大麻関連ニュース議論・総合スレッド 3


Drug disorder schizophrenia link

Almost half of patients treated for a cannabis related mental disorder go on to develop a schizophrenic
illness, a study has suggested. The Danish study, in the British Journal of Psychiatry, found a third of
them developed paranoid schizophrenia.

The team from Aarhus Psychiatric Hospital obtained information on 535 patients treated for cannabis-induced
psychotic symptoms from the Danish Psychiatric Central Register, who were then followed for three years.
They were then compared to 2,721 people treated for schizophrenia-spectrum disorders who had no history of
cannabis-induced illness. It was found that 44.5% of those with cannabis-induced psychotic symptoms went
on to be diagnosed with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders.

Paul Corry, of the mental health charity Rethink, said: "This research reinforces our call for a public health
information campaign about a drug which many young people still see as being risk free.
