
Dear Sirs,

We have been feeling very sorry to hear about the recent suicide attack by air planes
made by terrorists.
I recognized that American TV often compare this terrible situation to "Pearl Harbor",
"Atomic Bomb" and "Kamikaze attack". Since the situation is completely different
between this crime (although called "Act of War") and the real War between Japan
and the U.S., I am afraid these words are really uncomfortable for the most of
Japanese people.
At the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese air fighters destroyed only warships,
air planes, and the buildings related to military tasks.
Therefore, most victims were related to military tasks and the number of
them counted only a few thousand. By dropping two Nuke Bomb
to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, more than a few hundred thousand Japanese lay citizens
were killed. The targets of Kamikaze attack was ONLY the carriers and the air fighters of
U.S. military. Your understanding for these words is really biased and
I hope you should correct the use of these terms on the TV
for the Japanese people. We understand this crime is really outrageous
and will not stand. Most Japanese people know Americans are real
friends of us, so please consider to stop using inappropriate terms on TV now.

Your best friend from Japan