>>638 「」は>>638ソースから。 「発端は、ニューヨーク在住の<ユダヤ系>ポーランド人歴史学者で社会学 者、そして政治学者でもあるヤン・トマシュ・グロス教授が2000年2月に発 表した、短い報告書であった。タイトルは、『1941年夏のイェドヴァブネ― 第二次世界大戦中のユダヤ人絶滅への地元社会の参加に関する研究の補足的 資料』というものであった。」(<>内は小生の捕捉) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Federal Council of Polish Associations in Australia http://www.citinet.net/ak/polska_57_f2.html Last year a Polish author of Jewish origin, Jan Tomasz Gross, published a book in Polish, entitled "The Neighbours". The book has received much publicity and has been widely promoted throughout the world. It has already been translated into English and is being translated into other languages. A screenplay has already been written for a film. The book deals with alleged extermination of Jews in a small township, called Jedwabne, in north - eastern Poland by, as the title suggests,・・・ *ニューヨークのユダヤ系学者が、2000年2月に発表。・・・うーむ。 様々な説があるわけですが、それにしてもどうして唐突にポーランドが脚光を あびて糞塗れにされることになったんでしょう。そして一気に拡散。面白いで すね。
>>707つづき 「」は>>638ソースから。 「グロス教授の主張のほとんどは、事件当時イェドヴァブネに住んでいたユ ダヤ人、<既に死んでいる>シュムール・ヴァ セルシュタインと言う男の 証言に基づいている。ヴァセルシュタインは、1945年にビャウィストック (町名)のユダヤ歴史委員会の前で、1941年7月10日の出来事についての証 言を行った。」 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Jan Tomasz Gross's book "The Neighbours" raises more questions than it answers. It is based on the evidence of one alleged eye witness, Szmul Wasersztein, who is now dead, and, as recent evidence suggests, was not even at the village of Jedwabne at the time of the "pogrom". Gross writes that 1600 Jews were packed into a barn at Jedwabne and burned alive. It is difficult to imagine the size of such a barn. After all, the villagers were mainly small farmers owning between two to five hectares of land. Why would any of them have a barn of such size ? Further he uses such terms as, "the Germans have asked the Polish people....". Many of my countrymen who lived through the war know that the penalty for refusing a request by the occupying forces meant instant death, not only to them, but also to their families. http://www.citinet.net/ak/polska_57_f2.html 「彼の証言を記した文書は、他のユダヤ人たちの証言と一緒に、ワルシャワの ユダヤ歴史インスティ テュートに保存されている。 そもそも、個々の殺害に関する目撃証言ははっきりしているのに、穀物倉で の焼殺に関する証言と なるとあいまいな部分が多いし、食い違いも大きい。 研究者の中には、ヴァセルシュタインたちは直接その光景を目撃したわけでは ない、そんなことは不可能だった、と指摘する者もいる。ユダヤ人側の証言を そのまま鵜呑みにするのは誤りだという研究者もいる。」
>>709つづき *それにしてもユダヤ系ヤン教授、歴史学者としては随分大胆です。こんな声 も。 "Cautious Skepticism", September 4, 2003 Reviewer: A reader from Seattle, WA USA http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0691086672?v=glance Gross has cheated the process by which a historical thesis is made, investigated, proven, and documented, by simply taking a few uncorroborated testimonies at face value. As a respected historian and Professor at New York University, Gross should both know better, and should be ashamed of his behavior as a "historian" in the writing of this book *意図的な抜粋がされている>>638ですが、日本語元ソースは微妙なところを抜 いているとはいえ、中立的に記してあり、皆様にはその抜粋の意図を汲み取る 意味でも通読をおすすめします。 http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/~taguchi/kansai/jedwabne.htm
それと、ボーダーラインにいるような連中のユダヤ陰謀論をひっぱってきても 説得力が無いのだよね。CFRや中央銀行なんて底の見えた陰謀論を幾ら読んでも ユダヤ判らないよ。海外ではこれが今、評判かな。 http://theoccidentalquarterly.com/vol3no2/km-understanding.html Understanding Jewish Influence Kevin MacDonald is Professor of Psychology, California State University -? Long Beach, and the author of author of a trilogy on Judaism as an evolutionary strategy: もっとも、これも新式のユダヤ陰謀論だと評するムキもあるが、学問的体裁を一応とって いるのでADLはまだ手出しできないね。
ケネディ暗殺から40周年。アメリカでの関連本出版が相次ぐ近況を報告の 朝日、国際面特集から。 『調査委、単独犯行説』とする記事で。一部抜粋。 「後任のジョンソン大統領が任命した調査委員会(ウォーレン委員会)は64 年、オズワルドの単独犯行と断定した。だが報告は目撃証言や他の証拠との間 に矛盾も見られ、ソ連やキューバの諜報組織の関与説や白人至上主義団体によ る犯行説などがくすぶり続けている。」 くすぶり続ける疑惑の主体でどでかい何かが抜けているんじゃないでしょ うか。まあ、そこらヘンが朝日を含めた日本の新聞の限界なのでしょう。 ともあれ、次などを。ベイ・オブ・ピッグス、ケネディ、ノースウッズ。 SECRET RAPPROACHMENT EFFORTS BEGAN IN NEGOTIATIONS FOR PRISONER RELEASE; ENDED WITH JFK'S ASSASSINATION http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/bayofpigs/ カストロとネゴ。 「Also released today are documents relating to secret efforts by the Kennedy Administration to begin a dialogue with Castro in the days before his assassination in November 1963.」 CIA、ペンタゴン、時差を忘れてましたあ。 「The unmarked jets failed to rendezvous with the bombers, however, because the CIA and the Pentagon were unaware of a time zone difference between Nicaragua and Cuba. Two B-26s were shot down and four Americans lost.」 ノーガード(w The earlier CIA-backed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles had been a disastrous failure, in which the military was not allowed to provide firepower.The military leaders now wanted a shot at it. http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/DailyNews/jointchiefs_010501.html ノースウッズ計画はこちらなど。 Pentagon Proposed Pretexts for Cuba Invasion in 1962 http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20010430/
>>723つづき 70年9月のPLO武装蜂起について。 ナセル暗殺。そして「複数飛行機」ハイジャックの「ブラック・セプテン バー」・・・。 1970 Black September Egyptian President Nasser dies and is succeeded by Anwar al- Sadat. Religious Zionists (Gush Emunim) call for settlements in Judea and Samaria (the occupied territories). September Three passenger airlines are hijacked by PLO militants and flown to Jordan. Pressure from the West as well as several assassination attempts causes King Hussein to order his army to destroy the PLO. A large-scale massacre takes place and the PLO is driven out of Jordan and into Lebanon. This action crushes the power and independence of the various Palestinian military groups in Jordan and becomes known to the Palestinians as "Black September". http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/stories/s587951.htm とPLOを糾弾する格好のネタになったのですが、犯行はPFLP。 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/uk/2000/uk_confidential/1089694.stm
>>724つづき しかしてその実態は・・・。このブラック・セプテンバーというものも実は モサドとのジョイントオペレーションによるノースウッズなんじゃないの? ナセル大統領のすぐそばのモサド・スパイ。 PRESIDENT NASSER'S SON IN LAW WAS A MOSSAD SPY by JERUSALEM POST Wednesday September 03, 2003 at 02:44 PM http://nc.indymedia.org/news/2003/09/6121.php PFLP爆弾製造者は無事。 Astonishingly, however, bomb-maker Marwan Khreesat was released on a legal technicality and left Germany. According to Ashton and Ferguson, Khreesat, who built the bombs used in the attacks during the 1970s, had by this time become a Jordanian spy in the PFLP-GC. Jordanian intelligence apparently has a close relationship with the Israeli Mossad and the CIA. Khreesat is still living in Amman, the Jordanian capital, under protection. http://www.wsws.org/articles/2002/apr2002/lock-a24.shtml ヤシン師をめぐって。イスラエルとPFLPのディール。モサドが穏健派 PLO指導者をせっせと殺害中のできごと。 Sheikh Yassin, along with other Hamas leaders, was arrested in 1984, after it was discovered that the Islamic Association had maintained arms caches. But the organization was not banned. In fact, Yassin was soon released as part of an unprecedented prisoner exchange between Israel and Ahmed Jabril's PFLP-General Command. This deal, made with one of the most violent of all anti-PLO Palestinian groups at the time, was made in a period when the Mossad was busy assassinating the most moderate of PLO leaders. http://www.prisonplanet.com/news_alert_hamas6.html 殺害の様子はこちらなどを。 http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/Terrorism/hits.html
In 1940, the Almanac showed 15,315,359 Jews in the world (New York World Telegram, p.129). This was at the commencement of the Euroepan war. Then, some short period after the war, in 1949, the Almanac listed 15,713,638 in the world (New York World Telegram, p, 289). It defies the mind to know how Jewry could have lost '6 million' by 1945 and then show a surplus populationm by 1949!
>>718>>719参考 The KennedyーNixonーBush Connection http://www.totse.com/en/conspiracy/dead_kennedys/161963.html A newly discovered FBI document reveals that George Bush was directly involved in the 1963 murder of President John Kennedy. The document places Bush working with the now-famous CIA agent, Felix Rodriguez, recruiting right-wing Cuban exiles for the invasion of Cuba. It was Bush's CIA job to organize the Cuban community in Miami for the invasion. The Cubans were trained as marksmen by the CIA. Bush at that time lived in Texas. Hopping from Houston to Miami weekly, Bush spent 1960 and '61 recruiting Cubans in Miami for the invasion. That is how he met Felix Rodriguez.
■ロックフェラーはユダヤである。ネルソン・ロックフェラー自身がそういっているそうだ。 The Grandees, America's Sephardic Eliteなる本にも、ロックフェラーがユダヤの血を引く と書いてあるそうな。 ▲JEWS & WEALTH http://www.dowz.net/articles/vicmartel/jewswealth.html THE ROCKEFELLERS [This extreme left, Jew-descended family has to be eliminated] "Possibly the best example of a 'gentile front' is the Rockefellers, MUCH TIED IN WITH JEWRY PERSONALLY AND FINANCIALLY. The Real Estate Newspaper of New York (September 18, 1951) touched on one association. Elias Cohen, the reporter, stated that Jacob Schiff of Kuhn-Loeb held power of attorney over old John D. Rockefeller's wealth. Kuhn-Loeb Bankers granted Rockefeller a secret rebate on the oil he shipped over their Pennsylvania Railroad. In their background, the Rockefellers are of Jewish descent. Nelson Rockefeller suggested this himself. Stephen Birmingham's book, The Grandees, America's Sephardic Elite, confirms the Jewish heritage of the Rockefellers (Harper and Row, 1971, p.4). ...The Rockefellers have long coordinated with their superiors in the goal of destroying America." (James Combs, Who's Who in the Zionist World Conspiracy, p.32: The Rockefellers)
716 名前:シオニスト職員 投稿日:03/11/15 14:52 ID:A1SSip1N http://middleeastinfo.org/article3250.html 以前にIan Burumanの"How to Talk About Israel"を紹介したよね。 これはネオコン論としてみても良く出来ている。 但し、NY-TIMESに掲載された経緯から、"慎重に卵の上を歩くように論を 進めている”と評論されている。一度、読まれると良いね。 読めない馬鹿は相手にしない。
717 名前:シオニスト職員 投稿日:03/11/15 15:16 ID:A1SSip1N それと、ボーダーラインにいるような連中のユダヤ陰謀論をひっぱってきても 説得力が無いのだよね。CFRや中央銀行なんて底の見えた陰謀論を幾ら読んでも ユダヤ判らないよ。海外ではこれが今、評判かな。 http://theoccidentalquarterly.com/vol3no2/km-understanding.html Understanding Jewish Influence Kevin MacDonald is Professor of Psychology, California State University -? Long Beach, and the author of author of a trilogy on Judaism as an evolutionary strategy: もっとも、これも新式のユダヤ陰謀論だと評するムキもあるが、学問的体裁を一応とって いるのでADLはまだ手出しできないね。
だまらっしゃい、ABE!(ABEってのはでぶちんの大金持ち、ADLの現在の親 分フォックスマン)(w SHUT UP ABE! THE ADL'S SELF-INDUCED ANTI-SEMITISM http://www.etherzone.com/2003/lang111203.shtml The article continues quoting Rabbi Lapin: "‘The ADL does not seek to promote or to defend the Jewish faith. They are merely preaching secular fundamentalism.’"
"The Rockefeller Institute is a subsidiary of the CFR. The Rockefellers, of JEW descent, merged their Chase bank with Warburg's (JEW) Manhattan Bank, and placed a subsidiary of Chase-Manhattan on Karl Marx Square in Moscow to finance the so-called "Cold War," even as we fought no-win wars in Korea and Viet Nam. Steven Birmingham's book, The Grandees: America's Sephardic Elite (Harper & Row) confirms Rockefeller's Jewish heritage.
The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.DAVID ROCKEFELLER, JEW, Chairman CFR/ TRI. http://www.holywesternempire.org/page2.html
>>716 http://middleeastinfo.org/article3250.html >What we see, then, is not a Jewish conspiracy, but a peculiar alliance of evangelical Christians, >foreign-policy hard-liners, lobbyists for the Israeli government and neoconservatives, a number of >whom happen to be Jewish. But the Jews among them -- Perle, Wolfowitz, William Kristol, editor of >The Weekly Standard, et al. -- are more likely to speak about freedom and democracy than about >Halakha (Jewish law). What unites this alliance of convenience is a shared vision of American destiny >and the conviction that American force and a tough Israeli line on the Arabs are the best ways to >make the United States strong, Israel safe and the world a better place.
PUBLIC ENEMY #1: David Rockefeller, 2. Henry Kissinger, 3. Pete Peterson, 4. Alan Greenspan, 5. George Soros, 6. Robert Rubin, 7. George Bush, 8. Warren Christopher, 9. Bill Clinton, 10. William S. Cohen.
I would like you to imagine that the Mafia had taken control of our federal gov't, and most of our local gov'ts. America would be in dire circumstances, wouldn't it? Well, this is exactly what has happend; except a far more sinister organization has taken control. It is David "the devil" Rockefeller, and his Luciferian travellers, the CFR. These people are responsible for the slaughter of 100s of thousands of people in their "banker wars." Through the Federal Reserve they have corrupted our gov't, and stolen trillions of dollars from the American people. They are now in the process of turning our Constitutional Republic into a Dictatorship. They intend to enslave us, and put the survivors of the coming genocide on their "global plantation."