安倍 「日中関係は第一次大戦前のイギリスとドイツみたいなもんだよ〜ん」 BBC「マジキチ…」

1 タイガースープレックス(埼玉県)

kazukazu88 @azukazu881
BC News - Davos: What Abe said

Well, he volunteered that Japan's current bad relations with China are redolent of the relationship between Britain and Germany 100 years ago, or shortly before World War 1.
Which is the sort of thing you would expect clever-clogs commentators to say (in fact they do say this), but it has more impact (ahem) when said by Japan's leader.
And, indeed, he elaborated.
He recognises that - just like Britain and Germany in 1914 - Japan and China are inter-dependent economies, trading partners with huge mutual interests.
Peace would therefore be the bulwark of their prosperity and that of the region.
But he was explicit that he saw the 10% per annum increase in China's defence budget as a provocation.
As for his controversial visit to the Yasukuni shrine, there was explanation, but no hint of regret or apology.
Mr Abe simply insisted that China was wrong to see him as honouring a small number of "war criminals". Instead,
he was paying respect to the "souls" of millions of other genuine Japanese war heroes.
And, by the way, Japan's title to the Senkaku Islands, which China disputes, is unimpeachable (or so Mr Abe said).
Given that Mr Abe says he wants peace with China and fears there could be "accidents" that shatter it, I asked him if he had a road map or plan to de-escalate the tension
Not while China pursues its military build-up, he said.
Which left me with a hollow feeling that is somewhat characteristic of encounters in this rarefied place.

2 逆落とし(東京都):2014/01/24(金) 22:00:17.38 ID:TnJ7bcCk0
3 イス攻撃(東京都):2014/01/24(金) 22:01:35.45 ID:EH/IWZO00
4 リキラリアット(公衆)