【タイ】従軍慰安婦は国際法違反 日本政府に補償義務があるとアムネスティ〔10/28〕

59<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん

4.1.2 Rape as War Crimes

The 1919 Versailles Peace Commission concluded that Germany was responsible
for numerous war crimes in World War I including rape in accordance with
"explicit regulations [of] established custom [and the] dictates of humanity".(78)
The Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War of 1929
provided "[p]risoners of war are entitled to respect for their persons and honour.
Women shall be treated with all consideration due to their sex."
Japan signed the Convention on 27 July 1929 and was therefore under
an obligation not to defeat its object and purpose.