
837<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん


>Q: Who is eligible to play in the World Baseball Classic?
>A: A player is eligible to participate on a World Baseball Classic team if:
>? The player is a citizen of the nation the team represents. (Additionally, if a player is qualified for citizenship or to hold a passport
under the laws of a nation represented by a team, but has not been granted citizenship or been issued a passport, then the player
may be made eligible by WBCI upon petition by the player or team.)
>? The player is a permanent legal resident of the nation or territory the team represents.
>? The player was born in the nation or territory the team represents.
>? The player has one parent who is, or if deceased was, a citizen of the nation the team represents.
>? The player has one parent who was born in the nation or territory the team represents.

Note: In the event a player appropriately appears on more than one provisional roster, he may select the team for which he wishes to play.

