【画像有り】男もメイクでここまで変われるぞ【ボーイ・ジョージ】 In his Half-Drag series, New York photographer Leland Bobbe captures the two sides of the city's drag queens -- the extravagantly made-up drag divas and the organic men that lie beneath. Bobbe tells Huffington Post Gay Voices, "Through the power of hair and makeup these men are able to completely transform themselves and find their female side while simultaneously showing their male side." Shockingly, the identities are composed in camera and are not separate images joined during editing. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/07/leland-bobbes-half-drag-makeup-photos_n_1749018.html?utm_hp_ref=culture&ir=Culture#slide=1338098