【韓国】ドイツ人教授、独島をめぐる日本の主張を激しく批判 [04/06]

368<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん

In English:
The South Korean president warns Dokdo or Takeshima right and history
in the road of Korea in a "letter to the people" roughly MOO Hyun
before a "diplomatic war" with Japan - last stage in recently again a
high-cooked old controversy over two rock in the sea, together as
largely as four sports fields. Takeshima, explained recently in Seoul
a Japanese diplomat, who is the clock so important for its profession
not evenly second nature, is historical and after international right
Japanese territory. Dokdo, how the Koreans call the uninhabited reefs,
is unverbruechlich Korean, answers these. Protests on the road,
completely excited one cut themselves off before the Japanese
message finger: With their blood they want to defend the homeland.
The Japanese State Department stirs up off.
Japan works on good relations with the neighbour,
and in all other respects one can go with
the Takeshima/Dokdo problem to the international Court of Justice
to the Hague
369<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:39:35 ID:5CxTPHSS
370<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:39:59 ID:hqPT3KWL
371<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:41:38 ID:lne12Ria
In English:
Impartial ones decide to leave, are that no fair and meaningful
suggestion? For the solution of territorial conflicts
the international Court of Justice can be only called,
if both parties agree. Seoul rejected after course the Hague
so far and will still not walk on it. Therein the fear
being subject to see, would certainly be called, to misjudge
the historical dimension of the problem. If a country has
reason to doubt that international law is something else than
the right of the stronger one, then it is Korea.
Because international law was the instrument,
with which the almost existence of the Korean state was eliminated
and its Annexion were set by Japan into the work.
Of Japan colonial rule over Korea, Japanese politicians stress still
today, were legal. For Korea is connected the Hague with
particularly bad and painful memories. - before one hundred years
the closed contract from Portsmouth to the completion of the Russian-Japanese war,
obtained by the American president Theodore Roosevelt,
made Korea the Japanese protectorate. Roosevelt got the Nobel peace prize.
Korea lost the right to notice its interests with regard to foreign policy themselves.
The Korean emperor Kojong tried to prevent by sending 1907 three envoys to
the second international conference of peace after the Hague,
in order against the protectorate contract protest to insert.
They had however no success, it were not even belonged,
because the 43 met states accepted sovereigns states,
evenly those, as participants in zirkulaerer logic only
which were invited to the conference.
372<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:41:39 ID:M1H6AUS5


373<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:41:42 ID:REoFpyRD
374キュベレ ◆pMV.QQVX7U :2005/04/06(水) 23:42:46 ID:OfxxUJvD
375<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:42:49 ID:UIlAWEn6

376<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:42:57 ID:80yiXBI9
377<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:43:05 ID:lne12Ria
In English:
Stateless people of areas knew itself "powers" after the conceptions
of the international law 19. Century it acquire, their status as such
consisted substantially of the fact that they did. Japan had ascended
only recently into this erlauchten circle. After the Americans had forced
the Japanese in the middle of the century with reproached cannons to open
their country for international traffic their politicians had early recognized
that the only possibility, the Kolonialisierung consisted to escape,
of it, becoming even colonial power - and expanding.
378<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:43:06 ID:L1NE9zWu
379<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:43:23 ID:V9vJJjda
380<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:44:21 ID:BVD3qTnz
381<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:45:02 ID:lne12Ria
In English:
The Korean peninsula was to Okinawa and Hokkaido the nearest goal of
the expansion. Although the kingdom had governed itself
for centuries themselves, Tokyo worked for the 1870er years
systematically to undermine its autonomy for which purpose
it availed itself much sent up to then only of the international right valid
as dictation of powers over so-called treaty ports.
In this way it succeeded to Japan to form themselves
as guarantor of the international right in Eastern Asia and
at the same time to cement its requirement on Korea.
Both sides of this process were linked unsolvably with one another.
Japan kept its independence by the fact that it took Korea the its.
To the conference of peace into the Hague Korea with
agreement of the community of states was represented by Japan.
The elimination of his existence by the international right of
the stamps of the legality one pushed open in this way.
In a secret treaty from July 1905 Washington and
Tokyo exchanged the supremacy of the USA in the Philippines for Japan in Korea.
In the anglo Japanese alliance one month later India and Burma were up-counted against Korea.
With that Hague conference of peace 1907 did not need to be afraid Tokyo
any longer that its requirement on Korea was contested.
382<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:45:28 ID:mBsVmltD
383<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:45:29 ID:YSPK/K1u

384<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:45:42 ID:oVbL8ru/

385<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:45:43 ID:yFKCiBo1
386<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:46:04 ID:ulzlc1Cs
領土の分捕り合いって自分の祖国に都合のいい評価してたなあ。俺は、(゚Д゚)ハァ? だったが。 
387<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:46:09 ID:lne12Ria
In English:
Just in this time, in January 1905, explained today disputed islands to Tokyo
those as Japanese national territory.
In the February of the same yearly those made Korea opposite
prefecture Shimane Takeshima partially an administrative district.
Now, one hundred years later, the prefecture 22 February as
the "day Takeshimas" explained, what the Koreans at least just as verbittert,
as that the Japanese State Department maintains a Website,
in which today's Korean control of the islands offence against international right is called.
388<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2005/04/06(水) 23:47:28 ID:lne12Ria
英語訳;その6 ラスト
In English:
The Japanese government stated, the explanation of 1905 does not have to do
anything with the Annexion the Korean peninsula.
The Korean government however regards this explanation as part of of
Japan colonial policy and does everything, so that this thought remains awake in the population.
Therefore the waves strike again once highly around the rock of Dokdo/Takeshima,
around which to argue for material reasons certainly is not worthwhile oneself.
One speaks of rich fischgruenden; by far more importantly however is the historical Abgruende.

Florian Coulmas