
297<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん


AB 1071 法案


SECTION 1. Section 51009 is added to the Education Code , to
51009. (a) This section shall be known, and may be cited as, the
Robert Matsui Education Act.(b) The State Board of Education shall
ensure that the state curriculum and framework, where appropriate,
include instruction on Asia and on the experience of Asian people in
the United States, and that the state criteria for selecting
instructional materials include information to guide the selection of
instructional materials that contain sections that highlight the
study of Asia and the experience of Asian people in the United
(c) The department may seek private sources of funding to assist
in developing a model curriculum on Asia and on the experience of
Asians in the United States, and to provide a repository and
dissemination mechanism to school districts on the model curriculum.