30 : 1. The aim of the accusation. :05/02/14 23:41:02 ID:B0RdNFhS
Citizens of Yokohama-city (Especially children)have been under threats of the noise-vibration with sound like human voice from power transmission lines for more than 9 months. Because National Police Agency left them alone, This evil effects destroies eye, ear,and reproductive organs ,vibrate Hb in blood flow, and confuse cognitive function. Those damages develope severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This evil law enforcements have been violations of conventions below:
a.Convention against Torture and Other Cruel,Inhuman or Degrading treatment or Punishment.
This evil enforcements correspond to those articles.
31 : 1. The aim of the accusation. (続):05/02/14 23:41:52 ID:B0RdNFhS
b.Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide Article 2 (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.
c. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Article 7 (Crimes against humanity) 1.For the purpose of this Statute, "crime against humanity" means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:
(k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.
THIS noise-vibration disturbances from power trnsmission-lines corrrespond to the crime for against humanity. I want to punish this cruel crime appropriately.
32 :2. The fact of the accusation.:05/02/14 23:44:46 ID:B0RdNFhS
a. The medical model concept of those evil tortures. This disturbance made human like malionette. The noise-vibration into nose, ear, eye make resonance in neural network and vocal cord.
1. KINDLING EFFECT:The sustained periodic signal input to the central nervous system sets up a cumulative resonance. 2 SLIGHT HYPNOTIC STATE, LIMIT SET AND DISSOCIATION: Showering the repeated same stimuli over human limits made human slight hypnotic,AND halt the thought flow and dissociate between cognitive process and affection. 3. FORCED MUSCLE MOVEMENT: Vibrations into ear and nose(through auditory tube to inner ear) shake eardrum that changes nerve impulses of auditory nerve.Simultaneously Vibrations stimulate tympanic nerve(the branch of GLOSSSOPHALINGIAL NERVE) and confuse the neural network.Then those stimulations from outside drive UNDER JAW MUSCLES synchoronously. The structures of FACIAL NERVE and TRIGEMINAL NERVE are near enough for signal cofusion of cranial nerves. 4 FORCED VOCALIZATION: Hemoglobin(Fe)in blood flow and METAL deposit in the tissues have been changed to small magnet by magnetic field of the disturbance.VOCAL CORD have been driven with this stimulatoin from outside by the mechanism of FORCED MOVEMENT of muscles around vocal cord and electromagnetic induction of blood flow of ring structures around annular cartilage. 5.SIGNAL CONFUSIONS: Different simultaneous noise like human voices from different corner halt human decision,and the convicts managed to recover themselves.The those satanic continuous exposures in closed space make the convict prison psychosis .(cf.the infant and mother, the passengers of SUBWAY.)
33 :2. The fact of the accusation.(続):05/02/14 23:48:18 ID:B0RdNFhS
b. The damages of the noise-vibration disturbance. 1.FOR THE LABOR: more and more mistakes with those interferences have been resulted in irreversible physical inpediments. 2..FOR SENIOR AND HANDICAPPED: By this disturbances senior and hadicapped person increased miss and losstime, IT WOULD BE FIRE ACCIDENT and SUDDEN DEATH. In this circumstance, the pacemaker would be arrest. Inplant(teeth) would be caused heart attack. The stent in coronary-artery would be shurunk. They must not slot movilephone or magnetic cards in the pocket near heart.This interferences would occur fat-emboli in blood vessels what is critical for life directly. 3. POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER: Those experiments cause strong fear and severe dissociation. Such a awful experiences have been made the residents severe POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER.(especially infant and child) Those sodomic tortures prevent the growth and development of the infant and child, but also those evil influences bring about familial tragedy. 4. THE REDUCTION OF SEXUAL ACTIVITY: Continuous noise have been interfered the reproductive process. 5. FOR THE STUDENTS: the noise-vibration disturbance reduce their will for study.
34 :2. The fact of the accusation.(続):05/02/14 23:50:24 ID:B0RdNFhS
c. The danger of human life in some earthquakes,tyhoons and fireworks. This continuous electromagnetic-vibration had been disturbed the escape for life in some eathquakes and tyhoons and fireworks. But also This disturbance would be trigger of some earthquakes. This cruel Phenomenon have been overwhelmed Pregnant ,infants , senior person,and handicapped. Many Earthquakes and Typhoon and ALCOHOL had been worsen those PTSD. Those situations make mutual discriminations between the residents of this town and tear our reliance apart. This phenomenon has been left alone by Jananese goverment.
35 :the obvious facts of the false charge.:05/02/15 08:23:50 ID:ncXrueXs
a. There was no identification of the Dosage of Diazepam (30mg) through investgation and the Trial. b. There was no protocol of the important co-operator of this arrest. c. There was no witness of the "Injury." without my son. d.My wife had been testified that she did not want the punishment of husband in Court. There was suspicion of forgery of the victimization report, and the bill of indictment. e. The Judge did not release me on bail. I could not collect the any evidence for defence. f. The members of Tsuduki public health center had not been confirmed the FACT itself at all from proffesional psychiatrist that had been supported the convicts of domestic violence and the divorce.
The earthquake attacked again IBARAGI-area at 4:45am 16 Feb. 2005 .In north-yokohama, the ambulance started full rescue activities simultaneously in heavy rainfall. The continuous noise-vibration resonance had been disturbed fireworks and the emergency escape for life in this eathquakes.
The other day I met physically handicapped in yokohama municipal subway. His lower extrimities increased trembling with The continuous noise-vibration resonance.He weard turtle -neck and put on Knit-cap covered his ears and neck. It was real genocide state prohibited by
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide Article 2 (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.