【国内】あぶない!?人権擁護法案  「憲法以上に議論すべきだ」 −チャンネル桜−(動画あり)[06/16]

108<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん

The opposite meeting to a protection-of-human-rights bill
         in Hibiya Kokaido Public Hall

Now, the bad bill containing a meaning called the thought and
pressure on public opinion which Japan of a democratic country
must not have tends to be secretly submitted by the name of the
"protection of human rights" to Parliament.

Diet member's Mr.Hiranuma gathers to hold off this movement
advanced by the communist party power in the government and
the people gather in Hibiya Public Hall in Tokyo as a representative.

The figure of becoming a great scoop in which these Japanese
rise to action is infallible.
It thinks that I would like the media of your country to report,
and shows around.

■The opposite meeting to a protection-of-human-rights bill
            in Hibiya Kokaido Public Hall

[date ] Sunday, June 19
[Time] 12:30〜16:00
[Place] 1-3, Hibiya-Koen, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Hibiya Kokaido Public Hall