【タイ】従軍慰安婦は国際法違反 日本政府に補償義務があるとアムネスティ〔10/28〕
Although there is a basis under international law not to impose reparations t
hat would cripple the national economy of a responsible state with devastating effects on the national population,
Amnesty International believes that,
in such circumstances, it is contrary to states obligations to preclude permanently
the possibility of reparations being paid to victims.
現在のアムネスティの信念で believeだから とか言われてもねえ。
7.1.1 Article 3 of the Hague Regulations Provides for Individual Reparations
As established in section 4.1, the system of sexual slavery conducted by Japan
between 1932-1945 amounted to war crimes set out in the 1907 Hague Regulations.
Article 3 of the Hague Regulations expressly provides that war crimes give rise
to an obligation to provide reparations, without limiting the obligation to states:
"A belligerent party which violates the provisions of the said Regulations shall,
if the case demands, be liable to pay compensation. It shall be responsible
for all acts committed by persons forming part of its armed forces."
あと、Article 3 of the Hague Regulations が根拠なんだそうな。