CEDAW/C/SR.890 (B)
ttp://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/docs/SR/CEDAW-C-SR-890B.pdf フィンランド出身委員の質問
23. Lastly, the existence of a market in pornographic games, in which women were portrayed as enjoying rape, constit
uted a clear violation of the Convention. What was the Government doing to tackle that problem?
これに対する岡島敦子 男女共同参画局長の返答
35. Ms. Okajima (Japan) said that the ruling coalition party had organized a group to consider the issue of regulating
video games containing images of sexual violence against women and children. Policy proposals had recently been c
ompiled and a law banning child pornography was undergoing revision. A resolution with regard to child pornography a
nd virtual images in the National Diet of Japan had unfortunately been abandoned due to the recent dissolution of th
e Diet. In the outcome document of the Third World Conference Against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolesce
nts, for which Japan was a permanent consultant, virtual images had been mentioned as one medium for child pornog
raphy. It was hoped that on that basis the Government of Japan would continue to work on the issue of virtual image
s of child pornography.
岡島 敦子氏(おかじま・あつこ)東大卒。77年農林省。埼玉県副知事を経て09年4月から農水省大臣官房付。54歳。東京都出身。