We've been testing the Xbox 360, with the help of a veteran gamer, and our verdict is that its fluid, movielike graphics make it an outstanding game machine. It also performed like a champ as a multimedia hub.
But the Xbox 360 has some significant downsides that may cause casual gamers to hesitate to buy it right out of the chute. Chief among these are price and backward compatibility with games produced for the first Xbox.
(この後に、ベテランのゲーマーであるJoe氏が、オンラインゲームを試用してみる体験記があって) Joe noted that "the graphics are ridiculously much better" than in older Xbox and Sony consoles ・・・・a column of tanks, their armored sides rife with detailed dents, thundered over the snowy trench in which his soldier was ducking from the enemy. Fluffy pieces of realistic-looking snow were softly blowing all around the scene. 戦車の細部の描写とか、柔らかな雪の質感とかが良い。
このゲーム機に "Media Center Extender"を追加してWindows Media Centerの稼動しているPCと 接続すると、音楽、写真、ビデオの鑑賞につかえるけれどWindows Media Centerが前提条件という のはいただけない。USBでiPodなどを接続できる。DVDは普通に見ることが出来る。
結論: Still, if gaming is a big part of your life, and you can afford the $400 Xbox, you won't be disappointed. This is one terrific gaming computer, and a media powerhouse to boot. ゲームが大好きな人で$400投資できる人なら買っても失望はしない。良いゲーム機でメディア用に 使うことも出来る;
One, noodles, paper, gunpowder. What have you done for us lately? @麺(の製造)、紙(の発明)、火薬(の発見)、近年の(偉大な)発明はあるのかね?
Two, one-child policy plus patriarchal society equals no women. A一人っ子政策+家長制度社会=女性のいない社会
Three, 5,000 years of civilization, and all you have to offer us is pandas? B5千年の文明の結果、プレゼントできるのはパンダしかないわけ?
Four, welcome to Taiwan. Please don't spit. C台湾へようこそ、でも、唾を吐くのはヤメレ
Five, Simplified characters for simple people. D簡字体は簡単な(脳みその)ひと向け
Six, Mr. Hu, tear down that wall! E胡さん、壁を壊してよ!
Seven, our opposition leaders get to have dinner with your president, but your opposition leaders get shot. F台湾の野党指導者は、中国の国家主席に晩餐に招待されるけれど、大陸の野党指導者は銃殺される
Eight, our Chinese culture is better than yours. G我々の中華文明は大陸のものより優れている
Nine, my dad owns the factory your dad works in. H僕のお父ちゃんの工場で、あなたのお父ちゃんが働いてる
Or finally: We were going to "retake the mainland," until we went there. I台湾は、何時の日にか、大陸の政権を奪還することになろう ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 台湾の独立派の人たちの、口には出さない本音といったところ。 Editorial: Be wary of Chinese tourists Thursday, Nov 24, 2005,Page 8
the country's economy is accelerating, even as the rest of South-East Asia slows. In the first three-quarters of the year, it grew at an annual rate of 8.1%?faster than its five-year average of 7.2%. Better yet, Vietnam's poverty rate is falling almost as fast as its economy grows. ベトナム経済は年率8.1%で成長し、貧困層が急速に減少している
The proportion of the population that the government deems poor fell from 58% in 1993 to 20% last year. If the reduction continues at the current rate, says Martin Rama, the World Bank's chief economist in Vietnam, abject poverty will soon be limited to ethnic minorities in remote areas. 1993年に53%を占めた貧困層は昨年には20%にまで減少した。
The ultimate goal seems to be a web of partially privatised companies, subject to a certain degree of competition and market discipline, akin to Singapore's government- linked companies. 政府の計画は国営企業をある程度の競争をともなう民間企業にして、シン ガポール型の、経済を政府が背後から間接統制するようなものにしたい。
The economy of the OECD’s 30 member nations will grow 2.9% next year, up from a May estimate of 2.8%, OECDは主要30ヶ国で代表される世界経済の成長率を、2005年につい て2.6→2.7%、2006年の成長を2.6%→2.8%、2007年に2.9%と修正した。
Japan’s recovery from four recessions since 1991 will be sustained with a decade-long bout of deflation ending, the OECD said. Business investment will spur growth of 1.9% in 2006 after this year’s ‘exceptionally strong’ 2.2%, the OECD forecast. In September, the OECD expected a 1.8% expansion in Japan this year.
The draft report assumed oil prices would average $60 a barrel in the final quarter of this year before dropping to about $54 by the end of 2007. OECDは石油価格を2007年末で$54と予測し、2005年は$60程度の価格が続くと予想している。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 伝統的にOECDの見通しは慎重と言うか、凡庸と言うか、従来の傾向に囚われすぎる傾向が・・
But Masato Tashiro, head of virology at Tokyo’s National Institute of Infectious Disease ? a WHO-collaborating centre for bird flu ? told the meeting of virologists in Marburg, Germany, on 19 November that “we have been systematically deceived”. His comments were reported in the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
He said five Chinese medical personnel had been arrested for trying to report these cases, according to the paper. China enforced severe restrictions on the investigation and reporting of suspected cases of bird flu in June 2005.
“These rumours have been investigated, and we’ve been told by the Chinese Ministry of Health that there’s no foundation to them,” Dick Thompson, a spokesman for the World Health Organization, told New Scientist.
Masato Tashiro opened its colleague the eyes. ?Was you see here, are an unofficial, unpublished report from China for the situation of the H5N1-Infektionen with the Menschen.” A systematic list, which was passed on it by reliable source, when he entered few days ago to China. 田代真人氏はウイルス学会の仲間を驚かせた「これは中国で政府非公認の地下出版 された資料だ。中国のH5N1の、人ー人感染を含む状況を報告している」と述べて氏が数日前に 中国で入手したとする資料を示した。
the virologist claimed that a reliable source had provided him with details of the true nature of the H5N1 virus in China. "We are systematically deceived" [by China], he is reported to have said. The information is very similar to the translated story from the pro-democracy Chinese site, Boxun,
China is readying a trial of bird flu vaccine to be tested on adults over the next year, according to a report published Thursday in the official China Daily newspaper. As reported by the Associated Press, Lu Zhenyou, a spokesman for vaccine developer Sinovac Biotech, told the paper that 100 people aged 18 to 60 will be tested with the vaccine in the two-phase trial.
The proposals would also clarify the appeals process for people subjected to quarantines to allow for administrative due process and give health officials explicit authority to offer vaccination, drugs and other appropriate means of prevention on a voluntary basis to those in quarantine. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー この法律改正案はかなり強力なもので、隔離対象の人たちに、投薬、ワクチネーション他の 処置を進める権限を保険当局に与えるもの。ただし強制ではなく自主的なもの(勧告)にする ということらすい。国内でも検討が必要なのでは?
This document contains the notice for proposed rule making and regulatory impact analysis that was completed for this NPRM, including the economic impact analysis.
AEU、日本、メキシコ、カナダ、WHOのワクチン製造に向けて協力体制構築(予定) US, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Italy, representatives of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the European Union (EU) health commissioners all met in Rome today ・・・ 'And, most importantly, we have agreed to share information and expertise to speed up the development and production of a pandemic flu vaccine.' ttp://news.monstersandcritics.com/health/article_1063084.php/Bird_flu_vaccine_to_be_brought_forward
FCDCには多くの論文や資料があるけれど、面白そうなものの例として Potential Impact of Antiviral Drug Use during Influenza Pandemic ttp://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol11no09/04-1344.htm これは大規模な感染(パンデミック)の事態が起きた場合、どの程度の薬品や病院側の 対応が必要かを疫学モデルを使って試算した論文。人口の20%−25%に相当する薬品な どがあればOKで、保健省のいう3億人とかいうのは無駄だと論じているもの。人口の全 部をカバーする薬品の備蓄などは、科学的にはナンセンス、と言い切っている。