

Ashamed to be American...
by: DefBringer (27/M/Kansas City, MO) 09/13/01 08:20 pm
Msg: 18243 of 18554

After sitting here and reading all of the bigoted posts
being spewed out from my fellow Americans I can only express how disappointed
and ashamed I am for our country. America deserves better than this.
If you want to live in a country were we stereotype all Muslims,
demand immediate revenge for Tuesday's horrible events,
and subscribe to the notion of "an eye for an eye"...I say to you: MOVE.

These are NOT the principals this country was founded on.
Americans should not hate. Americans should not be bloodthirsty.

We SHOULD be intelligent and patient.
We SHOULD desire to take the least violent path
which will result in the greatest blow against terrorism to insure
these disgusting terrorist actions never happen again.

My fellow Americans...grow up!
