アナウンサー Six-nothing, Japan leading Korea last of the ninth. You know there's a little bad feeling about Ichiro and those statements he made before this tournament started, about beating Korea, and Korea won't be up with them for thirty or fourty years.
After he caught this pop-out off the bat of Ichiro at the end of inning, and Ichiro was heading back to the dugout with his head down. Look what the third baseman, Jung(?) did with that ball.
解説者 Well you know that kinda reminds me of when I see the football game, a guy makes a tackle of good hit, he jumps up, celebrating, and the guy hit says "look at the scoreboard", you know (laughter), "I'd rather be in my position than yours", and I'm sure that's what Ichiro was thinking. He didn't react though, as you can see.