【ぶっ潰して】上田桃子 過少申告疑惑【ぶっ飛ばす】

Clarification of Rules Incident Involving Momoko Ueda at U.S. Women'sOpen On the 1st hole of the first round of the 2009 U.S. Women's Open, it appeared that the ball of Momoko Ueda moved after she had addressed it on the putting green.
If the ball did move, she would have incurred a penalty stroke under Rule 18-2b and then been required to replace theball.
The United States Golf Association, which conducts the U.S. Women's Open, did not become aware of this incident until after the competition had closed.
During play the USGA did receive two e-mails about the incident but mistakenly believed the e-mails referred to Ms. Udea's second round.
The USGA reviewed the video relating to Ms. Ueda's play for the 1st hole of the second round and concluded that the ball had not moved.
It was not until after the close of competition that it was clarified that the incident in question occurred during Ms. Ueda's first, not second, round of the championship.
104朝まで名無しさん:2009/09/18(金) 18:54:02 ID:th0PpBt/
As the USGA learned of this incident after the competition had closed, it was obligated, under Rule 34-1b, to ask Ms. Ueda whether she was aware, before the competition closed,
of the penalty for her ball moving after address. Ms. Ueda stated that she did not become aware of this situation until the day after the U.S. Women's Open.
As she was not aware of the penalty before the competition had closed, no penalty could be imposed after the competition, and the results stand. The USGA considers the matter closed.