a bank robber who gets everyone's attention by firing his gun at the ceiling?and a little flag with the word "Bang!" pops out of the barrel. The only effect is that he's no longer taken seriously.
アメリカ政府は中国の二つの国営企業に金融制裁を課すと発表した。これは国営企業で営利を 目的としたミサイル技術関連のビジネスを行なう企業で、そのひとつは China Great Wall Industry である。
この企業は北朝鮮を支援したとして昔から悪名高いのだがこれら二つの企業は中国人民解放軍 への主要なミサイル技術の提供者で、輸出による大きな利益も得ている。 China Great Wall Industry は外国への衛星打ち上げを引き受けるビジネスを行い、既に24個の衛星を打ち上げている。世 界でも最も安価な衛星打ち上げ業者といわれている。
The Labor Department report provides further evidence that the U.S. economy slowed markedly from the first quarter's pace. And it could ease pressure on official interest rates, especially if the recent spate of high core inflation numbers begin to subside.
If those NK Missiles were aimed at Hawaii and they weren't shot down we need to fire someone... もし、北朝鮮のミサイルがハワイを目標にしていて、しかも米軍がそれを撃墜しなかった というのであれば(それは許しがたいことだから)我々は責任者を解雇しなくてはならない
It has been accepted wisdom, since the fireworks display of Kim Jong IL this past 4th of July, that the missiles were not shot down but failed due to malfunction. Perhaps this is so. But if this "wisdom" is correct and our military was not at least preparing to shoot the missiles down then we need to fire someone. 7月4日の金正日のミサイル乱れうちでは、テポドン2は撃墜されたのではなくて故障で墜落 したということらしいのだが、もしアメリカ軍がテポドン2を本気で打ち落とすべく準備し ていなかったのであれば、我々は責任者を解雇すべきである。
Why were the Taepodong and the handful of other smaller rockets fired on Tuesday? Probably because it seemed like apt payback for the timing of the Pentagon's warfare exercises in the Pacific, which the North Koreans have taken as an insult and which they have been hyperventilating about for weeks.
日本政府やアメリカ政府が金正日の思うとおりにマニュピュレート(操作)されてきたわけ であって、どうしてそうなるのか理解しがたいくらいである。 (What is hard to understand is why the American and Japanese governments have allowed themselves to be manipulated again, by responding to the provocation exactly as Kim would have wanted)
日本政府やアメリカ政府は、北朝鮮の作り出す危機に対応する為に、大型の支援を与えること にしたのだが、そうではなくて、日米政府はそういう北朝鮮のクレームを無視、黙殺するとい う代替案を取ることも可能だったはずなのである。 (The obvious alternative for the U.S., Japan and all other responsible powers is to defeat the North Korean gambit by a combination of silence and low-key denigration. There is plenty of justification for any amount of that.)
Nearly six years ago, wearing a bright violet dress with a matching floppy hat, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright deplaned in Pyongyang to greet North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Il, and to, well, say nice things about him. What was she doing there? She was there to negotiate a missile deal, one that had been set in motion a couple of weeks earlier when President Clinton had met at the White House with Jo Myong Rok, a top deputy to Mr. Kim and the man who runs the conglomerate that builds and sells North Korea's missiles.
(エキスポのプログラム部分を英語にしてみると) SATURDAY JULY 8, 2006 * Tokyo Style Collection * Cosplay Individual * Sushi Quiz * Tree plastic: Conference and dedications * Conference MORISHIGE and Takaharu OKUMA * World Cosplay Summit: preselections * Oban Star-Racers: Conference doubling * Oban Star-Racers: Conference of Savin Yeatman-Eiffel and Brownish Stanislas * Demonstration Kitsuke, art to wear the kimono * Processions of traditional kimonos
SUNDAY JULY 9, 2006 * Cosplay Groups * World Cosplay Summit: finale * Wrestling: matches Japanese all-in wrestlers * Conference Kenjiro KAWATSU and Hideki OWADA * Wrestling: conference and dedications * Demonstration of Ikebana * Para para show * Cool Japan: recording of the emission * Japan Expo Awards
噂に拠ればマイクロソフトは今年中にも、携帯用音楽追プレーアーと関連サービスに進出 するという。 "Digital media is too important to abdicate the market to Apple," said Phil Leigh, president of Inside Digital Media, a market research firm in Tampa, Fla.
These experts claim that Beijing has given its vassal a green light to continue its provocative missile and nuclear development programs, provided the Hermit Kingdom confines its testing to missiles and does not get swept up in its nuclear war-mongering rhetoric.
"China won't tolerate a nuclear test," says a Tokyo-based authority on Chinese-Korean relations. "That's the red line--no pun intended. But occasional missile launches are acceptable in China's view, as long as the rockets land harmlessly in the ocean."
China is therefore committed to keeping North Korea around for the foreseeable future as both a buffer state and a useful anti-American menace. In this respect, China will continue to disappoint US policymakers seeking Chinese help in further isolating--and ultimately toppling--the North Korean regime.
But Hu's hands-on management is not likely to benefit the US. Since 2004, China's president has met and repeatedly praised Kim and pledged to "boost cooperation" with North Korea--a signal to Pyongyang that it can count on Chinese support in a confrontation with the US.
Were China to put real pressure on North Korea, get Pyongyang back to the negotiating tables and actually produce some results, they would have enormous leverage to say to America: we've done you a favor, now you do us one and back off on all this revaluation noise. By doing nothing, it risks angering the US even more, and hence drawing more attention to its undervalued currency and swelling foreign reserves. What's a rising power to do? Try throwing its weight around in its own region.
Americans would be surprised if they were to visit the Yashukan War Memorial attached to the shrine to learn that: 1. Japan fought a purely defensive war forced on it by(ry
Critics of our article, including members of the Bush Administration, say that a pre- emptive strike is too risky. But if the U.S. is ever going to defend a line in the sand with North Korea, that is the least provocative way to do it, and next time it will only be riskier.
But would it truly retaliate against South Korea, which has been working hard to improve North-South relations, in response to a U.S. airstrike? Such a war would surely and swiftly end in the elimination of the North Korean regime. Pyongyang's leaders are bold, but they are not suicidal
The "Six Party" talks are the right forum for diplomacy, but ultimately, what matters less than who is at the table is whether the U.S. has a clear strategy. We won't know whether North Korea's ambitions can be blunted by anything short of the use of force unless and until the U.S. takes the danger seriously and gets in the game.
ttp:// Balbina Hwang, a senior policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, and editor of the quarterly magazine U.S. Korea Tomorrow, said six-party talks are "the way to go" but sanctions should also be pursued to isolate Pyongyang. ヘリテージザ財団のアナリストであるバルビーナ・ハンは、6者協議が解決の道だが制裁が必要 であるという。
"If people think a (U.N.) resolution or condemnation will get North Korea to stop its behavior, it won't," she said. "It's a minimum and not sufficient." 「国連が制裁決議を決めたら北朝鮮が悪行を止めるかといえば、そうではないが、それは最小限 度必要なことで、充分条件ではない」
So what would work? Hwang advocates a calibrated mix of diplomacy and pressure. She believes that North Korean leader Kim Jong Il launched the missiles partly to test the resolve of China and South Korea and gauge the reactions of the United States and Japan. "Unfortunately, the reactions showed that the North can keep going," she said. それでは、どうすれば良いのだろうか? ハン女史は外交と圧力の組み合わせだという。金正日は中国と韓国の支援の確かさをテストする為 にもミサイルを発射したとみる。そして金正日は日米の反応を見ているのだろうという。 「残念ながら、(中国と韓国の)リアクションは、北朝鮮は是までどおりやってゆける、というも のである」 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー この記事に書いている範囲に限定すれば、バルビーナおばさんに賛成票一票を投じたい。
The missile tests revealed that China and South Korea are unwilling to use their limited influence, that the United States had no plans to launch a retaliatory attack, and that Japan - despite its tough talk - will take only limited steps, Hwang said
Some 223 pirate CD and DVD production lines have been closed since a crackdown began in 1996, officials said yesterday. 中国当局は1996年以降に違法な(著作権無視の)CD/DVDの製造ラインを223停止させたと発表
The latest two illegal production lines were discovered by local police in Shenzhen on March 15, according to a report by the national anti-piracy office under the General Administration of Press and Publication. 最近の例では深センの警察が3月15日に違法工場を発見して停止させている。
Rewards of up to 300,000 yuan (US$37,500) have been offered to encourage members of the public to report any suspicious activity, which could be related to the production, transport, trading and sale of pirated optical disks. "More than 40 million yuan (US$5 million) worth of rewards have been paid since 1996, and we plan to expand our rewards system," said Wang Xikai, publicity director of the anti-piracy office. 違法なCDやDVDの製造拠点の発見の為に通報者への懸賞金($37500、400万円)の制度がある
In one Shenzhen raid, more than 60,000 completed pirated discs and 730,000 semi-finished discs were found. Suspects Huang Wenxin, Hou Linping and Li Zhihui were arrested after police found the bootlegging base. 深センの検挙事例では6万枚の違法ディスク、73万枚の未完成のディスクが発見され、二人の容疑者 が逮捕された。警察の調べでは製造ラインは月産3万枚の能力を持つ。 同じような秘密工場は広東省Nanningでも発見され、中国とベトナムの国境地域にも存在すると言わ れている。
>>103 Japan Won't Compromise on North Korea U.N. Resolution Saturday, July 08, 2006
TOKYO ? Japan won't compromise on the stern wording of a U.N. resolution it sponsored seeking sanctions against North Korea over its missile tests and is pushing for a Monday vote despite opposition from China, Foreign Minister Taro Aso said Sunday. "To compromise because of one country which has veto power, even though most other countries support us, sends the wrong message," Aso told national broadcaster NHK, adding that a vote is expected on Monday. "We can't alter our stance."
Japan's stiffening attitude comes ahead of a looming showdown over a resolution it introduced to the U.N. Security Council on Friday that would impose sanctions on North Korea for test-firing a volley of seven missiles on Wednesday, in a brazen military exercised that rattled Northeast Asia and beyond. Among the missiles tested was one believed capable of reaching U.S. shores, but Japan itself is a possible target and sits within easy reach of North Korea's shorter-range missiles. North Korea stunned Tokyo in 1998 by firing a missile over the archipelago.
Diplomatic efforts to broker a breakthrough gathered speed Sunday, with a U.S. envoy on a tour of Asia to coordinate a response to North Korea's missile tests.
Beijing thinks that any type of punitive response is a far worse option, especially if it paves the road to sanctions, or even an American strike. A Chinese analyst recently told me that China has an active treaty with the DPRK: It would defend the North Koreans if attacked since its credibility with other allies such as Pakistan would be on the line.
What's more, he said that "some in China" believe that keeping the North Korean threat alive helps China by expending U.S. energy and giving China a card to play in case of a Taiwan conflict: It could draw U.S. forces away from the Strait if there were a crisis on the Peninsula. If this thinking is widespread, it certainly explains Chinese reluctance to do much of anything to get North Korea to abandon its nuclear program.
With what options does this clarity leave us? The North Korea nuclear problem is the regime itself. Our problem is our limited ability to change the regime. A war is almost unthinkable because of the devastation it could wreak upon South Korea--the North Korean army could deliver 500,000 artillery shells per hour on Seoul if the Dear Leader so chose. The only, albeit less than satisfying, option is a long- term policy of containment and isolation that works over time to bring down the regime.
We need to declare the six-party talks over, announce that we will retaliate should the DPRK use or help others use nuclear weapons, redouble our missile defense efforts in conjunction with Japan and South Korea, and continue deploying more bomber capability in the Pacific. We also need a more robust program of inspecting North Korean vessels for both WMD and illicit materials. And we need a worldwide effort to stop North Korea from using its diplomatic facilities and assets for criminal purposes. Starving the DPRK of its export of counterfeit money and cigarettes, as well as narcotics and weaponry, will hurt the regime badly. The nations of the world simply have to enforce their own, and international, law.
What about China? China is un likely to go along with this policy, which will certainly complicate our efforts. But should it choose to be the only country in the world propping up a criminal, brutal, and highly threatening regime, we ought to reconsider whether China has any interest in playing the role of "responsible stakeholder" we have assigned it. This has broader implications for how we think about China. Though China's ability to threaten U.S. interests is still limited, it is neither our friend nor our partner. We certainly do not need a China policy that pretends otherwise.
"The goal of the current diplomacy should be to use the combined leverage of China and Russia, of South Korea, Japan and the United States to force the North Koreans back to the negotiating table," Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns said. "We really don't see the logic of turning this into a test of wills between two countries ? the United States and North Korea," Burns told NBC's Meet the Press.
国務省のニコラス・バーンズ次官は日曜日のNBCテレビ番組Meet the Pressに出演して北朝鮮 問題でアメリカ政府は6者協議体制を堅持すると述べ、直接二国間対話を明確に否定した。 「現在の外交目標は、北朝鮮との交渉上で、多国籍体制によるレバレッジを有効に使うこと」と 延べ「我々から見て、ミサイル発射で、この体制を変えて、北朝鮮との二国間協議にすべき理屈 は何も無い」
"We think we're far better off working within the framework of the six-party talks because you get in that process the combined leverage, the combined strength and frankly the combined pressure on North Korea of all these different countries," Burns said.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States believes it has the votes in the U.N. Security Council to impose sanctions against North Korea's nuclear missile program, a top U.S. official said on Sunday. "We think we've got the votes to pass that," UnderSecretary of State Nicholas Burns said on NBC's "Meet the Press" television program.
日曜日のNBCテレビ番組、"Meet the Press"に出演した国務省のニコラス・バーンズ次官は 国連安保理でアメリカが共同提案している北朝鮮制裁決議を通過させる票を獲得したと述べた。 「我々は、決議に必要な票を獲得したと思う」
Burns said the United States did not have any assurances from China it would not use its veto."I don't think we've heard the last word from China. I'm not sure the Chinese have figured out exactly what they're going to do. It may depend on what the Chinese hear in Pyongyang from the North Korean leadership," he said. 「中国が最終的にどうするのかについては聞いていない。中国が態度を決めたのかどうかわか らない。中国の態度は北朝鮮指導部からピョンヤンで何を聞くかに拠るのかもしれない」
ttp:// (07-09) 08:47 PDT WASHINGTON, (AP) The United States on Sunday pushed China to apply more pressure on North Korea to end its missile tests and return to international nuclear disarmament talks. A top diplomat said the aim is to show that Kim Jong Il's government has "no support in the world."
バーンズ国務次官よりも、マケイン上院議員が中国の北朝鮮に対する対応について、厳しい 事を言っているのが印象的↓ Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said that how Beijing handled North Korea would be a "defining issue in our relations with China." He suggested that if China continues to "vacillate" in the United Nations that "there are consequences in our relationship." "There are many key areas that we are cooperating in that I believe would be affected, including trade, by China's failure to act," McCain said.
We need to declare the six-party talks over, announce that we will retaliate should the DPRK use or help others use nuclear weapons, redouble our missile defense efforts in conjunction with Japan and South Korea, and continue deploying more bomber capability in the Pacific. We also need a more robust program of inspecting North Korean vessels for both WMD and illicit materials. And we need a worldwide effort to stop North Korea from using its diplomatic facilities and assets for criminal purposes. Starving the DPRK of its export of counterfeit money and cigarettes, as well as narcotics and weaponry, will hurt the regime badly. The nations of the world simply have to enforce their own, and international, law.
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said that how Beijing handled North Korea would be a "defining issue in our relations with China." He suggested that if China continues to "vacillate" in the United Nations, "there are consequences in our relationship." マケイン上院議員は中国が北朝鮮問題を中途半端に扱うことを続けるなら「米中関係のあり方 に影響を与える」と述べた。
"There are many key areas that we are cooperating in that I believe would be affected, including trade, by China's failure to act," McCain said. 「米中の通商貿易問題にも影響しかねない」
Sen. Richard Lugar, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is now relenting from his earlier advocacy of direct negotiations. "The shots eliminated the efficacy of that," said Lugar, R-Ind. 上院外交委員会のルーガー委員長は、以前に主張していた米朝二国間交渉をすべきとの持論を撤 回している「北朝鮮のミサイル発射で、それを行なう意味がなくなった」という。
ttp://,0,5704383.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions Bush on North Korea: Worse than you think The president is downplaying the nuclear threat. But what happens if Pyongyang sells the bomb to terrorists? By Graham Allison, GRAHAM ALLISON, a former assistant secretary of Defense, is director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. July 9, 2006
A PROGRAMME of covert action against nuclear and missile traffic to North Korea and Iran is to be intensified after last week’s missile tests by the North Korean regime. 先週北朝鮮がミサイルを発射して以来、北朝鮮とイランの核とミサイルの拡散に対する隠密作戦 が強化されることになった。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー とても面白い記事で、言っていることは:
There was a time when strong Security Council action, including the threat or actual application of political and economic sanctions, was considered a "diplomatic solution." Will this again be the case, or will the council also fail the test?
The U.S., saying Beijing's response is a critical test of China's new high-profile role on the international stage, is urging China to alter course and use its considerable leverage as North Korea's most important trading partner to get Pyongyang to return to talks on its nuclear program.
Other than the United States, only Japan, among the other countries in the six-nation talks, has forcefully come out in favor of a Security Council resolution leading to sanctions.
Choo Kyu Ho, the spokesman for the South Korean Foreign Ministry, said the South Korean government "won't go fully in hand with Japan, which is leading this movement," and added, "In the end, we expect China to veto it."
Despite that failure, the Indians are much closer to having an operational intermediate- range ballistic missile (IRBM) and, subsequently, an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) than North Korea likely ever will be. ・・・・ India's ballistic missile program is much more robust and realistic than North Korea's, and in the long run, will have far more impact on regional and later global security than North Korea's. However, in the near term, it will be North Korean missiles that have the greater impact on geopolitics.
RIA Novosti:北朝鮮のテポドン2は失敗だったのか? by Viktor Litovkin ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ちょっと面白い記事で、ロシアの軍事専門家やミサイル専門家からみた北朝鮮のテポドンの評価。 結果は、大変明瞭で、北朝鮮は、マジなICBMを設計製造して飛ばせるようなレベルのはほど遠い というもの。1998年のテポドン1も技術的には失敗であり、そのあと始めてのテポドン2発射実験 がこの程度なら、実戦に使えるICBM技術があるとはとてもいえない。従って中短距離ミサイルの 脅威はとも書く、アメリカなどの、北朝鮮による(ICBM+核弾頭)の攻撃の脅威と言ったものは 可能性が完全にゼロである。
The general said the first and only missile launched in August 1998 crashed. "Pyongyang's statement on launching the missile to orbit a satellite was a bare-faced lie, since the world's monitoring and control systems did not see or hear that satellite," Dvorkin said. "We can assume, therefore, that North Korea made a repeat launch of the Taepodong-1, which failed again." He said the catastrophe was predictable. To supply such a missile to the armed forces, North Korea should make at least a score of test launches, just as the Soviet Union, the United States and other countries possessing missile technologies did. And all of them should be successful. ・・・・ ・・・・ The attempts to increase the range of old Soviet-made Scud-D missiles by enlarging their fuel tanks and adding stages to the missile cannot ensure the desired result. There are technical limits beyond which quantity turns into plummeting quality, they said. The launch of the Taepodong-1 in August 1998 and the launch of the Taepodong-2 last week (if it was the Taepodong) do not mean that Pyongyang has attained the required ICBM design and production level. None of its missiles can be considered intercontinental or a threat to any of North Korea's close or distant neighbors. At worst, they can fall on their territory in the form of debris. These missiles are a bigger threat to North Korea, whose opportunism in the delicate defense sphere may have dramatic consequences for it, notably loss of civilian lives and destruction.
ttp:// N. Korean missiles failed, or did they? Russia/N.Korea for guest columny Opinion by Viktor Litovkin RIA Novosti:北朝鮮のテポドン2は失敗だったのか? by Viktor Litovkin
Russian missile designers agree with this view. They refuse to speak about the launches officially because there is no reliable technical information about the types and tactical technical characteristics of the launched missiles. But they said off the record that the accidents during the recent missile tests in North Korea showed that the technological standards of its industry and research and design projects were extremely low. ロシアのミサイル設計者はテポドン打ち上げについて技術情報がないので公的なコメントはできない としながらも、オフレコでは今回の事故で北朝鮮のミサイルの技術水準や産業・研究開発の水準がた いへん低いことが明確になったという。
The attempts to increase the range of old Soviet-made Scud-D missiles by enlarging their fuel tanks and adding stages to the missile cannot ensure the desired result. There are technical limits beyond which quantity turns into plummeting quality, they said. The launch of the Taepodong-1 in August 1998 and the launch of the Taepodong-2 last week (if it was the Taepodong) do not mean that Pyongyang has attained the required ICBM design and production level. 昔のソヴィエト時代のスカッドDを大きくして燃料タンクを増大させ到達距離を伸ばすような設計で はまともな結果は得られないという。ある値を超えて、量的につみませば、その限界の現れる技術 的なポイントをこえて破綻にいたる。1998年のテポドン1も失敗であったが先週のテポドン2の失敗 で北朝鮮にICBMの技術があるとはいえないという。
None of its missiles can be considered intercontinental or a threat to any of North Korea's close or distant neighbors. At worst, they can fall on their territory in the form of debris. These missiles are a bigger threat to North Korea, whose opportunism in the delicate defense sphere may have dramatic consequences for it, notably loss of civilian lives and destruction. 北朝鮮の長距離ミサイルは他国にとって脅威とはいえない。それらは最悪の場合、空中分解して自国 の領土に落下するという。だから、そのミサイルは北朝鮮にとって脅威であるというべきである。そ れは民間人に被害を与えることになる可能性さえあるのだ。
サウジは世界最大の産油国。「BPスタティスティカル・レビュー」によると、世界の総埋蔵量 の4分の1に相当する2600億バレルを保有している。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー これはWSJのページ1のトップ記事になっている ttp:// PAGE ONE Saudi Arabia Tests Its Potential For Unlocking Heavy-Oil Reserves By BHUSHAN BAHREE in New York and RUSSELL GOLD in Bakersfield, Calif. July 10, 2006; Page A1
Saudi Oil Minister Ali Naimi said many heavy-oil fields in his country aren't currently included in its official tally of 260 billion barrels of recoverable reserves, the world's largest. If steam injection works in these fields, it would add "tens of billion of barrels" to Saudi reserves, Mr. Naimi said in an interview.
Without steam, heavy oil can be very difficult to pry out of the earth because it is so thick it barely flows. Heavy-oil fields sometimes yield as little as 5% of their oil with conventional pumping, compared with 35% or more in a light-oil deposit.
"It's all about draining the tank to the bottom," says Jeff Hatlen, a Chevron engineer. Using steam, Chevron has managed to extract 80% of the oil from some reservoirs in the California oil fields, compared with 15% in the pre-steam days.
The Saudis hope for a similar boost in recovery. Using conventional pumping, Wafra is expected to yield only 3% of the billion barrels in its reservoir. But after steaming, as much as 40% could be pumped out.
なんつーかルウム戦役直前の、コロニー落下にキレた 地球連邦軍・全艦隊集結状態になってるんですがw。 ---------------------------------------------------------- The US Navy Carriers: USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) - Pacific Ocean USS Enterprise (CVN 65) - Arabian Sea USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) - port visit, Pearl Harbor USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) - Pacific Ocean USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) - Pacific Ocean
Japan said Monday it was considering whether a pre-emptive strike on North Korea's missile bases would violate its constitution, signaling a hardening stance ahead of a possible Security Council vote. 日本政府は月曜日に北朝鮮のミサイル基地への先制攻撃が憲法に違反するかどうかを考慮中と 延べて、国連の安保理審議に向けて強硬なスタンスを示した。
"If we accept that there is no other option to prevent an attack ... there is the view that attacking the launch base of the guided missiles is within the constitutional right of self-defense. We need to deepen discussion," Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe said. 安倍官房長官は「ミサイル発射基地への攻撃以外にそれをとどめる方法のない場合、それが憲 法で許される自衛権に含まれるとの見方があるが、更に議論を深める必要がある」と述べた。
The AP notes that Japan does not have the type of weapons which would allow it to carry out a pre-emptive strike on missiles or launch sites -- at least not yet. Abe's announcement sends a signal that Japan may consider expanding its defensive military force to meet the new threat that North Korea insists on wielding in the region, and perhaps engage in an arms race with Pyongyang that Kim Jong-Il simply cannot afford. AP記事は日本の自衛隊が先制攻撃を行なう攻撃能力を持たないと書いている。少なくとも今は 持っていないらしい。安倍官房長官の発言は北朝鮮の脅威に対抗すべく日本が防衛能力を高める 意図であることを示していて、多分日本は金正日の到底対抗できないような軍事能力を手に入れ ることになるのだろう。
More signals can be gleaned from this release as well. The UN Security Council will continue meeting to determine whether to impose sanctions on Kim's regime. Japan knows that China and Russia want to stall as long as possible before allowing sanctions of any kind to be imposed on its client state. However, China fears a remilitarized Japan. The Chinese have expanded their blue-water navy to attempt to control the western Pacific and to crowd the Americans out. If Japan determines that they need a massive naval expansion to deter Pyongyang, the Chinese will have to outpace two of the world's most productive Western economies -- and they will find that very difficult to do. 国連安保理の北朝鮮制裁決議に関わる流れを見ていれば、金正日の押さえ込みが出来るかどうかと いう事なのだが、中ロがそれを妨害したいことを日本は良く知っている。中国は日本の再軍備を恐 れている。中国は西太平洋を支配するブルー・ウオーター・ネービー(遠洋展開可能な海軍)を持 ちたいと思っていて、アメリカを追い出したいわけだ。北朝鮮関連で日本が米国と組むことになる と、中国は西欧世界でも最強の経済を持つ二カ国と対抗することになって、それは大変困難な事に なる。
Abe wants to put pressure on Beijing with this announcement, not Pyongyang. Kim is too irrational to care about Tokyo; he has his eyes fixed on Washington. Hu Jintao operates on a more rational basis, however, and he will have a choice between propping up the North Korean nutcase or losing trillions of dollars to an arms race on which he had not counted. Japan wants Jintao to understand just how expensive Kim Jong-Il will become in the next few months and years unless Beijing puts a leash on their boy 安倍官房長官は中国に圧力をかけたいわけだ。安倍氏の狙いは北朝鮮ではない。金正日は日本を 刺激しすぎた。金正日はアメリカだけを見ていたのだろう。胡錦涛はもう少し合理的に動いてい るようだ。しかしながら胡錦涛に可能な選択は北朝鮮のDQNを何とかするのか、それとも中国 が対抗できないような何兆ドルもの軍備競争に進むのかというものだ。日本は胡錦涛が金正日を 抑制しないなら、今後数ヶ月とか数年で、それが中国にとって如何に高価なものになるかを学習 するように望んでいる。
As cool as this sounds I believe the Japanese may be talking tough to give us some leverage in our negotiations with China. A reinvigorated Japanese military would scare the bejesus out of everyone in the region. There’s also the question of whether Japan is even capable of carrying out such a strike: クールに聞こえる話で、このAP記事が伝えるところから見て、日本はアメリカが中国に交渉す る上でレバレッジになるようなタフなスタンスを取っているようだ。再活性化された日本の軍隊 はアジア地域の全てのひとを恐れさせるだろう。日本が本当に攻撃が可能なのかという疑問は残 るのだが。
I wanted to wait and think a bit on the North Korea situation before I weighed in. Here it goes. 日本が核武装に進むのかを検討してみたい。北朝鮮の情況があるので、幾つかの点を考えな くてはいけないのだが、
I honestly believe that there is only one solution to Kim Jong Il: it is for Japan and/or Taiwan to go nuclear. It would be very difficult for Taiwan to go nuclear. 私個人は金正日に対する解決策は只ひとつで、日本や台湾が核武装化することだと思う。中国 の為に、台湾がそうすることは極度に難しいけれど、日本が核武装化するのはとても簡単だと 思う。
ttp:// Monday, July 10, 2006 Japan Considering Preemptive Strike Against N. Korea(AP通信記事) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #3 V the K 7/10/2006 09:03AM PDT Japan is considering a pre-emptive strike? With what? Japan has no offensive capabilities to speak of. 日本の軍隊は、攻撃能力がないはずだが? ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #14 Roger 7/10/2006 09:08AM PDT They can purchase what they need from an ally. 日本は必要な軍備を、同盟国から幾らでも買えるよん ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #21 warnergt 7/10/2006 09:12AM PDT Tora! Tora! Tora! トラ! トラ! トラ! ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #25 kynna 7/10/2006 09:14AM PDT The Japanese will do what they have to. I believe they can arm up very quickly with the help of allies or with no help at all. I think they'd like to see the threat sink in while they work on the logistics. If the threat/promise works then we're good. If they have to go to action, I believe they will. 日本人たちは必要と思えば何でもやるだろうさ。私が思うに、日本人は同盟国が支援すれば大変 素早く、それに、たとえ支援が全くなくとも、やってのけると思う。日本人は軍備増強をするこ とで脅威が減らせると思っていると思う。脅威にに本当に(軍事的に)対処しなくてはならない なら、日本人はやると思うね。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #30 alegrias 7/10/2006 09:15AM PDT I welcome and support our ally and fully Westernized Japan's remilitarization against primitives, Communists and nuclear nutjobs. Thank you Japan for standing with us in Iraq. 私は西欧化された日本の再軍備を歓迎する。それは、あの幼稚な共産主義者の核保有のDQN 達にに対抗することになる。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #32 Rancher 7/10/2006 09:16AM PDT Even MacArthur thought Japan should have the ability to wage war, and that was when we were there rebuilding. Problem is, just as with Europe, we provide for their defense. マッカーサーでさえ日本が戦争を防ぐ能力を持つべきと言っていたからな。それはアメリカの 駐留軍が戦後の日本にいた頃のことだが。 欧州と同じ事情で、アメリカが彼らを守ってきた。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #41 Black George Bush 7/10/2006 09:22AM PDT Im glad Japan is on our side this go-round. (第二次大戦と違って)日本が今度はこちら側についているというのはイイ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #73 Occasional Reader 7/10/2006 09:43AM PDT If Japan does attack, I insist that they code-name it "Operation Hello Kitty". 日本が北朝鮮を攻撃するなら、作戦名は「オペレーション・ハロー・キティ」だな ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #108 Catttt 7/10/2006 10:24AM PDT Oh oh. I had a temp job with a Japanese firm. They were nice as could be at all times, even when they were pissed off. One had to learn what "pissed off" looked like, or "felt" like, and why. This is a sign that the Japanese are really pissed off. おやおや、 私は日本企業でテンプで働いたことがあるけど、連中はいい奴だよ。で日本人が切れると、ど うなるのか学ぶわけだが、これは、日本人が切れているというサインだね。
These differences alone reveal the gulf between South Korea and the US. The North Korean missile shots have landed on target, widening the rift, deepening the discord, resurrecting the specter of the ancient Japanese foe. There may be ways to postpone a widening crisis, but no foreseeable way out.
The menu is traditional American; it includes the White House Signature Steak - Lone Star Cowboy, the West Wing Burger and the National Combo (smoked sausage, grilled onions and peppers on a roll served with a jumbo soft pretzel). There's even PB&J on the menu. The Herb Mustard Shrimp (jumbo shrimp sauteed in a mustard reduction sauce) was popular.
the Chocolate Freedom, which had to be ordered with lunch because it took time to bake. When first served, it seems like a conservative desert - it's a small muffin-shaped cake served with homemade vanilla ice cream and fresh berries. But Chocolate Freedom is actually quite decadent - it's filled with gooey, molten chocolate
"The Chinese side thinks the concerned draft resolution is an over-reaction. If approved, it will aggravate contradictions and increase tension," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told a news conference. "It will harm peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and Northeast Asian region and hurt efforts to resume six-party talks as well as lead to the U.N. Security Council splitting." ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp:// 決議案は過剰反応 中国外務省 <共同、 07月11日 17時57分>
And we want them -- as the Secretary pointed out -- to get back to the six-party talks, get back and pick up where we left off with the September 9th* joint statement, engage in constructive behavior, don't launch any further missiles, go back to the moratorium that they themselves had put in place. ttp://
死者163人に。ラシュイトレバ犯人説が出ているけれど、決定的なものなのかどうか不明 The Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist group, which seeks an end to Indian control of Jammu & Kashmir state, may have been behind the attack, according to CNN-IBN television channel.
The State Department is recovering from large-scale computer break-ins worldwide over the past several weeks that appeared to target its headquarters and offices dealing with China and North Korea, The Associated Press has learned.
``The department did detect anomalies in network traffic, and we thought it prudent to ensure out system's integrity,'' department spokesman Kurtis Cooper said. Asked what information was stolen by the hackers, Cooper said, ``Because the investigation is continuing, I don't think we even know.'' 「国務省はサイバー攻撃を検知しており、我々は対策中である」と広報官が述べている。ハッ カーが国務省から情報が盗んだのかについて、広報官は調査中で不明としている。
The Pentagon warned earlier this year that China's army is emphasizing hacking as an offensive weapon. It cited Chinese military exercises in 2005 that included hacking ``primarily in first strikes against enemy networks.'' 国防省は先に中国軍がハッキングなどの攻撃を強めていると警告していた。中国軍は2005年に 軍事演習のひとつとしてハッキングを実施し「敵のネットワークへの先制攻撃」と位置づけて いる。
After the State Department break-ins, many employees were instructed to change their passwords. The department also temporarily disabled a technology known as secure sockets layer, used to transmit encrypted information over the Internet. Hackers can exploit weaknesses in this technology to break into computers, and they can use the same technology to transmit stolen information covertly off a victim's network. 国務省への攻撃の後、多くの従業員がパスワードの変更を指示されている。国務省はセキュア・ ソケット・レイアーの使用停止を行なっており暗号化された情報のやり取りを停止している。
Many diplomats were unable to access their online bank accounts using government computers because most financial institutions require the security technology to be turned on. Cooper said the department has since fixed that problem. 多くの外交官は、このために政府のコンピュータからオンラインの銀行口座にアクセスできなく なっている。広報官に拠れば国務省はこの問題は既に解決しているという。
Meanwhile, congressional Republicans, responding to North Korea's missile tests, urged greater efforts to build a national missile-defense system and proposed new sanctions on nations doing weapons business with North Korea. "We have to have a defense that allows us to shoot down incoming ballistic missiles," said House Armed Services Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter, (R., Calif.), at a news conference in Washington.
The tough talk from Mr. Hu follows an agreement by U.N. Security Council members to delay a vote on a Japanese proposal to sanction the North over the missile tests. The extra time was allowed to give China, the isolated regime's main ally and aid donor, a chance to persuade Pyongyang to refrain from more launches.
SEOUL, South Korea, July 10 ― Soon after North Korea started launching missiles before dawn last Wednesday, Japan’s television networks canceled their regular programming to broadcast the news and the government’s quick response.
By contrast, except for very brief “news flashes,” the networks here continued their World Cup soccer coverage until Italy beat Germany about 6:40 a.m.
The differences did not end there. Even as Christopher R. Hill, the assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, crisscrossed this region emphasizing the importance of speaking with one voice against North Korea’s missile tests, South Korea and Japan, America’s allies, were bickering.
On Sunday, the South Korean president’s office issued a statement saying that overreacting to the tests would only heighten tensions on the Korean peninsula. “There is no reason to fuss over this from the break of dawn like Japan,” it read.
On Monday, Japanese officials called South Korea’s comments regrettable and said Tokyo was not “creating a big fuss.”
"We continue to be guided by the need to make a strong united statement to the North Koreans," Hill told reporters at his Beijing hotel before heading to a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing. 中国の外相との会談を前にヒル国務次官補は北京のホテルで「我々は統一した、強い北朝鮮への 声明を必要とする」と述べた。
Hill defended the resolution saying: "I think it's a very good resolution and the fact of the matter is there are co-sponsors from all over the world on that resolution." He added that there needed to be a "strong unanimous statement". ヒル国務次官補は決議案を擁護して「私はそれがとても良い決議案だと思う。実際にこの決議案 に全世界からの共同提案が集まっている」ヒル次官補は「強い合意の声明」が必要とのべた。
Earlier in the day, Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso reached a common stance with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during a telephone conversation aimed at seeking support for the resolution. Aso also garnered support for the resolution from U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill, who arrived in Tokyo on Sunday for the third stop of his four-country Asia tour. UPDATED: 07:28, July 11, 2006 Japan softens on immediate vote for resolution against DPRK(新華社、人民日報) ttp://
(略) US Ambassador John Bolton told reporters no vote had been scheduled on Japan’s resolution, “We will reassess on a daily basis whether to proceed.” He called China’s draft statement “manifestly insufficient”. Britain’s UN Ambassador Emyr Jones Parry added: “The text we were offered as an alternative didn’t really do the job.” --------------
>>204 外電さんではないが、ちょっと口を挟んでみる 出だしの通り主旨は Sixty-one years after the end of World War II, Japan is on the verge of becoming a mature, responsible democracy. 第二次大戦から61年、日本は成熟した責任ある民主国家になろうとしている。
Japan may then also have to tackle the issue of whether to go nuclear, as an added defensive measure in a bad neighborhood that includes two aggressive nuclear players -- China and North Korea. 中国・北朝鮮という2つの好戦的核保有国を含む悪い隣人を持つ中で 防衛手段の強化として核武装に向けた議論に取り組むかもしれない。 These are not only reasonable steps for a mature democracy to consider in that kind of environment, they are vital to stabilizing a region where the United States has not only had to provide security but is regularly blamed for creating tensions it is there to defend against. そういった環境下でのこういった取り組みは成熟した民主国家にとって合理的なステップ であるばかりか、地域を安定化させるのに不可欠である。
Dawn Over Tokyoに書いている内容は、最初の戦前戦中の日本についてのところが矢鱈にDQNで これをみても近代史とかを真面目に調べたことはない人とわかります。しかし、それ以外の部分は 日本が普通の国になる道を進んでいるといっているだけで、特に問題にする事はありません。凡庸 な評論と言うべきでしょう。
アメリカ政府は北朝鮮が中東などにミサイル輸出することを阻止したい。昨年北朝鮮のミサイルが イランに輸出されて以来、アメリカ政府はこれを阻止したいのだが、それを強行する法的正当性が 不足していた。アメリカ政府の高官に拠れば、日本提案の制裁決議が通過すれば「我々は、もう キャッチ&リリースはやらない。我々は船舶を捕らえて港に曳航し、それを拿捕してしまうだろう」 (If the Japanese resolution passes at the U.N., says one U.S. official, "We wouldn't be doing catch-and-release. We would take ships, bring them into harbor and lock them up.")
Still, analysts are divided as to just how big a rebound in oil demand yesterday's numbers indicated. The figures didn't delineate key components of China's oil-demand picture, such as how much oil is being kept in storage tanks versus how much is actually being used.
Some analysts suggest oil demand this year has grown as much as 7% more than last year to date, while others argue that demand growth has exceeded 10% in some months. The IEA says China's oil demand in May grew 11% from the same month in 2005.
ttp:// P5 + 1 Statement: Negotiations With Iran Press Statement by Foreign Minister of France Philippe Douste-Blazy Paris, France July 12, 2006
国務省ファイル:イランの核問題、P5+1声明 (フランス外相) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp:// Remarks After the P-5+1 Ministers Meeting on Iran R. Nicholas Burns, Under Secretary for Political Affairs Paris, France July 12, 2006
China and South Korea may think they can prop up Kim at little cost, save for America's discomfort. But the combination of China's strategic cynicism toward a client dictatorship and South Korea's naive appeasement is making that neighborhood a much more dangerous place. If North Korea continues to defy the world and the world continues to do nothing, a more militarily assertive, and probably nuclear-armed, Japan is inevitable.
"Our security will continue to be weakened if you fail to rally our allies in St. Petersburg and produce real achievements on these critical issues," Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) and several other Senate Democrats wrote Bush in a letter Wednesday. 民主党上院代表のHarry M. Reidなどは水曜日に公開書簡をブッシュ大統領に送り「アメリカの 安全保障は、(イランや北朝鮮などの問題で)セント・ピータースバーグのG8サミットで同盟 国との間で政策合意を得られないならば、大きく弱められる」と批判した。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 実際の公開書簡は: この書簡を呼んでみれば解るように、これはG8のアジェンダ全般に対する民主党の意見や提案を まとめたもので「抗議書簡」ではありません。イラン、イラク、ロシア、エネルギー安全保障、 北朝鮮などの外交政策について、民主党の意見を表明しています。
We urge you to announce at the G-8 Summit that you are prepared to reinvigorate diplomatic efforts by publicly authorizing Secretary of State Rice to conduct direct talks with North Korea’s representatives, within the context of the six-party talks, and, if our allies agree, outside the six-party talks, to advance the interests of the US and its partners in stopping North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs. U.S. willingness to engage with North Korea will strengthen the international coalition we need to be effective in ending Pyongyang’s dangerous policies. It will demonstrate to our allies and the international community that the United States is committed to proactive high-level diplomacy. It is also critical to keeping countries with us for tough action in the event that diplomatic efforts have been exhausted.
That Japan ? a nation traditionally and strictly limited to a defensive military since 1945 -- has so publicly declared its intention to "get buffed" and not be cowed by a rogue state is an interesting turn of events in an age of asymmetric warfare. (戦後、厳しく専守防衛に徹してきた日本は公的に(敵意に)覚醒した意思を宣言して、ならず者 の国に脅えないといったわけだが、非対称戦闘の時代にあって、興味深い現象が起こったものだ)
Kyodo news agency reported that Japan was now prepared to work on an alternative Security Council resolution sponsored by Moscow and Beijing that urges North Korea to suspend its nuclear programs but avoids the mandatory sanctions Tokyo has sought.
Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe, frontrunner to succeed Koizumi when he steps down in September, said on Thursday Tokyo would still seek a vote on a resolution with sanctions.
However, in a sign that Tokyo may be prepared to compromise, Kyodo news agency reported later that Japan would work on the China-Russia resolution.
"It is difficult to say definitely at this stage, but Lashkar-e-Tayyaba can be involved going by the style of attack," said P.S. Pasricha, the director general of police for Maharashtra. マハラシャストラ州検察のP.S. Pasrichaは「現段階で確定的なことはいえないが、ラシュカイ・ タヤバ(テロ組織)が関与している疑いがある」と述べた。
“We have a country that seems to be more interested in missiles than providing electricity or food for its people,” he said. “We are looking for ways to prevent’’ North Korea “from financing these activities, and frankly that’s what we should be doing.”
The U.S. State Department says the center of diplomatic efforts on North Korea's nuclear program is moving from Asia to the United Nations. 国務省広報官は北朝鮮核問題に関する外交交渉の場が、アジアから国連に移動していると語った。 広報官は南北朝鮮・閣僚級会議から北朝鮮側が退場したことに触れて、隣国の建設的努力を無視す る行為と述べた。
China and Russia have suggested a new, softer proposal to avoid sanctions. Their draft urges Pyongyang to suspend its nuclear program but drops language that could lead to future military action. 中国とロシアが制裁を避けたよりソフトな決議案を安保理に提案した。
Japan's Foreign Ministry spokesman Tomohiko Taniguchi told VOA his nation is not backing down from its stance that any Security Council resolution must punish North Korea. 日本の外務省広報官はVOAに北朝鮮の制裁を求める日本提案の決議案を諦める意思はないと述べた
But Japan's Kyodo news reports Thursday that a senior Foreign Ministry official said Japan plans to work on its draft resolution based on a proposal from China and Russia. The official said what is important is to adopt a binding resolution. しかし、日本の共同通信は木曜日に外務省高官が中ロ決議案を元に交渉を進めると語ったと報道して いる。高官は拘束力のある決議案が重要と述べているという。
In Russia, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the participants in the upcoming Group of Eight summit in St. Petersburg may discuss the situation in North Korea. ロシア外相のSergei Lavrovは北朝鮮問題を来るセント・ピータースバーグのG8サミットで議論する 事になろうと述べた。
Why do so many Chinese starlets speak in such whiny, nasal, childish voices? Is dia (?) really supposed to be cute? And if it is, who in the world is responsible for creating that impression?
An article in this week's New Century Weekly makes it possible to pin the blame on one person. And that person is....Chibi Maruko-chan.
Or, rather, the voice-actor behind the first Mandarin edition of the Chibi Maruko-chan (in Chinese, ?桃小丸子) cartoon series, Feng Youwei. Feng is the voice behind several of the most popular import cartoon characters in China - besides Maruko, she did the voice of the Conan the Detective(神探柯南) in early seasons of that series, as well as the title character in Crayon Shin-chan(??小新).
China now faces the prospect of not just facing the Seventh Fleet should the situation with Taiwan degenerate into a war, but the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force as well. China might have an outside chance against one of those maritime forces, but against both, the chances are virtually zero.
China’s ‘Time for Choosing’ by Michael A. Needham and John J. Tkacik, Jr. WebMemo #1161
July 14, 2006
China’s latest United Nations veto threat should convince even the most generous diplomat that Beijing is part of the problem in North Korea, not a “partner” in a solution. If it ever hopes to get a solution, Washington should now make Beijing’s policy toward North Korea a vital test of China’s ability and desire to be a “responsible stakeholder” in the international system. Specifically, the United States should insist on the introduction of the Japanese draft Chapter VII resolution proposing sanctions against North Korea for noncompliance and allow China to use its veto, if it follows through on its threat. Forcing a veto would clear the air and reset the issue for policy-makers and diplomats. Though some would claim a Chinese veto to be a “defeat” of U.S. policy, it would actually be a sign of Chinese obstruction of an international consensus. Regardless, it would end the charade that China has played a “constructive role” in preserving the existing international nonproliferation structure.
>>295 ヘリテージ財団の John J. Tkacik, Jr. は東アジア専門家のなかでも中国に対する姿勢が 強硬なことで知られる論者ですが、この評論でもその主張が明確に出ています。 中国専門家の中に、中国の北朝鮮への核やミサイル開発に対する政策方針をどう見るのかと いう点で二つのグループがあって:
John J. Tkacik, Jr.は少数派のAの論者なのですが今の事態は@の論者には苦しい説明を 要求するといえるの鴨。John J. Tkacik, Jr.に拠れば、中国は北朝鮮の問題解決に建設的 な役割を果たせるというのは嘘で、問題の一部であり、中国に任せておいて北朝鮮問題が 解決することはありえない。むしろ、アメリカは中国の北朝鮮と癒着した体質を直視して それを止めさせる圧力をかけるべきである。John J. Tkacik, Jr.は従来からそういった主 張をしてきています。
今回のミサイル事件で北朝鮮の指導や管理が全くできず、それどころか中国外交部がアメリ カに対して「北朝鮮への金融制裁をやめよ」と要求したことは、その癒着体質の証明だといっ ています。従来「中国の北朝鮮への大きな影響力」を説いてきた「中国専門家」はこの事態 に呆れているのではないかと思えます。こうなるとJohn J. Tkacik, Jr.の主張してきた中 国は北朝鮮の問題の一部で解決策ではない、と言う主張が見直されるのだと思います。
John J. Tkacik, Jr.はその主張から安保理の日本案のような国連憲章7章関連のある制裁案 が絶対必要といっていて、ホワイトハウスや国務省もそれを承認していることからみて中国 への見方がJohn J. Tkacik, Jr.のいうような方向にシフトしてきているのではないかと思わ れるところが。いろいろな意味でミサイル乱射事件は分水嶺的なものになるの鴨。
>>295 To date, Pyongyang’s predatory security strategy has actually worked rather well. After all, the DPRK, unlike so many other communist regimes, has neither vanished from the face of the earth nor compromised its claim to unlimited domestic authority through system -altering economic reforms. Moreover, North Korea has methodically unburdened itself of the various international obligations that had heretofore seemingly constrained its prerogative to amass a nuclear arsenal. Improbable as it may sound, 今までの北朝鮮の生き残り戦略は上手くいったというべきで多くの共産主義政権の崩壊にも かかわわらず北朝鮮は消えさえることなく、体制や権力維持のの妥協もしていない。信じら れないような話だが北朝鮮は国際的な協定や条約や責務を全て無視して平気でやってきてい るのだ。それらの責任を負わされていない。
Pyongyang has now come to engage South Korea and the great powers of the Pacific (China, Japan, Russia, and the United States) in “denuclearization” talks from a position of tactical advantage (with supposed nonproliferation deliberations occurring on a schedule and according to an agenda largely of Pyongyang’s own choosing). 北朝鮮政権は韓国や日米中ロの大国に核廃棄を名目にしてエンゲージしようとしている。NPT の義務を果たさないことを逆用して、そうした行為に出ている。
Although the Bush administration’s rhetoric about Kim Jong Il and his regime has sometimes been ferocious (“loathsome dwarf,” “axis of evil,” etc.), North Korea’s leaders seem to have concluded that the Bush North Korea policy consists mainly of empty words--and that oft-repeated admonitions and warnings need not be taken terribly seriously. ブッシュ政権は北朝鮮にたいしてキツイ言葉を使う事もあるのだが金正日はそういうブッシュ政権 の言葉は内容を伴わないもので、恐れるに足りずと思っているようだ。
By more than one criterion, indeed, Pyongyang’s strategic successes on the Bush watch outshine those from its brinkmanship during the Clinton years. Apparently unwilling to move against North Korea’s nuclear challenges alone and evidently incapable of fashioning a practical response involving allies and others, the Bush administration’s response to Pyongyang’s atomic provocations is today principally characterized by renewed calls for additional rounds of toothless conference diplomacy. ブッシュ政権に対抗する北朝鮮の戦略的の成功はクリントン政権時代をも上回るもので、ブッシュ 政権は北朝鮮の核の挑発に対して、実効性のない6者協議の繰り返しに終始してきた。
Having taken the measure of his American adversaries, Kim Jong Il and his regime are now embarking on a perilous new high-stakes gamble, one through which they may earn unprecedented economic and strategic benefits. Ballistic missiles are their instrument in this venture. These will be wielded like a strategic battering ram, with the aim of shattering the U.S. security architecture in the Korean peninsula and throughout northeast Asia. そうした成功から金正日は更に掛け金の高いギャンブルを仕掛けているわけで経済的な、また戦略 的な利益を得ようとしている。それは朝鮮半島や北東アジアのアメリカの主導する安全保障の仕組 みに挑戦するものである。
ttp:// Bolton on the Draft Resolution on North Korea Saturday, 15 July 2006, 11:02 am Press Release: US State Department Remarks on the Draft Resolution on North Korea
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. Security Council appeared close to a deal on a resolution condemning North Korea's missile launchings and averting a Chinese veto in a vote that the United States and Japan want on Saturday. 安保理の北朝鮮決議について取引が成立し中国の拒否権発動が回避されるみとおし
The draft, which has gone through several revisions, is expected to be modified again before the full Security Council meets on Saturday afternoon, U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said. "My instructions are to get a vote by tomorrow (Saturday)," Bolton told reporters. Tokyo's U.N. ambassador, Kenzo Oshima, said, "Japan stands on the same ground."
In turn, Bolton indicated he would agree to drop a reference to Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter, which China believes could lay the groundwork for military force. But Oshima did not say if Tokyo agreed. ボルトン大使に拠れば(拒否権回避のために)国連憲章7章参照を削除する。大島大使は本 国の同意を得たかについてコメントしていない。
But modifying an earlier position, Bolton explained that one could make a resolution legally binding without a specific reference to Chapter 7. ボルトン大使に拠れば7章参照を行なわずとも決議案の法的拘束力を確保できる。
Britain and France, who had also insisted on Chapter 7, came up with the compromise by proposing a formulation that might bridge the gap, diplomats who attended a closed-door council meeting reported. 英国とフランスも7章参照を主張してきたが、密室会議で歩み寄りに合意したといわれ、立場 の違いを狭める方法に賛成している。
China's Wang, they said, appeared amenable and would check with his government. これを受けて中国大使は本国に紹介を行なっている。(後略)
527 名前:<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん[] 投稿日:2006/07/15(土) 17:36:51 ID:YjDUG7Ao >>283の一本前の記事 Yahoo! News World AP By NICK WADHAMS, Associated Press Writer Sat Jul 15, 12:34 AM ET
.S. Ambassador John Bolton had been saying for days that the only way to ensure the resolution is legally binding is to put it under Chapter 7. But he told reporters Friday night that there is a 1950 Korean War resolution that is legally binding and doesn't refer to Chapter 7, indicating that Washington might find a way to drop its insistence on the reference.
We discussed North Korea and Iran. Those are two difficult issues, made less difficult because Russia and the United States are willing to work together to send clear messages to both governments that their nuclear weapons ambitions are not acceptable. ・・・ ・・・ Q Have you discussed proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and missile delivery, and what are the results of your talks?
PRESIDENT BUSH: We sure have. We talked about our concerns about Iran developing a nuclear weapon, or Iran having the capacity to make a nuclear weapon, and we talked about North Korea. And the results of our talks are that we agree that we've got to work together to send a common message to both that there is a better way forward for these leaders.
And so we're working with Russia and our partners to develop Security Council resolutions that will send a clear message. One thing is for certain, that if the Iranians see that the United States and Russia are working together on this issue, they'll understand the seriousness of our intent. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー イランと北朝鮮の核、ミサイル開発を抑制する為の方法を米ロで話し合い、安全保障理事会の 決議案で明確なメッセージを送る、と述べていて「米ロ協調」がハイライトになっている。 これは、イランや北朝鮮へのメッセージであろうけれど、中国へのメッセージも含まれている かもしれない。
ttp:// For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary July 15, 2006 Joint Statement by U.S. President George Bush and Russian Federation President V.V. Putin Announcing the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism
国連憲章7章を参照する部分は中国の反対で削除されたが、法的拘束力を持たせるために 国連安保理が"acting under its special responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security." (国際社会の平和と安全の維持の為、特別の責 任のもとに行動する)との文言が挿入されている。
決議案は北朝鮮に対して"suspend all activities related to its ballistic missile program," (ミサイル開発に関する全ての行為を中止)することを求めミサイル・モラト リアムへの復帰を求めている。
China and Russia had originally proposed weaker language, but agreed to a tough resolution. They expressed fears that Chapter 7 would lead to military action as in Iraq.
The resolution ``requires'' all nations to prevent North Korea from obtaining or transferring missile technology, according to the text. 決議案は加盟国に北朝鮮がミサイル開発に必要な資材技術を入手することを妨害する ことを「要求される」
The U.S. and Japan replaced the reference to Chapter 7 with a paragraph saying the Security Council is ``acting under its special responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security.'' Bolton said that made it just as binding as an explicit reference to the UN Charter's provision for sanctions.
ボルトン大使に寄れば7章参照削除に変わって挿入された文言 ``acting under its special responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security.''が制裁を(法的に)拘束する
"This has been a historic day. Not only have we unanimously adopted Resolution 1695, but North Korea has set a world record in rejecting it within 45 minutes after its adoption," Bolton said.
-- Reaffirming that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as their means of delivery, constitutes a threat to international peace and security,
-- Expressing grave concern at the Democratic People's Republic of Korea launch of ballistic missiles, given the potential of such systems to be used as a means to deliver nuclear, chemical or biological payloads ...
-- Registering profound concern at the DPRK's breaking of its pledge to maintain its moratorium on missile launching ...
-- Affirming that such launches jeopardize peace, stability and security in the region and beyond, particularly in light of the DPRK's claim that it has developed nuclear weapons,
-- Acting under its special responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security:
* Condemns the multiple launches by the DPRK of ballistic missiles on 5 July 2006 local time;
* Demands that the DPRK suspend all activities related to its ballistic missile program, and in this context re-establish its pre-existing commitments to a moratorium on missile launching;
* Requires all member states, in accordance with their national legal authorities and legislation and consistent with international law, to exercise vigilance and prevent missile and missile-related items, materials, goods and technology being transferred to DPRK's missile or weapons of mass destruction programs;
* Requires all member states, in accordance with their national legal authorities and legislation and consistent with international law, to exercise vigilance and prevent the procurement of missiles or missile-related items, materials, goods and technology from the DPRK, and the transfer of any financial resources in relation to DPRK's missile or WMD programs;
* Underlines, in particular to the DPRK, the need to show restraint and refrain from any action that might aggravate tension, and to continue to work on the resolution of nonproliferation concerns through political and diplomatic efforts;
-- Strongly urges the DPRK to return immediately to the Six-Party Talks without precondition, to work towards the expeditious implementation of the 19 September 2005 Joint Statement, in particular to abandon all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programs, and to return at an early date to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards ...
# improve accounting, control, and physical protection of nuclear material and radioactive substances, as well as security of nuclear facilities; # detect and suppress illicit trafficking or other illicit activities involving such materials, especially measures to prevent their acquisition and use by terrorists; # respond to and mitigate the consequences of acts of nuclear terrorism; # ensure cooperation in the development of technical means to combat nuclear terrorism; # ensure that law enforcement takes all possible measures to deny safe haven to terrorists seeking to acquire or use nuclear materials; # to strengthen our respective national legal frameworks to ensure the effective prosecution of, and the certainty of punishment for, terrorists and those who facilitate such acts.
# The U.S. and Russia have invited initial partner nations to attend an initial meeting to elaborate and endorse a Statement of Principles for this Initiative. The U.S. and Russia have also invited the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to serve as an observer.
# The International Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism is an important, although not the exclusive, legal basis for the work of the Initiative. Other important legal bases include the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities, and UN Security Council Resolutions 1373 and 1540, as well as national legal authorities. (後略)
After days of wrangling over the language of the resolution, the council members finally reached agreement to remove any reference to the Chapter 7 of the UN Charter which authorizes sanctions or even military action. 制裁行為や軍事行為を正当化する国連憲章7章への参照は削除された
The resolution strongly urges the DPRK to return immediately to the six-party talks without precondition, abandon all nuclear-related weapons and programs and return to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards. 決議案は北朝鮮に無条件での6者協議復帰を強く求め、核爆弾開発の中止とNPT体制への 復帰を求めている
It requires all UN members to prevent missiles and missile-related items, materials, goods and technology from being transferred to DPRK. 決議案は国連加盟国にミサイルや関連物資、技術などの北朝鮮への移動を妨げることを要求 している。
The resolution demands that the DPRK suspend all activities related to its ballistic missile program, and in this context re-establish its preexisting commitments to a moratorium on missile launching. 決議案は北朝鮮のミサイル開発中止、モラトリアムへの復帰を求めている。
Chinese Ambassador Wang Guangya told the council that China is ready to make joint efforts with all the parties concerned to maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. 中国の国連大使、Wang Guangyaは中国が他の全ての加盟国同様、朝鮮半島の平和と安定の為 協力すると述べた
"The Chinese side is ready to make joint efforts with all the parties concerned to overcome difficulties, create conditions, promote the six-party talks, and jointly maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the Northeast Asia," he said. 「中国は他の全ての加盟国と協力し、困難を廃して6者協議の推奨、北東アジアと朝鮮半島の 平和と安定の維持に協力する」
Wang stressed that China has adopted a responsible attitude and firmly opposed to forcing through a vote on a draft resolution that is not conducive to unity and will further complicate and aggravate the situation, cause grave consequences for peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, and create enormous obstacles for the six- party talks and other important diplomatic endeavors. 中国国連大使は責任ある態度で安保理に対し、提案されていた決議案が安保理の統一を乱し 情況を複雑化させることで、朝鮮半島情勢に悪影響を及ぼし、6者協議推進に大きな障害とな るようなものに、断固反対したと述べた。 (中略) Japan and the United States had earlier pushed for a resolution with a clear reference to Chapter 7. But China and Russia opposed any mention of Chapter 7 in that it could be used to justify possible future military action. 日米はこれに先立って国連憲章7省を明示的に参照する決議案を提案したが、中国とロシアが 7章参照が将来の軍事行動を正当化するとして反対していた。
But he added that the Council had to be prepared that North Korea “might choose a different path” and in that event, he said, “the United States and other member states have the opportunity at any point to return to the Council for further action.” ボルトン大使は、北朝鮮が国際社会の意向に従わない場合に備えるべきだといい、そうした 場合(再度ミサイル乱射とか)「アメリカはじめ安保理メンバーは、次の行動の為にいつで も集まることが出来る」 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Aチャイナ・ディリー(中国) ttp:// UN vote imposes limited sanctions on Pyongyang (Agencies/ Updated: 2006-07-16 10:26 チャイナ・ディリー:国連は北朝鮮に制約つきの制裁を決議
The UN Security Council voted on Saturday to impose limited sanctions on North Korea for its missile tests, and demanded the country suspend its ballistic missile program. 国連安保理は土曜日に北朝鮮に対して制約つきの制裁を決議しミサイル開発の廃棄を求めた
China had threatened to veto the measure if Chapter 7 were mentioned, recalling the US-led invasion of Iraq that did not receive UN Security Council authorization. 中国は国連憲章7章参照は、米国のイラク侵略のように安保理に承認を得ておらず、その参照 には拒否権を行使するとした
Consequently, Japan, the United States, Britain and France had no choice but to drop the phrase. But they still considered the language of the resolution tough and legally binding. そのために日米英仏は7章参照を削除したが、彼らは依然として決議案が法的拘束力を持つと 主張している。
Instead of Chapter 7, Britain worked out a compromise that said the Security Council was "acting under its special responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security." 国連憲章7章参照の変わりに英国は"acting under its special responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security." という文言を挿入した。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー BWSJはAPの配信記事なので独自色無し CWaPo ttp:// Security Council Rebukes N. Korea Nations Agree To Demand End Of Missile Program By Colum Lynch WaPo:国連安保理は北朝鮮を非難、加盟国はミサイル開発廃棄要求に合意
このWaPoの記事は不正確で7章参照を削除したことに触れているけれど、その代わりに 入った文言について: The United States and Japan overcame Chinese opposition by agreeing to include language offered by France and Britain that only implicitly referred to Chapter 7. 暗示的に7章参照になるもの、と書いていて効力が限定的とする見方。タイトルにも制裁の 言葉を使わない。NYTなどよりも否定的な見方になっている。これはちょっと極端でチャ イナ・ディリーよりも中国より。
According to an AFP report, the UN Security Council's unanimous adoption of a resolution condemning North Korea's missile launches will help send a powerful message to Iran, the US ambassador to the United Nations said. AFPの報道によれば国連安保理の全会一致での北朝鮮制裁決議は、北朝鮮のミサイル 乱射を非難したが、国連大使らに拠れば、これはイランに対する強力なメッセージでも ある。
"I think Iran should take a look at this resolution and see that we've got a unanimous Security Council with all five permanent members," Ambassador John Bolton told reporters. ボルトン大使は記者団に対して「イランは安保理が全会一致で決議を採択したことをみる べきであり、これは常任理事国全員の合意でもある」と述べた。
Bolton said the fact that the Security Council had managed to maintain its unity over North Korea and pass the first resolution on Pyongyang since 1993 sent a "very, very important signal to any would-be proliferators," including Iran. ボルトン大使は安保理が北朝鮮問題で統一を保ち1993年以降始めての決議案を通したことに 大きな意味があるとし「(核やWMDの)拡散国に対するとても、とても重要なシグナルであ る」とした。拡散国とはイランを含めた言い方である。
"We need the unity of the council for these proliferation issues," he added. "The fact that we have reached unity on the North Korean issue will help us on Iran." 「我々は(核やWMDの)拡散の問題に対処すべく、安保理の統一を必要としている」と ボルトン大使は言う「北朝鮮決議で安保理が統一を保てた事実はイランに対処するのに役立つ」 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー この記事でボルトン大使が明確に言っているように(以前にこのスレで推測したことがある けれど)中国と露西亜の拒否権発動を苦労して条文解釈の手品のような手法で回避した理由 は、イランに対して安保理(の統一)を機能できる状態にする為。
``Transfer of financial resources specifically refers to credit card payments by Japanese tourists who visited North Korea,'' Toshimitsu Shigemura, a professor at Waseda University in Tokyo, and an expert on Korea, said in an interview today. 「金融資源の北朝鮮への移動、特に北朝鮮を訪問する日本人旅行者のクレジット・カード の支払いなど」が、早稲田大学の北朝鮮専門家である重村教授に拠れば、対象である。
``Recently more than a few Japanese have been visiting North Korea and they can use a credit card in places like Pyongyang's hotels,'' Shigemura said. ``The Japanese government aims to suspend that kind of credit card payment by Japanese tourists to North Korea. This will be effective,'' in reducing the flow of money to North Korea, he said. 「最近は北朝鮮を訪問する日本人旅行者は少ないが、ピョンヤンのホテルなどでカードを 使う」と重村氏は言う「日本政府はそうしたカードの支払いなどを規制したいのだろう。 これは効果のある方法だ」という。(後略)
ttp:// United Nations Press Release Security Council, 5490th Meeting (PM) July 15, 2006 United Nations Security Council Condemns Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s Missile Launches 国務省ファイル:国連安保理は北朝鮮のミサイル発射を糾弾する
Unanimously Adopting Resolution 1695 (2006) Demands Suspension of All Related Ballistic Missile Activity; Urges Country to Return Immediately to Six-Party Talks Without Precondition 安保理決議案1965(2006)は全てのミサイル関連行動の停止を要求し、6者協議への 即時復帰を求める ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 国務省のサイトにうpされた、北朝鮮制裁決議案のパッケージ文書で、内容は:
Rice praised China for the "responsibility" she said it showed by supporting the resolution on North Korea and said Bush would convey his appreciation to Hu.
"Here we have an affirmative Chinese vote -- not an abstention," she said.
Rice said China's vote helped underscore the commitment to the six-party framework of talks which have been held by the United States, North and South Korea, Russia, Japan and China.
Ms. Rice praised the Security Council resolution and expressed particular pleasure that China voted for it. China is believed to have more influence on North Korea than any other country and has been reluctant to impose sanctions on North Korea.