The public oppressions derived from DV FALSE CHARGE are resembles to the case of PANAWAVE RESERCH. PANAWAVE RESERCH had been called this phenomenon "Scholar wave",and climed up to the mountain in Nagano Prefecture for the purpose of keeping awayfrom "The scholar wave". The PANAWAVE RESERCH sealed with papers on Windows of thier car. The PANAWAVE RESERCH had been rumored that they had been pull down the tower with power transmisson lines.
The public pressure obtained from DV FALSE CHARGE is so. It resembles the case with PANAWAVE RESERCH. PANAWAVE RESERCH was called this phenomenon "Scholar wave" to the mountain in Nagano Prefecture for the kept purpose when awayfrom was "Scholar wave", and climed was done. PANAWAVE RESERCH sealed with document of Windows of thier car. PANAWAVE RESERCH was rumored. They were to have drawn the transmisson line by power downward in the tower.
I had been started the new life with my family in 13 Feb 2004 with disgrace.THE JUDGE means that "The Emergency cure for middle -aged woman (height 158cm)who had been undergone oral overadministration of diazepam(Valium) 30mg is the injury." I had been swimmed in Tsuduki public pool for recovering my usual walk. Because I did not want to prevent my son from separating his home town and his favorite park, I had been started to work at the psychiatric hospital in KAWAZU.(SOUTH-IZU)The public oppressions have been distinguished gradually from the environment of SOUTH-IZU in spring 2004. When I had been on duty doctor at night, I had been stayed at the resident house in the hospital.I had been felt the public oppression in the resident house at night, the resonance had been severely disturbed the duty WORK as a doctor.IT was TERRIBLE. THIS ILLEGAL OPPRESSION would be exist untill I died.
When I want to sleep, I cut down the brakers of power suppply of the resident house, and open the windows near the ward for catching the unusual signs from the wards. When I had felt my limit for the dissociation, I had been walk around the wards with movile phone. At the night when I had been off duty, sometimes cut the telephone line in the resident house for sleep quality. When I had been experienced the power failure of KWAZU area, the public oppression had been ceased completely.The nurse conference had been interrupted many times on account of the obscene words of the public sector worker of this oppressions.Because of the noises with human voices from car wheels and air-contollorers, nurses on night duties had been threatend of severe traffic accident.They had been apt to drive over the speed limit when they go back to home for preventing them from mind-control.
The satanic sonic-vibrations had been also attacked my son and wife,my wife had been under the mind-control of this phenomenon. This satanic experiments had been given severe false horrible experience to my son, and separate compulsively my family. This disturbances had been severly interfered the preparations for the Court. This publicoppression had been covered up this false charge, but also make the unffair control of the law. The Court was under examination in this unffair situation.In this circumstances, anyone becomes prison psychosis or POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER. WHERE is JUSTICEin the ministery of the law affairs?
THE PUBLIC OPPRESSION EXIST NOW. I feel forced fine jaw movement from my finger in external ear canal, it is the real danger of the masasive illegal mind-control itself. We need medical checks in laryngeal area like Saddam Husein. NORTH-YOKOHAMA is no better than "1984."
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"Today, America speaks anew to the peoples of the world: All who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know: the United States will not ignore your oppression, or excuse your oppressors. When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you." _ President G.W.Bush
When My wife had been overadministrated minor tranquilizers from dissociative state,I made her psychiatrical emergency cure. But I had been arrested by S.T lieutenant (Tsuduki branch police office, kanagawa prefectual Police) by the charge of the injury at 11/5/2003. The police officer had been influenced by the preconception from malicious infomation. I had been insisted the prosecutor S.Y(Yokohama district prosecutor office) that I had been performed emergency cure for my wife as a psychiatrist in hospital. The prosecutor S.Y could not understood what is emergency cure.This false charge had been influenced by the forged reports by the members of Tsuduki public health center(The branch office of Yokohama-city). My family suffuerd from PTSD of this false charge and discrimination, Especially my son (only 3yrs old ). The words of Fr.H.Wulf "The most important things are love ,life and light." had been supported me in Yokohama Detention House for 143days. I appealed for retrial of this false charge in yokohama district Court at 21 Dec.2004. The fact itself is the repetetive abduction of a Minor. Tsuduki public health center and Tsuduki police office have been coverd up this scandal, and ignored chronic PTSD of my family.
The japanese "Viorence against Women Act " and some ministerial ordinance of the ministry of law affairs, and the local regulations for privacy-control of Yokohama-city have been disturbed gathering materials for the retrial over a half year.My house (Tsuduki-Ward, Center-Minami) have been attacked by jan and static and vibration (synchronous and continuous) It's like a jail. I could not met my son because of false viorence record over a half year. The residents of Tsuduki-ward(yokohama-city) have been involed in this disturbance. This sysytem in detention house must not apply to infant/students.Yokohama municipal subway NO.3 with jan and static runsthrough DEUTSCHE SCHULE TOKYO-YOKOHAMA. This disturbance are the application of the technologies like ADSL and GPS. The disturbance of frequency made human like malionette. The sonic-vibration into nose, ear, eye make resonance in neural network and vocal cord.
Medical concepts of the disturbance are below : 1. HYPNOSIS,AUTOMATISM and LIMIT SET: Showering and repeating the same words over human limits halt the thought flow and dissociate between cognitive process and affection. 2. FORCED MOVEMENT: Vibrations into ear and nose(through auditory tube to inner ear) shake eardrum, stimulate tympanic nerve(the branch of GLOSSSOPHALINGIAL NERVE). Then,those stimulations from outside drive JAW MUSCLES synchoronously. The structures of FACIAL NERVE and TRIGEMINAL NERVE are near enough for signal cofusion of cranial nerves. 3. ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION: Hemoglobin(Fe)in blood flow and METALS in deposit tissues have been affected by magnetic field of the disturbance.VOCAL CORD have been driven with this stimulatoin from outside by the mechanism of electromagnetic induction. 4. SIGNAL CONFUSIONS: Different simultaneous noise like human voices from different corner halt human decision, and the convicts managed to recover themselves.The those satanic continuous exposures in closed space make the convict prison psychosis.(cf.the infant and mother) Those sodomic tortures prevent the growth and development of the infant and child, but also those evil influences bring about familial tragedy.
5. For the labour, more and more mistake with those interferences have been resulted in irreversible physical inpediments. 6.FOR SENIOR AND HANDICAPPED: By this disturbances senior and hadicapped person increased miss and losstime,IT WOULD BE FIRE ACCIDENT and SUDDEN DEATH. In this circumstance, the pacemaker would be arrest. Inplant(teeth) would be caused heart attack. Clipping of neurosurgical OPERATION would be moved and raptured. The stent in coronary-artery would be shurunk. They must not slot movilephone or magnetic cards in the pocket near heart.This interferences would occur fat-emboli in blood vessels what is critical for life directly. 7. POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER: Those experiments cause strong fear and severe dissociatoin. Such a awful experiences have been made the residents severe POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER. 8.PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL: Inpatients in the psychiatric hospitals under this circumstnces, have been sufferd from insomnia and irritability. But, they know continous noise-vibrations are not auditory hallcination, some of them protect ears intentionally by earwax obstruction. They do not want wrong diagnosis and too much medication. Tardive dystonia by major tranquilizer have been more and more worsen at noon.Someone screams many times"Ouch!" like nightmare. Someone cut partially his sandals because of dystonic pain at lower limbs. He is not eager to lose oppotunities for going out the hospital and walking around under the sunshine.They could not miss at meal, someone buy plastic cup with cap and the oher take meal more and more slowry and rearrenge dishes over the narrow tables carefully. ELDERLY PERSON is apt to sit before the terevision as much as he can.